Kolosvari Arpadne Julia
Wednesday, August 1st, 2007
Unto the East Kingdom College of Heralds and all others who do receive this letter, greetings from Kolosvari Arpadne Julia, Eastern Crown Herald!
This is the Letter of Decisions for the Internal Letter of Intent dated June 15, 2007. It contains submissions received by June 13th, 2007 and has 14 numbered items from the ILoI, plus four items of other business tacked on at the end. As usual, the ILoI is quoted in boldface, and my comments follow in normal type.
Many thanks to the following commenters, without whom I could not do this job: knute; Alys Mackyntoich, Sinking Tower Pursuivant; Aryanhwy; Istvan; Ailis; Gawain of Miskbridge, Green Anchor Herald; and the Moline Heraldic Seminary (being Yosef Alaric, Moline Herald Extraordinary; and Aceline Barrett of Seven Oaks, Leviathan Pursuivant).
1 Antonio Patrasso (m) - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded Gules, on a sun Or a cat herissony contourny sable, all within a bordure engrailed Or. Antonio is one of the most common masculine names (with over 3600 instances) in "Italian Given Names from the Online Tratte of Office Holders 1282-1532" by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/italian/florence1282-1532.html). It is also among the most commonly occurring names in Aryanhwy's "Names from Arezzo, Italy, 1386-1528" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/italian/arezzo.html). Leonardo Patrasso was Bishop of Albano and a cardinal who attended the conclave of Pope Benedict XI in 1303 and Pope Clement V in 1304-05, according to "The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church" by Salvador Miranda (http://www.fiu.edu/~mirandas/cardinals.htm). This device should be clear of Seth the Seeker (Sep. 1984 Caid), Gules, on a compass star throughout Or a unicorn's head couped at the shoulders sable, armed and crined gules, with one CD for adding the bordure and another for the type and orientation of the tertiary charge. It is also clear of Constance of Purneos (May 1985 East), Gules, on a sun Or a crescent inverted sable, in base a chevron inverted Or: despite the wording of the current blazon, Constance's chevron is co-primary, which means there is a CD for number of primary charges and another for the bordure. |
2 Aurelia da Calabria - New Device forwarded Gules, on a bend cotised argent three trilliums palewise gules, slipped vert. Her name was registered in Nov. 1999, via the East. The orientation of the trilliums (palewise) has been added to the blazon. |
3 Bjorn of Endeweard (m) - New Name forwarded No major changes. If his name must be changed, he cares most about the spelling 'Bjorn'. Bjǫrn appears 44 times in the Landnamabok, according to both Geirr Bassi and "Viking Names found in the Landnamabok" by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/norse/landnamabok.html). Endeweard is an SCA branch name, registered in Jan. 1987 via the East. Precedent says: "While Old Norse names may be registered with or without accents, other diacritical marks cannot be omitted without documentation" (Disa blatǫnn, 08/2003 A-Caid). However, the registration of Bjorn Zenthffeer (Jan. 2007 A-Caid) says: "Lind, Norsk-Isländska Dopnamn ock Fingerade Namn fran Medeltiden, s.n. Bi{o,}rn, shows several examples of Biorn, one of which dates to 1334." The name should therefore be registerable as submitted. |
4 Culann mac Cianain - Resub Device forwarded Sable, a fess checky azure and argent between four boars passant contourny argent. His name was forwarded to Laurel on the March 2007 LoD (May xLoI). His previous device submission, Quarterly sable and chequy argent and azure, in bend sinister two boars passant contourny argent, was returned at the same time for violating RfS XI.3.b (marshalling). This submission fixes that problem with a fairly thorough rearrangement of elements. Slight spelling correction in the blazon: checky, not chequy. One commenter noted that it'd be better if the fess had three full rows of checks, rather than two and a half, but it's quite recognizable as drawn, so I think it should be registerable. |
5 Eva Woderose - Resub Device forwarded Gules, on a bend sinister between two wolves couchant argent, three roses proper. Her name was forwarded to Laurel from the April 2007 ILoI. Her device, Gules, on a bend between two wolves couchant argent, three roses proper, was returned at the same time for conflict with Nicola Angelini (June 2006 East), Gules, on a bend between two standing seraphs argent three quatrefoils palewise gules. This submission turns the bend to sinister to clear this conflict. |
6 Freydis Karlsdottir (f) - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded Argent, two bars wavy azure between a fox courant gules and a pair of shears bendwise to sinister, points to base, vert. If her name must be changed, she cares most about an unspecified language and/or culture. She will not allow the creation of a holding name. Freydís is a feminine name (marked "OW Norse") found under Frøydis in Gunnora Silfraharr's translation of Nordiskt runnamnslexicon by Lena Peterson (linked from http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/nrl.shtml). Karl is a masculine name found as a header in the same source; it's apparently found in this same spelling as (part of?) a byname in Old Danish, Old Swedish, and 'OW Norse', derived from OW Norse karl 'free man'. The formation of the patronymic is based on the information in Geirr Bassi p. 17-18, although there's some guessing involved because GB doesn't give '-rl' as a possible ending to a masculine name. Academy of S. Gabriel report 2487 (http://www.s-gabriel.org/2487) identifies Freydis as the daughter of Erik the Red, based on Lind s.n. Freydís and on Kruken, Kristoffer, ed.: Norsk personnamnleksikon, 2nd ed. (Oslo: det Norske Samlaget, 1995), s.n. Frøydis. Additional documentation for the patronymic: Karl appears four times as a masculine name in the Landnámabók, according to Geirr Bassi p. 12. The diminutive of "fess" is "bar", not "fesslet"; the blazon has been corrected accordingly. |
7 Gavin of Brockton (m) - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded Argent, on a fess between two domestic cats sejant and another couchant sable, three fleurs-de-lys argent. According to "Concerning the Names Gavin, Gawaine, Gavan, and Gabhainn" (2nd ed.) by Arval Benicoeur (http://www.medievalscotland.org/problem/names/gavin.shtml), the spelling Gavin is dated to 1604 in England (based on either Withycombe s.n. Gawaine or R&W s.nn. Gavin, Gawenson, Gawn), and to 1477 and 1577 in Scotland (based on either Black s.nn. Rais, MacGavin, MacGowan, Rait, Auchtercraw, Langland, Goudie, Hourie, gove, Gow, Gowan, Gowans, Gowanson; or the manuscript Aberdeen Council Register, Vols. 8-20.) The article concludes: "Gavin or one of its forms would be a fine choice for a re-creation of France or England in the Middle Ages or Renaissance, and of Lowland Scotland after 1500." William of Brockton is dated to 1297 in R&W p. 67 s.n. Brockton. The blazon has been changed (from Argent, on a fess sable three fleurs-de-lys argent, between in chief two domestic cats sejant and in base a domestic cat couchant sable) in order to put the secondary charges before the tertiaries. |
8 Lillia de Vaux - New Device Change forwarded Argent semy of crampets, a bend azure. Her name and device, Purpure, a lily and on a chief argent three pairs of rapiers inverted in saltire sable, were registered in Oct. 2006, via the East. If this registration is succesful, her old device is to be released. The crampet is the metal tip on the end of a scabbard (also known as a chape, bouterol, or boteroll) [Brooke-Little An Heraldic Alphabet p. 73 under Crampet, and Parker's A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry under Sword, http://www.heraldsnet.org/saitou/parker/Jpglosss.htm#Sword]. A prominent example of its use in heraldry was as the badge of the De la Warr family [Parker, op. cit., and Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme's precedents under Badge-Fieldless (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/precedents/bruce/badge-fieldless.html), citing Legh's Accedence of Armory 1576]. Although the granting of the crampet badge at Poiters [Bruce, op. cit.] could not be substantiated by contemporary sources (e.g., Froissart's Chronicles), it was definitely in use during the 16th c. The badge decorated various de la Warr holdings and churches in West Sussex, England. [The Sussex Archeological Society: Sussex Archeological Collections Illustrating the History and Antiquities of the County, Vol. XXIV: Sussex; George P. Bacon, 1872. A scan of a page showing various depictions of crampets is included.] The artwork in this submission is based on the paintings and carvings at Boxgrove Priory: "The de la Warr chantry chapel (1535) in the second bay of the south arcade is the sole example in Sussex of that form of building within building which evolved from the practice of flanking a chantry altar with screens... Up to sill level the walls are covered externally with rectilinear panelling charged with badges, the crampet, leopard's face jessant de lys, &c..." ['Boxgrove', A History of the County of Sussex: Vol. 4: The Rape of Chichester, 1953 (http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.asp?compid=41725&strquery=crampet#p43)]. Carvings showing a crampet from the De la Warr chantry chapel at Boxgrove Priory can be seen in the fifth photo at http://rubens.anu.edu.au/england2004/boxgrove_priory/interior/de_la_warr_chantry_chapel/ (photo ©ArtServe), and the heraldic paintings on the ceiling of the chapel can be seen at http://ourpasthistory.com/Gallery/Boxgrove/Boxgrove_Abbey0008 (photo by Philip Glass). I have heroically resisted the urge to reblazon this as Argent crampetty, a bend azure. |
9 Lillia de Vaux - New Badge forwarded (Fieldless) A crampet argent. Her name and device were registered in Oct. 2006, via the East. Her device change submission appears above. Please see that item for the included (copious) documentation for the crampet as a period heraldic charge. |
Sable, a spoon Or. His name was registered in Aug. 2006, via the East. His badge, (Fieldless) A spoon Or, was returned at the same time for visual conflict under RfS X.5 with Balin the Fairhaired (Feb. 1975 East), Sable, an oar Or. A letter of permission to conflict with the Barony of Aarnimetsä's cooking guild badge, Sable, a spoon Or between two wolf's heads cabossed argent (Sep. 1997 Drachenwald) is included, signed by the barony's seneschal, baron, and baroness. Commenters agreed that if a fieldless spoon could conflict with Balin the Fairhaired's oar, then adding a sable field increases the visual similarity. This has therefore been redrawn with the most spoon-like spoon I could manage. |
11 Phillip Reed - New Badge forwarded (Fieldless) A fleur-de-lis gules charged with three fleams argent. His name and device, Gules, on a bend between two fleams argent three fleurs-de-lis palewise gules, were registered in Oct. 2002, via the East. |
12 Roibeard mac Neill mhic Ghille Eoin (m) - New Change Of Holding Name forwarded If his name must be changed, he cares most about Scottish Gaelic language and/or culture. He requests authenticity for '16th Century Hebridian' language/culture and time period. He is willing to accept all necessary changes to his name, as long as (the Gaelic equivalent of) 'Robert MacNeill' is preserved (in that order, preferably with nothing between). His original name submission of Robert MacNeill was returned on the Aug. 2006 LoAR for conflict with Robert MacNeil, a television news show host. His device, Quarterly sable and gules, a sea-bull maintaining a cutlass within a bordure dovetailed Or, was registered under the holding name Robert of Smoking Rocks. Roibeard is listed as an Early Modern Irish Gaelic nominative spelling in Mari Elspeth nic Bryan's "Index of Names in Irish Annals" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/AnnalsIndex/Masculine/all.shtml). The page lists 35 men with this name, dated between 1167 and 1608. Some form of the name was undoubtedly in use in Scotland, too: Black p. 695 s.n. Robert has "Alexander Robert, a Scotsman" dated 1402. Mac Neill is also based on the Annals Index, which lists Niall as the standard nominative and Néill as the genitive spelling of a name borne by 23 men between 971 and 1611. Again, Black p. 625 s.n. Neil offers indirect evidence for the use of this name in Scottish Gaelic: "The family of Neill of Barnwell, Ayrshire, claim descent from a cadet of Macneil of Barra, c. 1550, who is said to have settled in Ayrshire." Mhic Ghille Eoin is intended as a 2nd generation patronymic (grandfather's name), based on information from Sharon L. Krossa's "Medieval Gaelic Clan, Household, and Other Group Names" (draft edition, last update 3 May 2007; http://www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/households.shtml), which lists an example of "Clann Ghille Eoin: A Scottish Gaelic clan named after a man with the given name Gille Eoin who lived in the 13th century." Black p. 302 s.n. Gillean gives Gill' Eoin ('servant of John') as the Gaelic antecedent of the header name, and dates the surname M'Gilleon to 1511 from the Isle of Man. Barra is dated to 1550 in Black s.n. Neil (see above). If there is an authentic and non-presumptious way to use this locative to differentiate his name from the modern Robert MacNeil, the submitter is amenable to dropping the 2nd generation patronymic. Aryanhwy wrote: "Scottish Gaels did not use locative bynames in Gaelic forms of their names." The locative phrase of Barra has therefore been dropped in order to comply with the submitter's request for an authentic name. |
13 Sof'ia Zhirinskaia (f) - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded Per pale sable and argent, a spider and a bordure counterchanged. If her name must be changed, she cares most about Russian language and/or culture. All documentation is from Paul Wickenden of Thanet's "A Dictionary of Period Russian Names", online edition (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/paul/). Sof'ia is a feminine name; this header spelling is dated to 1396. The byname is intended to mean 'wife of Zhira'. Zhira is an undated masculine name meaning 'wealth', with the variant spelling Zira dated to 1115. The formation is based on the discussion of adjectival bynames under Possessive and Descriptive Bynames, which states in part: |
14 Þórlæifr hvítskegg - New Device forwarded Sable, three wolf's heads caboshed one and two argent each jessant of an arrow Or. His name was forwarded to Laurel on the Nov. 2006 xLoI. His name was registered as submitted on the March 2007 LoAR. |
Addenda |
A1 Hrólfr Hrafnsen (m) - New Request for Reconsideration forwarded This is a request for reconsideration of the submitter's name change from Rohlfe Ravenson (reg. July 1974) to Hrólfr Hrafnsen, which appeared on the Oct. 2002 ILoI. It was registered as Ruulfr Rafnsson on the Nov. 2003 LoAR, based on his request for an authentic late 10th c. Danish name. However, the xLoI failed to note (and thus Laurel failed to follow) his limited allowance for changes: "The only changes allowed are Hrafnsen may be changed to Hrafnssen and he will reluctantly accept the form -son for the patronymic if absolutely no examples of the -sen form can be found dating to the late 10th Century." Hrólfr and Hrafn are both found as masculine names on p. 11 of Geirr Bassi. The use of -sen instead of -son for the patronymic is based on Introduction to Old Norse by E.V. Gordon, p. 323, which says that unaccented vowels were weakened in East Norse. The omission of the 's' of the genitive is based on personal conversation between the submitter and Geirr Bassi Haraldsson (circa 1976), indicating that one of the differences between East Norse and West Norse was the dropping of the genitive in patronymics. |
A2 Kokemori (f) - New Name returned & New Device returned Per fess argent and argent, a demi-plate issuant from the line of division charged with a horse rampant azure. This name violates section III.2.a of the Rules for Submissions: "A personal name must contain a given name and at least one byname." This device is returned for the nearly complete lack of contrast, violating section VIII.2. of the Rules for Submissions. On resubmission, the submitter should be aware of RfS VIII.4.a., Pictorial Design: "Overly pictorial designs may not be registered." |
A3 Magdalena Winter - Resub Badge returned Argent, a mullet of six points azure. Her name was registered in Apr. 2002, via the East. Her device, Argent, on a bend cotised azure three mullets of six points Or, was registered in Dec. 2004, via the East. Her previous badge submission, Argent, on a bend cotised azure a mullet of six points Or, was returned on the March 2006 LoD for conflict. This badge is returned for conflict with Johanna Wynter (Nov. 2003 Meridies), Argent, a mullet azure and overall an arrow inverted bendwise gules, with just one CD for removal of the overall charge. |
A4 Stephanus de Londres - Pended device returned Per fess azure and gules, in pale a demi-deer argent armored and ennobled Or and a dragon segreant Or. This device was pended on the August 2006 LoD, awaiting permission to conflict from Sean de Londres: Per fess azure and gules, in pale a Paschal lamb argent and a dragon segreant Or (Feb. 1985 East). After numerous attempts, the consulting herald and I have concluded that said permission is not forthcoming, so this must be returned: there is but one CD for type of half the primary charge group. |
Black, George F; The Surnames of Scotland; New York Public Library, New York, 1946.
Geirr Bassi Haraldsson. The Old Norse Name. Private Press, Maryland, 1977.
Reaney, P.H. and R. M. Wilson. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Third edition, Oxford University Press, 1995.
Withycombe, E.G. The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names. Third edition. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1979.