Unto the East Kingdom College of Heralds and all others who do read this letter, greetings from Lillia de Vaux, Eastern Crown Herald!
This is the Letter of Decisions for the Internal Letter of Intent dated August 29, 2009. It contains submissions received before that date and has 12 numbered items. Text in boldface is quoted or summarized from the ILoI, and my comments follow in normal type.
Thank you to the following commenters: Aryanhwy merch Catmael, Kolosvari Arpadne Julia, Jeanne Marie Lacroix, Aceline Barrett, Yosef, Gawain of Miskbridge, Alys Mackyntoich, Palotzi Marti, Brunissende Dragonette, Einarr Grimsson, Caoimhin McKee, and Ragnveig Snorradottir.
1: Iron Bog, Barony of - New Order Name forwarded & New Badge forwarded
Order of the Ducke
(Fieldless) A duck naiant per fess argent and sable
The 08/2005 Cover Letter lists six meta-patterns for order names, of which this falls into the last category, that of orders named for heraldic charges (or for items that can be used as such). In comparing a list of orders named for creatures and objects, every order so named uses the creature or object whose name it bears as a badge or part of its regalia. Meradudd Cethin, "The Project Ordensnamen" (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/order/) lists common patterns for period orders. Those using a type of creature were the fourth most common, with 18 occurrences (6.84%). Examples include Order of the Swan (Cleeves, 500; Germany, 1440). Ducke is from "duck", a swimming bird of the genus Anas and kindred genera of the family Anatidæ, of which species are found all over the world. The submitted spelling is found in the OED:
1523 Fitzherb, Husb. §146 Take hede how thy hennes, duckes, and gees do ley.
1530 Palsgr. 215/2 Ducke a foule, canne. Duke of the ryver, cannette
1564 J. Rastell Confut. Jewell's Serm. 37b, He is more neerer a ducke than a duke.
A petition is enclosed for both the name and the badge, which are to be associated to each other.
The name on the submission form was <Barony of Iron Bog>. This has been corrected; however, the Barony's name was registered as <Iron Bog, Shire of> in 03/1984 via the East, and the designator needs to be corrected in the O&A. The Commenters believed that the order name is clear of the Order of the White Duck (Loch Salann, Barony of, 12/2003, Artemisia).
2: Elena Lytle - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded
Vert, on an open book argent a necklace of beads in annulo vert, on a chief argent three wooden drop spindles bendwise sinister proper threaded vert
Submitter desires a female name. Language (unspecified) most important. Elena is found in R&W (3rd edn, s.nn. Brede, Ell, and Silverside; pp. 62, 153, and 409, respectively), which lists Elena, widow of Edwin de Tuggel' (1221), Elena, wife of the Earl of Salisbury (1212-1222), and Elena Siluerside (1379). Lytle appears as a surname in R&W (s.n. Little, p. 281), with Thomas le Lytle dated to 1296.
Elena is also found in Talan Gwynek, "Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames" (http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/reaneyAG.html), s.n. Ellen, dated between 1187 and 1381.
The device is clear of Lillian Lytle's device below, with one CD for the change in the tincture of the field and another for the change in type and orientation of the tertiaries on the chief.
3: Lillian Lytle - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded
Azure, on an open book argent a necklace of beads in annulo azure, on a chief argent three trees proper
Submitter desires a female name. No major changes. Language/culture (unspecified) most important. Lillian is identified as a diminutive of Elizabeth in R&W (3rd edn, s.n. Liley, p. 279), with Geoffrey Lilion dated to 1279. Withycombe (3rd edn, s.n. Lil(l)ian, p. 196) also states that is a possible pet name for Elizabeth, and that Lilian was used as a given name in 16th-century England and the spelling Lilion was used as a surname dated to 1273. Lytle appears as a surname in R&W (s.n. Little, p. 281), with Thomas le Lytle dated to 1296.
This name conflicts with Elizabeth Little (09/2005, An Tir), as Lillian is a diminutive of Elizabeth, and and Lytle is equivalent to Little. A Letter of Permission to Conflict has been obtained.
The device is clear of Isabelle Christine de Foix, Azure, an open book and on a chief three hurts (04/2002, Meridies), with a CD for the changes to the tertiaries on the chief and another for the addition of the tertiary necklace. It is clear of Elena Lytle's device above, with one CD for the change in the tincture of the field and another for the change in type and orientation of the tertiaries on the chief.

4: Lucrezia Spinelli - New Device forwarded
Per chevron vert and gules, two sheaves of artists brushes and a framed door Or
Her name appeared on the 09/2009 East Kingdom External Letter of Intent.
Most of the commenters thought that the door looked like a beehive. In addition, the per chevron line of division should have come up higher on the escutcheon. As a result, the device was redrawn with the submitter's permission. She specifically requested that the sheaves and door be approximately the same size.
5: Marietta da Firenze - New Badge forwarded
Per pale vert and Or, a badger rampant sable
Her name was registered 05/2004 and her device, Per pale azure and gules, an orle of dice Or, in 09/2005, both via the East.
This is clear of Sengeli von Zauberberg, Or, a brown woodchuck rampant proper (03/2009, Middle), with a CD for the change of tincture of the beast and another for the addition of the chief.
6: Matilda of Fossoway - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded
Per chevron Or and sable, two cats statant respectant and an acorn counterchanged
No changes. Matilda (Withycombe, 3rd edn, s.n. Matilda, pp. 212-3) was introduced into England by the Normans (Matilda daughter of Baldwin V of Flanders married William I), and is described as being "a favorite in the 12th and 13th C" that fell out of favor in the 14th and 15th C. It is dated in this (Latinized) spelling to 1189-1215. of Fossoway is a locative byname from the united parish of Fossoway and Tulliebole, in Perthshire and Kinross-shire, Scotland. The parish church (Established Church of Scotland) has birth and marriage records dating from 1609-1687 (http://dgnscrn.demon.co.uk/genuki/KRS/Fossoway/index.html and http://www.btinternet.com/~fossoway/).
7: Orm the Scop - New Name forwarded
Submitter desires a male name. Language/culture (10th century Anglo-Danish) most important. Orm is based on Ormr, which is discussed in Academy of Saint Gabriel report no. 3146 (http://www.s-gabriel.org/3146):
An alternative that might appeal to you is the 10th century Viking name <Ormr>, which is at least somewhat similar in sound to the name you proposed. This was the name of several of the original Icelandic settlers and is well-attested in both Iceland and Norway throughout the Middle Ages. [1] <Ormr> was pronounced roughly ORM(r) where the (r) stands for a very lightly pronounced r sound.
[1] Lind, E.H., _Norsk-Isla"ndska Dopnamn ock Fingerade Namn fra*n Medeltiden_ (Uppsala & Leipzig: 1905-1915, sup. Oslo, Uppsala and Kobenhavn: 1931); s.n. <Ormr>.
The name Orm is listed in Nordiskt runnamnslexikon (The Dictionary of Norse Runic Names), by Lena Peterson (http://www.sofi.se/images/runor/pdf/lexikon.pdf; s.n. Ormr). Ormr (Orms) is also found in Irmínsul Ættír Nafnasafnið, by Haukur Þorgeirsson (http://www.irminsul.org/arc/012ht.html#o), with the definition "worm". Scop - The OED defines "scop" as an Old English poet or minstrel:
Beowulf 496 Scop hwilum sang hador on Heorote. c888 K. ÆLFRED Boeth. xli. §1 Omerus se goda sceop. c1205 LAY. 22705 Scopes er sungen of Arure an kingen.
The submitter confirmed that he prefers the submitted spelling to Ormr, but he will accept the latter if necessary. Commenters found no conflicts and noted that <Ormr Skald> would be a single language.
8: Rose Mary Anderson - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded
Argent, in fess a sprig of rosemary vert and a raven volant sable, a chief indented purpure
Submitter desires a female name. Language/culture (Lowland Scots), and the name <Anderson> most important.
The submitter had been told that her name needed to be in Gaelic, so she had originally submitted Rós Máiri inghean Andreu. Double given names in Gaelic are not registerable [Aislinn Fiona of Rumm, 08/2001, An Tir], and when the submitter was contacted, she indicated that she preferred the name in English-Scots. Rose is found in Talan Gwynek, "Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames" (http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/reaneyHZ.html), dated to 1525. Mary (ibid.) is dated to 1597-8. Double given names were rare in late period England, but are registerable [Rebekah Anna Leah Wynterbourne, 06/2004, Atenveldt]. "Index of Scots names found in Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue" by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/scots/dost/anderson.html) contains various dated spellings of Anderson, including Anderson (1529, 1594) and Andersone (1556, 1562). Anderson can also be found in "Early 16th Century Scottish Lowland Names," by Sharon L. Krossa (http://www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/lowland16/index.shtml) in the surnames section, with this spelling dated to 1518, 1522, 1525, 1540. The combination of Scots and English is not a step from period practice [Michael Duncan of Hadley, 04/04 LoAR A-Caid].
9: Sorcha nic Aedha - New Device forwarded
Per fess azure and sable, a fess wavy argent and in chief a sun Or
Her name was registered in 07/1999 via the East. She had a prior device submission that was submitted c. 07/1998 and returned in kingdom, the details of which have been lost to the annals of time (and I haven't yet located her file). Due to the long gap in time, the submitter has paid for this again.
The device is clear of Morwynna Cryw, Per fess azure and counter-ermine, a fess wavy argent between a sun in splendour Or and a decrescent moon argent (12/1989, East). There is a CD for the change to tincture, and another for the addition of the decrescent.
10: Stephanus de Londres - New Device forwarded
Per fess azure and gules, three estoiles in fess argent and a dragon Or.
His name was registered in 02/2007 via the East. His original device, Per fess azure and gules, in pale a demi-deer argent armored and ennobled Or and a dragon segreant Or, was pended on the East's 08/2006 Letter of Decision in order to obtain a letter of permission to conflict with Sean de Londres, Per fess azure and gules, in pale a Paschal lamb argent and a dragon segreant Or, which was obtained. Meanwhile, the submitter changed his device, which cleared this conflict. Because this was pended and never returned, then was changed, this is being processed as a new device rather than a resubmission.
The device is clear of Suzanne Neuber de Londres, Per fess azure and gules, two chalices argent and a dragon segreant Or (01/1993, East), with two CDs for changing from two chalices to three estoiles.
11: Þorbj{o,}rn Ragnvaldsson - New Name forwarded
Submitter desires a male name. No major changes. Þorbj{o,}rn is found in Geirr Bassi (s.n. Þorbj{o,}rn, p. 16); however, the submitter prefers the spelling "Torbjorn", which has been registered several times between 1992 and 1995, and appears in the Academy of Saint Gabriel report no. 1520:
You asked about the suitability of <Torbjorn Ragnarsson> as a Scandinavian man's name before 1050. You also mentioned that you understood <Torbjorn> to mean 'Bear of Thorr'.
With minor changes this name is eminently suitable for your period. The given (first) name was common in both Norway and Iceland throughout the Middle Ages, but it wasn't spelled <Torbjorn> until long after your period. The standard scholarly form of the name, which is based on Old Icelandic spellings from the later 13th century, is <Þorbio,rn> or <Þorbjo,rn>. [1] (Here Þ stands for the letter thorn, written like a superimposed [b] and [p>] sharing a single loop; it's pronounced like the <th> in <thin>. The sequence <o,> stands for an <o> with a backwards comma hanging from it; in your period <o,r> was pronounced much like the English word <or>.)...
[1] Lind, E.H. Norsk-Isla"ndska Dopnamn ock Fingerade Namn fra*n Medeltiden (Uppsala & Leipzig: 1905-1915, suppl. Oslo, Uppsala and Copenhagen: 1931); s.nn. <Þorbio,rn>, <Ragnarr>. [The <a"> is an a-umlaut; the <a*> is an <a> with a small circle directly above it.]
Ragnvaldsson means "son of Ragnvald" (patronymic formation using -sson based on Geirr Bassi, p. 17). Ragnvald is from Cleasby and Vigfusson, An Icelandic-English Dictionary, pp. 488-489, under Regin:
II. in pr. names Reginn, a mythical name, Edda, v{o-}ls.S.: esp. in compds. Regin-leif, a fem. name Landn., but mostly coutr. Ragn- or R{o-}gn-...of men, Ragnarr, R{o-}gn-valdr, Landn.
And on p. 675, under valdr:
2. in the latter part of pr. names, Þór-valdr, Ás-valdr, R{o-}gn-valdr...
<R{o,}gnvaldr> is also found in Geirr Bassi, p. 14.
The submitter would prefer Torbjorn to Thorbjorn. Green Anchor noted that <Ragnvaldr> is found in Nordiskt runnamnslexikon, p. 77.
12: Ysmay de Lynn - New Name forwarded
Submitter desires a female name. Sound (Is-may de Lynn) most important.>Ysmay is a variant of Ismay, a rare name used from the 13th C (Withycombe, 3rd edn, s.n. Ismay, p. 165). The submitted spelling is dated to 1273. de Lynn is found in Bardsley (s.n. Lynn, 1996 reprint, p. 503), which lists Cecilia de Lynn, tempus Henry III-Edward I (they ruled from 1216-72 and 1272-1307, respectively).