Lewis Tanzos

Tuesday 6 April 2004

Unto the East Kingdom College of Heralds and all others who do receive this letter, greetings from Tanczos Istvan, Eastern Crown Herald!

This ILoI contains submissions received before 25 March 2004 and has 15 numbered items. Commentary, as always, should be sent to the above address and is due on Friday, 7 May 2004.

Unless otherwise mentioned, the submitter allows all changes.

Good luck, and thanks again in advance for all the hard work you do!

In service,

Istvan Eastern Crown

1 Collin Monroe (M) - new name & new device
Herald of Record: Eldrich Gaiman

Argent, a pithon and on a chief sable three maltese crosses argent.

Collin' is dated to 16c under the heading 'Colin' in Withycombe.

'Monroe' is listed as a variant of 'Munro' under that header in Black, dated to 1648.

[Withycombe does not have the spelling 'Collin'; it dates the spelling 'Colin' to 1379 and 'Colinus' to 1200 and 1273. Reaney & Wilson p. 105 s.n. 'Collin' dates a 'John Collin' to 1221; this is likely a patronymic so this spelling as a given name may be plausible ]

Collin Monroe

2 Diomedes Sebastianus - new device
Herald of Record: Kenric Burne

Vert, a mullet of 12 points argent charged with a roundel engrailed vert within a bordure engrailed Or.

Name sent to Laurel on the East's 2003 November external letter, which has not yet been decided by Laurel.

Diomedes Sebastianus

3 Gerhard der Rote von Ulm (M) - new name & new device
Herald of Record: Eldrich Gaiman

Per pale wavy argent and azure, a sword and an axe reversed counterchanged.

Submitter will allow 'Gerhard von Ulm' if necessary.

'Gerhard' is dated in that spelling to 1250 in Bahlow's Deutsches Namenlexikon p165 s.n. Gerhard(t).

'der Rote': 'Rote' is dated to 1350 in same source, p435 s.n. Roth: 'Tilke Rote'. 'der Schwarze' formation found in Brechenmacher's Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Deutschen Familiennamen p580 s.n. Schwarz, so 'der Rote' seems a reasonable formation.

'von Ulm': Brechenmacher p713 s.n. Ulmer: dated spellings include 'Ulma' 1273, 'Ulmer' 1281.

Gerhard der Rote von Ulm

4 Godlefe Bury - resub device
Herald of Record: Brita Mairi Svensdottir

Purpure, a cross crosslet fitched and on a chief argent three mullets of five points purpure.

Original device, 'Purpure, a cross crosslet fitchy argent.', returned on the East's May 2003 LoR for conflict:

' The device is in conflict with the armory of Sigenoth the Blissful (January 1998, AEthelmearc): Per pale sable and vert, a Latin cross bottony argent. and Quarterly sable and vert, a cross bottony argent. In both cases, there is but one CD for the field, since a cross crosslet fitchy is heraldically identical to a cross bottony. The submitter should also be aware of David of Moffat (07/94, An Tir): (Fieldless) A cross crosslet argent quarter-pierced gules and William of Weir (11/80, Ansteorra) Per bend wavy azure and bendy wavy argent and azure, in sinister chief a cross crosslet flory argent., both of which are probably clear, but both of which should be considered in a re-design.'

This redesign is clear of all of the above close conflicts. Name accepted on the same letter, which has not yet been sent to Laurel.

Godlefe Bury

5 Kateryn Grey (F) - new name & new device
Herald of Record: Gaufroi le crieur
Current name: Fujiwara no Aoi

Ermine, a phoenix azure issuant from flames proper within a border nebuly azure.

No changes.

'Kateryn' dated to 1496 in Julian Goodwyn's 'Brass Enscription Index' (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/brasses/).

'Grey' dated to 1415 in the same source.

Original name, 'Fujiwara no Aoi', registered in May 2002, to be released upon registration of this name.

Kateryn Grey

6 Jan of the East (F) - new alternate name & new badge
Herald of Record: Jan Janowicz Bogdanski
Submitted Name: El{zo}bieta Piekarska

Gules, on a pale argent masoned sable, a torteau.

No major changes.

'El{zo}bieta' appears several times in a lineage of Polish kings in Norman Davies' 'God's Playground: A History of Poland' (PCA). While the names themselves are not dated, dates of people of the same generation include 1228-31 and 1333-70.

'Piekarska' is given as the feminized form of 'Piekarski', which appears in 'Herby Rodów Polskich'. Translated, it has this to say: 'from the root 'piekarz' which means 'baker'. The Piekarski family became associated with the Debno clan in 1500.'

[ The Da'ud notation {zo} is being used for a z with a ring on top of it. ]

Jan of the East

7 Kate Wrenn (F) - new name & new device
Herald of Record: Eldrich Gaiman

Azure, a martlet displayed between three lymphads Or.

If her name must be changed submitter prefers to retain the sound.

'Kate' is found in Withycombe under the header 'Katharine', dated in that spelling to the 15c.

'Wrenn' is listed as an undated variant of 'Wren' in Reaney and Wilson.

[ Bardsley p. 830 s.n. 'Wren' dates 'Wrenn' to 1273 and 1630. ]

Kate Wrenn

8 Katheryn Redmayne - resub device
Herald of Record: Eldrich Gaiman

Argent, three domestic cats sejant gules and two flauches azure.

Her original device, 'Azure, on a fess argent three domestic cats gules.', appears on the East's February 2004 ILoI; while the Letter of Report has not yet been issued, a conflict has already been found. As this is a complete redesign, it will clear the conflict.

Katheryn Redmayne

9 Katrine Lyndesay (F) - new name & new device
Herald of Record: Eldrich Gaiman

Argent, a fox rampant reguardant gules within a bordure gyronney gules and Or.

If her name must be changed the submitter wishes to retain a 1500's lowland Scot name.

'Katrine' is listed but undated in Withycombe as a variant of 'Katharine'.

'Lyndesay': Black's Surnames of Scotland has various near spellings under the header 'Lindsay'.

[ 'Katrine' found dated to 1499 and 1512 in Talan Gwynek's 'A List of Feminine Personal Names Found in Scottish Records' (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/scottishfem.html). 'Lyndesay' dated to the 15th century in Karen Larsdatter's 'Names from 15th Century York' (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/york15/). ]

Katrine Lyndesay

10 Raina Iskramor (F) - new name & new device
Herald of Record: Klaus Rother

Argent, on a phoenix incensed reguardant to sinister azure, issuant from flames proper, a sun Or, in chief seven torteaux in fess.

If her name must be changed, submitter prefers to retain the meaning 'Raina of the Sapphire Flame' and Russian language/culture.

'Raina' dated to 1619 in Paul Wickenden's 'Dictionary of Period Russian Names (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/paul/).

'Iskramor' combines two name-elements. Wickenden says about this: 'Most names contain some sort of 'base theme' as an element. Many contain more than one...These themes may appear like prothemes or like deuterothemes (at the beginning or end of a word or name) withouth any particular restrictions.'

'Iskr(a)'-, dated to 1606 and meaning 'flame' appears in the name 'Iskretsov' as a prototheme. 'Mor', dated to 971 and meaning 'dark blue', appears in the name 'Ikmor' as a deuterotheme.

Raina Iskramor

11 Robert Fairfax (M) - new name & new device
Herald of Record: Gaufroi le crieur

Per pale Or and gules, pily bendy counterchanged.

No changes.

'Robert' dated to 1331 in Julian Goodwyn's 'Brass Enscription Index' (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/brasses/).

'Fairfax' dated to the 15th century in Karen Larsdatter's 'Names from 15th Century York' (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/york15/index.htm).

Robert Fairfax

12 Svava Þorgeirsdóttir (F) - new name
Herald of Record: Klaus Rother

No major changes.

'Svava' from a variety of sources: Lind col. 982 s.n. 'Sváfa' cites the desired spelling from 'The Poetic Edda' and 'The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise' (PCA).

In two poems in the former, it is the name of a Valkyrie, but in another, the name is given to a human (Brate, 'Eddan. De Nordiska guda- och hjältes{a-with-a-little-o-above-it}ngerna', pp. 126, 143-144, 147-150, PCA). 'Sváfa', another form of the name, also appears as the name of a human in 'The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise' (Tolkien, 'The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise', p. 4, 10, 14, PCA). These examples show that though the name only appeared in literature, it was given to humans as well as mythological creatures and thus should be acceptable to the CoA, as is stated in the cover letter to the December 2001 LoAR: 'Names of human characters in period literature are registerable with certain restrictions.'.

[ I assume this is either 'Norsk-Isländska Dopnamn' or the 1931 'Supplementband' to that one. ]

13 Tryn Völundsson (M) - new name & new device
Herald of Record: Eldrich Gaiman

Per bend sinister argent and azure, a drakkar propure sailed and bannered gules and Thor's hammer argent.

Tryn' is found dated to the 11c in The Vikings by Elsz Roesdahl (PCA, though no copy of the title page was provided).

'Völundsson' is formed as a patronymic from 'Volund' + 'sson' in Norse Islandska Dopnamn by Lind col 1115.

Tryn Völundsson

14 William Fitzwater (M) - new name
Herald of Record: Eldrich Gaiman

William' is a header entry in Withycombe in that spelling.

'Fitzwater' is header entry in Reaney and Wilson.

[ Withycombe does not actually date the spelling 'William', though this is found easily enough elsewhere; it is dated to 1323 in Julian Goodwyn's 'Brass Enscription Index' (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/brasses/). We have not been able to find any better documentation for 'Fitzwater'. ]

15 Wion Neilson - new device
Herald of Record: Eldrich Gaiman

Argent, a bend sinister gules between a lion and a cross sable.

Name submitted on the East's March 2004 ILoI, which has not yet been decided.

Wion Neilson