Lewis Tanzos

14 April, 2004

Greetings unto the East Kingdom College of Heralds and all others who do receive this letter from Tanczos Istvan, Eastern Crown Herald!

This is the Letter of Report containing the kingdom decisions for the East Kingdom Internal Letter of Intent dated 02 March 2004. There were 10 numbered items.

Commentary was received from: Robert Fairfax, Arval, Ailis Linne, Istvan, Aryanhwy merch Catmael, Margaret Holmwood, Sabine Berard, Meradudd Cethin, Ulric von der Insel, Michel Wolffauer, Kolozsvári Árpádné Julia, Knut, and Cateline la souriete (with John fitzArnulf de Lithia, Kolozsvári Árpád & Krystaleve). Many thanks to all the commenters, without whom I could not do this job.

1 Ælfgar the Traveler (M) - new name forwarded

No major changes to given name. Wants a surname meaning 'traveler', preferably the submitted form. No request for authenticity. 'Ælfgar' found in "Cornish (and Other) Personal Names from the 10th Century Bodmin Manumissions", Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn. ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/tangwystyl/bodmin/germanic.htm ) Exact spelling found. Also occurs as Earl of Mercia in 11c. 'Traveler': Merriam Webster lists the word's origin as "14C".

The closest we have been able to come for a dated form for 'Traveler' is various forms under 'Travel' in Reaney & Wilson p. 453: 'William le traueillie' 1196, 'Malger le Travaile, le Travaillie, le Travallie' 1205-7, 'Robert Trauel' 1185, 'Thomas Trauail' 1202, 'William Trauayl' 1296. These forms are not from 'travel' meaning journey, but from ME 'traveled, travailed' meaning 'wearied in body and mind, troubled, harassed'.

The epithet 'the Traveler', though, has been declared to be SCA-compatible:

No evidence has been found that the bynames the Wanderer or the Traveler were used in English in period. However, they are both SCA compatible. Though the correct modern spelling is Traveler, the spelling that has been registered most often is Traveller. Therefore, this byname is registerable in both the spelling the Traveler and the Traveller. [Mihrimah the Traveler, 10/01, R-Ansteorra, returned for two weirdnesses]

So we're allowing this name. The submitter may want to be aware that Jönsjö's Middle English Nicknames has some period substitutes for "the Traveller" in Middle English. "Wayfarar" (found on p. 185) and "Weyfare" (found on p. 186). Both of them mean "Traveller by road, especially one who journeys on foot." They are, however, too late to be combined with Ælfgar.

2 Ailill mac Ferchair Uí Diarmait (M) - new name forwarded & new device forwarded

Argent semy of triskeles arrondi within and conjoined to annulets, a stag rampant sable and overall a bend gules.

Desires a name authentic for Ireland from any period. 'Ailill' from "Index of Names in Irish Annals: Ailill", Mari Elspeth nic Bryan. ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/AnnalsIndex/Masculine/Ailill.shtml ) Exact spelling dated to 853, 869, 871, and 973. 'Ferchair' from "Index of Names in Irish Annals: Ferchar", Mari Elspeth nic Bryan. ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/AnnalsIndex/Masculine/Ferchar.shtml ) Genitive form of 'Ferchar'. 'Ferchair' dated to 881 as a surname. 'Dhiarmait' from "Index of Names in Irish Annals: Diarmait / Diarmaid", Mari Elspeth nic Bryan . ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/AnnalsIndex/Masculine/Diarmait.shtml ) Spelling variants including this one dated to 903, 974, 1099, 1119, 1132, 1154, 1202, 1263, 1313, 1325, 1336, 1341, 1455, 1464, 1474, 1475, 1488, 1506, 1510, 1564, 1582, and 1585.

The name looks plausible enough to Eastern Crown, who knows nothing about names from this culture. Aryanhwy provides documentation for this form of name in Ireland:

1261: Aedh mac Maoil Seachlainn Ui Concobhair
1268: Aodh mac Concobhair Uí Flaithbertaigh
1271: Aodh mac Néill Uí Dhubhda
1414: Aed mac Cathail h. Conchobair
1415: Aed mac Dondchada h. Cellaig
1465: Aodh mac Neachtain Uí Domhnaill
1465: Aodh mac Taidhcc Uí Ruairc
1484: Aedh mac Briain Uí Briain
1588: Aodh mac Néill mic Toirrdhealbhaigh Bernaigh Uí Bhaoighill

These are from Mari Elspeth nic Bryan's "Index of Names in Irish Annals: Masculine Given Names" ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/AnnalsIndex/Masculine/ ). Since this was submitted as Ailill mac Ferchair ui Dhiarmait, we have changed to the documented form, Uí Diarmait. None of the forms on the cited webpage have the 'h' in the last name. We were unable to satisfy the request for authenticity, since the Annals were written in the 16th Century, so the forms are all 16th Century forms of the names.

The semy is not of 'triskles arrondi'. It is of 'triskles arrondi within and conjoined to annulets'. Precedent says: "Although there are some mundane examples (I don't know the period), SCA practice requires that semy consist of only one type of charge. [BoE, 9 Mar 86, p.13]". We're not sure if this precedent (from nearly 20 years ago) is still valid. Indeed, the registration of the armory of Diana of Aston Tor (January 2003, via Calontir): Per chevron embattled purpure semy of threaded needles palewise argent and argent, an apple purpure. may mean that if they're conjoined that it's OK if they're one visual unit, and not two entirely separate charges. In any case, Laurel gets to decide.

3 Damian ben Ephraim (M) - new name forwarded

No major changes. Sound most important. Submitter would prefer the name 'Dana' if it is documentable. His second choice would be 'Damon'. No documentation has been provided for either of these names. Third choice is 'Damian', which is found in Paul Wickenden's 'Dictionary of Period Russian Names' dated to 1148 in that spelling, s.n. 'Dam'ian' ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/paul/d.html ). 'ben Ephraim': son of Ephraim. Submitter gives a few web pages: an Encyclopedia Brittanica reference to one Joseph ben Ephraim (1488-1575, Spain; http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=45801 , PCA) and another page which lists one 'Jechiel ben Ephraim' in 1298, but the URL is truncated. Please note that the submitted name is 'Damian', and not the ones that are noted here as first and second choices.

Note that Joseph ben Ephraim is listed in may places as "the last great codifier of rabbinical Judiasm". (for example. http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=188&letter=C)

The closest we can get to 'Dana' is 'Dane' in Colm Dubh's 'An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris' ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/paris.html ). We cannot find 'Damon' at all. 'Damian' is findable in 1205 in Withycombe p. 78 s.n. 'Damian'. Also, Spanish Names from the Late 15th Century by Juliana de Luna ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/isabella/MensGivenAlpha.html) shows Damian used twice, in that spelling. Since this does not change the spelling, it isn't considered a language change, and we can do it without violating the submitters desire for no major changes. The submitter was also contacted, and has given his consent for an all-Spanish name.

4 Doucette de Verdun (F) - new name forwarded & new device forwarded

Ermine, a horse couchant gules within a border counter-compony gules and argent.

Language/culture most important. 'Doucette' dated to 1350 in Aryanhwy merch Catmael's 'Jewish Given Names Found in Les Noms Des Israélites en France' ( http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/levy/index.html , PCA). 'Verdun' dated to 1152 and 1188 in Dauzat & Rostaing's 'Dictionnaire Etymologique des Noms de Lieux de la France' p. 706 s.n. 'Verdun'. Several Jewish names found in Colm Dubh's 'An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris' ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/paris.html#jewish ) use the pattern 'name de place': 'Bone-Vie de Chartres', 'Honot de Gonnesse', 'Viau de Brebon', 'Ysaac de Sesanne'.

Note that there is a difference between a peripheral ordinary compony and the same ordinary counter-compony. The most recent precedent on the latter reads:

(December 2000, Brigid of Kerry) [Argent... a chief countercompony azure and argent] As with checky, we will register a chief countercompony that shares a tincture with the field. [Brigid of Kerry, 12/00, A-Middle]

so this is perfectly registerable.

5 Eldrich Gaiman - new device forwarded

Per pale counter-ermine and vairy argent and vert.

Name accepted on the East's September 2003 LoR, which has not yet been issued to Laurel. If this device passes, he wishes his old one (which was also on the September 2003 LoR) to be changed into a badge.

6 Giles of Burleigh (M) - new name forwarded

No changes. All documentation from Academy of S. Gabriel report #2457 (PCA). 'Giles' is dated in that spelling to 1281 in Bardsley p. 58 s.n. 'Argent': 'Giles de Argentein'. 'Burleigh' is dated in that spelling to 1642 in Reaney & Wilson p. 74 s.n. 'Burleigh': 'Henry Burleigh'. Period spellings include: Burlay 1249; Burleye 1251; Burley 1273, ca. 1380, 1388; Borle 1292; Burghlay ca.1300, ca.1332; Burle 1332; Burley, Berley 1346; Burlaye ca.1380; Burlayes ca.1380; Burleye ca.1380; Berlay 1383; Berely ca.1435.

Additional documentation: Ekwall p. 75 under Burley Hill dates Burlegh to 1233. Commenters should note that modernized spellings are acceptable as long as some form of the name is documented to period. There is therefore no temporal problem.

7 Magdalena Winter - new device forwarded

Argent, on a bend cotised azure three mullets of six points palewise Or.

Original device submission, Argent, on a bend azure three mullets of six points palewise Or., was returned on the East's 2000-04 LoR for conflict: "Conflicts with Brigid Findlater (Caid, 5/95): Argent, on a bend azure four Hungerford knots palewise Or. Changing the type and number of the tertiaries gives at most one CD." This change clears that conflict, and a letter of permission to conflict is included for a new conflict with Rowan le Beau, Argent, on a bend cotised azure a lily palewise Or between two others argent.

At least one commenter mentioned the arms of Rowan le Beau as a conflict. As noted on the ILoI, there is a letter of permission to conflict with Rowan's armory. There is the required one CD, for multiple changes to the tertiaries.

8 Simon Gwyn - new badge returned

Vert, on a tower argent two garden roses in saltire slipped and leaved vert within a bordure embattled argent.

His name registered in January of 2003, via the East. To be jointly owned with "Thyra Eiriksdottir", which does not seem to be registered. We're assuming that this is supposed to be jointly owned with Þóra Eiríksdóttir (Jan 2003, via the East), though it's a moot point.

The submitter should note that we no longer blazon 'garden' roses that way, they are blazoned simply as roses, and the heraldic rose is the default. The 'in saltire' should be hint enough that they need to be drawn as garden roses. However, there is another problem. The submitted emblazon does not show heraldic garden roses, it shows heraldic garden rosebuds. These have been banned since November 1994, when the following ruling was made:

Commentary was nearly as strong in favor of banning garden rosebuds from armory. Consequently, we will accept whatever garden rosebuds may be in LoIs issued before December 1994, but no further registrations of this charge will be made.

We are therefore forced to return this armory.

9 Steuen de Sheffeld (M) - new name forwarded & new device forwarded

Or, a rabbit rampant to sinister within a bordure gules semy of quatrefoils Or.

No major changes. Sound most important. 'Steuen' dated to 1379 in that spelling in Withycombe p. 273 s.n. 'Stephen'. 'de Sheffeld' dated in that spelling to 1328 in Reaney & Wilson p. 404 s.n. 'Sheffield': 'Thomas de Sheffeld'.

10 Wion Neilson (M) - new name forwarded

'Wion' from "A Simple Guide to Constructing 13th Century Welsh Names", Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn. ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/tangwystyl/welsh13.html ) Variant of 'Gwion'. 'Neilson' from "A Dictionary of English Surnames", Reaney & Wilson. Exact spelling is header entry with a variant dated to 1510. Under header 'Neal' shows a 'Neil Carrick' from 1314.

The dated variant in Reaney & Wilson is 'John Neylsone' 1510. 'Neilson' is found in Karen Larsdatter's 'Names from 15th Century York' ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/york15/index.htm ). 'Wion' is also at http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/welsh13.html , which requires no photocopies. Also, Morgan & Morgan p. 113 under 'Gwion' dates 'Jos ap Teg ap Wyon' to 1406.

Welsh/English is an allowable combination according to the 08/99 Cover Letter.
