Unto the East Kingdom College of Heralds and all others who do read this letter, greetings from Lillia de Vaux, Eastern Crown Herald, recently returned from the Known World Heraldic and Scribal Symposium in the Barony of the Lonely Tower in the Kingdom of Calontir!
This is the Letter of Decisions for the Internal Letter of Intent dated July 15, 2009. It contains submissions received before that date and has 14 numbered items. Text in boldface is quoted or summarized from the ILoI, and my comments follow in normal type.
Thank you to the following commenters: Ragnveig Snorradottir, Robert Fairfax, Yosef, Jeanne Marie Lacroix, Aryanhwy merch Catmael, Kolosvari Arpadne Julia, Aceline Barrett, Gawain of Miskbridge, Anpliça Fiore, Rohese de Dinan, Alys Mackyntoich, and Brunissende Dragonette.
Lastly, congratulations are in order for Aryanhwy, who successfully defended her thesis this month. Vivat!
1: Aldiana della Serra - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded
Per pale argent and azure, a vol counterchanged and on a chief triangular sable a crescent argent.
Submitter desires a female name. No major changes. Language and culture (Italian) most important. Aldiana is a feminine given name found in Arval Benicoeur, "Feminine Given Names from Thirteenth Century Perugia" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/perugia/), where it appears once in a 1285 tax roll. della Serra is the byname of <Cardinal Filippo Carafa della Serra> (or <Filippo Caraffa della Serra>) from Naples, c. 1340-1389, who appears in Salvador Miranda, "The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church" (http://www.fiu.edu/~mirandas/bios1378.htm#Carafa; main site: http://www.fiu.edu/~mirandas/cardinals.htm).
The byname de Serra is found in N.F. Faraglia, "1800 Surnames Recorded in 1447" (http://www.abruzzoheritage.com/magazine/2002_06/d.htm). The submitted name is clear of Iuliana de la Sara (11/2007, An Tir) and Aldiana Dragonetti (05/1999, Middle).
The device is clear of both Astrid Thorvardsdatter, Per pale argent and azure, two wings conjoined in lure counterchanged (09/1998, Atlantia), and Geneviève Armstrang, Per pale azure and argent, a pair of wings conjoined in lure and a ford counterchanged (09/1999, Artemisia), with CDs for the addition of the chief and tertiary charge, and for the reversal of the tinctures of the field and the change from a ford to a chief, respectively. It is also clear of Connor Andrew McEwan, Per pale argent and azure, a Maltese cross counterchanged, on a chief triangular sable a mug Or (12/1994, Caid), by Section X.2 of the RfS, with a CD for the substantial change to the type of primary charge.
2: Alesone Gray of Cranlegh - New Badge forwarded
(Fieldless) On the breech of a cannon barrel reversed sable a spool Or.
Alesone's original name submission, Alesone Gray, was returned and her device, Gules, three equal-armed Celtic crosses and on a chief argent three ravens sable, was registered on the 12/2008 LoAR via the East under the holding name Alesone Gray of Carolingia. Her resubmitted name, Alesone Gray of Cranlegh, is on the East Kingdom's 06/2009 External Letter of Intent, along with the badge (Fieldless) Two rapiers inverted in saltire argent and overall a crow sable. Another badge, Sable, in bend sinister two walnuts Or and a bordure denticulada argent, is on the East's 07/31/2009 External Letter of Intent.
Precedent states that cannon barrels alone can be registered, but must be explicitly blazoned [Wilhelm von Homburg, 11/2007]. The badge is clear of Wilhelm's badge, (Fieldless) A cannon sable, with one CD for fieldlessness and another for the addition of the tertiary charge. Commenters expressed concern that the spool was not identifiable; whether this is the case is for Wreath to decide.

3: Allessandra Francesca di Milano - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded
Per bend sinister sable and gules, a threaded needle inverted bendwise sinister and in bend sinister three fleurs de lys palewise Or.
Submitter desires a female name. No major changes. Language and culture (Italian - 1500's) most important. Alessandra and Francesca are feminine names found in Rhian Lyth of Blackmoor Vale, "Italian Renaissance Women's Names" (http://heraldry.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/italian.html); the names in this article were compiled from diaries and other documents from 14th- and 15th-century Florence. Alessandra is also found in Juliana de Luna, "Names from Sixteenth Century Venice" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/juliana/16thcvenice.html); the names were found in pre-1600 legal documents and tax records. Juliana's article states that there were "no clear examples of double given names for women (though the woman labeled as <Maria Poselina> may be an example)", although compound and double given names appear occasionally for men. Her article also discusses locative bynames, but specific documentation for di Milano was not included in the submission.
Milano appears once in David Herlihy, R. Burr Litchfield, and Anthony Molho (eds.), "Florentine Renaissance Resources: Online Tratte of Office Holders 1282-1532" (main site: http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/tratte/; location information: http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/tratte/doc/ORIGIN.html), but the specific date for the entry is not provided. (Note that this source normalizes spellings.) However, da Milano, "from Milan", is found in Arval Benicoeur and Talan Gwynek, "Fourteenth Century Venetian Personal Names" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/venice14/).
The submitted form of the name was Allessandra Francesca di Milano. Although the form of the given name in the cited documentation was Alessandra, Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 3339 (http://www.s-gabriel.org/3339 states that,
"We find the feminine version <Allesandra> as a variant of <Alessandra> in the 15th century [2]...."
[2]Gregory, Heather, "Selected Letters of Alessandra Strozzi". University of California Press, 1997.
Thus, the submitted spelling Allessandra seems reasonable. Commenters noted that the locative preposition should be "da" rather than "di", which was the spelling found in Juliana's article cited above. However, Noir Licorne pointed out that Talan's "15th Century Italian Men's Names" (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/italian15m.html) shows that "di" may have been occasionally used in locative bynames (e.g., <di Zirondi>, possibly after Gironde, the name of a French province, and <Ruberto di Girardin da Lendenara>). Looking back at Arval and Talan's aforementioned article, I note a <Cecilia di Franco>. As such, I am giving the submission the benefit of a doubt, and forwarding the name without modifying the preposition. The name is clear of Allesandra Francesca Karina del Bochetto (08/1986, Trimaris).
The black-and-white and color emblazons of the device did not match, and the charges could have be drawn to better fill the available space. The black-and-white emblazon (which had larger fleurs de lys) was photocopied and the copies colored to correct these problems.
4: Arabella of Ardtayne - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded
Argent, a hazel sprig fructed and leaved proper, on a chief raguly azure three butterflies argent.
Submitter desires a female name. No major changes. The name was originally submitted as Arabella of Artane, for which the following documentation (but no photocopies or printouts) was provided:
Arabella as in Arbella/Arabella Stewart 1575. Cited in Rosalind K. Marshall, "Stuart, Lady Arabella (1575-1615)". In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford Press, 2004, accessed 3 March 2008, and in Antonia Fraser, Mary, Queen of Scots, p. 535. Artane is a Northside suburb of Dublin, Ireland, having been around for more than 900 years. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/artane_dublin). Battle was noted at Artane Castle 28 July 1534 Lord Thomas Fitzgerald died.
Elmet then worked to strengthen the submission, and this additional information was on the Internal Letter of Intent. With the submitter's approval, the name on the iLoI was Arabella de Artane, because it was felt that the Latinized English Arabella (see below) made it necessary to use "de" instead of "of". (The version on the iLoI did not appear on the forms, however.) Arabella is found in Academy of Saint Gabriel report 2791 (http://www.panix.com/~gabriel/public-bin/showfinal.cgi?2791+0):
Although we have some evidence of the name, we cannot recommend <Arabella> as a good choice for an Englishwoman: It appears to have been an unusual Latinization of some English name, but we are not sure what English name underlies it. We do not think <Arabella> was used in spoken English until well after our period.
In 1255, a Latin document refers to <Arabella>, the wife of John de Montpync,on [1]. (The symbol <c,> represents c-cedilla.) This is the only example of <Arabella> that we found before 1600; and in a Latin document of this period, <Arabella> is most likely a purely documentary form representing <Orable>, as discussed below.
Otherwise, <Arabella> is an 18th century form of a name we find recorded primarily in Scotland in the 16th and 17th centuries as <Arbell> or <Arbella> [1, 2]. The most prominent bearer of this name was Arbell or Arbella Stuart, Duchess of Somerset (1575 - 1615); we know from existing letters that she signed her name as <Arbella> [3, 5]. This name was most likely pronounced ar-BELL-a, where a represents the sound of <a> in <soda> and <about>. Though Arbella lived most of her life in England, she was strongly connected with Scotland. We found no 16th century native Englishwomen with this name, but we believe it is a plausible choice for a woman from the north of England.
[1] Withycombe, E.G., _The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names_, 3rd ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988). s.n. Arabel(la).
[2] Reaney, P. H., & R. M. Wilson, _A Dictionary of English Surnames_ (London: Routledge, 1991; Oxford University Press, 1995). s.n. Strange, Strangeway
[3] Castelli, Jorge H., "Bess of HARDWICK (C. Shrewsbury) and her Royal grand daughter, Lady Arabella STUART," (WWW - self-published). http://www.tudorplace.com.ar/Bios/BessofHardwick.htm
[5] Baker, John, "Marlowe and Arbella Stuart (~Arabella)," (WWW - self-published). http://www2.localaccess.com/marlowe/arbella.htm
of Ardtayne is a marked locative byname based on Tartaine (or the Irish Ard-Aidhin; modern Artane - see my comments below). This town is found on p. 302 of Monasticon Hibernicum: or, An history of the abbeys, priories, and other religious houses in Ireland, ed. by P.F. Moran, by Mervyn Archdall (Published by W. B. Kelly, 1873) (http://books.google.com/books?id=9AQVAAAAQAAJ). This states that Archbishop Allen [John Alen or Aleyn] fled to Artane Castle and was murdered there on July 28, 1534 [during the revolt by Thomas Fitzgerald, 9th Earl of Kildare, and the Geraldines]. It appears in the Annals of Ulster (Annala Uladh) as <Ard-aidhin>, dated 1534 (http://books.google.com/books?id=BL1nAAAAMAAJ, on p. 595: "...and they carried him with them to Ard-aidhin [Artane], in proximity to Cluain-tarbh [Clontarf]..." A facsimile can be seen at http://image.ox.ac.uk/show?collection=bodleian&manuscript=msrawlb489, in which the 1534 entries seem to start on folio 121v - in the right column, with the pertinent passage appearing around line 17 of the first column of folio 122 recto. [In that source, the spelling is <h-Ard h-Aidhin>.]
In commentary on another current submission, Edelweiss noted that IGI Parish Records (extracted) list the baptisms of <Arabella Fysher> (Souldrop, Bedfordshire) and <Arabella Cokayn> (Toddington, Bedfordshire), dated to 1575 and 1631, respectively. This information supports Arabella as an English name, meaning that the submitter's preferred pattern <Arabella of X> can be supported. For the byname, the spellings Tartaine, Turtaine, and Tartayne are found in English records. For example: <Nicholas Holywood of Tartaine> (1570 and 1628) and the lands of <Turtaine>[1,2]; <Hollywood de Tartaine> (1628) [3]; <Thomas de St. Laurence, alias Houthe, de Tartaine> (during the reign of Edward VI [1537-1553]) [4]; and <Tartayne> [Castle] in the excommunication text of Fitzgerald (1535) [5]. The latter source also mentions that the Tartayne spelling was used in the Act of Attainder against Fitzgerald, and that the the spelling Ardtayne was also used elsewhere.
[1] William Ball Wright and Sir William Betham, "The Ussher memoirs, or, Genealogical memoirs of the Ussher families in Ireland: (with appendix, pedigree and index of names), compiled from public and private sources" (Publisher Sealy, Bryers and Walker, 1889; http://books.google.com/books?id=1-NrAAAAMAAJ&printsec=titlepage&source=gbs_v2_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q=&f=false; pp. 11 and 254)
[2] James Morrin (editor), "Calendar of the patent and close rolls of chancery in Ireland: of the reign of Charles the First. First to eighth year, inclusive" (Publisher Printed for H. M. Stationery off., pub by A. Thom, 1863; http://books.google.com/books?id=87dnAAAAMAAJ&dq=Tartaine&lr=&source=gbs_navlinks_s; p. 375)
[3] Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, "Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Volume 6," (http://books.google.com/books?id=3ITFAAAAMAAJ&printsec=titlepage&source=gbs_v2_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q=&f=false; pg. 146)
[4] Public Record Office, Ireland, "Title Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records and of the Keeper of the State Papers in Ireland: presented to both houses of the Oireachtas," Volumes 1-10 (State Paper Office Publisher Stationery Office, 1869; http://books.google.com/books?id=misNAAAAYAAJ&dq=Tartaine&lr=&source=gbs_navlinks_s; p. 34)
[5] State Papers of King Henry VIII (Vol. II, Part III, published in 1834; http://books.google.com/books?id=efwUAAAAQAAJ; p. 217)
Considering those records, and after consultation with the submitter, I have changed the name to Arabella of Ardtayne. She wishes to keep to the /Ar-TANE/ sound as much as possible, but will accept Tartaine or Tartayne if necessary. I could not locate another source to confirm the submitted spelling Ardtayne, but as the source in which it was found appears to use non-normalized spellings in many of its quotes, I am giving it the benefit of a doubt that the information in the footnote is accurate. Any assistance supporting her preferred spelling is appreciated.
The device is clear of Treya n'Iurge ar Glan'abred, Argent, two oak sprigs [Quercus robur] slipped, leaved, and fructed proper, a chief nebuly vert mullety argent (03/1978), with one CD for the change in number of the primary charges, one for the change to the color of the chief, and one for the change in type and number of the tertiaries (mullety vs. butterflies). It is clear of Stephen of Irongate, Or, a sprig of four mangrove leaves fructed vert and a chief azure (04/1987, West), with one CD for the change to the color of the field, one for the change from a plain-lined chief to one with a complex line, and one for the addition of the tertiary charges. Lastly, it is clear of Ragnvald Joransson Ek, Argent, a sprig of three oak leaves fructed vert and on a chief gules three hearts argent (06/1992, East), with CDs for the changes to the color and line of the chief, and another by Section X.4.j.ii of the RfS for complete change of type of the tertiaries.
5: Brunechilde de Ravenel - Resub Name forwarded
Submitter desires a female name. No changes. Originally submitted as Brunehilde de Ravenel, the name was modified in Kingdom to Brunihelt de Ravenel and subsequently returned on the 05/2005 LOAR:
This name is two steps from period practice. First, there is a more than 500 year gap between the documented dates for the given name and the byname. Second, the name mixes Germanic/Frankish with Middle French; these two languages did not exist in the same point of time. In this case, it is unclear whether the name Brunihelt was ever used in non-Germanic territories. The source from which the name is drawn is Urkunderbuch zur Geshichte der jetz die preursischen Regierungs bezirke Coblenz und Trier bilden den mittelrheinischen Territorien (loosely, "Book of documents on the history of what are now the Government of Prussia's districts of Koblenz and Trier, forming the Middle Territories of the Rhine") which strongly suggests that the source is not discussing those Gaulish territories that became later became France.
The submitter, therefore, decided to change to a variant spelling of the given name: Brunechilde appears in "Gemelles ou Pareilles, recueillies de divers auteurs tant grecs, latins que franscois" (published 1584) by Pierre De Sainct Julien, pg. 322, and available through http://gallica.bnf.fr (no direct link available; copies provided) in a chapter called, "De la mort de Brunechilde Roine" [Of the death of Queen Brunechild] that describes her as "Brunechilde fille d'Athanagilde Roy des Visigots, de croyance Arrienne, & femme de Sigebert Roy de Mets" [Brunechilde, daughter of Athanagilde, King of the Visigoths, who believed in Arianism, and wife of Sigebert, King of Metz]. The name also appears in "Recueil des roys de France" by Jean Du Tillet, published in 1602 on pages 24 and 25 (http://books.google.com/books?id=DzYVAAAAQAAJ), calling her "la Royne Brunechilde" [Queen Brunechilde]. de Ravenel is a locative byname, with <Noël de Ravenel> appearing in Chrestienne la pescheresse, "Caidan KWHSS Procedings: Some Names From Picardy in the 14th c. - From Armorial du dénombrement de la Comté de Clermont en Beauvaisis 1373-1376." It is also dated to 1421 in "French Surnames from Paris, 1421, 1423 & 1438" by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://heraldry.sca.org/names/french/paris1423surnames.html).
Although Brunechilde is the name of an ancient queen (known in many variant spellings), she appears in late period, romanticized histories such as those cited above and Giovanno Boccaccio's Des Cas Nobles Hommes et Femmes, of which a Parisian copy from 1475 is shown at http://www.schoyencollection.com/medieval-renlit_files/ms268.jpg (her name appears in the 4th line of the left column). As such, the name could possibly be registered using the literary name allowance. The cited documentation shows the spelling that was used in the 16th and early 17th centuries. de Ravenel also appears in Morlet Picardie (s.n. de Ravenel, p. 344), with <Henri de Ravenel> and <Raoul de Ravenel> dated to 1392 and 1394, respectively. There is an approximately 160-year difference between the name elements, well within the maximum allowed by the RfS.
6: Camille des Jardins - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded
Vair, on a chief argent three cinquefoils azure.
Submitter desires a female name. Sound (unspecified) most important. Camille is documented from a French website's entry on a "Sainte Camille (Camelle)". (Nominis: http://nominis.cef.fr/contenus/saint/8213/Sainte-Camille--(Camelle).html): "Religieuse cistercienne, elle vivait à Carcassonne au temps des Albigeois. Poursuivie, elle préféra se jeter dans un puits plutôt que de se faire violer. Ce lieu devint un pèlerinage et le village voisin changea son nom en Saint Camelle. Elle est vénérée à Toulouse." The submitter provided a translation: "Saint Camille (Camelle) (13 century) Cistercian nun, she lived in Carcassonne in the time of the Albigenses....she preferred to jump into a well rather than to be raped. This place became a pilgrimage and the neighboring village changed its name to St. Camelle. She is venerated in Toulouse." des Jardins is from Mélanges de Paléographie et de Bibliographie by Leopold Delisle, Director of the National Library of France, published by Paris Champion, 1880. A translation of an excerpt from p. 483 reads, "May 11, 1276. - Latin Charter of Jean des Jardins, middle-class man of Périers, which establishes an anniversary in the abbey of Saint-Sauveur (with) a revenue from Richard l'Abbé, of Prétot (Peretot). The seal suspended with charter carries the imprint of an ancient stone representing a triton and Amphitrite."
Commenters supplied additional references for the name elements. The "Albigeois" referenced in the first citation is likely a reference to the 12th-century reformist sect that was opposed to Rome (http://www.babylon.com/definition/Albigeois/English). Camilla appears as an English given name dated to 1208 in Talan Gwynek, "Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/talan/reaney/reaney.cgi?Camilla). des Jardins is found in the surname section of Aryanhwy merch Catmael, "French Names from Paris, 1421, 1423, & 1438" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/french/paris1423surnames.html. If the submitted spelling cannot be registered as a French name (with or without the saint's name allowance), the combination of English and French is registerable, and the difference of slightly more than 200 years between the occurrences of the name elements is allowed.
Commenters noted that this form of vair is vair ancient; the specific type of vair need not be blazoned per the Cover Letter to the 09/1993 LoAR.
7: Donal O'Neill - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded
Sable, on a pale between two bears combattant Or a pallet gules.
Submitter desires a male name. No major changes. Language and culture (Irish-1300's) most important. The documentation consisted of the following (printouts were not provided for any of these sources):
There is a reference to a Donal O'Neill in several articles regarding the Laudabiliter. The Laudabiliter is a papal bull from Pope Adrian granting Ireland to England. O'Neill is noted to have written a letter of appeal to the Pope in which he claims to represent the Irish princes. The articles I found him referenced in are:
http://www.politics.ie/history/38531-defying-laudabiliter.html [This is a message board posting.]
As well I have found reference to the O'Neill family name in an article discussing the connection of the O'Neill princes of Tyrone and Queen Elisabeth. The article can be found at http://www.geocities.com/seanachie28.oneill2.html. [This link is no longer active.]
The name on the submission form had been whited out and then hand corrected from "Donnal O'Neill" to "DoNal O'Neill", presumably by the submitter or consulting herald. As the submitter allows minor changes, the presumably unintentional capitalization in the given name has been corrected both here and on the forms.
The above references give modern, anglicized forms of the name elements. Luckily for the submitter, adequate documentation was supplied in commentary: Donal is a Modern Gaelic (c1700 to present) spelling of the Early Modern Irish Gaelic (c1200-c1700) Domhnall, and thus, is not registerable as an Irish Gaelic name [Domhnall Mac Branduibh, 06/2003]. However, Donal can be registered as a Scottish name [Donnel Stewart, 04/2007], as found in "The Dictionary of the Scots Language (http://www.dsl.ac.uk/, s.v. Spend. This source lists a <John Donal>, dated to 1457. In addition, Aryanhwy merch Catmael, "Index of Scots names found in Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/scots/dost/donald-s.html), s.n. Donald, has two occurrences of <Donal> that same year. In commentary on the name Bryce O'Neill (Atenveldt External Letter of Intent, 08/20/2009), Mari Rowel stated that there was evidence for <O Neill> in 1601 (<Cormack O Neill Henry O Neill Tirlagh O Neill and others>, listed on p. 174 in record 6489) ["Appendix III: Fiants of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth". pp. 29-276. The Seventeenth Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records in Ireland. (Dublin: Alex. Thom. & Company, 1885). http://books.google.com/books?id=NSwNAAAAYAAJ]. This source records the names in Anglicized Irish and has examples of <O'...> forms, so <O'Neill> should be registerable. As a result of the above sources, we can only document Donal O'Neill as a Scots + Anglicized Irish name. Although the submitter specifically wanted an Irish language name, he stated that he does not object to this language combination - the spellings are most important to him. There is no precedent for this language combination, but both Anglicized Irish + English [Gareth McGilchrist, 11/2004] and Anglicized Irish + Gaelic [Banbnat MacDermot] are registerable with one step from period practice. Commenters thought that this name was clear of Conal ua Néill (02/1994) and Donngall Ui Neill (07/2004, Caid), for the changes in sound and appearance, and of Donald Mac Neil (03/1996, Meridies) for the change in the familial relationship in the byname (son versus grandson; see the Cover Letter to the 04/2002 LoAR).
Commenters also noted that Domhnall Ua Neill (Domhnall mac Muirchertach Ua Neill) was an Irish king between c. 955 through the 960s according to The Annals of the Four Masters (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=%22Domhnall+Ua+Neill%22+site%3Awww.ucc.ie%2Fcelt%2F&aq=f&oq=&aqi=). I also found a Donal O'Neill (Domhnall Ó Néill, d. 1325) who, as stated by the encyclopedic reference provided by the submitter, seized the kingship of Cenél nEógain in 1283-6, 1291, and 1296, and later transferred the O'Neill claim to the high kingship of Ireland to Edward Bruce. Considering that the latter is known today by the exact name on this submission, we would like Pelican to decide if the name is presumptuous.
8: Duncan Kieran -New Badge forwarded
(Fieldless) A rabbit's head erased affronty attired of stag's antlers per pale vert and Or.
His name and device, Quarterly vert and Or, in bend two rabbits rampant guardant, attired of stag's antlers, argent, were registered in 07/1992 via the East. His prior badge submission, (Fieldless) A rabbit's head erased affronty attired of stag's antlers argent, was returned in kingdom on the 07/2007 Letter of Decision for conflict with Eógan Mac Ailpein (07/1999, Atlantia), (Fieldless) A hare's head cabossed argent. There was just one CD for the field, as there is no difference for adding antlers:
[a bear antlered vs a bear] This conflicts... While there is a prior precedent granting a CD (for rabbits), in the case of Donata Ivanovna Basistova, May, 1995); the LoAR stated that visually the antlers were similar to adding wings. This is not the case here. Furthermore, adding wings is a period practice so could be considered a valid form of cadency. It is extremely rare to see beasts with added horns like this in period armory. Therefore both historically (barring evidence to the contrary) and visually adding the attires is not worth a CD. (Sean Donald of Caithness, 2/98 p. 15).
The current submission changes the tincture(s) of the hare to add a second CD.
9: Eiríkr á Vestrgautlandi - Resub Device forwarded
Gules, a cock close Or between two pallets argent and three bezants.
His name was registered and his device, Gules, a rooster close Or between two pallets azure fimbriated argent between three bezants, was returned on the 03/2007 LoAR via the East.
The primary charge in this device is the rooster; the pallets form one secondary charge group and the bezants another secondary charge group. This must be returned for fimbriating the pallets; secondary charges may not be fimbriated. The Rules for Submission (RfS VIII.3) state "Voiding and fimbriation may only be used with simple geometric charges placed in the center of the design." As secondary charges, the pallets do not meet the requirements of this rule.
This submission eliminates this problem by changing the pallets to argent.
10: Eva van Brugge - New Device returned
Argent fretty sable, on a chief embattled azure three bees argent.
Her name was registered in 11/2008 via the West.
Commenters noted the inability to see the embattled line where it overlapped the fretty field and suggested that the chief be redrawn so that the embattlements don't overlap the sable fretwork. With the submitter's permission, the device was redrawn to try to alleviate this problem. Sadly, contrast between the chief and field was improved but not enough, as the complex line of the chief was still unidentifiable. I think it likely that any redraw of this device will have the same flaw due to the combination of the dark tinctures and the design. For what it's worth, the submitted device is clear of Altavia, Barony of, Argent fretty sable, a chief vert (02/2003, Caid), for the changes to the chief. It is also clear of Mathghamhain MacRaith, Argent, a fret sable and a chief embattled gules (11/1998, Caid), with one CD for the change of the tincture of the chief and another for the addition of the tertiary charges. Commenters suggested a chief with a plain line, but that would conflict with Alissenda la Gailharda, Argent fretty sable, on a chief azure three crosses bottony argent (02/2009, East) unless a Letter of Permission to Conflict is obtained.
11: Jadwiga Zajaczkowa - New Badge forwarded
(Fieldless) On a mortar and pestle Or a sage leaf bendwise sinister vert.
Her name was registered in 08/1998 via the East. Her device, Purpure, in pale a hare courant and an open book Or charged with a sprig of rosemary fesswise vert was registered in 10/1998 via the East. She has two badges: (Fieldless) A rabbit couchant erminois and (Fieldless) In pale a demi-hare erect Or issuant from a mortar and maintaining a pestle purpure, both registered in 05/2005 via the East. This submission is eventually intended to be transferred to the East Kingdom for its Herbalists and Apothecaries Guild.
The badge is clear of an in-progress submission, Gianetta del Bene, (Fieldless) A mortar and pestle Or (June ELoI, West), with one CD for fieldlessness and another for adding the tertiary charge. It is also clear of William of Woodland, Vert, on a tankard Or a cross crosslet fitchy vert (04/1986, An Tir), with CDs for the difference between a tankard and mortar and pestle [per Elizabeth Rea, 02/2002], and another for the change to the field. There is no precedent for whether there is a CD between a cup and a mortar and pestle; as such, we ask the College to consider the possible conflict with Marion del Okes, (Fieldless) A cup Or charged with in fess three oak leaves bendwise sinister vert (11/2006, East).
12: Jehanne Urchurdan - New Alternate Name forwarded
Verica filia Urguist
The name was originally submitted as Verica Urguist. Submitter desires a female name. Language and culture (unspecified) most important. Submitter desires authenticity for an unspecified language/culture and time period.The submitter's primary name was registered in 07/1984 via the East. Both elements are found in Heather Rose Jones, "A Consideration of Pictish Names" at http://www.heatherrosejones.com/names/pictish/index.html. Verica is a feminine given name from Roman-era inscriptions. Urguist is the father of one of the historical kings (known as <Onnist filius Urguist> or <Onuis filius Urguist>) in the Pictish Chronicle (the earliest extant copy is from the 14th C). The submitter noted that marking the patronym may be appropriate.
Commenters agreed with her that the patronym must be marked. As such, the name has been changed from Verica Urguist to Verica filia Urguist to match the documentation.

13: Kors Damiszoon - New Device forwarded
Ermine, on a chevron vert three frogs Or, a chief embattled sable.
His name was registered in 11/2008 via the West.
With the submitter's permission, the device has been redrawn to feature fewer and larger ermine spots, and to center the embattlements. The device is clear of Elina Einarsdottir, Ermine, a cross formy gules and a chief embattled sable (11/2003, Æthelmearc), by Section X.2 of the RfS for the substantial change to the type of primary charge.
14: Lucrezia Spinelli - New Name forwarded
Submitter desires a female name. No major changes. Language and culture (unspecified) most important. Lucrezia is found in Juliana de Luna (Julia Smith), "Names from Sixteenth Century Venice" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/juliana/16thcvenice.html), which is a list of names of Venetian women recorded before 1600. It is also discussed in The Academy of Saint Gabriel Report 2675 (http://www.s-gabriel.org/2675):
You wanted to know if <Lucrezia de Milano> would be an appropriate name for an Italian woman living between 1450 and 1475. Here is a brief letter with the information we have found.
There was no unified Italian language spoken in Italy in your period; rather, there were a number of distinct dialects, spoken in the northern, central, and southern parts of Italy. Milan is in the north of Italy, and thus we have considered names appropriate for the northern dialects.
Unfortunately, we have no sources of names explicitly from Milan, and only rudimentary sources for northern Italian names in general. However, we found records of two women named <Lucrezia> who were mistresses of the Sforza family, who ruled Milan in the 15th century: <Lucrezia Cssa [sic] Landriani>, who bore the Duke of Milan a daughter in 1463, and <Lucrezia Crivelli>, who was mistress to Ludovico Maria Sforza in 1497. [1] If these data are correct, <Lucrezia> is a fine name for a Milanese woman.
[1] "Sforza Family" (WWW: 2002?). http://genealogy.euweb.cz/italy/sforza.html
Spinelli is found in the following articles in the Medieval Names Archive:
Once in the list of male bynames in Juliana de Luna (Julia Smith), "Masculine Names from Thirteenth Century Pisa" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/juliana/pisa/).
293 times in Aryanhwy merch Catmael (Sara L. Uckelman), "Italian Given Names from the Online Tratte of Office Holders 1282-1532" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/italian/tratte/).
Three times in the index of family names in Ferrante LaVolpe, "Italian Renaissance Men's Names" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/ferrante/catasto/).
Three times in Aryanhwy merch Catmael (Sara L. Uckelman), "Names from Arezzo, Italy, 1386-1528" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/italian/arezzo.html).
In the list (without a frequency count) in N.F. Faraglia, "1800 Surnames Recorded in 1447" (http://www.abruzzoheritage.com/magazine/2002_06/d.htm).
Printouts were not provided of the articles from the Medieval Names Archive. Although the Academy of Saint Gabriel's reports are on the no-photocopy list, the names articles themselves are not. When commenters verified the cited articles, it was found that Spinelli was not, in fact, included in Aryanhwy's article on the Online Tratte. Instead, it was found in David Herlihy, R. Burr Litchfield, and Anthony Molho, "Florentine Renaissance Resources: Online Tratte of Office Holders 1282-1532" (http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/tratte/doc/SURNAM1.html). The necessary printouts have been generated.