Kolosvari Arpadne Julia
Saturday, September 30th, 2006
Unto the East Kingdom College of Heralds and all others who do receive this letter, greetings from Kolosvari Arpadne Julia, Eastern Crown Herald!
This is the Letter of Decision for the East Kingdom Internal Letter of Intent dated August 11, 2006. It contains submissions received before Pennsic XXXV and has 13 numbered items.
Many, many thanks to all the commenters, without whom I could not do this job. This month, they included: Aryanhwy merch Catmael, knut, Brigit of Longwood, Fairfax Maunche, Marti Diademe, Istvan, Ailis Linne, Boden, Thomasine Roskrowe, Gwenllian Bright Leaf, Tibor, margaret toodles, the Sisterhood of Saint Walburga, Eve Chesterfeld, and Scolastica la souriete.
As usual, boldface text is quoted from the ILoI, and my discussion follows in normal type.
1 Cecily Carlyll (f) - New Name forwarded & New Device returned Argent, a winged natural panther couchant tail nowy sable wings addorsed and inverted argent, on a chief enarched sable three mullets of four greater and four lesser points argent. No major changes. If her name must be changed, she cares most about the sound. She desires an authentic 15th century English name. Cecily is found in Talan Gwynek's "Feminine Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames" (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/reaneyAG.html) under Cecilia, dated to 1246 (Gorrell), 1279 (Will), and 1523 (Hutchin). Carlyll is found in Julian Goodwyn's "Index of Names in Brass Enscriptions" (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/brasses/), dated to 1489 (from Bedfordshire). Cecily can also be found dated to 1428 in Julian's Brass Enscription Index (op. cit.), so this is an authentic 15th c. English name. The white wings have no contrast whatsoever on the white field, violating RfS VIII.2.b.i., so this device must be returned. Without the wings, there is a potential conflict with Emelye Stewart, Argent, a cat couchant guardant, on a bordure sable, three mullets argent (05/98 via the Middle). With the wings in any color (as opposed to metal), the design appears to be clear of conflict. (The tail would likely need to move, however, to retain its identifiability.) A heraldic panther is a maneless lion spouting flames from its mouth and ears, so this must be specified as a "natural panther." The default mullet in the SCA has five points, not four greater and four lesser points, as here. Also, although enarching the chief doesn't count for difference, it is customary to mention it. This has therefore been reblazoned from Argent, a panther couchant with nowed tail sable, with wings addorsed and inverted argent, on a chief sable three mullets argent. |
2 Ceilidh McBain (f) - New Name forwarded & New Device returned Or chaussé vair, a swan natant azure. No changes. Ceilidh is her mundane first name. "Early 16th Century Scottish Lowland Names" by Sharon L. Krossa (http://www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/lowland16/), in the section on surnames, lists a single instance of the surname Bain, dated to 1502. Black p. 457 s.n. MacBean gives M'Bane 1513 and mc behan 1539, among others. McBain has also been previously registered as the SCA surname of one parent, and forwarded to Laurel as the surname of her other parent and as the name of a household. Unfortunately, this device conflicts with Eadward Ames (Jan. 92 via Caid): Potent, on a pile Or a vulture contourny reguardant sable. For purposes of conflict, this submission can be considered equivalent to Vair, on a pile Or a swan naiant azure, which gives just one CD for multiple changes to the tertiaries. (Potent is a variant of vair, with 'T' shapes in place of bells; precedent says there's "no difference for vair vs. potent" [Aedhán Brecc, 03/93 R-Outlands].) Reblazoned from Vair, on a chaussé Or, a swan natent azure. Like chapé, chaussé is one of those "backwards" charges for tincture; this is Or chaussé vair, not the other way around. The more familiar term for "swimming" is naiant, but natant (note spelling) is a valid variant, according to Parker's Glossary (http://www.heraldsnet.org/saitou/parker/Jpglossn.htm). |
3 Cristofre de Hastings - Resub Device forwarded Per bend argent and sable, a Latin cross vert and a cat's head cabossed argent. His name was forwarded to Laurel on the Feb. 2006 XLoI, which was decided upon in June but the results have not yet been published. His previous device, Per bend argent and sable, a cross humetty sable and a cat's head cabossed argent, was returned on the Oct. 2005 LoD for conflict with Eadric the Wild (Feb. 1999 via Meridies): Per bend argent and sable, a cross formy and a pheon counterchanged; this device changes the tincture of the cross to clear that conflict. The return also noted some artistic issues with the cross humetty; this submission features a Latin cross instead. His name was registered on the June 2006 LoAR. (The spelling has been changed to match the registered form.) |
4 Deroch the Wine Trader (f) -New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded Per fess argent and sable, three mullets of four points gules, azure, and Or. No changes. Deroch is mentioned as the name of a (supposedly 9th century Breton) woman in a footnote on p. 76 of Small Worlds: The Village Community in Early Medieval Brittany by Wendy Davies (University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles). No documentation is provided for the byname. Academy of S. Gabriel report 869 (http://www.s-gabriel.org/869) identifies Deroch as a 9th-11th century Breton feminine name (citing De Courson, M. Aurélien; Cartulaire de L'Abbaye de Redon en Bretagne, Paris: Imprimerie Imperiale, 1963), and says "In these documents, women were usually identified either by relationship to a husband or father or by occupation." The byname "the Wine Trader" may be a plausible Lingua Anglica translation of such an occupation: Colm Dubh's "Occupational By-names in the 1292 Tax Role of Paris" (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/parisbynames.html) lists two instances of the feminine bufetiere, meaning "wine seller", as well as the masculine bynames courratier de vins "wine broker" and bufetier, vinetier "wine seller." The Anglo-French version of this latter (viniter, vineter, vinter) is found in R&W p. 468 s.nn. Vintner, Vintiner, glossed as "wine merchant," with several 12th century cites. Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary (Dorset & Baber, New York, 1983) defines 'trader' as "one who is engaged in trade or commerce; a merchant" (p. 1934, col. 2). The use of three different tinctures for the three mullets is considered a step from period practice, but registerable (Timur al-Badawi, 07/03 A-Artemisia). Although there isn't technically a conflict, this device is strongly evocative of the logo of the Pittsburgh Steelers football team (which can be seen at http://media3.steelers.com/). I feel thoroughly unqualified to judge whether this is a problem, so I'm sending it up. The blazon has been simplified from Per fess argent and sable, in chief two mullets of four points gules and azure in base a mullet of four points Or. |
5 Drueta de la Rosa - New Badge forwarded (Fieldless) A rooster rising argent, crested and wattled gules, beaked and taloned Or. Her name and device (Gules, three bendlets sinister ermine) were registered in Apr. 2006 via the East. Reblazoned from (Fieldless) A white rooster crowing wings elevated proper. Per the Apr. 2006 Cover Letter, "the default for rising is wings (elevated and) addorsed," so the wing details have been omitted. Ah, birds... The following possible conflicts depend on whether there is a CD between a rooster rising and a swan rousant, a crow rising, an egret rising (wings displayed), or an owl rising (wings displayed), respectively: Henry V of England (12/94 via Laurel), (Fieldless) A swan rousant wings addorsed argent ducally gorged and chained Or; Jehan de la Marche (01/73), Gules, a crow rising, pierced by an arrow, both argent; Widsith Devona of Exmoor (07/01 via Atenveldt), Per bend sinister sable and vert, a snowy egret rising wings displayed argent; and Mora de Buchanan (01/05 via Caid), Per chevron purpure and vert, an owl rising guardant wings displayed argent. The Jan. 2000 and Nov. 2003 Cover Letters have relevant discussions of bird posture and conflict, but the more I read, the more muddled I get, so I'm sending this up. |
6 Dubhghall Docair Mac Thamhais (m) - Resub Name forwarded & Resub Device forwarded Gules, on a chevron cotised argent three Latin crosses palewise gules and in sinister chief a two-headed wyvern displayed argent. No major changes. If his name must be changed, he cares most about the language/culture of Scotland. His previous name (Buchquannan Mac Thamhais of Cruach Mor) and device (Gules, in sinister chief a two-headed wyvern statant erect affronty, wings displayed, and in base on a chevron cotised argent three Latin crosses gules) were returned in kingdom from the February ILoI for lack of a given name and non-period style, respectively. This submission features a nearly completely changed name and ....um, see the device discussion, below. Dubhghall is apparently dated to 1467 as the name of a Scottish Gaelic scribe in Ireland at http://www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/gaelicgiven/men/dubhghall.shtml. Draghail is allegedly a Gaelic word meaning 'bothersome, troublesome or annoying'. Mac Thamhais is mentioned as the Gaelic antecedent to the header MacTavish in Black p.566. The entry dates Doncan M'Thamais to 1355, among others. There are actually four device resubs included, labeled 'Plan A' through 'Plan D'. The blazon and emblazon reproduced here are Plan A, which is basically his previous submission with the chevron moved up so it's no longer abased. Plan B is Gules, on a Bend Cotissed Argent three Latin Crosses Palewise of the first. In sinistre chief a Two-Headed Wyvern Statant Erect Affronty Wings Displayed of the second, Plan C is Gules, on the Dexter side three Latin Crosses of the first on a Pale Cotissed Argent. In the sinistre side a Two-Headed Wyvern Statant Erect Affronty Wings Displayed of the second, and Plan D is Per Bend Gules seme of Latin Crosses of the first. In sinistre chief a Two-headed Wyvern Statant Erect Affronty Wings Displayed of the second. (The last one translates to something like Per bend gules and argent seme of Latin crosses gules, a two-headed wyvern statant erect affronty, wings displayed, argent.) Scans provided on request... Dubhghall is the standard Early Modern Gaelic spelling of a name recorded as dubghall (where the 'h' is an editorial expansion of a scribal abbreviation) in 1467. It is found in "Scottish Gaelic Given Names: For Men: Names of Scottish Gaels from Scottish Gaelic Sources" by Sharon L. Krossa, URL as cited above. The originally submitted descriptive byname, Draghail, appears to be a specifically Scottish Gaelic word: commenters did not find it in various Irish dictionaries. The School Gaelic Dictionary by Malcolm MacFarlane (http://www.ceantar.org/Dicts/MF2/index.html) defines it as 'bothersome, troublesome, annoying', while the "Dictionary of Terms" at http://www.scotland.gov.uk/dictionary/gedt-16.asp#dr defines it as 'worried, worrying'. Based on a Google search, it's definitely a word used in modern Scottish Gaelic, but I have no idea whether it's a period word, let alone a period byname. Mari's "Index of Names in Irish Annals" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/AnnalsIndex/) mentions a different Irish Gaelic descriptive byname with the desired meaning: Docair, dated 1373 and 1387, defined as "[the] Grievous / Troublesome / Difficult (Mischievous)." Email correspondence with the submitter indicates that while he would prefer the submitted byname, he will accept the change to the documented Irish one. I have therefore changed the descriptive byname from Draghail to Docair to match the available documentation.
Putting the wyvern in dexter canton would be more usual, but "Plan A" doesn't appear to have any serious style problems or conflicts. I am therefore forwarding this device, and ignoring the other submitted options. Reblazoned from Gules, on a Chevron Cotissed Argent three Latin Crosses of the first. In sinistre chief a Two-Headed Wyvern Statant Erect Affronty Wings Displayed of the second. SCA blazon avoids Victorian-era convolutions like "of the first", and only capitalizes proper nouns, the first word in a blazon, and the tincture Or. The previous re-blazon and some of the current suggestions included more detail for the wyvern's posture (statant erect affronty wings displayed), but on second thought, I think a wyvern is bird-like enough that the simple displayed ought to cover it. After all, wyverns and birds have the same number of "ends": head, tail, two legs, and two wings. |
7 Gruffydd Abernethy (m) - New Name forwarded & New Device returned Vert, a bend purpure fimbriated argent between an eagle striking and a badger rampant to sinister maintaining an open scroll argent. No changes. R&W p. 206 s.n. Griffith dates Gruffyd ap Madog Vnyon to 1392. Black p. 3 says a Sir Alexander de Abernethy swore fealty in 1296, and mentions others by this name as appearing as vassals of the de Morevilles. 'Aber' means "river mouth" and is common in such Welsh placenames as Aberystwyth. Gruffydd is mentioned as the most typical Welsh spelling of this name toward the end of the period 1300-1600 in Academy of S. Gabriel report 2260 (http://www.s-gabriel.org/2260), citing Morgan & Morgan (no header name or page number given). Abernethy is a Scottish placename; the fact that "Aber-" is also a Welsh placename element appears to be entirely fortuitous. The combination of Welsh and Scots is considered one step away from period practice, but registerable (Anton Cwith, 08/01 A-Ansteorra). The blazon has been corrected from Vert, a bend purpure cotissed argent between an eagle striking and a badger rampant sinister holding an open scroll, argent. If commenters are correct in their interpretation of current precedent (Jun. 2004 Cover Letter: "From Wreath: Alternate Blazons and Conflicts"), this device conflicts with Gabrielle de Nevers (Sep. 2001 via Æthelmearc): Vert, on a bend gules fimbriated between two cats sejant guardant a rebec argent. The reasoning involves reblazoning the primary charge in both devices as on a bend argent, a bend [X], so that there's just one CD for the change in type of secondary charges, nothing for the tincture only of the tertiary bends, and nothing for the now-quaternary rebec. Although the conflict only exists under an unregisterable alternate blazon of the registered device, the cited precedent says that this doesn't matter: it'd only matter if the invalid blazon applied to the submitted armory. Therefore, I must reluctantly conclude that this is a conflict. I'm told there may be some basis for a challenge of this ruling, given that we never actually blazon fimbriated bends as "on a bend, a bend", but I don't want to mislead the submitter by forwarding a device that I'm fairly certain will be returned. Artist's notes: the bend should be centered on the corner, the fimbriation needs to be somewhat wider, and the critters could stand to be larger and less sketchy. |
8 Kenneric Aubrey (m) - New Name forwarded & New Device returned Azure, a chevron between two owls contourny and a key palewise wards to sinister chief argent. If his name must be changed, he cares most about the sound. Kenneric is found in the Merioneth Lay Subsidy Roll of 1292-3, according to Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn's "A Simple Guide to Constructing 13th Century Welsh Names" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/tangwystyl/welsh13.html). Bardsley p. 171 mentions a John Aubery as sheriff of Norwich in 1460, and R&W p. 19 s.n. Aubray dates Robert Aubrey to 1279. I made a typo in the Bardsley cite on the ILoI: the sheriff's name is Aubrey, not Aubery. Unfortunately, this device has multiple conflicts: Angela of the Stoney Oak Forest (Jun. 84 via the Middle), Azure, a chevron between two acorns and an oak leaf argent; Beorn Collenferth (Oct. 82 via Meridies), Azure, a chevron between a harp, an axe reversed and a sabre-toothed tiger statant argent; and Rannveigr Haakonardottir (Dec. 83 via the East), Azure, a chevron between two falcons close respectant and a drakkar's prow reversed argent. In each case, there is but one CD for the changes in type of secondary charges. On resubmission, the chevron should be drawn slightly wider. The blazon has been slightly simplified and clarified from Azure, a chevron between two owls close contourny and a key palewise sinister wards to chief argent. |
Argent, a fig leaf bendwise and a chief embattled vert. Lourenço is found in "Portuguese Names from Lisbon, 1565" by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/portuguese/lisbon1565.html) as a masculine given name. Coelho is found in "Portuguese Names from the 16th Century" by Juliana de Luna (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/portugal16.htm) as the surname of three different men in the compiled data. do Buraco is constructed as a toponymic byname meaning 'of the hole' (de + o = do 'of the', buraco 'hole'), based on the Oxford Portuguese Dictionary (Berkely Books, New York, 1998; p. 25), and on examples of toponymic bynames based on various land formations found in Aryanhwy's Lisbon article (op. cit.), such as do Prada 'of the field or meadow', da Rocha 'of the rock', do Rego 'from the trench, furrow, ridge of land', da Veiga 'from the large open plain or field', and Carreyro 'straightway, path'. This article mentions that a less common construction of men's names was the form given name + descriptive + locative. The device has been redrawn with an extra 'tooth' on the chief and a slightly bigger leaf. |
Argent, a hare courant sable and a chief embattled vert. This household name is based on names of ruling dynasties such as 'House of Anjou', using a constructed toponymic byname meaning "of the hole" in Portuguese. This definition, along with the word casa meaning "house", is found in the Oxford Portuguese Dictionary (Berkely Books, New York, 1998; pp. 25, 31). "Portuguese Names from Lisbon, 1565" by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/portuguese/lisbon1565.html), in the section on locative and toponymic surnames, shows a few examples of names based on land formations: do Prado 'of the field or meadow', da Rocha 'of the rock', do Rego 'from the trench, furrow', da Veiga 'from the large open plain, field'. Also, under Other Surnames, there is an entry for Carreyro 'straightway, path'. As submitted, the hare wasn't recognizable: one commenter thought at first that it was some sort of beast reguardant. It has been redrawn with the head forward and with more erect ears; the chief got some extra teeth while I was at it. |
Sable, on a tower argent a heart gules, in chief a pair of rapiers tips crossed in saltire proper. Withycombe (3rd ed.) p. 228 s.n. Nigel mentions Nygell and Nigelle dated to 1460; the submitted header spelling seems a not unreasonable variant. Westcastle is a header in R&W p.482; the dated cites are Alan dictus biwestcastel 1263-4 and Alan Biwestcastel 1274-5. The modern spelling of 'castle' can be found for example on p. 86 s.n. Castleford: Thomas Castleford 1375. R&W s.n. Neal has filius Nigelli 1086, 1221; Nigelli 1195; and Nicholaus Nigelle 1252; Aryanhwy's "Names in the 1319 Subsidy Roll of London" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/english/london1319.html) has the ablative form Nigello twice. These all have two 'l's, so the spelling has been changed from Nigel to Nigell in order to match the available documentation. The submitted b&w line drawing had a chief drawn in; this extra line has been removed. The word crossed has been added to the blazon in an attempt to clarify it, but there was some debate whether the rapiers are in a blazonable and reproducible position. They are also rather pixellated, decreasing their recognizability, but I feel they're basically identifiable. |
12 Saikhan Saran - New Name forwarded & New Device returned Vert, in pale a crescent Or and a fox passant argent, within a bordure dovetailed Or. No changes. The submitter doesn't care what gender the name is. It is meant to be Mongolian, meaning 'beautiful moon'. The Mongols by Catriona Mcpherson (Compleat Anachronist no. 54) states that the second element of most Mongol names is an epithet related to the first name or to personal characteristics or clan identification. Saikhan meaning 'beautiful, pretty' is found in "Mongolian Naming Practices" by Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy, in the section titled 'Epithets and Modifiers from Other Sources'. It is also found (used as a single-element masculine name) on a website titled "The Story of Shan Yu - The Blue Wolf of Mongolia" (http://dragonfly.cox.miami.edu/Tian/huns.html). The website mentions a date of 462. Saran meaning 'moon, month' is found in An Introduction to Classical (Literary) Mongolian by Kaare Gr{o|}nbech and John R. Krueger (2nd ed., Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden; 1955, 1976; ISBN 3 447 01661 2), p. 74. It is also found on a website of Mongolian etymologies (http://starling.rinet.ru/) under the protoform *sara (meaning 'moon'), as one of the Middle Mongolian forms of this word. One of the help pages says: "The databases presented here had been developed for several years by the Department of Comparative Linguistics and Ancient Languages of the Russian State University of the Humanities." This device conflicts with Morgan of Lorraine (Jul. 1990 via Caid): Vert, in pale a mullet of eight points Or and a sword proper, within a bordure dovetailed Or. Both devices have three types of charge directly on the field, which means that neither is simple enough for RfS X.2. to apply. Thus, the fact that the primary charges are completely different doesn't help: there is only the one CD for change of type of primaries. On resubmission, the bordure should be drawn with even width all around, with fewer, larger, equal-sized dovetails. |
13 Stephanus de Londres (m) - New Name forwarded & New Device pended Per fess azure and gules, in pale a demi-deer argent armored and ennobled Or and a dragon segreant Or. No major changes. If his name must be changed, he cares most about an unspecified language/culture, and the alliteration of Stephanus de Londres. He requests authenticity for an unspecified time period. Stephanus is found as a Latin variant of Stephen at http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/eng13/eng13m.html. For the surname, the 'documentation' says: de Londres means 'of London'. This name may be found in Morlet. The submitter's herald has been contacted re: permission to conflict from Sean de Londres (Per fess azure and gules, in pale a Pascal lamb, and a dragon segreant Or, Feb. 1985 via the East) and Suzanne Neuber de Londres (Per fess azure and gules, two chalices argent and a dragon segreant Or, Jan. 1993 via the East). R&W p. 426 s.n. Stephen lists Stephanus capellanus 1134-40. The locative byname de Londres is found in "An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris" by Colm Dubh (http://www.sca.og/heraldry/laurel/names/paris.html): Aalèz fame feu Jehan de Londres and Matelin de Londres, pastéer. There is some question whether the desired alliteration is actually present: In the modern French pronunciation of Londres, the 's' would be silent, and the written (Latinized) form Stephanus likely represents a spoken 'Stefan'. I mis-wrote the blazon for Sean de Londres: it should read Per fess azure and gules, in pale a Paschal lamb argent and a dragon segreant Or. Suzanne's armory doesn't conflict with this submission: there's one CD each for type and number of primary charges. Sean's armory, however, does conflict: there is only one CD for type of primaries. This device is pended awaiting the promised permission to conflict. |
Only sources cited in an abbreviated form are listed here; works that are cited in full in the text are omitted. Works in boldface are on the No-Photocopy List.
Bardsley, Charles Wareing; A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames; Heraldry Today, Wiltshire, England, 1988.
Black, George F; The Surnames of Scotland; New York Public Library, New York, 1946.
MacFarlane, Malcolm: The School Gaelic Dictionary. Eneas MacKay, Bookseller; Stirling, 1912. Electronic version by Caoimhín P. Ó Donnaíle and Ruth Melton at Sabhal Mór Ostaig, the Gaelic college on the Island of Skye. Html by John T. McCranie, SFSU.
Morgan, T.J. and Prys Morgan, Welsh Surnames; University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 1985.
Reaney, P.H. & R.M. Wilson; A Dictionary of English Surnames, Revised Edition; Routledge & Kegan Paul, New York, 1991.
Withycombe, E.G.; The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names, Third Edition; Oxford University Press, New York, 1977.