Kolosvari Arpadne Julia
Sunday, September 21st, 2008
Unto the East Kingdom College of Heralds and all others who do receive this letter, greetings from Kolosvari Arpadne Julia, Eastern Crown Herald!
This is the Letter of Decisions for the Internal Letter of Intent dated July 25th, 2008. It contains submissions received by July 22nd, 2008 and has 11 numbered items, plus one redraw from last month.
Many thanks to Ragnveig Snorradottir, Gawain of Miskbridge, Brunissende, and Alys Mackyntoich. Without their comments, I would not have been able to make these decisions on anything approaching a rational basis.
1 Caitriona MacCasky (f) - New Change of Holding Name forwarded & New Badge forwarded (Fieldless) On an escallop inverted azure a mermaid guardant proper. No major changes. She cares most about sound. Her previous name submission of Triona Mac Casky was returned (05/2005 R-East) for lack of evidence for Triona as a period name, and because of the space in her surname. Her device, Argent, a mermaid vert and on a chief azure two spoons palewise argent, a base wavy azure, was registered under the holding name Penni of Iron Bog. The return noted: "We would register this name as either the all English Catrina MacCasky or as the English/Gaelic mix Caítríona MacCasky". The submitter is going with this latter option, which is a step from period practice but registerable. She prefers to drop the accent marks, which is allowed in Gaelic names as long as it's done consistently. Caitríona is found in Mari Elspeth nic Bryan's "Index of Names in Irish Annals" (http://www.medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/) as the standard Early Modern Irish Gaelic spelling of the name of 15 women, dated between 1360 and 1654. As noted on the ILoI, Gaelic names are registerable with all the accents dropped. MacCasky is a reasonable variant spelling based on Black p. 455 s.n. Macaskie: McKasky 1494, Makcasky 1574, and M'Caskie 1588. This combines Irish Gaelic with Scots, which is a step from period practice, but registerable. This badge is clear of Ysolt de la Mere (Jan. 2007 Atlantia): (Fieldless) On an escallop inverted azure a fleur-de-lys Or, and the Kingdom of Atlantia (June 1981 Atlantia): (Fieldless) On an escallop inverted azure a plate; in each case, there's one CD for fieldlessness, and one for the type and tincture of the tertiary charge. It's also clear of Thora Ragnarsdottir (April 1994 Middle): Or, an escallop inverted azure, with one CD for removing the field, and another for adding the tertiary charge. |
2 Cecily Tupholme (f) - New Name forwarded No changes. "Faire Names for English Folks" by Christian de Holacombe (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/christian/fairnames/givennames.html#women) lists Cecily among the top 50 women's names in the 1560s and 70s. Tupholme is the location of an abbey founded in the 12th century, according to "Abbeys of the Witham Valley" (Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire, http://www.lincsheritage.org/community_heritage/guides_information/witham_abbeys/site.php?key=tupholme_abbey). The name derives from tup meaning "sheep" and holme, a Saxon word meaning an island or raised ground. Cecily is dated to 1246, 1279, and 1523 in Talan Gwynek's "Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames" (http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/reaneyAG.html) s.n. Cecilia. Tupholme is a header in Ekwall, p. 482, with the spellings Tupeholm and Tupholm dated to 1175. For the final 'e', ibid p. 246 s.n. Holme dates Holme to DB, 1252, 1305, 1316, and 1571, and s.n. Holme, East & West, there's Westholme 1316. |
3 Diana Kidder - Resub Badge forwarded (Fieldless) Upon an increscent vert a pine cone Or, stem to chief. Her name and device (Vert, in pale an increscent and a pinecone, stem to chief Or) were registered in April 2006, via the East. Her previous badge submission of (Fieldless) An increscent maintaining between its horns a pinecone stem to chief Or was returned by Laurel (June 2007 R-East) for conflict with Darius Coligny (Aug. 2003 Artemisia): Plumetty sable and argent, an increscent Or, with just one CD for the field, and nothing for the maintained pinecone. This submission changes the tincture of the crescent and makes the pinecone a tertiary charge to clear this conflict. |
4 Elisabeth Borden of Kent (f) - New Name forwarded & Resub Device forwarded Azure, in saltire two candles burning at both ends between four tau crosses argent. No changes. She cares most about spelling, and requests authenticity for English language/culture. This identical device was returned on the May 1998 LoAR (Elisabeth Borden, R-East) because there was no valid name submission accompanying it. The return noted that the name was unregisterable because of conflict with Lizzie Borden; this submission adds a locative to clear this conflict. Documentation consists of a printout of "BORDEN Ancestral Line", from COWAN Connections by Michael S. Cole (1994, pp. 374-380; online at http://www.thecolefamily.com/hobby/borden.htm). Elisabeth is found twice s.n. Elizabeth in Aryanhwy merch Catmael's "16th Century Gloucestershire Names" (http://heraldry.sca.org/names/english/late16.html). It's also found in her "English Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C. Marriage Records" (http://heraldry.sca.org/names/english/parishes/parishes.html), dated to 1589, 1613, and 1615. R&W p. 54 s.n. Borden dates de Borden' 1206 and Borden 1375. Ibid p. 263 s.n. Kent dates de Kent 1185, Kent 1296, and a Kent 1524. |
Vert, an ounce ermine rampant incensed proper and on a chief argent a scimitar sable. He cares most about sound. Both name parts are from the "Index of Names in Irish Annals" by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (http://www.medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/). Fáelán is given as the standard Old and Middle Irish Gaelic (c.700 - c.1200) spelling of the name of 19 men, found between 628 and 1423. The submitter prefers this earlier spelling, but will accept alternates if needed. Mer is found in the Descriptive Bynames section with the meaning "the swift". This is the standard Early Modern Irish Gaelic spelling (c.1200 - c. 1700) of a byname found once in the Annals, in 1399. The submitted spelling of the given name is appropriate up to about 1200. This is less than 300 years from the date for the byname, so the combination is registerable, although combining Middle and Early Modern Irish orthographies like this is considered a step from period practice (Áedan Ó Miadhaigh, 03/06 A-Middle). This device is clear of Symonne de Clare (Nov. 1999 Artemisia): Sable, a lion ermine and on a chief argent three roses gules barbed and seeded vert, with one CD for the field, and another for the type, tincture, and number of tertiaries. As submitted, the flames were "gules fimbriated Or", which has been disallowed for many years (see the April 1995 Cover Letter). Correctly drawn flames proper consist of alternating tongues of red and yellow flame. The device has been redrawn accordingly (with larger ermine spots while I was at it), with the consulting herald's approval in the submitter's name. |
6 Horace Eastbourne (m) - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded Per bend sinister argent and azure, a sinister wing counterchanged. Horace is a header in Withycombe; the entry says "its use as a Christian name dates to the Renaissance ... The earliest example noted in England is Sir Horatio Vere 1563-1635." Eastbourne is a header in Ekwall, dated in the spelling Estburn to 1279. For East-, ibid s.n. Eastchurch has Eastcyrce 11c. For -bourne, ibid s.n. Westbourne dates Westbourne 1305 and Westebourne 1317. This device is clear of Dante Alighieri (Dec. 1994 Laurel): Azure, a sinister wing argent, with one CD for the field and another for half the tincture of the primary charge. |
7 Katerine Fitzwilliam - New Change of Device forwarded Or, on a fess vert three dragonflies Or, in base a rose sable barbed and seeded proper. Her current name and device (Argent, three dragonflies in pale vert between flaunches barry wavy azure and argent) were registered in Sep. 2006, via the East. Her current device is to be released if this registration is successful. This device is clear of Juliana van Ardenburg (Oct. 2002 An Tir): Or, on a fess vert a castle Or, with one CD for adding a secondary charge, and one for the multiple changes to the tertiary charge(s). The tincture of the dragonflies has been added to the blazon. |
8 Leofwenn of Wytleseie (f) - Resub Name forwarded No changes. She does not allow the creation of a holding name. Her previous name submission of Leofwyn of Whittlesey was returned by Laurel (Feb. 2008 R-East) for documentation and construction problems. This submission follows the recommendation at the end of the return: "If the submitter wants to combine Old and Middle English, we suggest Leofwenn of Wytleseie." |
9 Naomi bat Avraham (f) - New Request for Reconsideration forwarded She cares most about spelling. This is a Request for Reconsideration concerning the spelling of her given name. The originally submitted Naomi bat Avraham was changed at kingdom to Noomi bat Avraham, based on the entry for this name in Beider, A Dictionary of Ashkenazic Given Names (Bergenfield, NJ; Avotaynu, Inc., 2001). The name was registered in Feb. 2008, without comment, using the Noomi spelling. Although the submitter appreciates the effort in registering a more period form of her name, she prefers the original spelling, which also happens to be her mundane given name. (Both the consulting herald and Eastern Crown can attest to having seen ID to this effect.) The name is found as yod mem ayin nun in Hebrew tomb inscriptions from 1446 (Brandenburg) and 1594 (Prague), according to Beider p. 551 s.n. Noyme. The registered Noomi is given as a phonetic rendering of the name. On p. 239, Beider describes the transliteration system used: "The Yiddish phonetic forms are transliterated from Hebrew to Latin characters according to the standard rules established by YIVO (New York)." According to a document from the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research's website (http://www.yivo.org/downloads/Yiddish.pdf), Yiddish can be divided into two broad dialect groups: northern ("Litvak") and southern ("Polish"). The former is considered the "standard", literary form, but the latter represents about 3/4 of Yiddish speakers. The primary difference between the dialects is in the vowels. The registered Noomi is therefore based on a literary standard from a dialect with different vowels than the dialects spoken in the areas where the name was actually recorded. Furthermore, per precedent, modern standard transliterations of period Hebrew names are registerable (Avraham Harofeh, 10/2003 A-Atlantia). Therefore, the Naomi spelling should be registerable and we ask that it be restored. |
10 Simon Ludsthorpe (m) - New Name forwarded No changes. Simon is listed among the top 50 men's names for the 1560s and 70s in Christian de Holacombe's "Faire Names for English Folks" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/christian/fairnames/givennames.html#men). The Ashmolean Museum records a monumental brass in Warkorth Parish, Northamptonshire, dated to 1454, for one William Ludsthorp, Esq. (http://www.ashmolean.org/ash/departments/antiquities/brass/counties/Northamptonshire.html). The addition of an 'e' at the end is consistent with other names of the period ending in "-thorpe". Simon occurs once (and Symon three times) in Karen Larsdatter's "An Index to the 1523 Subsidy Roll for York and Ainsty, England" (http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/york16/index.htm). A similarly no-photocopies-required source for the cited data on the surname is Julian Goodwyn's "Brass Enscription Index" (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/brasses/lastnameIZ.htm), which gives not only Ludsthorp 1454, but also Leventhorpe 1484, Thorpe 1504, and de Buslingthorpe 1335, showing that the final 'e' is indeed consistent with period orthography. |
11 Symonne de Bellefort (f) - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded Quarterly purpure and Or, four hawk's bells and a bordure counterchanged. Symonne: "An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris" by Colm Dubh (http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/paris.html) cites a Symonne la converte. Bellefort is a placename found in this spelling in "Ansbert: Letter from the East to the Master of the Hospitallers, 1187" from the Internet Medieval Sourcebook (http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/1187ansbert.html). According to the translator's notes, "the proper names are spelled as in the original letter." |
Quarterly azure and argent, a horse rampant contourny sable between in bend two swords bendwise sinister argent all within an orle sable. Her name was forwarded to Laurel on the East's August xLoI. This device was returned for a redraw on the August LoD. Six hours after that letter was issued, the submitter replied to my messages and asked to use my artwork. |
Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland. New York Public Library, 1989.
Ekwall, Eilert. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-Names. Fourth edition. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1991.
Reaney, P.H. and R. M. Wilson. A Dictionary of English Surnames. Third edition, Oxford University Press, 1995.
Withycombe, E.G. The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names. Third edition. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1979.