Kolosvari Arpadne Julia

Thursday, June 26th, 2008

Unto the East Kingdom College of Heralds and all others who do receive this letter, greetings from Kolosvari Arpadne Julia, Eastern Crown Herald!

This is the Letter of Decisions for the Internal Letter of Intent dated April 22, 2008. It contains submissions received by April 19th, 2008 and has 16 numbered items.

These decisions are brought to you today by the generous contributions of the following commenters: Ragnveig Snorradottir, Alys Mackyntoich, the NE Calontir commenting group (consisting this month of Gawain of Miskbridge, Green Anchor Herald; Einarr Grimsson, Red Hawk Herald; Mairi Rose, Deodar Pursuivant; Rohese de Dinan, Shadowdale Pursuivant; and Bebhionn O'Quinn), and the Moline Center for Abused Heralds (being Yosef Alaric, Moline Herald Extraordinary, and Aceline Barrett of Seven Oaks, Leviathan Pursuivant). Thank you!

1 Aidan Sacheverell Hyde - Resub Badge forwarded

(Fieldless) On a flame argent a heart azure.

His name was registered in Mar. 2005, via the East. He also has a device, Vert, three flames argent each charged with a heart azure, registered in Dec. 2006 via the East. His previous badge submission of (Fieldless) A heart azure was returned on the Aug. 2007 LoD for conflict with Clarissa Wykeham (Jul. 2000 Middle): Or, a seeblatt azure. This submission changes the primary charge to clear this conflict.

This badge is clear of Wolfram Flammenherz (Mar. 1995 Drachenwald): (Fieldless) On a flame Or, a heart azure, with one clear difference for the tincture of the flame, and another from the fieldless bribe.

2 Catte of Lennox (f) - New Name forwarded

She cares most about 'Scottish' language and/or culture. Catte is a form of Katherine, found in "Early 16th Century Scottish Lowland Names" by Sharon Krossa (http://www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/lowland16/womenalpha.shtml) with four instances, dated 1531 (twice), 1540, and 1548. Lennox is a territorial name derived from levenach 'smooth stream', according to The Book of Scottish Clans by Iain Zaczek (Cico Books Ltd, London, 2001). "In the Middle Ages, this province was transmuted into the earldom of Lennox. Malcolm, the 5th Earl, supported Robert the Bruce..."

Black p. 424 s.n. Lennox dates George Lennox to 1543, and says the name is of local origin, from the district of the same name. By the 16th century, the preposition wouldn't be used with a family name, but it should be registerable as part of a name-and-address type of construction.

3 Duncan de Montdragon (m) - New Name forwarded & New Device returned

Per pale Or and gules, two bears combattant counterchanged, on a chief sable a sword fesswise Or.

He cares most about the meaning 'Duncan + Dragon'. Duncan: Black p. 130 s.n. Campbell lists a Duncan Campbell dominus de Gaunan dated to about 1390. de Montdragon: Dauzat & Rostaing p. 467 s.n. Mons has Mondragon, Vaucl. (de Montedraconis, 1137); Montdragon, Tarn (lat. draco, dragon; peut-etre nom de personne). Morlet p. 703 s.n. Mondragon, var. orthographique de Montdragon, n. de lieu d'origine (Tarn) canton de Lautrec.

Commenters translate the D&R derivation as "Latin draco, dragon; possible personal name", and the Morlet entry as "orthographic variant of Montdragon, a place name in the canton of Lautrec." A combination of Scots and French is considered a step from period practice, but registerable (Maura MacLeod, 09/2001 A-Æthelmearc).

Unfortunately, this device conflicts with Sean Ladds (Jul. 2005 Atenveldt): Per pale Or and gules, two bears combatant counterchanged and on a chief sable a bear's pawprint argent, with just one CD for multiple changes to the tertiary charge.

Estela du FrayseEstela du Frayse4 Estela du Frayse (f) - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Per fess azure and Or, two oak sprigs fructed and a talbot passant counterchanged.

No major changes. She cares most about sound. Estela: Academy of S. Gabriel report 2227 ((http://www.s-gabriel.org/2227) identifies this as an Occitan name in use in the 13th through 15th centuries, citing Brenon: Le petit livre aventureux des prenoms occitans au temps du Catharisme (Tolosa: Loubatieres, 1992) and Aryanhwy's "Jewish Given Names Found in Les Noms Des Israelites en France" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/levy/). S. Gabriel report 2261 gives Du Fraysse as a likely late 16th century spelling of the modern southern French surname Dufraysse, citing Aryanhwy and Talan's "Names Found in Commercial Documents from Bordeaux, 1470-1520" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/bordeaux.html), R&W s.n. Dufrayne, and Dauzat Les Noms de Famille de France (Librairie Guenagaud, Paris, 1988).

There's a Monsieur du Frayse (note one 's') mentioned on p. 167 of Les papiers de Noailles de la bibliothèque du Louvre by Louis Paris (Cabinet Historique, Paris, 1875), found on Google Books (http://books.google.com/books?id=1KQfAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA167). The name appears in a letter dated to 1578, and it's spelled du Fraise elsewhere in the same letter, so the transcription appears to have preserved at least some of the original spellings.

As originally submitted, the talbot was not in any recognizable heraldic posture. It has been redrawn as passant, with the submitter's approval. This device is clear of Elyas of Wulfereslowe (Oct. 2002 West): Per chevron azure and Or, three wolves statant counterchanged, with one CD for the field division and another for the type of half the primary charge group. The blazon has been tweaked slightly: talbots have no default posture, so the word "passant" has been added, and it wouldn't be an oak sprig if it didn't have leaves, so the word "leaved" has been dropped.

5 Estela du Frayse and William Lancton - New Joint Household Name returned & New Joint Household Badge forwarded
Submitted Name: Golden Oak Inn

Vert, an oak sprig fructed and on a chief dovetailed Or, five acorns inverted vert, hulled proper.

They care most about meaning. Their individual name and device submissions appear elsewhere on this letter. No documentation supplied.

As noted on the ILoI, this household name conflicts with Golden Oak Herald, registered in Jan. 2003 and transferred to Sewyl ap Morgan in Dec. 2003, via Trimaris.

This badge is clear of the Barony of Wealdsmere's badge (Jan. 1998 An Tir): Vert semy of acorns, an oak tree, on a bordure Or six gouttes d'hulie, with one CD for removing the strewn charges, and one for the type of peripheral charge. (A third CD for the tertiary charges is questionable: gouttes d'hulie are green, and five vs. six is not a clear difference.) It's also clear of Robert de Cleftlands (Jan. 2006 Gleann Abhann): Vert, an oak tree eradicated and in chief a mullet of four points Or, with one CD for the type of secondary charge, and another for the tertiaries. The blazon has been tweaked somewhat (from Vert, an oak-tree sprig fructed and on a chief dovetailed Or, five acorns vert, hulled proper). Note that although it's perfectly correct to blazon this as an "oak sprig fructed" (per the PicDic's definition under slip), for conflict purposes it's equivalent to an "oak tree fructed" -- period heraldic trees were often quite sparse, with disproportionately large leaves.

6 Hartshorn-dale, Shire of - Resub Heraldic Title forwarded
Submitted Name: Attire Pursuivant

The branch's name was registered in Aug. 1988, via the East. The shire's arms, Or, a stag's attire and on a chief azure three laurel wreaths Or, were registered in Oct. 1988 via the East. The previously submitted heraldic title, Massacre Pursuivant, was returned on the Mar. 2007 LoD for using a post-period (and possibly offensive) blazon term. This title follows the pattern "names of heraldic charges". Parker defines Attire as "a single horn of a stag. Both the horns are commonly called a stag's attires."

7 Jennette Elizabeth Colquhoun - Resub Device forwarded

Quarterly vert and azure, on an open book argent a rose azure, seeded Or and barbed vert.

Her name was registered in Aug. 2003, via the East. This identical device submission was pended on the 2002-02 decisions letter, because her name was being returned. The name was subsequently resubmitted and registered, but the device stayed in limbo. It is hereby rescued (we hope).

8 Leofcwen of Endeweard (f) - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Azure, a chevron cotised and in base a bow fesswise Or.

No major changes. She requests authenticity for, and cares most about the language and/or culture of, 'pre-conquest Anglo-Saxon England'. Leofcwen is found in "Anglo-Saxon Women's Names from Royal Charters" by Marieke van de Dal (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/marieke/anglosaxonfem/). The source document is an 11th c. will which grants to Lefquene fifteen acres of land; Leofcwen is the standardized form. The name is also found in Talan Gwynek's "Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames", under Lefquen. The SCA branch name Endeweard (which is Anglo-Saxon for 'end of the world') was registered in Jan. 1987 via the East.

Commenters noted that the more authentic preposition may be "at" (or "æt"), but I have no documentation at hand to back that up, so I've made no changes.

This device is clear of Geoffrey Scott (Aug. 1995 West): Azure, a chevron and in base a compass star Or, with one CD for the cotises and another for the star vs. bow. It's clear of Roderic ap Cenydd (Mar. 1981 Atenveldt): Azure, a chevron between a label and a stag's head erased Or and of Sorcha inghean Shearraigh (Jul. 2003 Atlantia): Azure, a chevron cotised between three butterflies Or, with CDs for the type and number of secondary charges. It's clear of Daniel Stewart de Guthre (Feb. 2000 Ansteorra): Gules ermined, a chevron cotised Or, with a CD for the field and another for the bow. The blazon has been changed slightly (from a bow Or, string to base): the bow is simply "fesswise" -- per the PicDic, "when the bow is fesswise, the string is to base."

9 Maghnus an Doire mac Tuathail (m) - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Argent, on a bend sable between two wyverns rampant vert, three oak leaves argent.

No major changes. He cares most about the meaning 'of the Oak Grove'. Maghnus is found in the Annals Index, dated to 1254 in this spelling under Magnus. an Doire is a byname meaning 'of the oak grove', dated to 1249 in this header spelling in the Annals Index. mac Tuathail is a patronymic dated to 1235 in this spelling under Tuathal in the Annals Index.

The pattern of the name (given-descriptive-patronymic) follows the explanation in the Annals Index's section on descriptive bynames. It's also supported by the example Brian an Doire mac Maghnusa, from an annal entry referring to the year 1249, listed under an Doire in the Index.

The orientation of the leaves has been dropped from the blazon: on a bend, they're bendwise by default.

10 Magnus Wolfhunte - Resub Device forwarded

Counter-ermine, a fer-a-loup inverted and issuant from both dexter and sinister three wolf's teeth argent.

His name was registered in Sep. 2004, via the East. His previous device submission, Counter-ermine, issuant from both dexter and sinister three wolf's teeth argent, was returned on the Oct. 2007 LoD for conflict with Isolde de Ely (Dec. 2001 Atlantia): Per pale vert and sable, three wolf's teeth issuant from dexter and three wolf's teeth issuant from sinister argent, with just one CD for the field. This submission adds a fer-a-loup to clear this conflict. The return noted that there is an example of arms using wolf's teeth issuant from both sides in Siebmacher, plate 135.

11 Margaret of Highbridge - Resub Device forwarded

Gules, a fess embattled enarched on the lower edge Or masoned sable.

Her name was registered in Jan. 2004, via the East. Her previous device, identical to this one, appeared on the Oct. 2003 Letter of Report, marked as 'forwarded'. It somehow never made it onto a letter of intent to Laurel, however. It has been long enough since the initial decision to forward this that it seemed prudent to put it through the kingdom process again. The previous submission was a resubmission: her first try, Sable, a "double arched bridge" Or masoned sable, was returned on the Nov. 2002 LoR for conflict with William of Hoghton (Nov. 1981 West): Sable, two towers joined by a bridge Or, and for being not really a heraldic bridge, but more like a fess couped with two arched holes cut in it. This submission changes the field and the details of the primary charge to clear this conflict.

Commenters questioned the blazonability of this treatment of the fess. It's not clear where to break up "a fess embattled enarched on the lower edge" ("a fess embattled [on top]" plus "enarched on the lower edge" is a distinct possibility), and even if you break it as intended into "fess" and "embattled enarched on the lower edge", the scope of the modifier "on the lower edge" is unclear. I don't know how to blazon it any better than this, however. The device should be just clear of the flag of Spain (Gules, a fess Or), with one CD for the complex line, and another for the masoning. I'm forwarding this in the hopes that the blazon experts of the College can come up with a clear and unambiguous description.

12 Roland de Endeweard - Resub Badge forwarded

Per bend sinister wavy azure and argent, a loon naiant to sinister and a loon naiant, counterchanged.

This is to be associated with House of the Two Loons, registered in Dec. 2006 via the East (under his holding name). His name was registered in Oct. 2007, via the East. His previous badge submission, Azure, a bend sinister argent between two loons naiant proper, was returned on the June 2006 LoD because the loons lacked sufficient contrast with the field. This submission features counterchanged loons to fix this problem.

Commenters would've liked to see deeper waves on the partition line, but I believe it's recognizably wavy, so hopefully it'll be registerable with maybe an artist's note.

13 Rychyld de Lochabre (f) - New Name forwarded

No major changes. She cares most about meaning: 'Rychyld being variation of Rachel'. Rychyld is found as a matronymic in R&W p. 377 s.n. Richell: Walter Rychyld 1297, Willelmus filius Richild 1212. Lochabre is dated to 1309 in Johnston p. 203 s.n. Lochaber.

Commenters noted that Rychyld may be considered a variation in sound on Rachel, but there is no linguistic connection whatsoever between the names.

14 Scolastica la souriete - Resub Badge forwarded

(Fieldless) A drop spindle sable, threaded ermine.

Her name was registered in Oct. 2006, via the East. Her previous badge submission of (Fieldless) A drop spindle sable, threaded argent was returned on the Nov. 2007 LoAR for conflict with Helva of Saxony (Nov. 1982 Middle): Vert, a full drop spindle argent. This submission changes the tincture of the thread (which has been ruled to be the primary tincture of a threaded drop spindle) to clear this conflict.

15 Wenthelen of Drakelow (f) - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Gules, a dragon segreant between in chief two drinking horns Or, a chief Or goutty de sang.

She cares most about sound. Wenthelen is a feminine name dated to 1411 in R&W p. 475 under Wantling. Drakelow: Robert Drakelowe is dated to 1397 in R&W p. 141 s.n. Drakeley. Watts p. 194 under Drakelow dates Drakelow(e) to 1310x1330, so the submitted spelling (without the final 'e') should be fine.

William LanctonWilliam Lancton16 William Lancton (m) - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Per pale azure and gules, a pale wavy between two lightning bolts argent.

No major changes. He cares most about sound. William has been one of the most popular names in England since the 11th c., according to Withycombe. R&W has the patronymics Henry Fitz William 1300 and Thomas William 1307 p. 493 s.n. Williams. Lancton is dated to 1576 and 1601 according to S. Gabriel report 2655 (http://www.s-gabriel.org/2655), citing Bardsley s.n. Langton and Hitching & Hitching.

"Late Sixteenth Century English Given Names" by Talan Gwynek (http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/eng16/eng16alpha.html) notes over 700 instances of William during the years 1581-95, so this is an excellent late 16th century name.

As submitted, the pale was just barely wavy. It has been redrawn with deeper waves, with the submitter's approval. This device is clear of the flag of France, Per pale azure and gules, a pale argent, with one CD for the complex line, and another for adding the lightning bolts.


Bardsley, Charles Wareing. A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames. Oxford University Press, London, 1901.

Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland. New York Public Library, 1989.

Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme and Akagawa Yoshio: A Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry as Used in the Society for Creative Anachronism. 2nd edition, 1992.

Dauzat, Albert et Charles Rostaing. Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Lieux de la France. Paris, 1963.

Hitching, F. K., and S. Hitching, References to English Surnames in 1601 and 1602. Walton-on-Thames, 1910-11; Baltimore: republished for the Clearfield Company, Inc. by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1998.

Johnston, James B. Place-Names of Scotland. Edinburgh? 1934.

Mari Elspeth nic Bryan. "Index of Names in Irish Annals." http://www.medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/.

Morlet, Marie-Therese. Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Famille. Librairie Académique Perrin, 1997.

Parker, James. A Glossary of Terms used in Heraldry. Charles E. Tuttle, 1982.

Reaney, P.H. and R. M. Wilson. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Third edition, Oxford University Press, 1995.

Siebmacher, Johann. Johann Siebmachers Wappenbuch von 1605. http://www.wappenbuch.de/pages/wappen_135_Siebmacher.htm.

Watts, Victor. The Cambridge Dictionary of English Place-Names. Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Withycombe, E.G. The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names. Third edition. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1979.