Lewis Tanzos
Tanczos Istvan
Blue Tyger Herald

18 December, 2005

This LoD contains the decisions on the July 2005 East Kingdom ILoI.

Due to some issues surrounding the office of Eastern Crown, Brigantia has instructed me to issue these decisions. Thanks to everyone in advance for your patience as kingdom staff addresses some difficulties surrounding the submissions process in the East.

Tanczos Istvan, Blue Tyger Herald

1 Aeschine Camronaich Abarach (F) - New Name Returned & New Device Returned

Per pale ermine and counter-ermine, a butterfly chased counterchanged sable and argent.

No changes.

If the name must be changed the submiter cares more about the meaning "Aeschine of the clan Camronaich of Locchabe". 'Aeschine' - Talan Gwynek's "A List of Feminine Personal Names Found in Scottish Records" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/scottishfem.html ), 1160. 'Camronaich' - The Surnames of Scotland by George F. Black, pp123-9, 'Book of Lismore' adjectival form. [The Book of Lismore is dated to c1417.] 'Abarach' - ibid., p4, adjectival meaning, "for or belonging to Lochabie", pre-1433, used to refer to the native place of father.

'Aeschine' is in Black, p 432, s.n. Liulf. It says "Uchtredus filius Liolfi made a grant of the church of Molle to the Abbey of Kelso between 1147-64 (Kelso, 416). Uchtred's daughter and heiress, the Lady Aeschine of Molle, became the wife of Walter, son of Alan the first Steward of Scotland. This places the name circa 1150-60.

'Camronaich' is given in Black, p128-9, s.n. Cameron, and says 'Camronaich is the adjectival form found in the Book of the Dean of Lismore', which places it in 1417.

'Abarach' is also in Black, p4, s.n. Abrach, which says that it means 'of or belonging to Lochaber' as an adjective, and 'a Lochaber man' as a noun. The earliest date given is 1563, in the spelling Abrycht.

More than 300 years of difference in name elements is considered one step from period practice, and we have a roughly 400-year difference here. The book of Lismore turns out to be in Gaelic, so this is a mix of Scots and Gaelic, which is considered another step from period practice. Two steps from period practice is cause for return, thus this name must be returned.

On resubmission, the submitter should be aware that the languages selected tend to alter bynames based on gender. This would require changes to be made, and as the submitter allowed no changes, this would have to be returned for that reason as well.

Precedent says:

Umbration, or adumbration, is known in SCA armory as "chasing." "Chased means voided but with the interior details and lines still showing as well as the outline." (WvS, 22 Jan 80, p.3; in Prec III:14) The practice was disallowed in April 1982, as part of the general ban on "thin-line heraldry" that also restricted voiding and fimbriation. [9 Mar 86, p.13]

This device is chased and therefore it must be returned.

2 Berelindis filia Cunowulfi (F) - New Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Vert fretty, on a chief argent three cauldrons sable.

No changes.

Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Lieux de la France by Albert Dauzat & Rostaing under the place name heading Bellancou rt, p69, indicates that the place name derives from the Germaic feminine persona l name 'Berelindis'. Walraven van Nijmege's "Dutch Womens' Names to 1100" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/earlydutchfem.html ), describes "A great many of the names in this list are composed of a protheme (first part) and a deuterotheme (second part), and these appear to have been used in almost every combination. Prothemes of course are listed together alphabetically, and so may be studied easily. The more common deuterothemes are: '-berg', '-burg' ('-burch'), '-gard', '-hild', '-lind', '-rad', '-swind', '-trud', and '-wara'. These have variant spellings, and usually have an '-a' or '-is' appended to them; these are Latin feminine endings, and may reflect scribal convention rather than usage in the spoken language." Speer's article lists the following Germanic feminine names starting with 'Ber-' or 'Bere-': 'Berehta', 'Beregard', 'Bergundis', 'Beriungis', 'Bertha', 'Berhta', 'Bertaida', 'Berthaida', 'Berthlenda', 'Bertildis', 'Bertilindis', 'Beretha', 'Berthdinda', and 'Bergundus'. Kees Nieuwenhuijsen's "Names in the Low Lands before 1150" ( http://www.keesn.nl/names/index.html ) lists both 'Bern-' and 'Bert-' as documented begining roots and '-lind' as a common ending root in Germanic female names. Examples include 'Bertilidis', 'Beretha', 'Berethdinda', and 'Bergundus'. From these examples, the submitter belives that 'Berlindas' is a plausible constructed period name. The Name pattern ' filia ' is documented in the Academy of St. Gabriel report 2397. 'Cunowulf' - Kees Nieuwenhuijsen's "Names in the Low Lands before 1150" ( http://www.keesn.nl/names/index.html ) lists 'Cuni-' and 'Cono-' as beginning roots and '-wulf' as a common ending root in male names. From these examples the submitter believes 'Cuowulfor' or 'Cunwuld' (latinized to 'Cunowulfi' or 'Cunwulfi') are plausible constructed period names.

The herald-of-record provided the following write-up, which adequately makes the case for the name:

Names in the Low Lands Before 1150 by Kees Nieuwenhuijsen (http://www.keesn.nl/names/) gives a long description of the rules for creating early Germanic names using prothema (first elements) and deuterothema (second elements). http://www.keesn.nl/names/en3_rules.htm. He states that these rules are good for all Germanic names of this particular era, not just those used in the Low Lands specifically. I would summarize them here, but they are fairly lengthy.

Nieuwenhuijsen lists both "Bern-" and "Bert-" as prothema used in the creation of feminine names, with "Bern-" appearing 3 times and "Bert-" appearing 13 times in his data. http://www.keesn.nl/names/en4_list_ele.htm http://www.keesn.nl/names/en6_an_pro.htm

"-lind" is the 6th most common second element for female names, appearing in the data 25 times. http://www.keesn.nl/names/en6_an_deu.htm

Following Nieuwenhuijsen's construction rules, Bernlind or Bertlind is a plausible name. In fact, the name Bertlinde actually appears in his data. http://www.keesn.nl/names/en4_list_f.htm

In addition, in his discussion of name construction rules, Nieuwenhuijsen states: "While composing a name one could insert a letter or two, in order to make it sound smoother. Examples are Adallard, Brunihild, Geroward, Theoderic, and Willibald. Conversely, a letter might be dropped (Gerard instead of Gerhard)."

"Bertilindis" appears in both Nieuwenhuijsen and the Walraven article as a variant spelling of "Bertlinde." "Theodelinda" appears in Nieuwenhuijsen as an alternate spelling of "Thiatlind" http://www.keesn.nl/names/en4_list_f.htm

See also Early Germanic Names from Primary Sources by Nicolaa de Bracton of Leicester, ( http://members.tripod.com/nicolaa5/articles/german.html), which lists the following early Germanic names: Beretrude (5th-7th cen.) Adallinda (7th-9th cen.) Theodelinda (7th-9th cen.) Theoderada (7th-9th cen.)

Based on the above, some variant of Berelind, Berelinde, or Berelindis should be a reasonable constructed name. The fact that Dauzat contains Berelindis as a hypothetical old German name led the submitter to pick Berelindis as her preferred spelling.

There exists a possible visual conflict with Alain de Velencourt (March 1983, via the East): Azure, six swords fretted and a chief argent, semé-de-lys sable. This is definitely clear, with a CD for the change of type and number of the tertiaries, and another for the change of type of primary. Indeed, this is X.2 simple, and they are clear through complete change of primary. However, there may be overwhelming visual similarity. Laurel must check the actual emblazons.

3 Deredere Camsroin Abarach (F) - New Name Returned & New Device Returned

Per cheveron argent and azure two dragonflies sable and a natural seahorse argent.

No changes.

'Deredere' - Talan Gwynek's "A List of Feminine Personal Names Found in Scottish Records" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/scottishfem.html ), 1166. 'Camsroin' - The Surnames of Scotland by George F. Black, s.n. 'Cameron', lists this as a Middle-Gaelic genitive form found in Macvurich. The client will also accept 'Cameron', which Black dates to 1421, 1434, 1454, 1470, 1474, 1532. 'Abarach' - ibid., p4, adjective meaning, "for or beloning to Lochabie", pre-1433, used to refer to the native place of father.

'Deredre' is in Black, p 204, s.n. Deirdre, dated in the spelling Deredere to 1166.

'Camsroin' is given in Black, p128-9, s.n. Cameron, and says 'Camsroin is the Gaelic genitive form in Macvurich.

'Abarach' is also in Black, p4, s.n. Abrach, which says that it means 'of or belonging to Lochaber' as an adjective, and 'a Lochaber man' as a noun. The earliest date given is 1563, in the spelling Abrycht.

More than 300 years of difference in name elements is considered one step from period practice, and we have a roughly 400-year difference here. The book of Lismore turns out to be in Gaelic, so this is a mix of Scots and Gaelic, which is considered another step from period practice. Two steps from period practice is cause for return, thus this name must be returned.

On resubmission, the submitter should be aware that the languages selected tend to alter bynames based on gender. This would require changes to be made, and as the submitter allowed no changes, this would have to be returned for that reason as well.

This device is likely clear of Erec of Ponte Alto (July 2004, Atlantia) Per chevron argent and azure, a fish haurient embowed sable. There is definitely one CD for the number of charges. I would also count another CD for the change of type of primary charges, given that I think there is a CD between a natural seahorse and a fish, though not X.2. Precedent is not entirely silent. We have not generally granted a difference between types of natural fish. (August 1995, Agilwulf the Loud, p. 17) Natural Seahorses are indexed under 'FISH' in the O&A, so they may have been considered fish by period heralds. The tinctures only confuse the issue: there may or may not be a CD for the difference between one fish sable and two insects sable and a fish argent, depending on how the maximal protection for registered armory is interpreted. This would be a call for Laurel to make.

Unfortunately, devices require names and the name is being returned, so the device must be returned as well.

4 Diana Kidder (F) - New Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Vert, in pale an incresent and a pinecone inverted Or.

No changes.

'Diana' - The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names by E. G. Withycombe, pp40-1. Documentation for the full name can be found on the Academy of St. Gabriel report #2997 ( http://www.panix.com/~gabriel/public-bin/showfinal.cgi/2997.txt ). 'Kidder' - A copy of the submitter's family tree was included and dates 'Kidder' to 1599, 1530, and 1446.

Note: the ILoI should have read 'no major changes'.

Withycombe, s.n. Diana, says that the name is first found in England in the 16th century e.g. Diana Luttrell, born 1580.

'Kidder' is in A Dictionary of English Surnames, Revised Edition by P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson, header form, dates 'Roger Kidere' to 1233, 'Thomas le Kidere' to 1301, 'Richard le Kedere' to 1310, 'kiddier' to 1552, and 'Kidberers' to 1477.

Bardsley, p. 449. has Johannes Kydder 1379, John Kydder 1580, Richard son of Richard Kidder 1635-6 (burial), which gives us the desired spelling.

5 Drueta de la Rosa (F) - New Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Gules, three bendlets sinister ermine.

No changes.

'Drueta' - Talan Gwynek's "Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/reaneyintro.html ) dates 'Drueta' to 1327 associated with the surname 'Dedden'. 'De la Rosa' - ( http://www.panix.com/~gabriel/public-bin/showfinal.cgi/1554.txt ) says that 'de la Rosa' "is a fine late-period surname. We have found three examples in Toledo in 1561. We also found shorter 'Rosa' in the 15th century. It's not unlikely that the name was used earlier, too. It originally would have identified someone who lived in a place called 'La Rosa' or perhaps who lived near a notable flowering tree."

The combination of Spanish and English is a single step from period practice. There are no others in this name, and thus it is plausible.

Talan's article says that 'Drueta' was recorded one as a Latinized form in 1327.

The summary of the St. Gabriel Article #1554 (http://www.s-gabriel.org/1554) on the LoI was not sufficient. Gabriel documents the surname to Toledo in 1561 (Martz, Linda, Julio Porres, and Martin Cleto, Toledo y los Toledanos en 1561, Publicaciones del Instituto Provincial de Investigaciones y Estudios Toledanos, Monografias, Vol 5 (Toledo: Patronato "Jose Maria Cuadrado" del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 1974).

6 Eleanora Stewart - New Device Forwarded

Sable chapé barry wavy argent and azure, a crane statant atop a mount maintaining a key argent.

The name was passed on the August 2004 LoAR.

7 Eleri of Skelmorley (F) - New Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Gules, a horse's head couped within an orle of horseshoes inverted Or.

No changes.

If the name must be changed, the submitter cares most about the name being consistent with a Welsh or Scot language/culture. 'Eleri' - Appears in The Compleat Anachronist #66, "A Welsh Miscellany", by Heather Rose Jones, p31. 'Skelmorley' - Dated to 1400 Place-Names of Scotland by James B Johnston, p295 s.n. 'Skelmorle'. If 'of Skelmorley' isn't acceptable, the submitter will accept 'de Mundegumri' which is dated to 1400 in The Surnames of Scotland by George F. Black, s.n. 'Montgomery'. A Dictionary of English Surnames, Revised Edition by P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson, p313, s.n. 'Montgomerie' also lists various spellings of this locative byname, including 'de Mongomeri' and 'de Montgumeri' 1086, Domesday Book, c.1159, all from Sraffordshire.

The LoI should have read 'no major changes', not 'no changes'.

8 Elinor Strangewayes the Alchemist of Dorset - Resub Name Forwarded

'Elinor' - Found in Mari Elspeth nic Bryan's "Naming Practices in 16th Century Gloucestershire" ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/GlocNamePractices/RelativeFrequencies.html ). 'Strangewayes' - Found in Ashmolean Museum of Art & Archaeology, Department of Antiquities web site in the listing entitled "Moumental Brass Rubbings for England Dorset" at ( http://www.ashmol.ox.ac.uk./ash/departments/antiquities/brass/counties/Dorset.html ), 'Sir Gyle Strangeways', 1562. Additionally, A Dictionary of English Surnames, Revised Edition by P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson p430, s.n. 'Strangeway' lists 'Richard Strangeways' dated to 1513. 'the Alchemist' - Occupational byname. Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary dates the word "alchemist" to the 14th century and defines it as "one who studies or pactices alchemy". The Oxford English Dictionary states: "Alchemist forms: 6 alkeyste, alckmist, 6-7 alchimiste, alcumit, 6-9 alchymist, 7-alchemist,[a. OFr, alquemiste, alchymista: see ALCHEMY and -IST. Earlier forms were ALCHEMISTER, ALKANAMYER.] One who studies or practices alchmy." The The OED also dates various spellings to 1386, 1514, 1546 abd 1578. Additionally, while prior registration is no guarantee of current registerability, the byname of 'the Alchemist' has been registered seven times prevously. 'Dorset'- Bardsley dates 'Dorset' to 1572, 'Dorsett', p249, s.n. 'Dorset, Dorsett'.

Precedent says:

The use of four elements in an English name is anomalous (a "weirdness"), costing the submitter the benefit of the doubt (LoAR of July 92, p.18); it's permissible only if there are no other problems with the name. (Aric Thomas Percy Raven, October, 1992, pg. 30)

As such, this name is a single step from period practice. We're not sure if 'the Alchemist' was considered suitable as an occupational byname, so we're passing it to Laurel like this. The submitter should be aware that that element is most likely to be dropped at Laurel if there are any issues.

9 Eloise of Coulter - New Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) A quatrefoil argent, ermined azure.

The submitter's name was registered in May 1990 via the East.

Documentation for ermines doing this can be had in Foster, page 5, bottom right hand corner. The name is "Astley". These are Victorian redrawings, though. http://www.mdlp.co.uk/resources/Sheepy/arms.htm appears to have this motif done this way for Astley/Harcourt, apparently from 1630, within the grey area.

10 Giovanna del Pennino - Resub Device Returned

Argent, three quill pen nibs sable.

The submitter's name was forwarded to Laurel on the East Kingdom January 2005 XLoI. The previously submitted device, 'Argent, a chevron azure between three quill pen nibs sable', was returned on the East Kingdom November 2004 LoD for conflict with both Eadmund of Pendlesweald (January of 1974) 'Argent, a chevron azure between three oak trees eradicated sable fructed argent' and with Thomas of the Pines (September 1971) 'Argent, a chevron azure between three pine trees sable'. This new design avoids those conflicts.

In keeping with the decision on her device on the September 2005 LoAR, this is being returned because there is no documentation for the form of pen nib shown here.

11 Gruffyd the Innocent - New Device Returned

Gules, a man maintaining a bow and arrow statant to dexter Or.

The submitter's name was registered in November 1999 via the East.

Conflict with Migel Gneuyle de Normandie (May 1983, via the Middle) Gules, an old man statant affronty maintaining a sword and shield Or. There is a CD for the change of facing, but nothing for the maintained charges (bow, arrow, shield, sword).

12 Gwenhwyfar of Ravenhill (F) - New Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Purpure, a fret and a chief argent.

No changes.

'Gwenhwyfar' - Talan Gwynek's "Late 16th Century English Given Names" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/eng16/eng16.html ) and The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names, Third Edition by E. G. Withycombe pp140-1. 'Ravenhill' - Geographic entity of the Society for Creative Anachronism in which the submitter resides (in the Barony Beyond the Mountain in the East Kingdom, in northwest Connecticut), registered in January 1983 via the East.

The header in Withycombe is Guenevere, and the dated forms are Guenor, Gueanor early 17c, Gwenhevare 1431. Talan's article has the spelling 'Gwenhoivar', and notes that the person was Welsh. Both "A Simple Guide to Constructing 16th Century Welsh Names" and "Women's Names in the 1st Half of 16c Wales" have the spelling 'Gwenhwyvar', but not 'Gwenhwyfar'. Given this, the name may be returned if it is not able to be changed.

13 James of Ravenhill (M) - New Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Argent, a cross lorraine inverted gules and on a chief azure three mullets argent.

'James' - The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names by E. G. Withycombe lists exact spelling to various dates. 'Ravenhill' - Geographic entity of the Society for Creative Anachronism in which the submitter resides, located in the Kingdom of the East, Barony Beyond the Mountain (northwest Connecticut), registered in January 1983 via the East.

Withycombe, sn.n James, dates that spelling to c. 1240.

14 Juliana Osborne (F) - New Name Change Forwarded & New Device Forwarded
Current name: Juliana de Kent

Per chevron argent and vert, two stags springing gules, a gate argent.

No changes.

The submitter has requested authenticity for a female English name from the 1530's and has specified that consistency with the English Tudor period is most important. The submitter would also prefer that the spelling of 'Osborne' be preserved if possible 'Juliana' - Talan Gwynek's "Late 16th Century English Given Names" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/eng16/eng16.html ). Also, the forms 'Julian', 'Julyan', and 'Julyane' are found in Mari Elspeth nic Bryan's "Feminine Given Names in the Registers of the Church of St. Mary's, Dymock (Gloucestershire, England: 1538-1600)" ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/dymock/dym_women.html ). 'Osborne' - Christian Holcombe's "Faire Names for English Folk: Late Sixteenth Century English Names"; ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/christian/fairnames/givennames.html ). 'Osborne' is also dated to 1534 in Julian Goodwyn's "Brass Enscription Index" ( http://sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/brasses ).

15 Molly O'Raghallaigh (F) - New Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Per pale argent and sable, a ferret and a coney combattant guardant and in chief three thimbles counterchanged.

'Molly' - The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names by E. G. Withycombe lists it as a diminutive of 'Mary', first found in England at the end of the 12th century. 'O'Raghallaigh' - 'Ó Ragallig', 'Ó Ragallaig' is a header form in Irish Names and Surnames by Patrick Woulfe, where it says that the family became powerful in the 13th and 14th centuries and extended their dominion over the whole County Cavan and parts of Meath and Westmeath. The header 'Ó Rágallaig' is also listed as a variant of the former.

This is being forwarded with the understanding that while the submitted version may not be exactly right, some variant of it is certainly registerable, especially since the submitter allows changes.

16 Nickel Wegener (M) - New Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Sable, a phoenix per pale Or and gules between three mullets Or.

The submitter has requested authenticity for a male 14-15th century German name. 'Nikolai' - Dictionary of German Names by Hans Bahlow (translated by Edda Gentry) s.n. 'Nik(o)laus'. 'Wegener' - ibid., header form.

The submitter should draw the flames larger, and less like an estoile, as per the comments for Sarah Davies of Monmouth on the October 2004 LoAR.

Submitted as Nikolai, the submitter requested authenticity. Nikolai, in German, is the genitive form, which is not suitable for a given name. Bahlow, s.n. Nick(el) is where Nickolai is found. That entry has 'Nickel' dated to 1382.

Bahlow s.n. Wegner 'wagoner', has a 'Joh. Wegener' 1299.

17 Osgkar of the Wood - New Badge Returned

Gules, a decrescent Or.

The submitter's name was registered in September of 1990 (via the East).

Conflict with Lourana Moonwind (October 1985, via Atenveldt) Gules, a decrescent moon within an orle of mullets Or. with a single CD for the removal of the mullets. A decrescent moon and a decrescent are artistic variations of the same charge.

Also in conflict with Christopher Edward Hawkins (April 1997, via An Tir): Sable, a decrescent Or, with a single CD for the change of tincture of the field.

18 Rashid Al-Rijl - New Device Forwarded

Argent, a spade bendwise sinister sable hafted proper, in dexter chief two mullets of eight points azure.

The name was forwarded to Laurel on the East Kingdom January 2005 XLoI.

19 Ratanavati Bai (F) - New Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Gules, three lotus blossoms in profile and in chief an increscent Or.

'Ratanavati' - 'Ratan{a-}vat{i-} occurs once in Lisa Darcy's "Rajput Women's Names" [copies attached], and 'Ratan{a-}vat{i-}b{a-}{i-}' at least twice, in the article's sources. The root name appears to be 'Ratan', and it also occurs with other suffixes: 'Ratan{a-}dej{i-}, 'Ratanb{a-}{i-}', 'Ratanku{m.}var'. Based on their complete absence in some names, diacritical marks appear to be editorial additions, used in some books but not others. Therefore, the name is submitted without diacritics. The suffix '-b{a-}{i-}' is sometimes written as a seperate word in other names: 'Kama Bai', 'Kanak{a-}vat{i-} B{a-}{i-}', 'Man Bai' (compare 'M{a-}n{i-}b{a-}{i-}', 'Manavat{i-}b{a-}{i-}'). The article explains that 'Bai' means "sister", but is used as a generic honorific or term of respect in unmarried women's names. Other suffixes which are nouns by themselves are also sometimes written seperately: 'Padma Devi' (compare 'Padmabai', 'Padmavati', etc.); 'Anand Kumvar', compare 'Anandkumvarbai'; 'Javar Kumvar'; 'Naval Kumvar'; 'Sayar Kumvar'; and 'Sire Kumvar', compare 'Sirekumvar'. 'Devi' is glossed as "goddess", and 'Kumvar' as "prince", and both are said to be feminine honorifics. [The herald of record has left off any diacritical marks used in these names.] These sorts of postfixes (for lack of a better term) appear to be the closest thing to bynames used by late-period Rajput women. If the name must be changed, the submitter cares most about having a female 16th century Rajput name.

20 Richenda de Honneflo - New Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) An estoile per pale argent and Or.

The submitter's name was forwared on the East Kingdom January 2005 XLoI.

21 Rowan Westwood (M) - New Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Per fess sable and chequey vert and argent.

No changes.

'Rowan' - Irish Names and Surnames by Patrick Woulfe, s.n 'Ruaδán'. 'Rowan' is apparently the anglisied form, "the name of the celebrated Abbot of Lorrha". 'Westwood' - The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names, Fourth Edition by Eilert Ekwall header entry, dating 'Westwod' to 1206, 'Westwuda' to 987, and 'Westwode' to 1386.

This is not in conflict with Alys de Wilton (April 2004, Lochac) Per fess ermine and sable. There is one CD for the change of tincture of half the field, from chequy to a solid tincture, and reversing the tinctures. There is another CD for changing the style of partition from plain to 'per fess and chequey'. See the precedent in April 2002 for the acceptance of Dafydd ap Iorwerth ap Rhodri de dena. Yes, it was a return, but the precedent says: " We have one of the necessary changes, for changing the partition lines, because the bottom half of Marguerite's field is gyronny. " Since this is comparing a 'per bend' field with a 'per bend plain and gyronny', there is a CD.

Black s.n. Rowan offers two possible derivations: Gaelic Ruadha/n, a diminutive of Ruadh 'red'; or the Scots pronunciation of Rolland. (Indeed, s.n. Roland he identifies 1509, 1509, and 1513 as all referring to the same man.) Ibid s.n. Westwood: 1495, 1575. Precedent also says

The documentation submitted with this name supported Rowan as an Anglicized form of the Irish masculine given name R{u'}adh{a'}n and Bridget as an Anglicized form of the Irish feminine given name Brigit/Brighid. Such mixed-gender names have long been unregisterable.

Since Rowan is SCA compatible as a feminine given name, this name is registerable with a weirdness for use of an SCA compatible element. [Rowan Bridget Blackmoor, 01/02, A-Atenveldt]

Reaney & Wilson p. 483 dates John Westwod' to 1371.

22 Saint Cuthbert, College of - New Name Forwarded & New Device Returned

Azure, on a pale argent a Cuthbert cross azure, pierced argent, within a laurel wreath overall counterchanged.

No changes.

'Saint Cuthbert' - The Oxford Dictionary of Saints, Third Edition by David Hugh Farmer, p 117, lists a bishop of Lindisfarne, c634-687. It reads, "The cult of Cuthbert was well established in the late 7th century" A petiton is attached.

The LoI should have said 'no major changes'. The Rules for Submission, section III.2.b explicitly says that 'College of Saint Carol on the Moor' follows period patterns, so the submission is fine on that regard. Black s.n. Cuthbert attributes the popularity of this surname to said saint, and mentions a church dedicated to him in 1174. He says it was commonly pronounced (and hence written) 'Cudbert' in northern England.

The device is slightly more problematic.

The SCA does not recognize a 'Cuthbert Cross' as a charge, so documentation would be required. This could be blazoned as a 'cross formy convex', which has explicitly been returned at Laurel several times for being a non-period charge. Istvan Blue Tyger has turned up what he considers sufficient documentation to challenge that ruling. Submitters should contact him for more information.

There is another issue with the submitted device, not so easily dealt with. Consider this precedent:

[Returning Gules, on a pile Or an eagle displayed sable, overall a laurel wreath counterchanged.] By current precedent, a laurel wreath is considered too complex a charge to be counterchanged over an ordinary. [6/94, p.13]

This device must therefore be returned, since the laurel wreath in this submission is counterchanged over an ordinary.

23 Samuel le Medier (M) - New Name Change Forwarded & Resub Device Forwarded
Current name: Samuel of Yorkshire

Gyronny gules and argent, eight roses counterchanged.

No major changes.

The submitter's original name was registered in September 2002 via the East. The original armory submission, 'Gyronny gules and argent, eight roundels counterchanged', was returned in October 2004 for conflict with the naval ensign of Japan. The submitted arms were returned in September 2002 for the presumptuous effect of the byname 'Yorkshire' in combination with white roses. The submitted name addresses this problem. 'Samuel' - Header form in The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names by E. G. Withycombe, where it is noted as a male Hebrew name that was "rare as a Christian name in the Middle Ages, though examples occur in 12th century records, and the surnames 'Samuel', 'Samwell' occur as early as 1273. Not all of these were Jewish...". It became more popular after the Reformation when poet Samuel Daniel (1562-1619) bore it. 'le Medier' - A Dictionary of English Surnames, Revised Edition by P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson s.n. Meader, lists 'Meader' or 'Medur' as a derivative of OE 'Meodu' meaning "mead" or Latin 'medarius' meaning "a maker of mead", and cites 'Alexander le Meder', 'le Medier', 'Medarius' in 1180, 1200, and 1188 and 'Thomas Meder' in 1332. The submitter would like his old name released upon registration of this submission.

24 Solveig Anderhalfholt - New Badge Forwarded

Sable, in pale a stand of three bamboo plants throughout between a dragonfly to sinister and a dragonfly argent.

The submitter's name was registered in June of 2001 via the East. This badge is to be associated with the submitter's alternate name, 'Chimori Asahi', which was forwarded to Laurel on the East Kingdom January 2005 XLoI.

25 Svava Þorgeirsdóttir - Resub Device Forwarded

Per chevron purpure goutty d'Or and argent, a winged cat sejant purpure.

The submitter's name was registered in December 2004 via the East. The original submission, 'Per chevron purpure and argent, a winged cat sejant purpure' was returned on the East Kingdom November 2004 LoD for conflict with Felis of Warick (December of 2003 via the West): 'Or, a winged lion sejant purpure' with only one CD. This submission makes an additional change.

26 Tat'iana Negoshka Danilova (F) - New Name Forwarded & New Device Returned

Sable, a rapier inverted within a vol argent.

The submitter requests authenticity for an unspecified language or culture. 'Tat'iana' - A Dictionary of Period Russian Names by Paul Wickenden of Thanet notes a 'Tat'ana' in 1356. 'Negoshka' - dated to 12th century in Predslava Vydrina's "Russian Personal Names: Name Frequency in the Novgorod Birch-Bark Letters" ( http://s-gabriel.org/names/predslava/bbl/ ). 'Daniilova' - A feminine patronymic of 'Damiil', the Russian form of 'Daniel' also found in A Dictionary of Period Russian Names by Paul Wickenden of Thanet.

Tat'iana in Wickenden is dated in the following forms: "Tat'iana" 1498, "Tatiana" 1500, "Tatiiana" mid-15c., "Totiiana" 1613, and "Tot'iana" 1578-9, along with the diminutives "Tanka" late 16c., "Tan'ia" 14-15c., "Tat'ianitsa" 1594-5, and "Tat'ianka" 1588-9. "Name Frequency in the Novgorod Birch-Bark Letters" lists "Tatiana" among the women's Christian names, dated to the 14th century. "Negoshka" is indeed listed in said article, as an Old Russian woman's name meaning 'caressed, pampered', dated to the 12th century. Wickenden s.n. Daniil (note that the 'm' in the LoI is a typo) lists the following feminine patronymics based on this name: "Danilova" 1434, "Danilovskaia" 1539, "Daniltsova" 1545, "Donilova" 1594-7. None of the diminutives, variant spellings, or masculine patronymics have the double-i. The name follows the pattern Christian given + Russian given + Christian patronymic, which is one of the patterns shown in Wickenden for masculine Russian names in period.

The fact that the rapier is so large relative to the vol indicates poor style. It is difficult to decide if these are co-primaries or if they are a primary vol and a secondary rapier. If the two are indeed co-primaries, this is in conflict with Balthazar Thornguard (April 1988, East): Sable, a sword inverted argent, the blade enflamed proper. Enflaming is not worth a CD in this case:

... conflicts with Balthazar Thornguard, Sable, a sword inverted argent, the blade enflamed proper. There is a CD for the change in the field but, as drawn in Balthazar's arms, the flames are not significant enough to be worth difference. [Béla of the Kyrghiz , 10/01, R-Outlands]

There is one CD for the addition of the vol.

If the vol is the sole primary, this is in conflict with Ewan Stodhart (July 2001, Atlantia): Sable, a vol and in chief a sun in splendor argent. There is only one CD for the change in type of secondary charge from sun in splendor to rapier.

27 Thomas of Petersham - New Device Forwarded

Per pale argent and gules, a winged lion rampant Or within a bordure counterchanged.

The submitter's name was registered in April 1996 via the East.

28 William Graham (F) - New Name Forwarded & New Device Forwarded

Or, a crow rising sable and on a chief purpure three key crosses Or.

No changes.

'William Graham' - 'Sir William Graham' is listed in the web site of the Scottish Studies Foundation (Canada) as marrying in 1410.

The website given in the LoI as documentation is a source which nearly certainly modernizes spellings, and is therefore not reliable as documentation for a medieval spelling of the name. William can be found in Julian Goodwyn's Brass Enscription Index under the male given names section. (