Kolosvari Arpadne Julia
Sunday, July 1st, 2007
Unto the East Kingdom College of Heralds and all others who do receive this letter, greetings from Kolosvari Arpadne Julia, Eastern Crown Herald!
This is the Letter of Decisions for the Internal Letter of Intent dated May 15, 2007. It contains submissions received by May 14th, 2007 and has 10 numbered items. As usual, the ILoI is quoted in boldface, and my comments follow in normal type.
Many thanks to the following commenters, without whom I would be up the proverbial creek without the equally proverbial paddle: Istvan Blue Tyger, Ailis Linne, Scolastica, Aryanhwy, Alys, knut, the NE Calontir commenting group (Gawain of Miskbridge, Green Anchor Herald; Rohese de Dinan, Shadowdale Pursuivant; Breichiol map Lludd o Fannuac, called Mableth; and Ines Alfón, Saker Herald), and the Moline Heraldic Partnership (Yosef Alaric and Aceline Barrett).
1 Brian mac Domhnaill (m) - New Name forwarded & New Device returned Argent, a wolf rampant vert. He requests authenticity for "Scotland 1450" time period. If his name must be changed, he cares most about language and/or culture. Brian: dated to 1401-1500 in Effrick's "Scottish Gaelic Given Names - for Men" (www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/gaelicgiven/men.shtml). Domhnall: ibid, also dated 1401-1500. (The "info updated" dates are 4 Jan 2002 and 4 Mar 2003, respectively.) The construction is documented from Effrick's "Quick and Easy Gaelic Names" (www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/quickgaelicbynames/) under Simple Patronymic Byname. The byname needs to use the genitive (possessive) form of the father's name. Effrick's cited "Quick and Easy Gaelic Names" (3rd ed.) gives mac Domhnaill as the correct spelling; the submitted mac Domhnall has therefore had the 'i' inserted. Unfortunately, this device conflicts with Caelainn inghean Fhaolain (Mar. 2001 West), Argent, a wolf sejant ululant vert, with just one CD for the posture of the wolf. It also conflicts with Michel Wolffauer (Jan. 2003 East), Argent, a wolf rampant per fess gules and sable, with just one CD for the tincture of the wolf. (On resubmission, please leave the black-and-white line drawing copy of the form untricked and uncolored.) |
2 Desideria del Penna (f) - New Name Change forwarded No changes. Her current name was registered May 2005 via the East. If this name is registered, her current name is to be retained as an alternate. Desideria: according to http://www.ghg.net/shetler/oldimp/295.html and http://masseyfamgenealogy.tripod.com/a39.htm, Desideria, daughter of the Lombard king, married Charlemagne in 770 or 771. http://www.fitzmaurice.info/irish.html expands on this to explain that the last king of the Lombards was called Desiderius, and "as his descendants intermarried with the various artistocratic families of Italy, 'Desiderius' and Desideria gained wide usage as names in aristocratic families." This same site also says that a woman named Desideria was buried in 1345 in the Franciscan monastery in Ardfert. "Desiderato" is listed as a 14C surname of patronymic origin in Fourteenth Century Venetian Personal Names by Arval Benicoeur & Talan Gwynek (www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/venice14/venice14sur.html). del Penna: this is grandfathered to the submitter. The original documentation said "...del Penna is found in the unpublished data from the 'Census and Property Survey of the Diocese of Florence, Italy, 1427.'" There are at least three saints named Desiderius (http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/saintd.htm). Desideria is listed in de Felice's Nomi as a (feminine) variant of Desiderio, which is apparently identified as medieval: "sostenuto dal culto di vari santi, il soprannome e poi nome latino d'eta imperiale Desiderius, e in parte maggiore il nome affettivo e gratulatorio medievale Desiderio dato a un figlio attesto con <<desiderio>> (v. Desiderato)." (Something about "sustained by the cults of various saints, the Imperial [Roman] name Desiderius, and also in large part by a medieval pet? name Desiderio." My ability to interpret Italian really breaks down for the last part.) Many period Italian names come in masculine / feminine pairs: "Masculine Names from Thirteenth Century Pisa" by Juliana de Luna (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/juliana/pisa/) has the (Latinized) masculine names Angelus, Mellioratus, Stefanius, Ugolinus, while "Feminine Given Names from Thirteenth Century Perugia" by Arval Benicoeur (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/perugia/) has the feminine names Angela, Meliorata, Stefania, Ugolina. There was also a ninth century abbess at Ravenna named Desideria, mentioned in a text from 11 June 896: "Petimus ad vobis Desideria religiosa abbatiss..." (Muzzioli, Giovanni: Le carte del monastero di S. Andrea Maggiora di Ravenna, Vol. 1; Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1987). The name should thus be registerable, either as a feminine version of a saint's name or of a period masculine name, or as an early, but attested feminine name. |
3 Johann Lederer - Resub Device forwarded Per chevron Or and azure, in cross three mullets of eight points and a bear rampant counterchanged, and a bordure compony azure and Or. His name was forwarded to Laurel on the East's March 2007 xLoI. His previous device submission, Per chevron Or and azure, in cross three mullets of eight points and a bear rampant counterchanged was returned on the January 2007 LoD for conflict with Margaret MacDuibhshithe (12/1993 via the East), Per chevron Or and azure, three suns in their splendor counterchanged. This submission adds a bordure to clear that conflict. The emblazon has been slightly tweaked by adding a clear line around the bordure. This makes it properly compony, rather than sort of denticulada, which is a subtle but I'm told important difference. (I also colored the bear yellow on the one copy of the submission form where this had been omitted -- which of course was the form I scanned. Thank you to the Calontir commenting group for noticing.) Some commenters questioned the periodness of a bordure compony sharing a tincture with both parts of a divided field. The motif has been registered before (for the Dragonship Haven Irregulars, Oct. 1985 East: Per fess argent and azure, a yale rampant counterchanged within a bordure compony argent and azure), but that was a while ago. I don't have the resources to research the question, so I'm forwarding this for the greater wisdom of the CoA. |
4 Miklos Temesvari - Resub Device forwarded Sable, in chief a dragon segreant Or charged with a mullet of seven points inverted sable and a gore Or papellony gules. His name was registered in Nov. 2004 via the East. His original device submission, Sable, in chief a dragon couchant and on a gore Or a spiderweb gules was returned in-kingdom on the Jan. 2004 LoR for having a charged gore and artistic issues. His previous resubmission, Sable, in chief a dragon couchant Or and a gore Or papellony gules was returned on the Oct 2006 LoAR for conflict with Caryl de Trecesson, Sable, a dragon dormant Or. This resubmission changes the posture of the dragon and adds a tertiary charge to clear that conflict. |
5 Milisandia Owen - Resub Device forwarded Vert, on a spaniel couchant argent a Celtic cross gules. Her name was forwarded to Laurel on the East's March 2007 xLoI. Her previous device submission, Per bend sinister gules and vert, a spaniel couchant argent, was returned on the January 2007 LoD for artistic issues and conflict with Finn Silverfox (Feb. 1987 via the Middle), Vert, chausse chequy argent and sable, a fox dormant argent, with just one CD for changes to the field. This submission adds a tertiary charge to clear this conflict, and addresses the artistic problems by rendering the dog's ears more recognizably spaniel-like (and the dog more dog-like). |
6 Njall Randvesson - Resub Device redrawn and forwarded Gyronny arrondy argent and vert, a raven sable within a bordure sable semi of roundels Or. His name was registered in April 2003, via the East. His original device submission was returned at the same time for conflict. His first resubmission was returned on the June 2006 LoD, also for conflict. His last resubmission, Gyronny arrondi argent and vert, a raven within a bordure sable, will be returned on the April 2007 LoD for conflict with Isabeau Cranach (October 1995, Atlantia) Lozengy gules and Or, a raven within a bordure sable. This submission adds tertiaries to the bordure to clear that conflict. If no conflicts are found, this will be redrawn with about one-fourth as many roundels. Please comment on whether this is an acceptable depiction of gyronny arrondi, or whether the lines should issue from the corners of the bordure. As mentioned on the ILoI, this has been redrawn with fewer roundels. The July 2005 Cover Letter discusses period depictions of gyronny arrondy, and concludes: "gyronny arrondi may be drawn so that the corners of the shield are in the center of a gyron rather than having the line of division issue from the corner. This emblazon of gyronny arrondi has no heraldic difference from the standard gyronny arrondi or from gyronny. The use of a central charge on a field drawn in this manner is one step from period practice." In order to avoid this "weirdness", the redraw uses the more standard depiction of gyronny arrondy, with lines issuing from each corner. This device is clear of Ingvild Josefsdatter (May 1989 East), Or, a raven sable within a bordure sable, semy of apple blossoms argent, with one CD for the field and another for the type and tincture of the tertiary charges. It's also clear of Isabeau Cranach (Oct. 1995 Atlantia), Lozengy gules and Or, a raven within a bordure sable, with one CD for the field, and one for adding the tertiaries. |
7 Scolastica la souriete - Resub Badge forwarded (Fieldless) A drop spindle sable, dressed argent. Her primary name was registered in Oct. 2006, via the East. Her previous badge submission, (Fieldless) A dressed drop spindle Or, was returned on the March 2007 LoD for conflict with Matilda of Tay (Mar. 1984 via Calontir), Per bend sinister ermine and gules, in sinister base a threaded drop-spindle Or. This resubmission changes the tinctures to clear this conflict. The submitted depiction of a drop spindle is markedly different from the SCA norm, which has a wide whorl and a triangular cop (the thread wound around the spindle). Such a depiction is found in the PicDic, and was mentioned as correct in precedent as recently as May 2002 (Rory Daughton, R-Atlantia). However, this is a distinctly modern form, as glaringly non-medieval to the trained eye as a ballpoint pen is glaringly modern to anyone's eye. The characteristics of a medieval drop spindle are: a shaft shaped to a point at each end; a small, beadlike whorl; and a cop that tapers at both ends, resulting in a pointed ovoid shape. The included illustrations show extant early 9th century spindles from the Oseberg ship burial (found in "The Textiles in the Oseberg Ship" by Anne Stine Ingstad, http://www.forest.gen.nz/Medieval/articles/Oseberg/textiles/TEXTILE.HTM), medieval spindles and whorls found in Greenland (Woven into the Earth: Textiles from Norse Greenland by Else Østergård, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2004), and a selection of illuminations and paintings showing women spinning with drop spindles: the Fecamp Psalter (Normandy c.1180, The Hague, KB 76 F 13); Legend of St. Joachim: Annunciation to St. Anne (Giotto di Bondone, 1304-06; Cappella Scrovegni a Padova); a Book of Hours (south Netherlands, 1310-20; British Library, Stowe 17 f.34); the Lutrell Psalter (1325-35, British Library, Add. 42130 f.60); De claris mulieribus (G. Boccaccio, early 15c.; British Library, Royal 16 G. V f.56); Roman de la Rose (c.1490, Bodleian Library, Douce 195 Folio 67v); "Woman Spinning and Entertaining a Visitor" (engraving by Israhel van Meckenem the Elder, c1450; from S. Held's Weaving, 2nd ed.); an early 16c. German drawing (from M. Jones: The Secret Middle Ages); and Netherlandish Proverbs (P. Brueghel the Elder, 1559). Also included is an image of arms with "Wharrow Spindles" from John Guillim's Display of Heraldrie (1632, p. 294), courtesy of Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme (who asks that it be mentioned that he is aware of the problem with the current PicDic's depiction of a drop spindle; he will be using the Guillim emblazon in the next edition). The 'wharrow spindle' shown in Guillim is essentially the submitted charge, except it has a hooked end. The submission is depicted without this hook, in keeping with the medieval items and illustrations listed above. This badge has several close calls for conflict, but they all depend on judgements about differences that I feel unqualified to make, so I'm forwarding it anyway. One of the submitter's purposes in submitting this -- the edification of the CoA regarding period spindles -- will be fulfilled regardless of the outcome. One close call is against Helva of Saxony, who bears Vert, a full drop-spindle argent (Nov. 1982 Middle). There is definitely one CD for the field(lessness), but given that this submission is mostly white thread, there may not be a second one for tincture of the charge. The return of Brigit Comyn's device (Dec. 2006 R-East), which said "The thread on a stick shuttle is an artistic detail, blazonable but worth no difference", argues that the current case should be considered as a sable charge: Brigit's shuttle was drawn (by myself) specifically so that the thread was half the charge. Another consideration is that Helva's drop spindle is the current SCA-standard modern depiction, with a "whopping big whorl and the triangular shaped thread" (Istvan Blue Tyger's words, who checked the original submission form). There may thus be enough difference in the shape of the charges to warrant a CD.Another close call is with Jeanna of Melton (Jul. 2000 Meridies), Azure, a lace bobbin argent. The same technical CD count and issues about the tincture of the charge apply as with Helva's device. Considering shape rather than identity, however, this conflict may actually be a closer call: lace bobbins are reasonably similar to this form of drop spindle. A third possible conflict is with Maryan al-Baghdati (Jan. 1993 An Tir), Per pale argent and sable, an inverted drop spindle, threaded and tuft to chief counterchanged. Again, there's one CD for the field(lessness), and possibly another for the tincture of the charge. There may also be a CD for orientation, although the phrase "threaded and tuft to chief" leaves me unclear on how exactly Maryan's spindle is oriented. |
8 Sorcha inghean Uí Thoráin (f) - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded Per pale sable and azure, a seahorse and in chief two mullets of eight points argent. If her name must be changed, she cares most about the sound. "Sorcha" can be found as a feminine given name in Index of Names in Irish Annals by Mari neyn Bryan (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/AnnalsIndex/Feminine/Sorcha.shtml), dated to 1480, 1500, and 1530. See also OCM p.167 s.n. Sorcha. "Ó Toráin" is found as an undated italicized form in MacLysaght, The Surnames of Ireland (5th ed. 1980) p.285 s.n. (O) Thoran. References to Ó Toráin can also by found ibid. p.283 s.n. Tarrant and p.288 s.n. Torrens. According to Quick and Easy Gaelic Names by Sharon Krossa (http://www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/quickgaelicbynames/), "inghean Uí" is the preposition used to form a clan affiliation byname for an Irish Gaelic woman after approximately 1200 A.D. MacLysaght's Gaelic forms are modern spellings, but the CELT archive offers Maoil Eoin .H. Toráin from the Annals of Loch Cé, LC1025.1; and Maol Eóin ua Toráin from the Annals of the Four Masters, M1025.2 (http://www.ucc.ie/celt/online/G100010A/text001.html, http://www.ucc.ie/celt/published/G100005B/text013.html). The individual mentioned died in 1025, but the the Annals in question date from the late 16th and early 17th centuries, so they document the spelling Toráin in Early Modern Gaelic. In a feminine name, it needs to lenite to Thoráin, so the submitted Toráin has been changed accordingly. |
9 Veronica Rosso (f) - New Name returned No major changes. If her name must be changed, she cares most about the sound and Venetian 15th century language and/or culture. Last name: Rosso "patronymic from the given name Rosso, or descriptive from rosso 'red'." From Fourteenth Century Venetian Personal Names by Arval Benicoeur and Talan Gwynek, http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/venice14/venice14sur.html. First name: Veronica - Feminine Given Names from Thirteenth Century Perugia by Arval Benicoeur, http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/perugia/perugiaFemAlpha.html lists one occurence of Veronica. There is also Veronica Franco, a famous Late Renn courtesan and poet. http://www.stanford.edu/class/history213b/213bFranco.html Unfortunately, this name conflicts with Veronique de la Rose (Dec. 2005 Caid). Aryanhwy writes: "the 12/2004 LoAR returned Caterina la Rossa for conflict with Catherine de la Rose. Veronique is slightly more different in pronunciation from Veronica than Caterina is from Catherine, but in my opinion the names are still too similar." |
10 William MacLaren (m) - New Name forwarded & New Device redrawn and forwarded Vert, on a cross vert fimbriated between four eagle's heads erased a mullet argent. William: Black, Surnames of Scotland p. 816 s.n. William, states that the name is found in 1317 and also notes that it was the name of William the Lion (1165-1214), one of the early kings of Scotland. Black, p. 816 s.n. Williamson gives numerous examples of this patronymic meaning "son of William", including: Alexander Willyamsone (1463 or 1480); John Williamson (1462 or 1480), and Jhone Williamson (1527). Finally, Late Sixteenth Century English Given Names by Talan Gwynek (http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/eng16/eng16alpha.html) lists over 700 instances of "William." English and Scots may be mixed without the name being considered a deviation from period practice (Michael Duncan of Hadley, 04/04, A-Caid). MacLaren: Black, Surnames of Scotland p. 534-35 s.n. MacLaren. This spelling is the header form. Dated spellings include McLaran (1592), Maklaurene (1586), Macklarain (1574), and M'Lern (1466). The submitter prefers the header form, but will accept McLaran. I believe the variation seen in the spelling of unstressed syllables in English, combined with the dated spellings McLaran and Maklaurene, makes the submitted spelling quite plausibly period. Commenters agreed that as submitted, the fimbriation of the cross was too thin to be registered. I've therefore redrawn it with the approval of the consulting herald. Per precedent, an ordinary voided or fimbriated can also be interpreted as an ordinary charged with another of the same type (Thomas van Lubeck, May 2004 R-Meridies). This is not a valid blazon for this device, as it would make the mullet into a quaternary charge, but in any case, commenters found no conflicts under this interpretation. This device is clear of Geoffri of Wareine (Mar. 1985 Calontir), Vert, a cross vert fretty and fimbriated Or, with one CD for the addition of the secondary charges, and another for the change in type and tincture of the tertiary charge (fret vs. mullet). The submitted blazon (Vert, on a cross throughout vert fimbriated argent between four eagle's heads erased argent a mullet of five points argent) has been simplified by omitting all but the last "argent", as well as "throughout" and the number of points on the mullet, which are both defaults and don't need to be specified. |
Black, George F; The Surnames of Scotland; New York Public Library, New York, 1946.
Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme and Akagawa Yoshio. A Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry, as used in the Society for Creative Anachronism, 2nd ed., 1992.
De Felice, Emidio. Dizionario dei nomi Italiani. Mondadori, Milan, 1986.
Ó Corraín, Donnchadh & Fidelma Maguire; Irish Names; The Lilliput Press, Dublin, 1990.