Kolosvari Arpadne Julia

Tuesday, June 13th, 2006

Unto the East Kingdom College of Heralds and all others who do receive this letter, greetings from Kolosvari Arpadne Julia, Eastern Crown Herald!

This is the Letter of Decision for the East Kingdom Internal Letter of Intent dated April 24th, 2006. It contains submissions received before April 1st, 2006 and has 20 numbered items from the April ILoI, plus one item from the March ILoI.

Commentary was received from: Fairfax, Aryanhwy Albion, Lyle H. Gray, knute, Ailis, toodles Margaret, Gwenllian Bright Leaf, the Sisterhood of Saint Walburga (being Alys Mackyntoich, Sinking Tower Pursuivant; Brunissende Dragonette de Broceliande, Ivy Pursuivant; Katryne Blak; Marion del Okes; Elysabeth Underhill; Mercedes de Califia; Brita Mairi Svensdottir; and Lilia de Vaux), Istvan, and Tibor. Many, many thanks to all the commenters, without whom I could not do this job.

As usual, the text of the ILoI is quoted in boldface, and my comments follow in normal type.

1 Alys Mackyntoich - New Household Name forwarded & New Badge forwarded
Submitted Name: Sisterhood of Saint Walburga

(Fieldless) A standing seraph gules maintaining a cup and standing atop an open book Or.

This badge is to be co-owned by Alys Mackyntoich (name registered in Feb. 2005 via the East) and Brunissende Dragonette de Brocéliande (name registered in Sep. 2004 via the East). Sisterhood: the The Oxford English Dictionary lists 'sisterhood' as a collective noun meaning either: "2a. A society of sisters; esp. a society of women who have taken certain vows and live together under conventional rule, or who are otherwise devoted to religious life, or to charitable work as a vocation" (dated in this usage to 1592 in the works of both Marlowe and Shakespeare), or "2b. Used loosely to denote a number of women having some common aim, characteristic, or calling. Often in a bad sense." (This meaning is dated to 1609.) 'Sisterhood' therefore should be considered a valid household designator. Saint Walburga was an English-born abbess (b. 710 -d. 779). She was canonized by Pope Adrian II (c. 792-872). She is the patron saint against coughs, famine, plague, storms, dog bites, mad dogs, hydrophobia, and rabies; of Antwerp and Oudenarde, Belgium; Groningen and Zutphen, Holland, and the diocese of Plymouth, England; and of harvests, boatmen, mariners, sailors, and watermen. (This and other information on St. Walburga is found in the Patron Saints Index at http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/saintw02.htm, and under "Walburga, Saint" in the Encyclopedia Britannica Online at http://www.britannica.com/.)

There was considerable argument in commentary whether this badge is blazonable or reproducible from blazon. However, I feel that "standing atop" perfectly describes the basic relationship between the seraph and the book, so I have not changed the blazon (beyond fixing the capitalization). Also, one commenter called a conflict with Seraphina Aglaia (Oct. 1990 Middle): (Fieldless) A seraph gules, counting only one CD for fieldlessness because he interpreted the book as a maintained charge, and hence not significant enough to be worth a difference. Most other commenters disagreed, saying that the book is much too large to be considered maintained. It could perhaps be drawn bigger, to make it clearly co-primary with the seraph. The current size relationship is appropriate to a secondary charge, but because secondary charges are normally separate from the primary, there is some question about their appropriateness for fieldless badges. Per the submitter's request, this is being forwarded for clear instructions from Wreath.

2 Anna la Claire (f) - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Per bend azure and sable, in bend three decrescents argent.

Anna appears in Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn's "Given Names from Brittany, 1384-1600" (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/latebreton.html), dated to 1519 and 1531. Anna also appears in A Dictionary of English Surnames, Revised Edition by P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson s.nn. Punnett (1199), Strangeway (1501), Debdale (1511), Brennan (1512), and Semple (1515, 1524). It also appears in Julian Goodwyn's "English Names found in Brass Enscriptions" (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/brasses/), dated to 1480. la Claire or le Claire: Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille et des Prénoms de France by Albert Dauzat at p. 377 gives the header forms 'Leclair' and 'Leclere', without dates. Dauzat hypothesizes the sources of these names as 'le clair' and 'la claire' respectively. See also p. 133 s.n. Clair, which has 'Claire' as an occupational surname. In addition, A Dictionary of English Surnames, Revised Edition by P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson s.n. Claire, at p. 98 lists Richard Clare 1317, Simon le Clayere 1279, and Richard le Cleyere 1305.

Marie-Therese Morlet: Dictionnaire Etymologique des Noms de Famille p. 606 s.n. Laclaire gives several possible derivations for this name, including a matronymic, or a locative indicating origin from Claire (Seine-Maritime), but apparently gives no dates.

3 Brocciardus di Monte (m) - New Name forwarded

He requests authenticity for 15th century Milan. "Documentation" consists of two URLs: http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/pisa/pisa.html, and http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/tratte/doc/name1.html.

Brocciardus appears once in Juliana de Luna's "Masculine Names from Thirteenth Century Pisa" (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/pisa/pisa.html). The names in this article were recorded in Latin. The author gives probable vernacular forms for common names, but with only one instance, Brocciardus is hardly common. It does use the common Latin masculine ending '-us', however, so my guess at a vernacular form is Brocciardo. As far as I am aware, by the 15th century, most records in Italy were not written in Latin, so a vernacular name is probably more authentic than a Latinized one. Absent actual documentation for this speculation, however, I'm unwilling to make this change.

The cited URL for the byname is the list of given names from the "Online Tratte of Office Holders 1282-1532" (Florentine Renaissance Resources: David Herlihy, R. Burr Litchfield, & Anthony Molho, eds.; http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/tratte/doc/name1.html), which indeed lists Monte as a masculine name, with 52 occurrences. Based on the information on naming patterns found in Aryanhwy's "Names from Arezzo, Italy, 1386-1528" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/italian/arezzo.html), the appropriate form for a patronymic based on this name is di Monte; based on the Pisa article (cited above for the given name), a possessive form like Monti is also possible. The list of surnames from the Tratte (http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/tratte/doc/SURNAM1.html) lists three instances of del Monte, and over a hundred of Monti, but nothing like the submitted da Monte. (The article records patronymics separately from surnames, and the particle used with the patronymics is not recorded in the database.) Judging by the choice of citation for the byname, the submitter desires a patronymic; because it's the smallest change, the byname has been changed from da Monte to di Monte to better match the available documentation.

4 Brunissende Dragonette de Brocéliande (f) - New Alternate Name forwarded
Submitted Name: Chrestienne la pescheresse

No changes. Her primary name was registered in Sep. 2004 via the East. This name follows the pattern given name + article + occupational byname seen countless times in the 1292 Paris census. Chrestienne la crespinière is found in Colm Dubh's "An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris" (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/paris.html), and pescheresse is from Colm Dubh's "An Index to the Occupational By-Names in the 1292 Census of Paris" (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/parisbynames.html) as the feminine form of an occupational byname meaning "Fisher".

5 Clement von Eicke (m) - New Name Change forwarded & New Device Change forwarded
Current name: James of Falworth

Argent, a chevron engrailed between three ravens sable.

His previous name, James of Falworth, and device, Per chevron Or, mulletty of six points azure, and sable, in base a sea lion erect Or, all within a bordure engrailed counterchanged sable and Or, were registered in Jan. 1987 via the East. If this submission is registered, his previous device is to be released. Clement: Guntram von Wolkenstein's "German Names from Kosice, 1307 - 1505" (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/kosice.htm) dates Clement Gzypsser 1485, and Talan Gwynek's "Medieval German Given Names from Silesia" (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/bahlow_v.htm) dates Clement to 1350, 1384, 1394, and 1397. Eicke is found in Deutsches Adels-Lexicon by Ernst Heinrich Kneschke (Leipzig, 1861), vol. 3 p. 62 s.n. Eicke. The entry begins with a blazon (Argent, a water chicken standing in reeds on the water vert, holding a fish in its beak). The family is described as "old", 14th century, with one Betzkone (Peczko) Eicke receiving the device around 1342.

The supplied documentation supports the surname Eicke, not von Eicke. In period German, "von" was used with specific place-names to indicate origin from that place (or descent from such a person); the practice of adding "von" to all and sundry surnames to indicate noble lineage is well post-period. However, Bahlow/Gentry p. 97 s.n. Eicke says that this surname may derive from a variant of Eiche 'oak', and s.n. Eich (same page), he has the dated example Cunrad zur Eiche 1298. This name uses the definite article, indicating a generic locative (for a dwelling near an oak tree, or a house name), but the entry mentions that in some cases, this surname may derive from place-names like Eich or Eichen, in which cases the preposition "von" would be appropriate. Under Eick, Bahlow mentions a place called Eyck on the Maas river, the birthplace of the famous 15c. Dutch painters, the brothers van Eyck. Under this same header, he also mentions a place called Eicken near Melle, and says the family name von Eicken derives from it, but gives no dates. Based on these Dutch and German placenames, a place called "Eicke" seems plausibly period (and may in fact have existed), making the submitted "von Eicke" a reasonable possibility.

6 Cristina D'Este (f) - New Name forwarded

She requests authenticity for 15th c. Venice. "Documentation" consists of two URLs: http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/italian.html, and http://www.s-gabriel.org/arval/venice14/venice14sur.html.

The first cited URL is for Rhian Lyth of Blackmoor Vale's "Italian Women's Names," which lists Cristina as a 14-15c. Florentine name. The second cited URL is no longer accurate; the correct cite is Arval Benicoeur and Talan Gwynek, "Fourteenth Century Venetian Personal Names" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/venice14/). The surname section of this article lists D'Este as "the name of an important Venetian family." Cristina is listed in the given names section of the same article, so this is a fine Venetian name.

7 Cristoforo da Fubine (m) - New Name forwarded

If his name must be changed, he cares most about an unspecified meaning and language/culture. The documentation is not summarized, and consists of printouts of "Milanese Notaries 1396-1635" by Maridonna Benvenuti (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/maridonna/milaneseNotaries/) and an Italian webpage titled "Fubine" at http://www.ilmonferrato.info/cs/fubine/fubine1.htm. An English "translation" is included from http://ets.freetranslation.com.

The cited "Milanese Notaries 1396-1635" lists one instance of Cristoforo as a masculine given name. The name is also found in "Fourteenth Century Venetian Personal Names" by Arval Benicoeur and Talan Gwynek (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/venice14/).

Fubine is the modern name of a town in northern Italy, in the province of Alessandria, which is part of the region of Piedmont. Commenters noted the existence of multiple websites that suggest (through less than fully-reliable automated translations) that Fubine existed and was known by that name in the Middle Ages, but these sites are not in English, and none of the commenters can read Italian. This name is therefore forwarded in the hope that the College can turn up better documentation.

8 Elena Rueda viuda de Lochcarron (f) - New Name Change returned & New Device forwarded
Current name: Elene of Lochcarron

Or, two crows displayed respectant sable and a salmon haurient gules.

No major changes. Her primary name was registered in Aug. 1997 via the East. Elena: a Spanish variant of 'Helen' found on p. 177-8 of Nombres Propios Españoles by Francisca Arana de Love (Editoriel Vosgos, Barcelona, 1982). Also in Juliana de Luna's "Spanish Names from the Late 15th Century" (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/isabella/index.html). If 'Elena Rueda' is a problem, it could be changed to 'Elena de Rueda', since Rueda is a town northwest of Madrid in Castilla-y-León between Salamanca and Valladolid (see attached map). Also in above website. viuda de lochcarron: 'widow of Lochcarron' - 'connexion convention' after Council of Trent (1545-1563) -- see p. 29 & 33, Spanish Personal Names by Charles F. Gosnell (Blaine Ethridge Books, Detroit, 1971). The submission form goes on to say: "Lochcarron documentation was provided with original submission of Elene of Lochcarron, which was passed by the East, August 1997. With regard to 'mixing' cultures, there were many 'mixed marriages' between different countries. e.g. Henry VIII and Katherine d'Aragaon, and Elena happened to marry a Scotsman."

The 1510 census of Valencia (found online at http://cens1510.galeon.com/) has one instance each of Elena (under "València. Sant Marté") and de Rueda (under "sombrerers de València"), along with many examples of women identified as la viuda. Among these widows, a common formula (with over a dozen examples) appears to be la viuda na X, where X seems (to my non–Spanish-speaking eyes) to be a feminized variant of the husband's surname: Abrila, Bensana, Caselles, Català, Cervellona, Ferrera, Granada, Guiliça, Gurrea, Lope, Lopiça, Masa, Passavant, Pastora, Plana, Ramos, Rogera, Rosa, Roïza, Tallada, Vinadera. Thus, something like Elena de Rueda, la viuda [Spanish for "of the Scot"] seems vaguely plausible. The simpler Elena de Rueda is definitely a fine Spanish name.

Extending the "viuda" pattern to the name of a loch in Scotland seems rather far-fetched. In period, a Spanish-Scottish marriage is highly unlikely for any but the highest nobility, preferably royalty. (How would the principals come to even know about each other, let alone make all the necessary arrangements?) While no precedent addresses a Scots-Spanish combination, English plus Spanish has been ruled a "weirdness" (Andrew Quintero, 09/99 A-Atenveldt), that is, a step away from period practice, and the language of period lowland Scotland was essentially a dialect of the English of that time. Most importantly, however, combining Scottish Lochcarron with Spanish la viuda na violates RfS III.1.a: Linguistic Consistency, which requires that "each phrase must be grammatically correct according to the usage of a single language." Since the submitter does not allow major changes, and dropping an element or changing its language both constitute major changes, this name must be returned.

This device may -- and in some interpretations probably does -- conflict with the arms of Germany, the Holy Roman Empire, and Russia, which are all some version of Or, an eagle displayed sable (with minor variations, such as the number of heads or the presence of maintained objects, which do not count for difference). There is definitely one CD for changing the number of primary charges, but there definitely isn't one for the change in type of bird, because crows are not found displayed in period armory (01/00 CL). (There is also a "weirdness" for using displayed non-eagles, per the same precedent.) But is there a second CD for the fish? Per precedent, the bottom charge of a two-and-one arrangement counts as half the charge group (Letia Thistelthueyt, 12/01 A-Atlantia), and changes affecting at least half of a group normally count as a CD. However, as one commenter put it, "it'd be cheating to say 'Oh, I added two eagles, but then changed them to roses, so I've got one CD for number, and one for type.'" Under this interpretation, there is definitely conflict.

The July 2005 Cover Letter states two basic principles to be followed when counting difference: use the smallest possible number of steps to get from the registered to the submitted armory, and don't hypothesize any intermediate armory. However, these principles do not clear up this case. If we were comparing the submission to, say, "six eagles displayed," then the principles would be clear: there's one CD for number of charges, and one for changing half the charge group to fish. But it doesn't make sense to talk about "half the charge group" when there's only one charge (unless it's some weird avi-piscine monster, in which case we'd probably be clear by X.2...). The interpretation where we add two black birds and then change one to a red fish is clearly wrong: it hypothesizes an intermediate step of Or, three birds sable, violating the second principle of the Cover Letter. The smallest step that one can take between "one black bird" and "two black birds and a red fish" is "add a black bird and a red fish." But does the presence of the word "and" mean that this is really two steps (1. add a bird, 2. add a fish), and therefore two changes? I am forwarding this device in the hopes that Wreath can clear up this question.

Reblazoned from Or, in chief two crows displayed respectant sable and in base a salmon hauriant gules. Two-and-one is the default for three things, so "in chief" and "in base" are redundant.

9 Elysabeth Underhill (f) - New Name forwarded & New Device returned

Per chevron Or semy of cinquefoils vert and Or, a chevron vert and in base a mouse sejant erect sable.

Elysabeth is dated to 1524 in A Dictionary of English Surnames, Revised Edition by P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson s.n. Hugh; and also in Talan Gwynek's "Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames" (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/reaneyintro.html). Underhill is dated to 1520 in Julian Goodwyn's "English Names found in Brass Enscriptions" (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/brasses/).

Unfortunately, having a semy on only part of a plain field is disallowed by precedent (Bohémond le Sinistre, 01/01 R-Outlands), so this must be returned. Note that because the chevron and cinquefoils are both vert, the latter should be drawn without any overlap with the former, to avoid confusion. Also, a darker sable marker needs to be applied to the mouse, because grey is usually considered to be equivalent to argent for contrast purposes.

The issue brought up in the precedent may actually be resolved with a redraw and reblazon: Or, a chevron between in chief six cinquefoils and in base a mouse sejant erect sable. This design does not appear to have been conflict-checked in commentary, however.

10 Erec le Clair (m) - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Per saltire sable and vert, in pale an increscent argent and a sun in splendor Or.

If his name must be changed, he cares most about sound. Erec is from Erec et Enide by Chretien de Troyes (1135 - c.1185). Erec was the name of a person, specifically a knight in Arthur's court. "Current precedent is to accept the names of significant characters from period Arthurian literature as there is a pattern of such names being used in England and France in period." (Bedivere de Byron, 06/99, A-Atlantia). If this name is not found in Louis-Fernand Flutre, Table des Noms Propres avec Toutes Leurs Variantes Figurant dans les Romans du Moyen Age Ecrits en Francais ou en Provencal et Actuellement Publies ou Analyses (Poiters: Centre d'Etudes Superieures de Civilisation Medievale, 1962), please advise the submitting herald who will provide photocopies of pages from an edition of the works of Chretien de Troyes. le Claire: Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille et des Prénoms de France by Albert Dauzat at p. 377 gives the header forms 'Leclair' and 'Leclere', without dates. Dauzat hypothesizes the sources of these names as 'le clair' and 'la claire' respectively. See also p. 133 s.n. Clair, which shows 'Claire' as an occupational surname. In addition, A Dictionary of English Surnames, Revised Edition by P.H. Reaney & R.M. Wilson s.n. Clare, at p. 98 lists Richard Clare 1317, Simon le Clayere 1279, Richard le Cleyere 1305.

His byname has been changed from le Claire to correct the gender. Morlet's Dictionnaire Etymologique des Noms de Familes p. 606 s.n. Leclaire says this is a nickname meaning "the fair(-skinned)". Erec is a header in Flutre on p. 69; it and its variants are found in several medieval romances including, but not limited to, Erec et Enide by Chrestien de Troyes (c. 1135-1183).

11 Erlan skáld í Norðrlandi - New Household Name forwarded & New Household Badge returned
Submitted Name: Known World Choir

(Fieldless) A book argent charged with a musical score sable.

No major changes. Her name and device were registered in Dec. 2004 via the East. If the name must be changed, she cares most about the meaning. The documentation quotes from RfS II.B.3. 'Household Names', and mentions 'Middle Kingdom Archers' (02/00 R-Middle) and 'Company of Artificers of Marinus' (registered to Marinus, Barony of in Sep. 1996 via Atlantia). In this submission, 'Known World' is like 'Middle Kingdom' or 'Marinus', and 'Choir' is like 'Archers' or 'Company of Artificers'. After a description of what the choir is and where it performs, the documentation notes: "If the name is too generic to register by itself, then I would like it to be used as an identifier for the badge.".

I got very little commentary on this name, and what I did get seems completely contradictory (presumptuous vs. generic identifier). Therefore, I am quite frankly wimping out and forwarding this for Pelican to figure out.

Unfortunately, this badge conflicts with Yale University (Dec. 1994 via Laurel), Azure, an open book argent charged with Hebrew letters sable, with one CD for the field, but nothing for changing just the type of the tertiaries. If the music notes are considered "artistic license" (see Branwen filia Iohannis de Monmouth, 04/02 A-East), i.e. too minor to count as tertiaries, then this badge conflicts with Hugh Mann (Jan. 2002 via Atlantia), Per bend sinister gules and sable, an open book argent, with just one CD for fieldlessness. There is likely also a visual conflict (RfS X.5) with Aryanhwy merch Catmael (Aug. 2004 via Northshield), (Fieldless) An open book ermine, because the difference between the ermine spots and the musical notes is pretty small. (The badge has been reblazoned from (Fieldless) a music book proper, because a book doesn't really have a proper coloration: the binding and clasps could be pretty much any color.)

12 Griffyn Cleisiog ap Madoc - New Badge forwarded

(Fieldless) Three sharks naiant conjoined in annulo azure.

His name and device (Per chevron azure and sable, two polar bears combattant and a bordure argent) were registered in Dec. 1990 via the East.

The capitalization of "Three" has been corrected, and the word "conjoined" has been added to the blazon.

13 Hobbe Yonge - Resub Device forwarded

Purpure, a crow and on a chief raguly Or, three gouttes de larmes.

His name and previous device submission, Purpure, a pall vert fimbriated Or, appeared on the February 2006 ILoI. His name will be forwarded to Laurel, but his device was returned, for multiple conflicts; this is a complete redesign.

14 Isabel Paulo (f) - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Per chevron sable and vert, a wagon wheel Or and in chief three increscents argent.

If her name must be changed, she cares most about the meaning '14th century Portuguese meaning daughter of Paula (my father's surname)'. Isabel: Juliana de Luna's "Portuguese Names 1350-1450" (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/portuguese.htm) shows 'Isabell' as a documented name in Portugal between 1350 and 1450. The alternate spelling of 'Isabel' is documented for Castillian women, living in Portugal, in the same time period. This would make the spelling 'Isabel' appropriate for a merchant's daughter living along the border of Portugal and Castile. Paulo: the patronymic byname the submitter has chosen is based on her mundane family name, and, according to the same source cited above, conforms to patronymic naming practices in period.

Aryanhwy merch Catmael's "Portuguese Names from Lisbon, 1565" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/portuguese/masc1565.html) lists Paulo (5 instances) and Paullo (3 instances) as masculine given names, and Isabel (139 instances, tied with Maria at the top of the frequency list) as a feminine given name. This article also lists Paullo (one instance) as a patronymic surname. In addition, "Portuguese Names from the 16th Century Letters from the Court of King John III" by Juliana de Luna (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/juliana/portugal16/) lists both Isabel and Paullo. This is therefore a lovely 16th century Portuguese name, and is likely appropriate somewhat earlier, as well.

15 Johanna de Glastingburi (f) - New Name forwarded

If her name must be changed, she cares most about an unspecified meaning. The documentation is not summarized, and consists of printouts of Talan Gwynek's "Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames" (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/reaneyintro.html) s.n. Joan, S. Gabriel report 2764 (http://www.s-gabriel.org/2764), and email correspondence with a David Bromwich at the Somerset Studies Library (SomStud@somerset.gov.uk), quoting from Victor Watts, ed.: The Cambridge Dictionary of English Place-Names (Cambridge University Press, 2004).

Watts s.n. Glastonbury has Glastingburi dated to a 14th c. copy of a manuscript from 725. This same manuscript is also cited (with a date of 725) in A.D. Mills, Oxford Dictionary of English Place Names, p. 144 s.n. Glastonbury. Talan's "Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames" lists Johanna with dates ranging from 1189 to 1220. There is a gap of more than 300 years between documentation for the given name and the byname, but this discrepancy is considered only one step from period practice and therefore registerable.

16 Katryne Blak - New Badge returned

(Fieldless) an annulet Or, overall a fox passant gules.

Her name and device (Argent, a fox rampant reguardant contourny gules within a bordure per saltire sable and gules) were registered in May 2005 via the East.

This badge runs afoul of precedent prohibiting most uses of overall charges on fieldless badges (James Adare MacCarthaigh of Derrybawn, 01/93 R-An Tir). Also, the fox as drawn is barely overall, which has long been a reason for return in its own right (see for example Kisaiya Zingara 12/00 R-Atlantia). These design issues could be solved by placing the fox entirely within the annulet, but this option has not been conflict-checked.

(I kept thinking that that flamboyant tail looks familiar, and finally figured out why: the submitter's device change, Argent, a fox passant gules within a bordure per saltire sable and gules, was forwarded from last month's ILoI.)

Marion del Okes redraw17 Marion del Okes - New Badge forwarded after redraw

(Fieldless) A cup Or charged with three oak leaves bendwise sinister vert.

Her name and device (Or, a badger statant proper within an orle of oak leaves vert fructed proper) will be forwarded to Laurel from the Jan. 2006 ILoI. Another badge (Or, a semy of oak leaves bendwise vert) will be forwarded to Laurel from the Feb. 2006 ILoI.

Slightly reblazoned from (Fieldless) a cup Or charged with three oak leaves bendwise to sinister vert.. As they appeared on the ILoI, the leaves were neither bendwise nor palewise, but halfway in between, which is cause for return (Brighid Chaomhanach, 04/04 R-Northshield). They have therefore been tweaked a bit closer to the diagonal.

18 Pascual de la Mar - New Badge forwarded

Argent goutty de sang, a hand in benediction between two pallets sable.

His name was registered in Oct. 2004 via the East. His device resubmission, Per bend gules and azure, two hammerhead sharks naiant in annulo argent, was sent to Laurel on the February 2006 External Letter of Intent. (His original device submission, Per bend rayonny gules and azure, in bend sinister two hammerhead sharks naiant in annulo argent, appeared on the October 2003 ILoI and was returned in kingdom for violating the ban on inverted creatures.)

19 Syele von Heidelberg (f) - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Azure, a garb and on a chief argent, a griffin passant gules.

She requests authenticity for German language/culture. Syele is a 15th century German feminine name, found in Talan Gwynek's "15th Century German Women's Names" ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/germ15f.html ). von means 'of' or 'from'. Heidelberg is a German university town on the Neckar River, first referred to as Heidelberg in 1196 in a document in Schönen Monastery, according to http://www.cyb-heidelberg.de/e553/e885/index_eng.html.

The Encyclopedia Britannica On-Line's entry for Heidelberg (http://www.britannica.com/) confirms that this placename is "first mentioned in 1196"; the article also says that the university "was chartered by Pope Urban VI in 1386". Although an adjectival form of the locative (in this case something like Heidelbergerin) is probably more likely, the submitted byname is likely authentic though rare; it should definitely be registerable.

20 Symonne Lentaigne (f) - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Azure, a spiral hunting horn and a chief embattled argent.

If her name must be changed, she cares most about French language/culture. She requests authenticity for 15th century French language/culture. Symonne is a French feminine name found in "French Names from Paris 1423" by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/paris1423.html). Lentaigne: genealogical records of a Canadian branch of the Lentaigne family trace the family name to Michel Lentaigne, born in Normandy in 1589.

The correct URL for Aryanhwy's "French Names from Paris 1423" is http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/french/paris1423.html. Commenters were unable to find the exact spelling "Lentaigne", but they came pretty close: Morlet's Dictionnaire Etymologique des Noms de Familles has the (undated) header names Lantaigne p. 583 and Lenteigne p. 614. Both entries are Picard forms, and they're cross-referenced to the entry for Lantenne (p. 583). The latter is apparently a nickname for a miller derived from Latin antenna 'wing of a windmill'. (Even with a translation, I can't quite make sense of the full entry; in particular, I can't quite tell which is older, Lantenne or Lantaigne, and I also don't know what the parenthetical "Normandy" is doing in there. In any case, one of the names is a "var. anc.", that is, an "ancient variant", so between the header spelling with all 'e's and the multiple mentions of the spelling with all 'a's, it seems a reasonable possibility that the submitted spelling is appropriate, at least by later period, somewhere around Normandy or Picardy.)

21 Sabine de Kerbriant - Resub device forwarded

Azure, on a chief indented Or three pommes.

This was item 46 on the March ILoI. A precedent (William the Navigator, 04/88 R-Outlands) listed in a conflict table for lines of division indicated that no difference is granted between indented and wavy, causing a conflict with Myfanwy of Oakwell (Nov. 1986 West): Gyronny argent and azure, on a chief wavy Or three fountains. This device was therefore returned on the March LoD. However, subsequent discussion showed that the cited precedent was made under the old rules, and is most likely due to be overturned. The current standard for conflict is generally, "were they considered different in period?" Because wavy and indented appear to have been distinct types of partition line in period, I am overturning my previous decision, and forwarding this device to Laurel.


Bahlow, Hans; translated by Edda Gentry. Dictionary of German Names, 2nd ed. Max Kade Institute, Madison, Wisconsin, 2002.

Colm Dubh; "An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/paris.html ).

Colm Dubh; "An Index to the Occupational By-Names in the 1292 Census of Paris"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/parisbynames.html ).

Dauzat, Albert; Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille et des Prénoms de France; Larousse, Paris, 1987.

Louis-Fernand Flutre; Table des Noms Propres avec Toutes Leurs Variantes Figurant dans les Romans du Moyen Age Ecrits en Francais ou en Provencal et Actuellement Publies ou Analyses; Centre D'Etudes Superieures de Civilisation Medievale. Poitiers, France: 1962.

Guntram von Wolkenstein; "German Names from Kosice, 1307 - 1505"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/kosice.htm ).

Julian Goodwyn; "English Names found in Brass Enscriptions"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/brasses/ ).

Juliana de Luna; "Portuguese Names 1350-1450"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/portuguese.htm ).

Juliana de Luna; "Spanish Names from the Late 15th Century"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/isabella/index.html ).

Mills, A.D. A Dictionary of English Place-Names. Oxford University Press, Oxford: 1991.

Morlet, Marie-Therese; Dictionaire Etymologique des Noms de Famille; Perrin, 1991.

The Oxford English Dictionary.

Reaney, P.H. & R.M. Wilson; A Dictionary of English Surnames, Revised Edition; Routledge & Kegan Paul, New York, 1991.

Talan Gwynek; "15th Century German Women's Names"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/germ15f.html ).

Talan Gwynek; "Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/reaneyintro.html ).

Talan Gwynek; "Medieval German Given Names from Silesia"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/bahlow_v.htm ).

Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn; "Given Names from Brittany, 1384-1600"; ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/latebreton.html ).

Watts, Victor. The Cambridge Dictionary of English Place-Names. Cambridge University Press, 2004.