Tanczos Istvan
Sunday, December 18th, 2005
Unto the East Kingdom College of Heralds and all others who do receive this letter, greetings from Tanczos Istvan, Blue Tyger Herald!
Due to ongoing problems with the office of Eastern Crown, Adhemar Brigantia has asked me to issue this letter. We thank you for your patience while kingdom staff deals with the current issues surrounding the submissions process in the East.
This ILoI contains the first half of the submissions received at the Pennsic War in 2005 and has 53 numbered items. Commentary, should be sent to the above address, or to the East Kingdom commentary list, and is due on January 10th, 2006.
Good luck, and thanks again in advance for all the hard work you do!
In service,
Istvan Blue Tyger
Per chevron argent and azure, three estoilles counterchanged. No major changes. Aildreda is from The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names by E. G. Withycombe, p12, under 'Aldred', which is dated to 1187. The 'a' has been added for feminization. 'de Tamworthe' is from The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names, Fourth Edition by Eilert Ekwall, p438, header Tamworth, which cites a Tamworthe from the 8th Century. There is a notation on the worksheet which says something about the 'original name coming from St. Gabriel's Guild' - which I assume is the Academy of St. Gabriel |
Vert, three snails Or. No major changes. Alana is from the LoAR of 08/02. See the returns for Meridies under Morganna of the Mists: 'The name Alana has Ælfwyn æt Gyrwum's "Anglo-Saxon Names" ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/aelfwyn/bede.html ) been found in period. Gage LoC dated 15 June 2001 references this information.' Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn cited 1381) [Robertus Filius Radulf] and [Alana filia eius]. This citation is from Fenwick, Carolyn C, Poll Taxes of 1377, 1379 and 1381, Part 1: Bedfordshire- Licestershire p 112.' O'Keeffe is from Irish Names and Surnames by Patrick Woulfe p 450: the family 'flourished in the 10th century' and 'they maintained themselves as a distinct clan down to the 16th century.' |
Azure, a scorpion tail to base Or and in chief a crescent argent. The name was registered November 2003, via the East. |
Per pale gules and vert, a lion couchant within a bordure embattled argent. No major changes. Angus: The Surnames of Scotland by George F. Black s.n. Angus cites an 'Angus mac Dunec' in 1204 MacGregur: Black, s.n. MacGregor cites a M'Gregur 1600, Makriggur 1600 Black Rose is an SCA branch name, registered 05/1986 |
(Fieldless) A spear head bendy Or and sable. Name registered June 2001, via the East |
6 Apollonia von Kriegsfeld (F) - New Change Of Holding Name Her holding name is Karen von Kreigsfeld, which was registered May 1990, via the East. Apollonia dated 1438 in Talan Gwynek's "Medieval German Given Names from Silesia" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/bahlow_v.htm ), also in Talan Gwynek's "15th Century German Women's Names" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/germ15f.html ) Kriegsfeld is a town in the Rheinland Pfalz region. Bahlow's Deutschlands Geographische Namenwelt has a river named Kriegbach (dated to 1226 as 'Briche' s.n. Kraich) and mentions also Kriegsheim (s.n. Kriegbach). For the -feld part, see for example Alsfeld (originally Alahesfeld) s.n. Altmühl, Eichsfeld (containing a river name), Elverfeld (originally Elvervelt), fachsenfeld. See also Siebmacher's Wappenbuch, plate 115: Degenfeldt. |
Argent, a flamingo close, one foot raised and on a chief gules, three lilies argent. Sound is most important. Must have 'Gus' in the first name and 'bear' in the surname. Auguste is listed in Artois, 1601 in Aryanhwy's 'French Names from 1601' ( http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/french1601.html ) Herbert is a header form in Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille by Marie-Thérèse Morlet, s.n. Herbert, undated. It is also in Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille et des Prénoms de France by Albert Dauzat, s.n. Herbelin. [The primary name was registered February 2003, via the East] |
8 Aria d'Abruzzi (F) - New Name Meaning most important: "From the region of Abruzzi" Aria from Dizionario dei nomi italiani by Emidio de Felice p 74, s.n. Ario Abruzzi from Matthew Donald's Atlas of Medieval Europe p 96. Also in Dizionario dei cognomi italiani by Emidio de Felice p42, s.n. Abruzzo - variant given as Abruzzi |
Quarterly Or and azure, a spoon and a hammer in saltire counterchanged. Meaning 'Asa the Black' and Language/Culture most important. All docs from The Old Norse Name by Geirr Bassi Haraldsson. Ása p 8, female given name. in svarta p 28. 'inn svarti' is listed, the female form is desired. |
Sable, a drakkar argent and in base a snail Or, a bordure wavy argent. Meaning most important. Please translate the name into Old Norse. The submitter offers beer at next Pennsic. Bjarki is from The Old Norse Name by Geirr Bassi Haraldsson, p8, column 2. Shortbeard is a constructed name. Examples include breiðskeggr 'broad beard' (p20, col2); þunnskeggr 'thin beard' (p30, col1); and orðrgskeggi 'bristle beard' (p30, col2). [Stuttskegg appears to be reasonable. Stutt- is given as 'short', as in Stuttfelder: 'short cloak', p28. Bláskegg is given as 'black beard' on p20, Refskegg: 'fox-beard' p26] |
Per fess gules and sable, a wolf passant within five wolf tails in annulo argent. All documentation from Baras-aghur Naran's "Documentation and Construction of Period Mongolian Names" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/mongol.html ), which says that the list of elements from primary sources (which includes 'Batu') can be combined with the grammatical inflections -- '-jin' is the example. Nega is listed in the list of numbers (meaning 'one'). The submitter intends the meaning of 'the first' in using this as an epithet/second element. |
Vert, a gyron from sinister base and on a chief Or, three fleurs-de-lys vert. Bertrand is from The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names by E. G. Withycombe s.n. Bertram as the French form. s.n. Bertrand. Is also a header in Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille by Marie-Thérèse Morlet. IGN1292CP gives Bertran and Bertrant. Valois is in Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille by Marie-Thérèse Morlet, header form, meaning person from the Vez (est 797) |
Or, on a chief vert three ducks naiant to sinister Or. Her name was registered in December 2004, via the East. |
Gules, in pale a fret and a Celtic cross argent. No major changes. 11th Century Welsh language/culture most important. Bronwen is SCA compatible. merch is an early form of 'daughter of' (no documentation given). Athruis is from Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn's "The First Thousand Years of British Names" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/british1000/british1000.html ), appendix V, Given names from the Llandau charters, s.n. Welsh Masculine, lists 'Athruis'. No definite date is given, but it is between the 6th and 10th Centuries. |
Sable, a phoenix gules rising from flames and in chief two flames Or. Submitter requests authenticity for a 9th century Pictish name. All documentation is from Tangwystl verch Morgan Glasvryn's "A Consideration of Pictish Names" Cal - male given name dated to the 8th century . mac - Gaelic Patronymic marker, "almost certainly in common use toward the 8th century". Mailcon - male given name dated to the 8th century. |
Azure, a griffin statant to sinister within a bordure argent. No major changes. Submitter desires authenticity for a 9th century Pictish name, and the meaning 'spearman'. Both are in Tangwystl verch Morgan Glasvryn's "A Consideration of Pictish Names". Calgacus is know from Tacitus' Life of Agricola and is probably a Latinized form. Etharnon mat have to be Latinized to be compatible. While the Gaelic 'mac' was common in 9th Century Pictish names, the submitter would like to avoid its use if at all possible. |
Azure, two bottle nosed dolphins haurient respectant in chief three cups Or. No major changes. Submitter desires Italian language/culture. Ciana is from Ferrante La Volpe's Feminine Given Names from the Online Catasto of Florence of 1427. Ferrante's Family Names from the Online Catasto of 1427 ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/ferrante/catasto/family_names.html ) shows 1 instance of 'Dafortuna'. It is contested that 'da Fortuna' is the true underlying form. |
18 Conchobar macMainchin Ó Laoidhigh (m) - New Name Sound is most important, and the submitter wishes an Irish/Gaelic name. Conchobhar is from OCM p57 'especially popular in the late middle ages.' Mainchín is a header in OCM p132, which says there are two saints of that name. Ó Laoidhigh is a header in Irish Names and Surnames by Patrick Woulfe, p582 'As early as the 15th century, a learned member of the family....' |
Or, a greyhound stantant azure collared sable within a bordure azure. Constance of Whitebirch was registered May 2003, via the East. |
(Fieldless) in pale a talon sustaining a hanging balance sable. Note that this badge was apparently returned by Trimaris for a redraw. The name is registered as Cynuise ó Cianáin of Bardsea in November 1991, via the East. |
Per fess azure and sable, a chevron between a decrescent and a compass star argent. Meaning is most important.. "Daughter of Valerius Fidelis Camerinus (or Greek byname meaning lane or road)". Any changes to the name are OK, but please keep 'Cyrene'. Cyrene is submitter's mundane middle name, and is also a Greek Nymph. Valeria is the feminine form of the Roman nomen Valerius, found in Bardas Xiphias's "Common Names of the Aristocracy in the Roman Empire During the 6th and 7th Centuries" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/byzantine/early_byz_names.html ). The submitter is sending a copy of her birth certificate to Eastern Crown to verify the mundane name allowance. |
Per bend sinister argent and Or, a quill pen bendwise vert distilling a goutte de sang. Sound is most important. Damaris is from The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names by E. G. Withycombe, p76, which cites it as a New Testament name used in 1597. MacRobb is from The Surnames of Scotland by George F. Black as a header form. All cited period forms have a single 'b'. However Black, under 'Robb', p695, cites a 'Jok Robb' dated to 1519, so the 'bb' form should be fine. |
Quarterly gules and argent, in bend two elephant heads contourny proper. [The elephant heads are a very light gray.] No major changes. Language/Culture is most important, and the submitter desires an authentic 15th century German name. David is from Etmologisches Wörterbuch der Deutschen Familiennamen by Josef Karlmann Brechenmacher s.n. David(s) Davi(d)t. 1275 David Miles. Ludwig from same, s.n. Ludwig. Most of the given forms are Latin: 1270 Conr. Ludewici. 1294 Henr. Lodewici. 1298 Hannemannus Ludewici. |
Par pale and per chevron inverted vert and azure, an oak tree eradicated between three mullets of four points argent. No major changes. Language/culture is most important, and the submitter desires an authentic mid 15th century English/Scots name. Edward is in The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names by E. G. Withycombe s.n. Edward. Edward was on the throne until 1377, since then it has been in regular use as a Christian name with very little fluctuation. Grey is in The Surnames of Scotland by George F. Black, s.n. Gray, Henry Grey 1296, surname is now common all over Scotland. Lochleven - Place-Names of Scotland by James B Johnston, sn. Leven gives Lochlewyn 1145, Lohuleuene 1156, and later shows 1238 Levyne, 1370 Lewyne. Client prefers the more modern spelling to go with the mid 15th century English/Scottish. [Yes, we know it's going to bounce for the field. The submitter wants a formal letter. We need to figure out which name this is a resub of!] |
Argent, a seven armed candelabra sable. Edwin from The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names by E. G. Withycombe p95, header Edward. First Christian king of Northumberland (585-633). the Unwyse from A Dictionary of English Surnames, Revised Edition by P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson p 462 s.n. Unready. ex: John Unwyse dictus Kypard 1317 AssK 'unwise' |
26 Eirikr ístrumagi Bjarnarson - New Name No major changes. All names from The Old Norse Name by Geirr Bassi Haraldsson. Eirikr a given name p9. ístrumagi a nickname, 'punch-belly/fat-gut' p23. Bjarnarson - p7, 'son of a man named Bear' |
Per saltire Or and vert, between for hummingbirds addorsed volant facing to sinister a saltire counterchanged. Sound most important, the masculine form of the surname is preferred. Eleanor from The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names by E. G. Withycombe s.n. Eleanor says 'from the 12th to the 15th century, the name usually appears as Alienor, Eleanor, Elianor', and dates the (probably Latinized) form 'Eleanora' to 1205 and 1207. Lebrun is in Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille et des Prénoms de France by Albert Dauzat , s.n. Brun, undated but marked 'common'. |
(Fieldless) On an eight-petaled flower vert, a hummingbird volant wings addorsed facing to sinister Or.
29 Eoghan Bastard mac Lachlainn (m) - New Name No major changes. Meaning most important. Eoghan from OCM p87 s.n. Eógan, Eoghan, Eoan. Late period form is desired. Bastard from The Surnames of Scotland by George F. Black p60 s.n. Bastard: Robert Bastard 1086. Also A Dictionary of English Surnames, Revised Edition by P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson s.n. Bastard: William le Bastard 1201. mac is 'son'. Lachlainn from Irish Names and Surnames by Patrick Woulfe p386 s.n. MacLaclainn. |
Argent, on a pale endorsed between in chief two mullets of four points elongated to base sable in pale a mullet of four points elongated to base and a rapier inverted argent. Sound is most important. Eric from The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names by E. G. Withycombe s.n. Eric, in the Domesday Book. DGN s.n. Erich, Erich v. Segen, 1293, v. Koppelon 1320. Quik from A Dictionary of English Surnames, Revised Edition by P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson s.n. Quick, William Quik 1282. Also Bahlow-Gentry s.n. Quick dated as Middle High German. |
31 Estelneki Zwzanna (f) - New Name No major changes. Submitter desires 16thC Hungarian language/culture. Esztelneki is from Régi Magyar családnevek szótára. XIV-XVII. század by Kázmér Miklós p337, s.s.n. dated to 1632. Zsuszana is from Walraven van Nijmege's "Hungarian Feminine Names" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/magfem2.html ), #17 on the top 21 names from the 16th century. This spelling is dated to 1550. |
Per pale argent and sable, two rats combattant counterchanged. The name Étaín ingen uí Chommáin was registered May 2004, via the East. |
33 Eularia Trewe (f) - New Name No major changes. Eularia is from A Dictionary of English Surnames, Revised Edition by P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson p232 s.n. Hillary, gives the following dated examples: Eularia de Hulle (1200), Eularia Trussebut (1200). It also gives the masculine Eularius de Syre (1214). Trewe is from same, p455 s.n. "True", cites 'William Trewe' (1301), Henry le trewe (1327). A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames by Charles Wareing Bardsley p767 s.n. True gives Henry Trewe (1273) |
Argent, a blacksmiths tongs sable, on a chief embattled azure, three loaves of bread Or. Submitter desires sound 'Fehr-gus Goh-va'. Fergus from Irish Names by Donnchadh ÓCorraín & Fidelma Maguire p97 s.n. Fergus, which says this is an extremely common name in early period. Gova is from The Surnames of Scotland by George F. Black, p322 s.n. Gove and Gow. It cites a 'Colin Gove' (1278) and several 'Gow' spellings in the 1580's. |
Quarterly azure and Or, in bend two boars rampant reguardant gules. Submitter desires authenticity for a 15th-century English-language name for someone living in Ireland. Fergus from Irish Names by Donnchadh ÓCorraín & Fidelma Maguire p97-98. 'Extremely common in early period. Mentioned in the Tain and Finn ballads. Current right up to the 19th C. McCann from The Surnames of Ireland by Edward MacLysaght p36 s.n.MacCann: 'A leading sept in (undecipherable)', undated. Irish Names and Surnames by Patrick Woulfe p326 s.n. MacCanna. The submitter claims that the name appears in his own family as far back as the 16th C. |
Per saltire gules and argent, a cross potent counterchanged within a bordure Or. This name was registered in June of 2004, via the East. |
Azure, two batons in saltire between four crosses crosslet argent. This name was registered in June of 2004, via the East. |
38 Fiametta Zingaretti (f) - New Name Submitter desires authenticity for Sicilian language/culture, but please make only minor changes for authenticity. Any changes allowed for registration. Rhian Lyth of Blackmoor Vale's "Italian Renaissance Women's Names" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/italian.html ) dates Fiametta to 14-15th. C Florence. Dizionario dei nomi italiani by Emidio de Felice p168 s.n. Fiamma shows Fiametta as an alternate form. Dizionario dei cognomi italiani by Emidio de Felice p271-2 s.n. Zingari gives Zingaretti as an alternate form found sporadically around Italy, mostly around Puglia and around Salento. It dates an Albertiuns Çingarellus to around 1262 as derived from Zingaro. |
Argent, on a bend sinister gules between an escallop vert and a thistle proper a horse's head Or. No major changes. Submitter cares most about the sound, and will not allow any changes to the surname at all. Colm Dubh's "An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/paris.html ) lists a 'Franqueite la chardonnière'. du Grandchamp is grandfathered: The submitter is the offspring of Stephen du Grandchamp (7/84) and Ellen du Grandchamp (4/9?). |
Azure, a rabbit sejant erect reguardant and in chief a needle argent. No major changes. Submitter desires a name from 12th century or earlier Greenland, and sound is most important. All documentation is from The Old Norse Name by Geirr Bassi Haraldsson Freygerðr is on p9. in stórráða is on p28 (p19 says it's feminine). Halli is on p11, patronymic formed in the genitive according to the rules on p17. |
Azure, a pale between six garbs argent. If any element needs to be dropped, the submitter would prefer to lose the locative first. Sound is most important Franz is in Mittelhochdeutsches Namenbuch by Adolf Socin, p140 lists a 'dominus Franz civis Zovingensis 1270'. Gottfried is a surname, under its own header in both [DNL] and Etmologisches Wörterbuch der Deutschen Familiennamen by Josef Karlmann Brechenmacher, but is undated as a surname. Bahlow cites a crusader, 'Gottfried of Bouillon', and 'Gottfried of Strassburg', MHN epic writer' (that's what the form says, I have no clue). 'von der' is 'of the'. Pfalz is in Etmologisches Wörterbuch der Deutschen Familiennamen by Josef Karlmann Brechenmacher p120 s.n. 'Pfalzer', which says 'einer aus der ''Jungen Pfalz'' (Pfalz = Neuberg in bayr. Schw.).', which the form claims 1. shows that people were named from a place named 'Pfalz' and 2. that Pfalz is feminine, so 'von der' is the correct form. |
Sable, a mountain cat's head couped and in chief an annulet indented counter-indented between two garbs Or. The name was registered in November 2003, via the East. [ The annulet, by the way, is not indented, it is engrailed ] |
Azure, a crane in its vigilance argent and a base argent masoned azure.. No major changes. The sound 'Gen-e-viere' is most important to the submitter. 'Geneviere' is in Colm Dubh's "An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/paris.html ), which has a Geneviére la Flamenge. The client wishes the Anglicized version. 'Genevieve' is in The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names by E. G. Withycombe p127, which lists a St. Geneviève born in 422. There are no other dates given. 'Cranwell' is from A Dictionary of English Surnames, Revised Edition by P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson p115, cites a 'John Cranwell 1442' |
Azure, a fox courant, in base a rose argent seeded Or, on a chief argent three martlets sable. No major changes. Submitter desires meaning 'Gillian de Whitmere'. 'Gillian' is from A Dictionary of English Surnames, Revised Edition by P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson p 191, cites 'Giliane c. 1198'. 'de Whittemere' also from R&W, p 487, s.n. 'Whitemore', cites a 'Gilbert de Whitemere 1275' |
Per bend embowed counter-embowed azure and argent, two bear's paws couped counterchanged. The name was registered in April 2003. |
Purpure, a dragonfly and two chevronels braced argent. Sound is most important. Gisela is the name of Hungary's first queen. Used originally by everyday people. Fehértóo Katalin's Arpád-koriszemély-Néutár p39 s.n. Gisela lists a 'Kesula filia Pangracii'. 'Szabo' is an occupational byname, meaning 'tailor', from [KAZMER] p955 s.n. Szabó, this spelling dated to the mid-16th C and others to as early as 1349. |
Gules, a flame within a bordure Or. The name was registered October 2004, via the East. |
Azure, three plates in chief within a bordure argent. The name was registered December 1995, via the East. |
49 Gülüg-jab Tangghudai - Resub Household Name No changes. Form reads: 'The name is Mongolian for 'Silver Horde'. The name was previously returned by the CoA; the submitter has presented an article he wrote for the 2004 KWHSS Proceedings. This article is located online at http://silverhorde.viahistoria.com/research/ResearchingMongolianNames.html . The EK CoH and CoA are encouraged by Laurel to peruse this article for discussion in both internal and external commentary. The name was registered August 1998, via the East [I am unable to reach this article, but the submitter has provided copies] |
Per pale azure and sable, a bend between an increscent and a decrescent argent. No changes. Heinrich - stated to be the most widespread and popular Christian name in Germany on p229 of Dictionary of German Names by Hans Bahlow (translated by Edda Gentry). von Eisleben is a locative from Etmologisches Wörterbuch der Deutschen Familiennamen by Josef Karlmann Brechenmacher, s.n.n. which has 1573 von Islebius aus Vacha. |
Argent, a tree proper and on a chief vert an arrow argent. No major changes. Iulianiia is from Predslava Vydrina's "Russian Personal Names: Name Frequency in the Novgorod Birch-Bark Letters" ( http://s-gabriel.org/names/predslava/bbl/ ) dated to the 12th century. Trieska from A Dictionary of Period Russian Names by Paul Wickenden of Thanet s.n. Triska, submitted spelling dated to 1497. |
Sable, on a bend purpure fimbriated, a wingless dragon passant reguardant contourny argent. No major changes. Submitter desires authenticity for mid 15th C Dutch. The client originally got the names from sources at Indiana U. of PA. These are Pennsic sources: Jacobus is from Aryanhwy's 'Dutch names 1358-1361', which lists both 'Jacob' and 'Jacop'. Form claims that 'Jacobus' is the standard Latin form. Jager is from 'Flemish Bynames from 1400-1600' ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/docs/bruges/ , 'der Jaeghere' 1400-1550'. Draak is from Dictionary of German Names by Hans Bahlow (translated by Edda Gentry) p85 s.n. Draa(c)k. which cites a J. van deme Drachin 1363, C. Draache 1357, and notes the forms with a k (not a ch) as Low German |
53 Jaquelinne la Coustiere (f) - New Name Submitter cares most about having a 13th century French name. Jaquelinne is from Colm Dubh's "An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/paris.html ) Coustiere is from Colm Dubh's "An Index to the Occupational By-Names in the 1292 Census of Paris" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/parisbynames.html ) It means 'feather bed/cushion/mattress maker.' |
Ælfwyn æt Gyrwum; "Anglo-Saxon Names"; ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/aelfwyn/bede.html ).
Bahlow, Hans; Dictionary of German Names, translated by Edda Gentry; University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 1993.
Baras-aghur Naran; "Documentation and Construction of Period Mongolian Names"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/mongol.html ).
Bardas Xiphias; "Common Names of the Aristocracy in the Roman Empire During the 6th and 7th Centuries"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/byzantine/early_byz_names.html ).
Bardsley, Charles Wareing; A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames; Heraldry Today, Wiltshire, England, 1988.
Black, George F; The Surnames of Scotland; New York Public Library, New York, 1946.
Brechenmacher, Josef Karlmann; Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Deutschen Familiennamen; Limburg ad Lahn, California Starke-Verlag, 1957-60.
Colm Dubh; "An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/paris.html ).
Colm Dubh; "An Index to the Occupational By-Names in the 1292 Census of Paris"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/parisbynames.html ).
Dauzat, Albert; Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille et des Prénoms de France; Larousse, Paris, 1987.
de Felice, Emidio; Dizionario dei cognomi italiani; Arnoldo Mondadori, Milan, 1978.
de Felice, Emidio; Dizionario dei nomi italiani; Arnoldo Mondadori, Milan, 1986.
Ekwall, Eilert; The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names, Fourth Edition; Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1989.
Geirr Bassi Haraldsson; The Old Norse Name; Private Press - Professor G. Fleck, Olney, Maryland, 1977.
Johnston, James B.; Place-Names of Scotland; John Murray, London, 1934.
Kázmér Miklós; Régi magyar családnevek szótára. XIV-XVII. század; magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság, Budapest, Hungary, 1993.
MacLysaght, Edward; The Surnames of Ireland; Irish Academic Press, Dublin, 1980.
Morlet, Marie-Thérèse; Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille.
ÓCorraín, Donnchadh & Fidelma Maguire; Irish Names; The Lilliput Press, Dublin, 1990.
Paul Wickenden of Thanet; A Dictionary of Period Russian Names; Free Trumpet Press West, Normal, Ilinois, 2000.
Predslava Vydrina; "Russian Personal Names: Name Frequency in the Novgorod Birch-Bark Letters"; ( http://s-gabriel.org/names/predslava/bbl/ ).
Reaney, P.H. & R.M. Wilson; A Dictionary of English Surnames, Revised Edition; Routledge & Kegan Paul, New York, 1991.
Rhian Lyth of Blackmoor Vale; "Italian Renaissance Women's Names"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/italian.html ).
Socin, Adolf; Mittelhochdeutsches Namenbuch; Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, Hildesheim, 1966.
Talan Gwynek; "15th Century German Women's Names"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/germ15f.html ).
Talan Gwynek; "Medieval German Given Names from Silesia"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/bahlow_v.htm ).
Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn; "The First Thousand Years of British Names"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/british1000/british1000.html ).
Walraven van Nijmege; "Hungarian Feminine Names"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/magfem2.html ).
Withycombe, E.G.; The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names, multiple editions.
Woulfe, Patrick; Irish Names and Surnames; Irish Genealogical Foundation, Box 7575, Kansas City, Missourri 64116.