Lillia de Vaux

April 13, 2009

Unto the East Kingdom College of Heralds and all others who do read this letter, greetings from Lillia de Vaux, incoming Eastern Crown Herald!

This is the Letter of Decisions for the Internal Letter of Intent dated January 26, 2009. It contains submissions received before January 26, 2009 and has 17 numbered items. Text in boldface is quoted or summarized from the ILoI, and my comments follow in normal type.

Many thanks to the following commenters: Kolosvari Arpadne Julia, Gawain of Miskbridge, Alys Mackyntoich, Aryanhwy merch Catmael, Brunissende Dragonette, Palotzi Marti, and Elizabeth Turner de Carlisle. Extra special thanks to Julia for fixing my errors, and to Brunissende for additional proofreading.

NOTES: Consulting heralds: If you get an old form or one that's been modified, please transfer the item to the correct form prior to sending it to Kingdom. In addition, the December 2008 Cover Letter (available at http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/loar/) summarizes what needs to be included as documentation. Specifically, please remember to summarize what the source says, even when it's a no-photocopy source.

1: Aibhilín inghean Uí Phaidín - New Name forwarded

Submitter desires a female name. No major changes. Aibhilín is listed as a standard Early Modern Irish spelling of the name of seven women in the "Index of Names in Irish Annals" by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (http://www.medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/Feminine/Aibhilin.shtml), with the following dates: 1498, 1508, 1510, 1524, 1549, 1560, 1583. See also OCM (p. 84 s.n. Eibhlín) [no further information provided]. Paidín (which lenites to Phaidín) is found in the Annals Index (http://www.medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/Masculine/Paidin.shtml) as the standard nominative and genitive Early Modern Irish spelling of the name of five men, dated 1165, 1362, 1365, 1441, 1506, 1543, 1551, and 1589. See also OCM (p. 152, s.n. Pátraic) [no further information provided]. The construction [single given name] + [inghean Uí] + [eponymous clan ancestor's name in genitive case and lenited] is documented from "Quick and Easy Gaelic Names" by Sharon Krossa (http://www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/quickgaelicbynames/).

OCM states that Aibhílín was "the name of a daughter of MacCarthy More in the sixteenth century," and that Páidín is one of the Irish forms of Patrick. The submitted spelling was Aibhilin inghean Uí Phaidin; with the submitter's permission, the spelling was changed to Aibhilín inghean Uí Phaidín to better match the documentation.

2: Alexander Younger - Resub Device forwarded

Argent, six pellets in annulo.

His name was accepted on the November 2008 LoAR. His originally submitted device of Argent, seven pellets two, three, and two was returned on the May 2008 LoD for conflict with Cynethryth Dall (06/2001 Lochac): Argent semy of roundels, a bordure sable, with just one CD for removing the bordure. This resubmission takes the advice of the LoD to remove the center roundel, which should give an additional CD for arrangement.

Brendan Firebow Brendan Firebow3: Brendan Firebow - New Device forwarded

Sable, on a bend enarched Or between two English panthers rampant guardant spotted vert and incensed proper three oak leaves vert.

His name was registered in Nov. 1992, via the East.

The original forms were colored using the disallowed, fimbriated style of "flames proper" instead of alternating tongues of red and gold flames. With the submitter's permission, the device has been redrawn to correctly color the flames.

Brendan Firebow Brendan Firebow4: Brendan Firebow - New Badge forwarded

(Fieldless) On an oak leaf vert, an English panther rampant guardant argent spotted vert and incensed proper.

His name was registered in Nov. 1992, via the East.

The original forms were colored using the disallowed, fimbriated style of "flames proper" instead of alternating tongues of red and gold flames. With the submitter's permission, the badge has been redrawn to correctly color the flames.

5: Christopher Calhoune - New Badge forwarded

(Fieldless) A spoon sable.

His name and device, Or, three fleurs de lys, were registered in Nov. 2004, via the East.

His badge was conflict checked against oars due to the returns of Patrick McConville's badge (08/2006 R-East), (Fieldless) A spoon Or, and device (12/2007 R-East), Sable, a spoon Or, for visual conflict with Balin the Fairhaired's badge (02/1975 East), Sable, an oar Or.

This badge is also clear of Lochac, Kingdom of, (Fieldless) A wrought iron spoon palewise, bowl to base, sable, for the Order of the Iron Spoon. There is one CD for fieldlessness, and another for the change in orientation of the spoon. Sinister Gauntlet also mentioned Barony of Storvik (01/1994 Atlantia), Paly gules and Or, a drakkar prow sable and Beatrice Lumini (11/2001 Atenveldt), Lozengy Or and vert, a gondola prow sable. In both cases, the current submission gets one CD for fieldlessness, but whether a spoon and boat prow are sufficiently different visually to grant a second CD is up to Wreath.

6: Declán Gobha - New Name forwarded

Submitter desires a male name. No major changes. Declán: OCM p. 71 s.n. Declán [no further details given on the submission form]. Gobha is the standard Early Modern Irish nominative form of a descriptive byname meaning "[the] smith", found for one man in the "Index of Names in Irish Annals" by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (http://www.medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/DescriptiveBynames/Gobha.shtml): Donnchadh Gobha mac Briain mic Toirrdhealbhaigh mic Taidhcc mic Mathghamhna, dated to 1559. Documentation is included for the construction [single given name] + [descriptive adjective], from "Quick and Easy Gaelic Names (3rd Edition)" by Sharon Krossa (http://www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/quickgaelicbynames/).

According to OCM, Declán was the name of a saint whose feast day is 24 July, was the founder of the monastery of Ardmore, County Waterford, and is patron saint of the Déisi. Although there is a temporal disparity between the given name and byname, this is not a step from period practice due to the saint's name allowance (10/2001 CL).

Diomedes SebastianusDiomedes Sebastianus7: Diomedes Sebastianus - New Badge Change forwarded

Barry dovetailed Or and gules, a bend azure.

Old Item: Per chevron throughout vert and sable, in pale two crescents argent, to be released.

His name and original badge were registered in 05/2004 via the East. His device, Vert, on a mullet of twelve points argent a roundel engrailed vert all within a bordure engrailed Or, was registered in 12/2004, also via the East.

Not only was this badge submitted on an outdated submission form, but the badge shape had been modified; each of these is grounds for administrative return. With the submitter's permission, the badge was redrawn on the correct form in order to fix this problem.

8: Eoin an Doire - Resub Device forwarded

Azure, a winged boar rampant argent and in chief two oak leaves Or.

His name was registered in 06/2007 via the East. His previous device submission, Per saltire Or and azure, an oak tree couped proper, blasted sinister, was returned on the 07/2007 LoD for style problems and conflict. This is a complete redesign.

9: Francesco de Gremenis - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Sable, a chevron between two flames and an arm embowed, armored and gauntleted, maintaining a hammer bendwise inverted Or.

Submitter desires a male name. No major changes. Language (15-16th century northern Italian) most important. Culture (15-16th century northern Italian) most important. Francesco: "15th Century Italian Men's Names" by Talan Gwynek (http://heraldry.sca/org/heraldry/laurel/names/italian15m.html) lists Francesco Benzo and Francesco Camazarin as lecturers at the University of Ferrara between 1473 and 1474. de Gremenis is a surname found in Stemmario Trivulziano, a mid-15th century armorial from the Duchy of Milan. (C. Maspoli, ed. Stemmario Trivulziano. Case Editrice Niccolo; Orsini de Marzo: 2000. ISBN 88-9000452-0-5. p. 170.)

10: Francesco de Gremenis - New Badge forwarded

(Fieldless) On a flame Or a warhammer sable.

His name and device are submitted above.

11: Friderich von dem Schwarzwald - Resub Device forwarded

Per saltire gules and sable, on a double-headed eagle Or, two halberds in saltire sable.

His name was accepted and the device returned on the 11/2008 LoD. The device, Gyronny arrondi gules and sable, on a double-headed eagle displayed Or, two halberds in saltire sable, was returned for using a low-contrast field divided into more than four parts. This resubmission features a field divided per saltire to fix this problem.

John Marshall atte Forde John Marshall atte Forde12: John Marshall atte Forde and Elizabet Marshall - New Household Name forwarded & New Badge forwarded

Marshalls Ford

(Fieldless) An acorn Or between and conjoined to two bars wavy couped azure.

John Marshall atte Ford was registered in 10/2007 via the East. Elizabet Marshall was registered in 08/2002, also via the East. No major changes. Meaning (Marshall's Ford) most important. The pattern of this household name is based on Mari Espeth nic Bryan, "English Sign Names" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/inn/#BynameInn). This article has examples of English sign names in the pattern [possesive form of byname] + ["inn"], e.g. Bosoms yn 1522, Davys Inn 15th c, Greysyn 1476, etc. This submission uses a similar pattern: [possessive form of byname] + [another type of business, i.e., "Ford"]. Fords being named after people in period England can be seen in town names that evolved, such as Ashford (possibly from the OE personal name Eccel, derived from Ecca) in Middlesex, Alford ("The ford of Ealdg{y-}þ") in Somerset, and Otford ("Otta's ford") (all headers in Ekwall, pp. 6, 15, 352). There is no actual place name "Marshallsford" or "Marshalls Ford", so presumption should not be an issue.

Upon further reading, one of the examples given in the LoI didn't follow the desired pattern and has been omitted from the above summary. Under the OE ford header in Ekwall (p. 184), it was noted that "[t]he first element of names in -ford is often the name of an animal...or of a person." Additional potential examples in Ekwall were noted: Basford ("Basa's ford"; *Basa from the OHG Baso), Bayford ("Boia's ford"), Bedford ("Bīēda's ford"), Kempsford ("Cynem{æ-}r's ford"), and Wallingford ("the ford of Wealh's people"), found on pp. 29, 31, 34, 271, and 493, respectively.

One commenter noted that this household name did not meet the requirements of RfSV.2.b: "...household names must consist of a designator that identifies the type of entity and at least one descriptive element." "Marshalls" is intended as the descriptive element and "Ford" as the designator, and refers to a business (control of a ford and collection of tolls) named after its owner or keeper. Whether or not this is a valid form of household name is up to Pelican to decide.

Commenters felt that the acorn and bars were barely conjoined in the original emblazon, and would likely cause the badge to be returned. As a result, it was redrawn with the submitter's permission to hopefully correct this problem.

13: Léonete d'Angely - New Name Change forwarded

Old Item: Nicola Angelini, to be retained.

Her current name and her device (Gules, on a bend between two standing seraphs argent three quatrefoils palewise gules) were registered in 06/2006, via the East. No check boxes were marked. Léonete is listed in Academy of St. Gabriel report 2904 (http://www.s-gabriel.org/2904) as a feminine name appearing in tax records from Lyon in 1446, citing Déniau, Jean: Les Nommées des Habitants de Lyon en 1446 (Lyon: A. Rey, 1930). de is a locative preposition, elided to d' because Angely begins with a vowel. Angely is a header in Dauzat & Rostaing, p. 18. Dated forms given are Anglias 721, Angeliacum 1219, Saint Jean d'Angély (Angeliacense 1095).

Pelican noted that d'Angely is found in her "Names Found in Commercial Documents from Bordeaux, 1470-1520" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/french/bordeaux.html). This source lists a Pierre Angely, whose byname was also recorded as Angley, Angey, and d'Angely.

14: Magyarországi Zuzanna - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Argent, three pomegranates slipped and leaved within a bordure gules.

Submitter desires a female name. Language (Hungarian) most important. Zuzanna is dated to 1586 under Zsuzsanna in "Hungarian Feminine Names" by Walraven van Nijmegen (http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/magfem2.html). [It's a Hungarian-context spelling: Seredj Zuzanna 1586 is found in Kázmer p. 929 s.n. Serédi.] Magyarországi is a header dated in this spelling to 1569 (Magyarországi Janos) in Kázmér: Régi Magyar családnevek szótára (Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság, Budapest, 1993). Other dated spellings include Magiarorzagi 1604 and Magyar orszagj 1614. It means "from Hungary" (as opposed to Transylvania): Magyarország is "Hungary" (literally "Hungarian country", compare for example Franciaország "France"), and the suffix -i means "of, from". The pattern [byname] + [given name] is discussed in "Hungarian Names 101" by Walraven van Nijmegen (http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/magyarnames1012.html#women). According to that same article, records of Hungarian women's names from the 16th century show the same general construction patterns as men's names.

15: Seashire, Canton of - New Badge forwarded

(Fieldless) A sea-dragon erect gules.

The canton's name was registered in 01/1983, its device, Per fess wavy argent and azure, a sea-dragon erect gules maintaining in both claws a laurel wreath vert, was registered in 03/1984, and its badge, Argent, a sea-dragon erect gules, maintaining an escutcheon sable within a bordure wavy azure, was registered in 07/1986, all via the East.

16: Tanczos Istvan - New Badge forwarded

Gules billety Or.

His name and device (Per chevron potent and gules) were registered in 05/2002, and another badge, (Fieldless) A saltire couped crosslet gules, in 12/2008, all via the East. He has a letter of permission to conflict with Thora Sharptooth (10/1991 East), Gules, three square weaver's tablets in bend Or: I, [...], known in the SCA as Thora Sharptooth, give [...], known in the SCA as Tanczos Istvan, permission for his armory, "Gules billety Or," to look similar to, but not identical to my armory "Gules, three square weaver's tablets in bend Or." I understand that this permission can not be withdrawn once Istvan's armory is registered. 22 December 2008 [signed with both legal and SCA names].

Violante de Rojas Violante de Rojas17: Violante de Rojas - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Argent, a chevron sable cotised vert between two thistles and a swan contourny sable.

Submitter desires a female name. No major changes. Sound (unspecified) most important. Language (15th-16th C Spanish) most important. Culture (15th-16th C Spanish) most important. Violante is a feminine given name found in Juliana de Luna, "Spanish Names from the late 15th century" (http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/isabella/WomenFullNames.html) and Elsbeth Anne Roth, "16th century Spanish Names" (http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/spanish/index.html), with six occurrences dated between 1477 and 1560: Violante Cuello, Violante de Albion (also Vilante), and Violante González. de Rojas is a locative byname, with eight occurrences noted in "16th Century Spanish Names" (op. cit.), e.g., Beatriz de Rojas, dated 1539.

Some of the commenters thought that the original emblazon needed to be redrawn because the cotises were too narrow. This was done with the submitter's permission.


Dauzat, Albert et Charles Rostaing. Dictionnaire Étymologique des Noms de Lieux de la France. Paris, 1963.

Ekwall, Eilert. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-names. 4th edition. Oxford, 1960.

Ó Corraín, Donnchadh and Fidelma Maguire. Irish Names. Lilliput Press, Dublin, 1990.