Lewis Tanzos

05 Nov 2003

Greetings unto the East Kingdom College of Heralds and all others who receive this letter from Tanczos Istvan, Eastern Crown Herald! This is the Letter of Report containing the kingdom decisions for the Internal Letter of Intent dated 13 September, 2003.

Once again, the original submission information is in boldface, my discussion and extra information follows in normal text.

There were 47 numbered items.

Commentary was received from: Arval Benicoeur, Nikki, Margaret Holmwood, Ailis Linne and her commenting group (Roana d'Evereux, Myfanwy ferch Rhiannon, and Thomas Ouswood), Knute, Ulric von der Insel, Aryanhwy merch Catmael, Meradudd Cethin, Cateline de la Mor la Souriete, Kolozsvári Árpád and Julia. Immense thanks yet again to all the commenters.

1 Adrian Alonzo De Cadiz - New Device Forwarded

Per fess embattled gules and Or, two bulls combatant sable.

This name was registered in Sept. of 1997 via the East.

2 Alethea Eastriding - New Primary Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Azure, a fret couped within and conjoined to an orle argent

No major changes. Alethea from Withycombe, p12. s.n. 'Alethea': "... came into fashion as a Christian name in the 17th century. Earliest cited occurrence is 1606." Eastriding from Mills Dictionary of English Place Names p 287 s.n. 'Riding': "Riding, East, North and West - old tripartite division of Yorkshire." The form also says "Sufficient evidence exists of locative bynames being used in English without the 'de/of' preposition: Per Reaney & Wilson: Robert Lancashire, 1604 (p 270, s.n. Lancashire) and William Yorkescher 1379 (p 508, s.n. Yorkshire).

Alethea header form in Withycombe, cites one Alatheia Talbot, married to the Earl of of Arundel in 1606. The cite in Mills reads:

Riding, East, North & West (old tripartite division of Yorkshire). Estreding, Nortreding, Westreding 1086 (DB). From OScand. thrithjungr 'a third part', the initial th- having coalesced with the final consonant of east, north, and west to give Riding.

Eckwall, s.n. Riding, gives 'Estreding 1198 DB.' 408 years of time differential is greater than 300 years, the SCA standard for being considered one step from period practice. Two steps from period practice would require a return, but thankfully, nothing else is wrong with this submission. Note that Reaney's Origin of English Place Names also cites the Domesday book for the origin of 'East Riding', but claims that the root is from Old Norse þriðiungr, though the claimed meaning is the same.

3 Alise de Montmaidy - New Primary Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Vert, a phoenix Or rising from flames proper and in chief two fleurs-de-lys Or.

No major changes. If changes must be made, submitter cares about the sound of given name and meaning of byname. 'Alise' found in 'English Surnames', Reaney & Wilson, Pg. 7, s.n. 'Alis', alternate header form dated to 1273 (w). 'de' a French particle meaning 'of'. 'Montmaidy' found in 'Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Lieux de la France', Dauzat & Rostaing, Pg. 466, s.n. Montblainville, dates this spelling to 1239. The submitter provided a print-out from the region's tourism Web site ( http://www.florenville.org/montmedy.html ) which states (translated), '(Montmedy) is an old capital of the county of Chiny (from 941 to 1364).'

'Alise' is not dated in Reaney & Wilson; however, it is dated in that spelling to 1273 in Withycombe, p. 16 s.n. 'Alice'. Alis is also found in Morlet's Les Noms de Personne sur le Territoire de l'Ancienne Gaule du VIe au XIIe Siècle, Vol I, p 16, undated. The Dauzat & Rostaing cite is correct in essence but is s.n. 'Mons'.

4 Alison Wodehalle - New Primary Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Or, a wyvern azure and on a chief sable three quatrefoils Or barbed vert.

No major changes. 'Alison' is found in 'A Dictionary of English Surnames', Reaney and Wilson, no page given, dated to 1386. 'Wodehalle' is found in 'A Dictionary of English Surnames', Reaney and Wilson, s.n. Woodhall, citation for 'Alice atte Wodehalle' dated to 1332.

'Alison' is found in R&W p. 7 s.n. 'Alison', dated to 1386 in Chaucer, forms in other spellings dated to 1535 (Alysone Rouche) and 1524 (Alison Home) as personal names. Also header in Withycombe, which also mentions the Chaucer date, and dates an Alison Yorks Wills to the 15th C.

5 Alissende de la Halle - New Device Forwarded

Azure, on a bend between two swans naiant argent three fish fesswise azure.

Name was registered June 2003, via the East

6 Amat al-Shakoor di Riccardo - New Primary Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Purpure, a sword inverted proper on a chief argent two swords inverted in saltire gules.

No minor changes. She cares about the sound of the name. 'Amat al-Shakoor' (submitter provides printouts for this element) according to Juliana de Luna in 'Andalusian Names: Arabs in Spain' ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/andalusia.html ) under given names, devotional names she states: 'Female devotional forms are made by adding one of the 'Hundred Names of God' to Amat, 'maidservant', to make Amat al-Wahid 'maidservant of the Unique'.' (this is an example) Mustafa al-Muhaddith ibn al-Saqaat, 'The One Hundred Most Beautiful Names of God' lists 'Ya Shakoor', 'O Appreciator' ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mustapha/cnamesofgod.html ) 'Riccardo' found in the 'Online Tratte of Office Holders' ( http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/tratte/doc/name1.html ) which lists 'Riccardo' as a masculine given name. 'di Riccardo' is the patronymic form, meaning 'daughter of Riccardo'.

We are sending the name to Laurel, with the expectation that it will quite likely be returned for mixing languages that can not be mixed. We are doing this for four reasons: 1. We are not absolutely certain that it will be returned. There is no explicit ban on Italian-Arabic combinations, though an Italian-Persian combination is explicitly not registerable (as per the submission of Beatrice Carmela Mercante, 09/93). 2. There is record of contact between the cultures. Several commenters mentioned an Italian hospice being established in Jerusalem in period. References included http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07477a.htm and http://www.nullens.org/cathars/chapter_3/3_1.htm . Also, the fact that Venice was given trade privileges and its own quarter in Constantinople in 1082, though no reference is given. Others mentioned the Crusades as contact between the cultures. 3. I want to get the armory to Laurel so it can be registered, even if it needs to be under a holding name. 4. The Spanish spelling of the locative, "Ricart", is found in "Catalan Names from 12th and 13th Century Charters" by Arval Benicoeur ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/catalan/ ). Given that Juliana's Andalusian article suggests that Spanish locatives could be used in Arabic names, this gets sent up

7 Ana Bek - New Primary Name Change Forwarded
Current Name: Áine inghean Thaidhg

No major changes. Submitter cares most about the sound. 'Ana' from 'Pre-1600 Latin Evidence from Scotland in Scottish Gaelic Given Names for Women' by Sharon L. Krossa http://www.Medievalscotland.org/scotnames/gaelicgiven/women/anna.shtml cites an 'Ana Donaldi domini Insularum' dated October 30, 1397. 'Bek' from Black, pg. 65, s.n. Beck cites a 'Thomas de Bek', tenant of the Earl of Douglas in Glenwaldy in the Barony of Prestoune, 1376.

8 Andrew de Londres - New Primary Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Vert, a sword Or hilted sable between two continental panthers combatant Or incensed gules.

No major changes. Submitter cares about sound. 'Andrew' is in 'Men's Given Names from Early 13th Century England' by Talan Gwynek ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/eng13/eng13m.html ) 'Londres' is given as the French translation of London. 'Andrew de Londres should be as plausible as its translation, Andrew of London.'

de Londres is found in Morlet's Étude d'anthroponymie Picardie, which dates one Gobin de Londres to the 13th Century. It also appears in the 1292 Census of Paris, ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/paris.html), which shows one Aalèz fame feu Jehan de Londres. Note that the census also gives Andri, Andriu, and several other names with similar pronunciations.

9 Andrew de Londres - New Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) A sword per fess Or and sable.

Clear of conflict with Leo Exiter the Wanderer (registered "at some point"): Per chevron argent and azure, a short sword inverted Or, hilted of wood proper, winged at the hilt sable. There is one CD for the fieldlessness, one for the inversion of the sword, likely one for the wings, and one for the color of the swords.

10 Avelyn of Mayburgh - New Primary Name Forwarded

Submitter cares most about the sound. 'Avelyn' is found in Withycombe, pg. 113, s.n. Evelina and dated to 1379. 'of Mayburgh' is a constructed English place name. 'May' found in Ekwell, pg. 308, s.n. Mayford dated to 1236 with this spelling. 'Burgh' found on pg. 73 of Ekwall, s.n. Burrow, dated to 1327 in 'Erthburgh'.

Additional evidence for the surname: R&W, p 304, cites a Maybank (Richard Malbanc 1177 and William Maybank 1382), Mayfield (Philip de Maleville 1210-12), and Mayland (Thomas de la Mailande 1190 and Richard Maylond 1316-17). Mills Dictionary of English Place Names s.n. Dickleburgh gives the spelling Dicclesburc 1086 (Domesday Book). Same source, s.n. Bawburgh, dates the spelling Bauenburc to 1068, also in the Domesday Book. Eckwall , sn.n Dickleburgh, dates 'Dikleburg' to 1254. So May- and -burgh are fine.

11 Barbara Wrona - New Primary Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Per saltire azure and sable.

'Barbara' found in 'Polish Feminine Given Names, 1600-1650' ( http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/polishfem.html ) by Aryanhwy merch Catmael, dates to 1639. 'Wrona' an animal-derived byname. 'Wiedza Powsechna Compact Polish and English Dictionary' (NPC) gives 'wrona' as Polish for 'crow'. 'Origins and Meaning of Ukrainian Surnames' by Gregory Gressa from the Ukrainian Genealogy home page (currently moving and unavailable; NPC) states surnames formed from nicknames were common and gives 'Vorona' (crow) as an example.

Eastern Crown is well aware of the similarities between Hungary and Poland in period, and given that there is at least one period king of Hungary (Matthias Corvinus) whose surname means 'crow' in Latin, the documentation of the word in Polish combined with the plethora of citations in Kazmer of 'crow' as a surname under Varjú, p1123 (Varju, Waryw, and Varyw, in dozens of variant spellings throughout period), we're passing this one to Laurel.

12 Barbara Wrona - New Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) A raven sable perched on a saltire couped azure

13 Calis die Wilde - New Primary Name Forwarded

'Calis' found in '15th Century Dutch Names' by Aryanhwy merch Catmael, ( http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/dutch15.html ) dated to 1518. 'die Wilde': Ibid, Surnames ( http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/dutch15surnames.html ) dated to 1432-33.

14 Cecilia Brouderer - New Primary Name Forwarded

No major changes. Submitter cares about the meaning, and says, 'Brouderer means Embroiderer.' 'Cecilia' found in 'Women's Given Names from Early 13th C. England' ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/eng13/eng13f.html ) by Talan Gwynek. Brouderer found in 'Middle English Occupational Terms', by Thuresson, pg. 214 s.n. 'Embroiderer' (PCA). Form dated to 1369.

Cecilia is also a header form in Withycombe, dated in this spelling to 1197-1219, 1273, and 1428. Brouderer is as dated in this spelling in Thuresson to 1397.

The form reads 'Cecilia'. The Pennsic Worksheet reads 'Cecelia'. Since the documented form has the 'i', we're going to give her the 'i'.

15 Cellach Mac Faoitigh - New Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) An hourglass purpure within and conjoined to an annulet Or.

This name was registered in Aug. 2002 via the East.

16 Chardonne de Lyon - Resub to Laurel Device Forwarded

Argent, on a bend sinister gules between two dandelions Or leaved vert a leek argent.

Submitter includes possible alternative tinctures: 1) Bend tinctures could be Azure, Gules or Vert 2) Leek tinctures may be Argent or Or. This name was registered by Laurel via the East Jan. 2003. Her original device, Argent, a dandelion plant vert with three flowers, the centermost in profile, the outer flowers affronty, Or slipped gules all within a bordure vert., was returned at the same time for conflict. As this is a complete redesign, this will clear this conflict.

The device was submitted with a purpure bend. This conflicts with the Riding of Betony Wood: Argent, on a bend sinister purpure between two betony sprigs vert, flowered purpure, three laurel wreaths palewise argent, with one CD for the changes to the tertiaries, but no CD for the mostly green flowers vs the mostly green sprigs.

Changing the bend to azure bend would conflict with Gwenhyfar Stuart (September 1995, via the Middle): Argent, on a bend azure between two thistles proper three harps palewise Or. with only one CD for the changes to the tertiaries, since the secondaries are mostly green in both cases.

We shall contact her about changing the bend to gules, as that appears to be clear.

The name was registered in January 2003, via the East

17 Chardonne de Lyon - Resub to Laurel Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) in saltire a leek proper and a dandelion blossom slipped Or.

Submitter includes a letter from Robin Gallowglass, Mural Herald dated May 9, 2003 detailing the reason for her first submission's return. It- (Fieldless) A dandelion Or, slipped gules and leaved with two leaves vert- failed the visual test and conflicted with Annette of Faire Mont's badge, (Fieldless) A flame slipped and leaved with thistle leaves all proper.

This name was registered by Laurel via the East Jan. 2003

18 Constancia Ælfwine - New Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Vert, a crescent an increscent and a descrescent one and two Or and on a chief argent three Cavendish knots azure.

No changes.

'Constancia' dated in that spelling to 1199, 1346 in Withycombe p. 72 s.n. 'Constance'. 'Ælfwine' dated to 731 in Ælfwyn's Anglo-Saxon Names ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/aelfwyn/bede.html , NPCA) as a man's given name. [ No documentation or indeed reasoning is given as to how a man's name from 731 would make sense as a surname with a woman's name from 1199, but Reaney & Wilson has several examples of surnames which seem to be survivals from given names of the same type as Ælfwine: Thomas Alfled, 1279 (p. 6 s.n. 'Alflat'); Thomas Alfred 1294 (p. 6, s.n. 'Alfred'); and John Alfreth 1327 (p. 6, s.n. 'Alfrey'). ]

Both an abbot Ælfwine and a bishop Ælfwine are dated to the 1040s in The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle translated by G.N. Garmonsway. While these cites are for its use as a given name, it would seem reasonable to assume it was being used as an unmarked patronymic byname in the same time period. Furthermore, Reaney & Wilson (s.n. Alwin) say "OE Ælfwine 'elf friend'. From this, too, may derive Alwin, Elwin. There was early confusion between Ælfwine and Æðelwine, both of which are found as Alwine " The entry goes on to cite, among others, a Cristina Aldwyne in 1275 and a Robertus filius Ailwini, Ailfwini in 1214. Overall, it seems plausible that Ælfwine could be an unmarked patronymic byname contemporary with the given name Constancia. Also, since the Æ character frequently became an A or an E. Reaney & Wilson, p. 9 under 'Alven' has Hugo filius Elfwin 1193, and Eilwinus or Elfinus de Benindenne 1214; under 'Alwin' there's Elfwinus de Bekeringe 1165. So the use of the given name as an unmarked patronymic is unremarkable.

19 Donnan of Whispering Woods - Resub to Laurel Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) A triquetra per pale purpure and vert.

'Donnan of Whispering Woods' was registered June 1991. Submitter is in process of changing it to 'Donnan o'Whyspering Wude' which was accepted on the June, 2002 East Kingdom Letter of Report dated Aug. 7, 2002.

20 Donovan Shinnock - New Primary Name Forwarded

Submitter wants a 16th C. Irish name. No major changes. Cares most about language and culture. 'Donovan' - Anglicized form of s.n. 'Donndubán' found in Ó Corrain and Maguire, pg. 77, one of two 12th century spellings given.. "Occurs primarily in Munster where it was borne by several 9th and 10th century princes." 'Shinnock' - Woulfe cites on pg. 455 under s.n. O Catarnaig, 'They were also known by the surname of Sionnac (the fox) q.v. from the cognomen (?) of their ancestor, Catarnac Sionnac (the fox) who was slain in the year 1084.' and on pg. 671 under s.n. Sionnac - 'Shinnagh, Shinnock and, by translation, Fox and Foxe, Ir. Sionnac i.e. the fox; an epithet or nickname which supplanted the real surname, especially in the case of the family of O Catarnaig (q.v.) anciently chiefs of Teffia.'

21 Dorathia Mychell - New Primary Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Vert, a dolphin between three fleurs-de-lys argent.

No major changes. Cares most about sound. 'Dorathia' found in Black, s.n. Keddie p. 388, 'Dorathia Kadie' in 1616 and in Reaney & Wilson, s.n. Blyman p. 50, 'Dorathea Blithman' in 1505. 'Mychell' found in Black, s.n. Mitchell p. 603, dates 'Mychell' to 1556.

22 Draco le Blanc - New Primary Name Forwarded & New Device Returned

Per bend azure and sable, a dragon displayed argent.

No major changes. Submitter wishes to have the given name 'Draco'. 'Draco' - Morlet, 'Les Noms de Personne Sur Le Territoire de L'ancienne Gaule du VIe au XIIe Siécle, Vol. I, pg. 74, s.n. 'Drag-' cites 'Draco: Cart. S. Vinc. Mac. (v. 1060), § 14. 'le Blanc' Morlet, 'Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille, pg. 112, s.n. Blanc, cites 'Le blanc' as northern variant, no date.

'le Blanc' is also found, dated to 1421, in 'French Surnames from Paris, 1421, 1423 & 1438' by Aryanhwy merch Catmael ( http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/paris1423surnames.html )

Submitted as 'Draco LeBlanc', we have changed to the documented form, assuming that he wants to keep the capital letter on 'Blanc'.

The device conflicts with that of Artus Falconieri (12/92, via Atlantia), Quarterly pean and purpure, a wyvern displayed argent. with only one CD for the field. Dragons and wyverns are heraldically equivalent, as one is merely lacking hindlegs.

23 Draco Rorichssohn - New Primary Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Per pale vert and Or, two dragons combattant and in chief a mullet within a bordure embattled all counterchanged.

Submitter wants name to mean Draco son of Rorich. 'Draco'- Morlet, 'Les Noms de Personne Sur Le Territoire de L'ancienne Gaule du VIe au XIIe Siécle, Vol. I, pg. 74, s.n. 'Drag-' cites 'Draco: Cart. S. Vinc. Mac. (v. 1060), § 14. 'Rorich' found in Bahlow, 'Dictionary of German Names' (translated by Gentry), pg. 421, s.n. Rorich, dated to 1274.

Submitted as 'Draco Rorichson', we have followed the guidelines for marked patronymics in German following the return of Gunther Schwarzdwaldersohn (03/88), in which Laurel states

The suffix "-sohn" is regularly used with the genitive form in German so technically this should be "Schwarzwalderssohn".

There was certainly contact between France and Germany in period. One only needs to look at the history of Alsace-Lorraine. This is thus a registerable name. The French-German combination is a weirdness. It happens that 'Roricus' can be found in Morlet's Les Noms de Personne sur le Territoire de l'Ancienne Gaule du VIe au XIIe Siècle, Vol I, p 191a, but we'll leave it in the German.

24 Eldrich Gaiman - New Primary Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Per pale vert and sable, a dragon segreant maintaining a chess-rook a double tressure argent.

No major changes, most interested in sound. 'Eldrich' found in Reaney & Wilson, s.n. 'Aldrich' p. 6, cites 'William Eldrich' dated 1336 as a patronymic form of Ælfric. 'Gaiman' constructed to mean 'servant of Gai/Gaius'. Withycombe s.n. 'Gaius' p. 124 shows this coming from classic Latin into English. Reaney & Wilson, s.n. Gayman p. 187, cite Robert Gayman, 1674.

Gaiman is also found, undated, as a header in Morlet's Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille listed as being Germanic origin. The full header is 'Gaiman, Gaimar -ard'. While Eldrich is documented as a surname, the prevalance of similar personal names found (Ældricus de Burc, R&W s.n. Aldrich, 1066 (DB) and Aldrich, R&W 1220), the submitted form seems plausible as a personal name.

The device is clear of that of David O Kellahan "Per pale vert and sable, a wyvern between three dolmens argent." with a CD each for type and number of seondaries.

25 Eldrich Gaiman - New Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) Three dice one and two conjoined argent spotted sable.

There was some concern over the depiction of the dice here. Please note that the dice are drawn in exactly the form shown in the Pictoral Dictionary of Heraldry.

26 Élise de Lorraine - New Device Forwarded

Per fess embattled sable and gules, a bezant and three fleur-de-lys Or.

Élise de Lorraine was registered Dec. 2000 via Atlantia.

27 Elizabeth la Brouillarde - New Device Forwarded

Azure, in chevron inverted seven mullets and in chief a ring Or set with a gem gules.

This name was registered Aug. 2002 via the East.

The device has been redrawn by the consulting herald to more accurately reflect the submitter's desires, with the mullets actually in chevron inverted. This one is clear of the conflicts cited for the one pictured in the LoI, and will be sent to Laurel.

28 Elze von Finkenauge - New Device Returned

Azure, a dragon and on a chief argent a mullet of six points azure.

This name was registered as Elze von Finkenauge Nov. 2001 via the East.

The device is in conflict with that of Irel Krist of Starre Inn - (September 1988, Outlands): Sable, a wyvern segreant reguardant maintaining two swords and on a chief argent, four mullets of eight points azure. There is one CD for the field, but nothing for the maintained charges and nothing for the change of only number of the tertiary charges in this case. Mullets of six points and mullets of eight points are considered to be heraldically equivalent.

29 Eric Drake Oranwood - New Primary Name Change Forwarded & New Device Change Forwarded
Current Name: Robert Drake Oranwood
Current Device: Azure, a wolf rampant and on a chief nebuly argent three trees eradicated proper.

Azure, a wolf rampant and on a chief nebuly argent three orange trees couped and fructed proper.

No changes. 'Eric' is submitter's mundane name. Copy of drivers license attached. 'Drake Oranwood' is already registered to submitter.

Withycombe p. 105 under 'Eric' says the name died out in England after the Conquest, but it occurs with sufficient frequency elsewhere not to be intrusive: Brechenmacher p. 413 under 'Erich' cites 1456 Joh. Erik, 1612 Melchior Erich or Ericus.

The submitter should consider drawing the chief wider so that the trees fit better.

Original name registered June 1992, via the East.

30 Faílenn ingen Chathail - New Primary Name Forwarded

No major changes. 'Faílenn' found in O'Corráin & Maguire, pg. 93, s.n. Faílenn cites this was the name of a daughter of Faílbe Glann, a King of Cashel, no date given. 'ingen' meaning 'daughter of'. 'Chathail' found as 'Cathal' in '100 Most Popular Men's Names in Early Medieval Ireland' ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/irish100.html ) by Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn, lenited using the rules found in 'Lenition in Gaelic Naming Step By Step' by Sharon L. Krossa ( http://medievalscotland.org/scotnames/lenitionstepbystep.shtml ). Constructed using 'Quick & Easy Gaelic Names' ( http://medievalscotland.org/scotnames/quickgaelicbynames/ ) by Sharon L. Krossa.

'Faílenn' is also found dated to 637/9 in 'Dated Names Found in Ó Corráin & Maguire's Irish Names' by Mari Pelican ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/ocm/ . The genitive form of the patronymic, Chathail, is actually found in Sharon Krosa's Scottish Gaelic Given Names at http://www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/gaelicgiven/men/cathal.shtml

31 Fernando de Salcedo - New Primary Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Per pale sable and purpure, in pale a horse courant to sinister argent and a flute Or.

No major changes. Submitter cares most about sound. 'Fernando' found in Melcón, pg. 170 s.n. 'Barbaldus', cites 'Fernando Varbaldiz' dated 968. 'de Salcedo' found in index of Melcón although page (#244) is missing. Catologo de Pasajeros a Indias, Vol. II, pg. 125 #2101, cites 'Cristobal de Salcedo' dated 1535.

The 'de Salcedo' cite in Melcon is p. 244 s.n. 'Santander', 'Sancho Garciez de Salcedo' dated to 1190.

32 Gabrielle Annora d'Outre Mer - New Badge Forwarded

Per pale Or and gules, a sun counterchanged.

This name was registered August 1987 via the East.

Submitted as a 'sun in splendor', a sun in splendor has a face. This is just a sun. They are identical for purposes of conflict. The device is clear of Una Wynifreed Berry ( March 1993, via the Middle ): Per pale Or and gules, a sun counterchanged, on a chief sable a hammer Or. with a CD for the removal of the tertiary (hammer) and a CD for the removal of the secondary (chief).

33 Galienne la Bourgoingne - New Device Returned

Vert, a sun argent eclipsed sable a chief enarched argent.

This name was registered June 2001 via the East.

Conflict with Stuart Lindley (April 1986, via the West): Azure, a sun argent eclipsed sable, a chief argent. There is no CD for the difference between a chief and a chief enarched, as they were artistic variants of each other in period. This leaves a single CD for the field.

It is also in conflict with Ailonwy of Darkblade (February 1984, via Atenveldt): Vert, on an estoile of four greater and four lesser rays argent a dagger inverted sable, all within a bordure argent. with a CD for the change from bordure to chief, but nothing for the change in type from a dagger to an 'eclipse' (treated as a roundel).

34 Garðr Gunnarsson - New Primary Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Gyrony arrondy argent and sable, a bezant within an orle Or.

No major changes. Submitter cares most about the sound. 'Garðr' found in Geir Bassi, pg. 10. 'Gunnarr' found in Geir Bassi, pg. 10. '-rr' = '-rs' found in Geir Bassi, pg. 17. Gunnarr conjugates into the genitive using the '-rr' = '-rs' pattern.

Clear of Úlfr Hákonarson (January 2002, via the Middle): Gyronny arrondy sable and argent, a bezant between two wolves salient respectant Or). There is a CD each for change in type and number of secondaries. (2->1, wolves->orle). Note that the orle should be drawn wider in the future, this is a bit thin.

35 Garrick Mapmaker - New Device Forwarded

Per fess embattled sable and Or, three compass roses counterchanged.

This name was registered June 1993 via the East.

36 Genevra d'Angoulême - New Device Forwarded

Azure, a dragon segreant within a double tressure Or.

This name was registered March 1999 via the East.

This is clear of the device of Sarkanyi Gero (January of 1973): Azure, a three-headed wivern Or, armed and langued, wings doubled gules. There is a CD for the change of tincture of the wings (upheld as recently as 02/02: "As a general rule, changing the tincture of a dragon's wings is considered to be change of tincture of half the charge.") and a CD for the addition of the secondaries.

37 Georges le Bard - New Primary Name Forwarded

No major changes. Submitter wishes to maintain the given name 'Georges' and a byname that indicates his interest in all musical instruments and maintains the sound of 'le bard'. 'Georges' found in Dauzet, pg. 288, s.s.n. cites first Bishop of Velay in 3rd C. and a 4th C. martyr. 'le Bard' an occupational name, found in Morlet, 'Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille', s.n. Lebars p. 604 cites 'Le Bars' as a Breton variant. Dauzet, pg. 26, s.n. Bard cites 'bard' as one source of origin.

Given Names from Brittany, 1384-1600, at http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/tangwystyl/latebreton/ , has an instances of 'Georges' in Brittany in 1549.

The translation of the Morlet citation is not saying that the modern translation is 'the bard', just that 'le barde' is the modern form of the name. Also, the name does not necessarily have anything to do with music. Dauzat s.n. 'Bard' claims that the name may be a locative byname derived from 'bar' or from the Germanic 'Bardo', or from the common noun 'bard' which means 'shaft of a yoke'. Dauzat, s.n. 'Barde' says the name derives from a word meaning 'packsaddle'. He also says that 'barde', meaning 'poet', is a literary word reconstructed from the Latin 'bardus' in the 16th century, and has nothing do do with this surname. In summary: Georges Bard, or perhaps Georges le Bard, is a fine French name, but does not allude at all to music.

38 Gisele Flambeau - New Primary Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Sable, a dextrochere Or and in canton a flame proper.

No major changes. Submitter cares most about language, French, if name must be changed. She will accept 'Flambeau' if 'de la Flambeau' is not registerable. 'Gisele' found in Morlet's 'Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille', pg. 463, s.n. Giséle, no date given. 'Flambeau', Ibid, pg. 413, s.n. 'Flambeau', no date given.

Submitted as 'Gisele de la Flambeau', the presented documentation did not support the use of 'of the', and none could be found, so we have dropped it, which the submitter said was acceptable. 'Gisele/Gisela' is found in 'Dizionario dei Nomi Italiani' by de Felice, pg. 194, cited Gisa, Gisela, Gisila and Gisla to 8th C. Also cites 'Blessed Gisella di Baveria' in 11th C.

Several commenters discussed whether this is, in fact, a dextrochere. In the SCA, according to the Pictoral Dictionary of Heraldry, a dextrochere is defined to be "a maunch with a hand issuant from the cuff ". So this is fine. It has been redrawn by the original consultation herald to better match the submitter's wishes, so that the flame does not appear to be maintained.

39 Gisele Flambeau - New Badge Returned

(Fieldless) A flame Or.

Conflict with Aonghais Dubh MacTarbh: Argent, a flame sable voided Or. By Laurel precedent (as summarized in the return for Cecily of Whitehaven, 06/02) Aonghais's badge can also be blazoned as Argent, a flame Or fimbriated sable and there is no CD given for fimbriation. Therefore, there is only one CD for fieldless vs. argent.

40 Gisella Lisabetta Venier - New Primary Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Vert, six bees volant in annulo proper within a bordure Or.

'Gisele/Gisela' found in 'Dizionario dei Nomi Italiani' by de Felice, pg. 194, cited Gisa, Gisela, Gisila and Gisla to 8th C. Also cites 'Blessed Gisella di Baveria' in 11th C. 'Lisabetta' found in 'Italian Renaissance Women's Names' ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/italian.html ) by Rhian Lyth. 'Venier' found in the 'Online Tratte of Office Holders' ( http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/tratte/doc/name1.html ) as 'Veneri' & 'Vieri.' 'Venier' also found in 'Fourteenth Century Venetian Personal Names' by Arval Benicoeur and Talan Gwynek ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/venice14/ ).

Laurel precedent says:

So, in summary, given names which can be documented as the given name of a saint may be registered as a given name. The use of a name documented as a saint's name carries no weirdness in and of itself. The only weirdnesses that derive from using that name come from the lingual mix of the submitted form of the saint's name with the rest of the submitted name. (Cover Letter, September 2001)

While not a saint, 'Blessed' is the first step towards Sainthood. In September 1992, Laurel registered a name based on the documentation of the 'Blessed Angelina of Marsciano', though we do not know if this was using the citation as a dated reference or through the allowance for saint's names. In any case, the temporal problem appears to be the only problem with the name, and it is only one step from period practice ('weirdness'), not two.

41 Gisella Lisabetta Venier - New Badge Forwarded

Vert, six bees volant in annulo proper.

This should be clear of Napoleon Azure, semy of bees Or, with one CD for the color of the field and another for the arrangement of the bees, as per the precedent for Campofiamme, Stronghold of (10/01): " [Argent goutty de sang, a laurel wreath vert] The device is clear of conflict with the Barony of Coeur d'Ennui, Argent, a laurel wreath vert within eight boars' heads couped in annulo gules. There is one CD for the type of secondary charges and another for arrangement. This is clearly a group of strewn charges rather than charges in annulo, as can be seen from the gouttes in the middle of the laurel wreath.".

42 Gwir Coleshill - New Primary Name Forwarded

Submitter wants an authentic pre-14th C. Welsh name. Any changes so long as the given name retains the sound and meaning ('truthful/honest') and the byname shows location by the Northern Welsh coast. 'Gwir' found in 'A Simple Guide to Constructing 13th Century Welsh Names' by Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn ( http://sca.org/heraldry/laurel/welsh13.html ) Submitter claims that www.bbc.co.uk/wales/catchphrase.com gives meaning as 'truthful/honest.' (The link is not currently available.) In 'A Welsh Miscellany' by Tangwystyl CA#66 (PCA), under locative bynames: 'When a proper name of a place is used as a byname, it almost always does so without any modification (no 'ofs' or 'froms').' 'Coleshill': Richards' 'Welsh Administrative & Territorial Units' (PCA) maps 51 & 52 show Coleshill as a county-type division in region of Flintshire during Medieval Period and hundreds.

Coleshill is also found in Mills [ p. 86 has three Coleshills - Bucks., Oxon, Warwicks., each at least two counties away from Wales - spelled Coleshulle 1279; Colleshylle 10c, Coleselle 1086 (DB); Colleshyl 799, Coleshelle 1086 (DB) ] and Eckwall [header form, Collhill dated to 817; Coleselle, Coleshalle Coleshull to 1220; Coleshelle and Coleshell to 1162 ]. Garnet's commenting group also found a reference to it used as a surname: Pedigree of the Lords of the Manor of Aldermaston, Berkshire ( http://www.britannia.com/history/berks/gene/achped.html ), with Robert De Coleshill dated to 1285 - 1353.

43 Heðinn inn Rauði - New Device Forwarded

Per fess argent and sable, issuant from the line of division a demi-mullet azure.

This name was accepted on the East Kingdom Nov. 14, 2002 Letter of Report (LoR) on the East's Internal Letter of Intent (IloI) dated 27 September 2002, which was sent to Laurel in May of 2003.

44 Iain McWalter - New Primary Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Argent, an open book vert a bordure azure.

No major changes. Desires authenticity for Scottish culture. 'Iain' found in Withycombe, pg. 178, under header 'John', undated. 'MacBhàltair' found in Black, pg. 570 under header 'MacWalter', also undated.

Submitted as Iain Mac Bhaltair, it is not possible to make this an authentic name, but we have done as much as we can.

Iain has been ruled SCA-compatible April 1997, most recently upheld September 2002:

"Iain is a Gaelic masculine given name, ruled SCA compatible in April 1997. However, no evidence has yet been found that it was used in period." (Ian Cradoc, September 2002 A-Atenveldt)

The dated forms in Black of MacWalter are Makwatter and McWalter, 1526; McWalter, 1613; M'Walter, 1619, M'Waltir, 1621. Brian J. Maloney's article on 14th c. Lowland Scots names ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/symonFreser/scottish14/ ) shows Walter spelled Gawter, Valter, and Walter. We have changed to the dated form closest to the submitted spelling.

MACWALTER, MACQUALTER. G. MacBh{a'}ltair, 'son of Walter,' q.v. John Makwatter and Ewin McWalter, followers of the earl of Cassilis, were respited for murder in 1526 (RSS, 1, 3386). John Graham McWalter in Duchry was fined for reset of outlawed Macgregors, 1613, Parlan M'Walter of Auchinvennell, 1619, David M'Waltir in 1621, and William McWattir in 1628.

45 István Nyiregyhazi - New Device Forwarded

Per chevron ployé throughout Or and sable, an alquerques board Or and in chief two flowers gules slipped and leaved vert.

This name was registered in Aug. 1998 via the East.

An alquerquest board was known to Europeans in the 13th century, according to http://www-cs.canisius.edu/~salley/Articles/alquerques.html

46 István Nyiregyhazi - New Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) A mullet of six points per bend gules and sable.

This name was registered in Aug. 1998 via the East.

47 Iiurii Riurikov - New Primary Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Gules, a turtle Or and in base a ford proper.

Submitter desires Russian language/culture. 'Iiurii' found in Wickenden, s.n. 'Iurii', dates 'Iiurii' to the 14th C. (Art. VI 43, #354) 'Riurikov' Ibid, s.n. 'Riurik', cites 'Grigorii Riurikov' dated 1456-71, (Gra 173)