Lillia de Vaux

02 October 2011

Greetings to the East Kingdom College of Heralds! After a delay for Pennsic, here is the Letter of Decisions for the Aug. 19, 2011 Internal Letter of Intent. The original text from the iLoI is bolded, and is followed by my comments in unbolded text.

Thank you to this month's commenters: Rohese de Dinan, Aritê gunê Akasa, Gawain of Miskbridge, Alys Mackyntoich, Brunissende Dragonette, Tanczos Istvan, Robert Fairfax, Jeanne Marie Lacroix, Marie de Blois, Kolosvari Arpadne Julian, Donovan Shinnock, and Kihou.

Yours in Service,
Lillia de Vaux
Eastern Crown Herald

1: Adalfara Drache - Resub Device forwarded

Per pall inverted azure, purpure, and argent, two edelweiss flowers argent and a Maltese cross sable.

Her original name, Edel Feurer Drache, was registered Jan. 2011 (East). A name change to Adalfara Drache is in progress, and appears on the East's July 2011 xLoI (http://oscar.sca.org/index.php?action=100&loi=1053).

Her original device, Per fess sable and purpure, three Maltese crosses in fess and within an annulet an edelweiss flower argent, was returned in kingdom on the October 2011 Letter of Decision:

The device has three types of charge - cross, flower, and annulet - in the same charge group. As such, this device is an example of so-called "slot machine" heraldry and must be returned, per RfS VIII.1.a, Tincture and Charge Limit.

This is a redesign.

This is clear of the device of Aldric Elys of Kiddall Hall (03/2007, Atlantia), Per pall inverted sable, vert and Or, in base a Maltese cross sable. There is a CD for the field and a CD for the addition of the two flowers.

2: Aibhilín Fhionn - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Per pale embattled grady argent and sable, a sun in his splendor and an increscent counterchanged.

The submitter desires a female name. Aibhilín is an Early Modern Irish Gaelic feminine name found in "Index of Names in Irish Annals" by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (http://www.medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/Feminine/Aibhilin.shtml). It is found in the Annals in entrys during years 1498-1583. Fhionn is the lenited form of Fionn, an Early Modern Irish Gaelic descriptive byname meaning 'fair' in hair or complexion (ibid., http://www.medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/DescriptiveBynames/Fionn.shtml). It is found in the Annals in years 1260-1557. It has been lenited per Sharon Krossa, "Quick and Easy Gaelic Names", 3rd edn. (http://www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/quickgaelicbynames/#descriptivebyname).

Embattled grady is a period line of division [William de Molay, 04/2008, A-Ansteorra]. The device is clear of Radulfr Arnason (March 1993, Atenveldt), Per bend sinister indented Or and sable, a mullet of ten points sable and a decrescent argent, with one CD for the cumulative changes to the field and another for the change in orientation of the crescent.

3: Arn bogsveigr Magnusson - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Argent, two chevrons gules and overall a crequier vert.

The submitter desires a male name. Arn is an Old Norse personal name found in Fellows-Jensen, s.nn. Arn, Arni, according to the Viking Answer Lady website by Gunnvôr silfrahárr (http://www.vikinganswerlady.com/ONNames.shtml). bogsveigir 'archer' is a byname found in Geirr Bassi, p. 20. Magnusson is a patronymic byname formed from the masculine given name Magnús (ibid., pp. 13 and 17). By precedent, the accent can be dropped as long as it is done consistently throughout the name. The pattern [given name] + [descriptive byname] + [patronym] is well established in Old Norse, as evidenced by the registration of Fasti inn hugprúði Davíðsson (Feb. 2011, Trimaris).

There is a fictional Knight Templar named Arn Magnusson (from the Crusades Trilogy by Jan Guillou). However, even if that name was worthy of protection, the submitted name is clear by the addition of the third element.

Commenters questioned if the device was equivalent to Chevronelly argent and gules, a crequier vert, which would make this device conflict with Orlando dei Medici (08/2003, East), Or, a crequier vert. The following precedents were cited:

[Chevronelly Or and gules.] Conflict with Clare, Earl of Gloucester, Or three chevrons gules (Important non-SCA armory). There is no difference between chevronelly and multiple chevronels. [Torfin de Carric, November 2001, R-Atlantia]
[Per pale and per chevron inverted vert and argent, a chevron inverted counterchanged.] This device is returned for redraw. As drawn this is indistinguishable from chevronelly inverted. It thus conflicts with the device of Eadan Munro, Per pale and chevronelly inverted gules and argent, with a single CD for changing the tincture of half the field. In this case all of the stripes are of equal width, which contributes to the chevronelly inverted impression. Making the chevron inverted narrower, so that each half of the chevron is significantly narrower than the portions of the field above and below the chevron, would probably be sufficient to allow registration of this motif. [Anna Katharine von Argenthal, 09/2006, R-East]

Consensus was that this device consisted of <field + ordinaries + overall charge>, not <divided field + charge>. As such, we are forwarding the device for consideration by the College of Arms.

4: Aulus Gaius Primulus - New Name forwarded

The name was submitted as Gaius Aulus Primulus. The submitter desires a male name. Gaius is a praenomen found in Meradudd Cethin, "Names and Naming Practices in Regal and Republican Rome" (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/roman/names.html), and in the list of Roman praenomens provided by Legion XXIV (http://www.legionxxiv.org/nomens/). Aulus is a nomen found at http://www.legionxxiv.org/nomens/. Primulus is a cognomen (ibid.). Discussion of the name pattern is found in Meradudd's article (op. cit., http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/roman/index.html).

Gaius is a praenomen and Primulus a cognomen in A study of the cognomina of soldiers in the Roman legions by Lindley Richard Dean (http://books.google.com/books?id=MF0KAAAAIAAJ, pp. 42, 78, 118, and 250). Aulus appears to have been used primarily a praenomen (ibid., p. 158), for example, in the name <Aulus Baebius Clemens> and <Aulus Vitellius>. Assistance justifying this name as a nomen is appreciated.

It was also noted that Aulus and Primulus are most important to the submitter. During commentary, he decided to change the name being submitted. His first choice is Aulus Gaius Primulus, his second choice Aulus Gauius Primulus, and his third choice Aulus Gaianus Primulus. Gauius is a nomen found in 2nd-3rd century CE, in "The Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania" by J. M. Reynolds and J. B. Ward-Perkins (http://irt.kcl.ac.uk/irt2009/indices/attested/gentilicium/attested_gentilicium-latG.html).Gaianus is a possible nomen and cognomen found on pp. 84 and 194 of Dean (op. cit.).

5: Belina la Cousturiere - New Name forwarded

The submitter desires a female name. No major changes. Meaning (Spelling: given name must be "Belina", the byname can be changed) most important. The authenticity box was not checked, but the documentation summary states that the submitter wishes her name to be authentic for a French woman, 1400-1500. Belina is the name of a saint from Troyes, canonized in 1202 (Catholic Online, "Saints and Angels", http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=3015). Cousturiere 'tailor or dressmaker' is found in Colm Dubh, "Occupational By-Names in the 1292 Tax Role [sic] of Paris" (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/parisbynames.html). The byname is constructed using the feminine form of the definite article as in the attested example <Ligart la cousturière> (the accent is likely a modern editorial addition), found in "An Index to the Given Names in the 1292 Census of Paris" (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/paris.html), also by Colm Dubh. The submitter notes, "Please change the pronoun [sic] or spelling of the by-name, if necessary, to mean 'Belina the dressmaker'."

The name is registerable using the saint's name allowance, but we could not determine if it was authentic for her desired time period. Commenters noted that the documentation supports la cousturiere (omitting the grave accent); however, we frequently see variations in capitalization in occupational bynames. Examples are <la Provoste>, <la Prestesse>, and <la Navete> from Aryanhwy merch Catmael, "Names in the 1292 census of Paris" (draft; http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/french/1292paris.pdf). Thus, the name does not need to be modified.

6: Bjorn the Raven - New Name forwarded

The submitter desires a male name. Meaning (spelling of Bjorn) most important. Bj{o,}rn is a masculine name found in Geirr Bassi, p. 8. According to the Dec. 2010 Cover Letter, simplified version of standardized Old Norse are registerable, so "...spellings like Bjorn will be registerable as Old Norse spellings". the Raven is the lingua anglica form of the Old Norse nickname Hrafna- 'the raven', found in Geirr Bassi, p. 23. The submitter prefers the lingua anglica form to the entirely Old Norse Hrafna-Bjorn.

7: Caine Ramsey - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Per pall inverted sable, argent, and azure, in chief two talbots combattant counterchanged and in base a tower argent.

Caine is interpolated from Cayne, found as a surname dated 1585 in Bardsley, s.n. Cain. Examples of the i/y switch in late-period England are found in Aryanhwy merch Catmael, "English Given Names from 16th and Early 17th C Marriage Records" (http://heraldry.sca.org/names/english/parishes/parishes.html): <William, Wyllyam, Willyam, Wyll>, <Richard, Rychard, Richerd, Rycherd>, <Nicholas, Nycholas>, etc. The use of surnames as given names occurs in late-period England [Alton of Grimfells, 04/2010, A-East]. Ramsey is found in Hitching & Hitching, 1601 (p. lvi) and 1602 (appendix, p. lxx).

<Caine Crowe> appears in IGI parish extracts from England, dated 1564 (batch P012771).

8: Dougall Macdonald of Calder - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Sable, a lion and on a chief embattled argent three mullets sable.

The submitter desires a male name. Dougall is found in Black, s.n. MacDougal, with <Dougall M'duill vc Ewin> dated 1647. This spelling is also found as the given name of <Dougall M'airthour> in Margaret Makafee, "Names from Papers Relating to the Murder of the Laird of Calder" (http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~grm/calder.html). This article lists Scots-language renderings of Gaelic names between 1591 and 1596. Macdonald is found as the surname of <Angus Macdonald> (ibid.). Calder is a place name also found in the same article, as well as in Aryanhwy merch Catmael, "Index of Scots names found in Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/scots/dost/calder-p.html), dated 1561, 1585, 1594, and 1601.

The pattern of [given name] + [Mac-style patronymic] + [locative] is supported by the following, all found in Records of the Parliaments of Scotland (http://www.rps.ac.uk/): <Lauchtlane McClane of Dowart> (1504), <Thomas McDowel off Makcarstoun> (1560), and <Donnald Glas McRonnald of Keppoche> (1645) in Scots-language records, and <Johanne Makclane de Lochboy>, <Johanne McCloyd' de Lewis>, <Morphe McPhe de Colwisnay>, <Ewino Makkymmyng de Stracardill>, <Hectore McClane de Doward'>, and <Alexandro McCloyd de Dunwagane> (1531) in Latin records.

The name is clear of Dughal MacDonnel (10/1991, Middle) and Dughall MacDhomhnuill (05/1990, Outlands) by the addition of a name element. It is clear of Dughall MacDhomhuill of Cathanar (09/1992, Atlantia) because Cathanar and Calder are sufficiently different in sound in appearance.

9: Drífa Bjarnardóttir - New Device forwarded

Azure, a polar bear dormant proper, a chief Or and a ford wavy proper.

Her name is on the East's External Letter of Intent for June 16, 2011, under the header Drífa Bjarnordóttir. (The byname had a typo in the Letter of Decision, which was inadvertently carried forward.)

Some commenters thought the bear was a wolf, but we are forwarding it nonetheless.

Duncan MakgyeDuncan Makgye

10: Duncan Makgye - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Azure, a chevron ermine between three boar's heads erased argent.

The submitter desires a male name. Duncan appears in "Index of Scots names found in Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue" by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/scots/dost/duncan.html), with this spelling dated 1379-1619. Makgye is found in Black, s.n. MacKay, dated 1441-50.

Commenters thought this name was clear of that of Duncan McClay (04/1998, West).

Commenters also thought that the boar's heads looked more like wolf's heads. The device has been redrawn in order to correct this problem.

11: Elise Morisot - New Name forwarded & New Device returned

Per chevron argent and purpure, two pansies and a butterfly counterchanged.

The submitter desires a female name. Elise is found in Aryanhwy merch Catmael, "Index of Names in the 1582 Subsidy Roll of London" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/english/engfemlondon1582.html). Morisot is dated 1421 in Aryanhwy merch Catmael, "French Names from Paris, 1421, 1423, & 1438" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/french/paris1423surnames.html). English and French can be combined without an SFPP [Engelbert the Pious, 12/2003, Middle].

A no-photocopy sournce of the article used to document the byname is http://heraldry.sca.org/names/french/paris1423surnames.html.

There is a possible conflict with Gabriella d'Asti (03/1997, East), Per chevron argent and purpure, three violets slipped and leaved proper and an escallop argent. There is a CD for changing the number of primary charges. There is a CD for changing the type of charge in base when the armory being compared both have three charges in the standard two-and-one arrangement [Letia Thistelthueyt, 12/2001, A-Atlantia], but precedent did not answer whether this would also apply when comparing armory with three charges to armory with four. Commenters noted the following precedents:

Two changes to a charge on one side of a line of division, even if not numerically half the charges, is a CD. Precedent for this practice is found on the November 1991 Cover Letter, under the "Group Theory" heading. This precedent was upheld as recently as March 2008.[Tegus Borjigin, January 2009, A-Caid]
While commentary was somewhat split on this issue, the general feeling was that to modify the Rules to define half of a group by line of division or as those charges on either side of an ordinary would only serve to encourage unbalanced armory. On the other hand, there are times when the visual impact of changes to charges which amount to "less than half the group" should be granted more difference. As a consequence, we are adopting Lady Dolphin's (now Lady Crescent) suggestion of allowing two changes to the minority of a group (i.e., the "lesser" half of a group of charges lying on either side of a line of field division or an ordinary) being sufficient for a Clear Difference. For example, "Per bend sinister sable and Or, a decrescent moon Or and three fir trees proper" would be allowed two CDs from "Per bend sinister azure and argent, a bear's head argent and three fir trees vert" with one CD for the field and another for the two changes to the charge in dexter chief. [Group Theory, Cover Letter, November 1991]

However, this is a moot point. The device conflicts with Eadwyn æt Hlydanforda (03/2010, Lochac), Per chevron argent and purpure, three roses counterchanged. There is a CD for changing the bottom rose to a butterfly, but there is no CD between a rose and a pansy [Catherine Elizabeth Anne Somerton, 08/1998, R-Trimaris]. Thus, the device must be returned.

Lastly, the submitter supplied information to show that "pansies" are a period plant; however, this term actually referred to the wild pansy (Viola tricolor), also known as heartsease. The modern pansy was not cultivated until the early 19th century. If the submitter wishes to resubmit armory with a Viola, she should use a depiction of heartsease instead of a modern hybrid in order to meet the requirements of RfS Section VII.4: "Hybrids or mutations of period forms known to have been developed after 1600 generally may not be used as charges. For example, the English Sheepdog may not be used in Society armory because it was developed after 1600."

12: Elizabeth Vynehorn - New Name Change forwarded

Old Item: Muireann inghean ui Chormaic, to be released. The submitter desires a female name. No major changes. Meaning (spelling: Vynehorn or Vynehorne) most important. Her current name was registered Oct. 2004 via the East. Elizabeth and Vynehorne are both found in The Registers of Sturminster Marshall, Dorset: 1563-1812, p. 83 (http://books.google.com/books?id=MDYQAAAAYAAJ). An <Elizabeth Hushe> was married in 1573, and <Joane Vynehorne> in 1576 [the latter is also found in the IGI parish extracts in 1575]. The names do not appear to have been normalized. Assistance justifying the submitted spelling (without the terminal -e) is appreciated.

Commenters thought that the spelling of the surname was plausible in late-period England. Examples of surnames both with and without the terminal -e include <Halliday(e) >, <Wyndow(e)>, <Hall(e)>, <Cicell(e)> and others, all found in "16th Century Gloucestershire Names" by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://heraldry.sca.org/names/english/late16.html), and <Horn(e)>, found in the IGI Parish Extracts in the 16th and early 17th centuries.

13: Gelleys Jaffrey - New Name forwarded

Gelleys is found in Sharon Krossa, "Early 16th Century Scottish Lowland Names", s.n. Giles (http://www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/lowland16/menalpha.shtml). This spelling is dated to 1502 and 1521. This spelling has an asterisk, indicating that "...it was expanded from a non-diplomatic transcription which may have contained errors; unless the same spelling is also listed without an asterisk, these spellings are suspect from still indicate that some (possibly different) form of the name was used in the year(s) indicated". However, the spelling Gelleis is also found under the same header, dated 1513. As i/y switches are common in both English and Scots, the consulting herald believes that the submitted spelling is plausible. Jaffrey is found as a byname in The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al., eds., St. Andrews, 2007-2011 (available online at http://www.rps.ac.uk/). It is found in a record of judicial proceedings with original Scots spellings dated 22 June 1623: "As also fynes him in the sowme of 5,000 merks to the said Alexander Jaffrey, baillie, and his said brother." Jaffrey is also found in R&W, s.n. Jaffray, dated 1450.

14: Gilian de Dureham - New Name forwarded & New Device returned

Vert, three open books Or

The submitter desires a female name. Gilian is a feminine given name found once in Aryanhwy merch Catmael, "Index of Names in the 1292 Subsidy Roll of London" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/english/enggivlondon1292.html), s.n. Gilian. de Dureham is found in Bardsley, s.n. Durham, dated 1273.

A no-photocopy source for Aryanwhy's article is http://heraldry.sca.org/names/english/enggivlondon1292.html.

The device conflicts with Angharad of the Coppery Shields (10/1987, West), Vert, three closed books palewise, spines to sinister Or. The only difference is open vs. closed books. It also conflicts with Emma Randall (03/2002, An Tir), Sable, three open books Or. There is only one CD for the field. Thus, the device must be returned.

15: Hans Herkomer - New Name forwarded & New Device returned

Per bend sinister azure and sable, three mullets and a horse rampant argent.

The submitter desires a male name. Sound (unspecified) most important. Language/culture (unspecified) most important. Spelling most important. Hans Herkomer is the 1386 name of a man named in Brechenmacher, s.n. Herkommer.

The device is being returned because it conflicts with Sasha Vladimir Obolénskij (06/1991, West), Per bend sinister azure and sable, a mullet of four points bendwise, elongated to dexter chief argent. There is one CD for changing the number of primary charges. There is no difference granted for elongating one of the arms. There is not a CD for changing the number of points from four to five. There is also not a CD for the orientation of mullets of five points, by precedent:

Since there is no difference given for orientation of a mullet of five points, there is not a CD between a mullet of five points and a mullet of four points set saltirewise. [Skalla Geirmundr Ulfsson, September 2009, R-Middle]

It is clear of the device of Malise the Archer (06/1996, Ansteorra), Per bend sinister azure and sable, a horse rampant within a bordure embattled argent. There is a CD for the addition of the mullets and a CD for the removal of the bordure.

16: Kolbrandr galti - New Name Change forwarded & New Device returned

Quarterly sable and gules, a boar rampant argent.

The name was submitted as Kolbrandr Galti. Old Item: Kolbrandr húslangr, to be retained. The submitter desires a male name. Meaning (unspecified) most important. The submitter's current name was registered Oct. 2006 via the East. Kolbrandr is grandfathered to the submitter. Galti is found on p. 10 of Geirr Bassi, in which it's listed as a masculine given name with a count of 5. galti 'boar' is a nickname found on p. 21 with a count of 1.

By precedent, descriptive bynames in Old Norse are not capitalized. This has been corrected.

The device conflicts with Simon de Spaldyng (08/1979), Azure, a boar rampant argent, orbed vert, playing a two-droned bagpipe sable, fimbriated argent. As the bagpipe is maintained, there is only a single CD for the change in the field. It was thought that the device did not conflict with that of Harold von Auerbach (03/1985, East), Vert, a bat-winged boar salient argent. There is a CD for the field, but not for salient vs. rampant. The emblazon was checked, and commenters thought that the wings were large enough that their removal would grant a second CD. Therefore, the device is being returned.

17: Livia di Roma - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Gules, a demi-sun issuant from base and on a chief urdy Or three columbines purpure.

The submitter desires a female name. Client requests authenticity for unspecified. Language/culture (unspecified) most important. The documentation summary indicated that the submitter wants a Roman/Italian name, although these preferences weren't indicated on the part of the form with the checkboxes. Livia was the name of the wife of Emperor Tiberius, and is the feminized form of Livius. It has been registered previously at least 10 times. The attached documentation included an extract from Academy of Saint Gabriel report no. 2206 (http://www.s-gabriel.org/2206). This included the names <Livia Drusa>/<Livia Drusilla> as the name of one woman in the republic period of Rome, citing [3] Mackay, Christopher S. "Roman Names." (WWW: University of Alberta, 1997.) [URL: http://www.ualberta.ca/~csmackay/CLASS_365/Roman.Rep.Names.html]. di is the Italian preposition 'of'. The attached documentation cites Juliana de Luna, "Names in 15th Century Florence and her Dominions: the Condado" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/juliana/condado/), which states that, "[l]iteral patronymics are formed by adding di 'of' in front of the father's name. Around 98% of individuals in this part of the Catasto database have a literal patronymic." The consulting herald notes that the normal surname would be a patronym, but the client wanted "di Roma" as a surname. The locative Roma is mentioned twice in the Florentine Renaissance Resources Online Tratte of Office Holders 1282-1532, David Herlihy, R. Burr, and Anthony Mohlo, eds. (http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/tratte/doc/ORIGIN.html), and also is found in "Mercator's Place Names of Italy in 1554" by Maridonna Benvenuti (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/maridonna/mercator/).

Livia is found as a female given name in "Names from Sixteenth Century Venice" by Juliana de Luna (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/juliana/16thcvenice.html). Italian locative bynames can use the preposition di [Chiara Nicolosa di Battaglia, 06/2011, A-Caid], so the byname seems to be formed correctly. The overall name follows patterns in Juliana's article, but whether the pattern is authentic for central Italy/Rome was not determined.

If the submitter was interested in a classical Roman name, a more authentic form would be Livia Romana, where both elements are the expected feminine forms of the nomen Livius and the cognomen Romanus, both found in Lindley Richard Dean, A study of the cognomina of soldiers in the Roman legions, http://http://books.google.com/books?id=MF0KAAAAIAAJ, pp. 187 and 265).

There is no CD between embattled and urdy [Biringeira de Vascon çellos, 04/2001, R-Drachenwald] or between embattled and wavy [Irina Francesca degli Schiavoni, 02/1995, R-Meridies]. There is a CD between a sun and a demi-sun [Atenveldt, Kingdom of, 12/2002, R-Atenveldt], so this device should be clear of Gillian de Bordeaux (03/2010, Trimaris), Gules, a sun in splendor and on a chief embattled Or two gillyflowers slipped and leaved gules, and Magdalen MacKenzie (09/1997, An Tir), Gules, a sun in splendor and on a chief wavy Or three roses leaved gules.

18: Lucia del Mar - New Device Change forwarded

Azure, a peacock in its pride argent hurty.

Old Item: Sable, a hornless goat's head couped, a chief wavy Or, to be released. Her name was registered May 1994, and the prior device in June 1995, both via Trimaris.

Magnus hvalmagiMagnus hvalmagi

19: Magnús hvalmagi - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Or, a gurges gules and on a chief sable three barley sheaves Or.

The submitter desires a male name. Meaning (byname meaning 'whale-might') most important. Magnús is a masculine given name found in Geirr Bassi, p. 13. hvalmagi 'whale-might' is a descriptive byname found on p. 23 (ibid.).

Commenters thought that the barley was hard to identify. The device was redrawn to try to correct this problem.

20: Magnús hvalmagi - New Alternate Name forwarded

Magnus the Stout

The submitter desires a male name. Magnús is found in Geirr Bassi, p. 13. The submitter prefers the name without the accent mark. the Stout is a lingua anglica form of the Old Norse byname inn digri 'stout, fat', found on p. 20 of Geirr Bassi.

21: May Dain de Bebyngton - Resub Device forwarded

Argent, a cross cotised sable between four torteaux.

Her name and prior device, Argent, a cross throughout sable between four torteaux, were on the East's June 2011 iLoI. A conflict was found in commentary (Teutonic Order (12/1994, important non-SCA arms), Argent, a cross sable), and the resubmission made before the decisions for that month were made. Cotises were added in order to add a second CD.

22: Novella Soranzo - New Name forwarded

The submitter desires a female name. No changes. Novella is found in Rhian Lyth of Blackmoor Vale, "Italian Renaissance Women's Names" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/rhian/italian.html). Soranzo is found in Arval Benicoeur and Talan Gwynek, "Fourteenth Century Venetian Personal Names" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/venice14/venice14sur.html#table), where it is noted as being descriptive or patronymic. Printouts were not provided.

A no-photocopy source for Rhian Lyth's article is http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/italian.html.

23: Østgarðr, Crown Province of - New Order Name forwarded & New Badge forwarded

Order of the Silver Sea-Lion

Vert, three sea-lions passant argent.

The branch name Østgarðr, Crown Province of was registered 04/1984 via the East. The order name following the metapattern [color] + [heraldic charge] set out in Juliana de Luna, "Medieval Secular Order Names" (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/order/new/ListingofStandardForms.html#AllColorCharge). According to the May 2009 Cover Letter: "Order names which follow the <color> + <charge> pattern must use the ordinary color term for a heraldic tincture appropriate for the language of the order name." According to the May 2008 Cover Letter, "silver" may be used in an award or order name as "the ordinary color name of argent." The use of "silver" in award and order names was not eliminated when SCA-compatible names were eliminated, also in the May 2008 Cover Letter. The sea-lion is a standard heraldic monster in the SCA reportoire, registered 172 times. Sir Bernard Burke, The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales (http://books.google.com/books?id=WmpmAAAAMAAJ, p. 922) reports that the Sherman family was granted a sea-lion as a crest by Henry VII of England.

The order name does not conflict with either Seleone, Barony of, Golden Sea Lion, Order of the (08/2000, Meridies) because "Silver" is different in sound and appearance from "Golden". It does not conflict with West, Kingdom of the, Sea Lion Pursuivant (08/1987, West) because of the addition of a new name element.

The badge is clear of Roxane la Lionne Blanche (04/1991, An Tir), Barry wavy azure and Or, three merlions in pall tails to center entwined argent. There is a CD for the field and a CD for the arrangement of the sea-lions.

24: Owyn Greenwood - New Badge forwarded

(Fieldless) A pot bendwise sable winged argent.

His name and device, Quarterly vert and argent, two unicorns argent, were registered in Nov. 2004 via the East.

Please inform the submitter that those little wings might not be enough to keep the pot aloft. He may wish to duck.

25: Remy Delemontagne de Gascogne - New Name forwarded

The submitter desires a male name. No major changes. Client requests authenticity for 1600 Gascony, France. Language/culture (French, specifically Gascony; "1600ish") most important. The submitter notes that he is "open for changes to the byname" but would like to keep Remy as a given name. Both Remy and Delemontagne are found in Aryanhwy merch Catmael, "Masculine Names from Artois, 1601" (http://heraldry.sca.org/names/french/french1601.html). de Gascogne is from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gascony and http://www.lemondededartagnan.fr/. Assistance finding a period citation for the locative byname, and justification for the combination of toponymic and locative bynames in French names of the desired time period.

The spelling of the place name is found in the title of "Discours veritable des victoires obtenues en Gascogne, tant en deffaicte, que prise de Villes & Chasteaux sur les heretiques" by the Marquis de Villars, published in 1589 (http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k79728w). Double bynames (<inherited surname + locative>) are attested in Aryanhwy merch Catmael, "Names Found in Commercial Documents from Bordeaux, 1470-1520" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/french/bordeaux.html). Remy is also found in this article, as a French given name and surname.

The name is entirely in French, whereas Gascon, a dialect of Occitan, was spoken in Gascony. If the submitter wants a Gascon name, this is not authentic. However, it seems to be reasonable for late-period French.

26: Sáerlaith ingen Taithlech - New Name forwarded

The submitter desires a female name. Sáerlaith is a Middle Irish Gaelic feminine given name found in Mari Elspeth nic Bryan, "Index of Names in Irish Annals" (http://www.medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/Feminine/Saerlaith.shtml), in year 969. Taithlech is a Middle Irish Gaelic masculine given name found in Mari's Index (http://www.medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/Masculine/Taithlech.shtml). Temporally and linguistically compatible forms of the name are found in the Annals for years 964, 966, 1095, 1134, 1182, 1188, 1192 (and later). Simple patronyms used in women's names that begin with 'T' do not need to be lenited, per Sharon Krossa, "Quick and Easy Gaelic Names" (http://www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/quickgaelicbynames/#simplepatronymicbyname). The patronym should be in the genitive form. The Index does not give the genitive form of the Middle Irish Gaelic version of this name, so assistance finding this is appreciated. The submitter will accept all necessary spelling changes. ingen is the spelling of 'daughter' in pre-1200 Irish orthography (ibid., http://www.medievalscotland.org/scotnames/quickgaelicbynames/#spelling).

27: Séigíne Ruadh Friseal - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Quarterly argent and purpure, two harps gules.

The submitter desires a female name. No major changes. Language/culture (Scots/Gaelic) most important. Séigíne is a header form in OC&M, which states that it's a masculine and feminine name, derived from séig 'hawk'. Bearers of the name include at least three saints, including the fifth abbot of Iona (d. 652), and Sts. Séigíne of Kilshine and Armagh, whose feast days are 21 January and 24 May, respectively. [Mari Elspeth nic Bryan, "Index of Names in Irish Annals" (http://www.medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/Masculine/Seigine.shtml), includes it as a masculine name, found in years 630-843. The submitted spelling is the standard Old Irish Gaelic nominative form.] Ruadh is a byname describing one who has red hair (ibid., http://www.medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/DescriptiveBynames/Ruadh.shtml). Forms of the name are found in years 1039-1597. The submitted spelling is the standard Early Modern Irish Gaelic nominative form. Friseal is an undated header form in Woulfe, which notes that it's an Irish and Scottish surname. Forms of the name include <Fresell>, <Frisell>, <Frizell>, <Frizzle>, <Fraser>, etc. It's from the Norman Frisel, 'the Frisian' (native of/belonging to Friesland). The spelling <Fresel> appears in the Dublin roll of arms, from 1216. [A dated form of Friseal was not found in either Woulfe or Black, s.nn. Frissell and Fraser.]

There is no temporal disparity because Seigine is a saint's name; however, there is a step from period practice for combining Old Irish Gaelic and Early Modern Irish Gaelic. Woulfe p. 288 s.n. Friseal has the 16th/17th cen. Anglicized Irish Form <Fresell>, so it is possible that a Gaelic form of the name was in use at the same time.

28: Sigridh Bengtsdotter - New Name forwarded & New Device returned

Quarterly vert and purpure, in bend two dragonflies bendwise, tails to center, and in bend sinister two violets argent.

The submitter desires a female name. No major changes. The submitter desires a Swedish feminine name, with the last name being a form of the modern name Benedict. Sigridh is from Aryanhwy merch Catmael, "Swedish Feminine Given Names from SMP" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/swedish/smp/nameindex.html), dated 1350-1399, 1400-1449, 1450-1499, and 1500-1600. If necessary for registration, the submitter will accept the spelling Sigrid, dated 1400-1449 and 1500-1600 (ibid.). The patronym is formed from the masculine given name Bengt, found in SMP, s.n. Benedikt (http://www.sofi.se/5187). This spelling is listed in the section on dative forms, dated 1423, 1441, and 1444, and an example in the nominative case is found dated 1396. The submitted spelling of the patronym is plausible, considering the attested patronyms Benctz dotter (1491), Benctzdotter (1500), and Bentsdotther (1500) (ibid., s.n. Benedikta). The device has the appearance of marshalled arms (quarterly field with two different types of charge), so will be returned.

The device has the appearance of marshalling three different arms, Vert, a dragonfly bendwise argent, Vert, a dragonfly bendwise inverted argent, and Purpure, a violet argent. Therefore, the device must be returned for violating RfS Section XI.3: "Period marshalling combined two or more separate designs to indicate descent from noble parents and claim to inheritance. Since members of the Society are all required to earn their status on their own merits, apparent claims to inherited status are presumptuous. Divisions commonly used for marshalling, such as quarterly or per pale, may only be used in contexts that ensure marshalling is not suggested."

It is also returned because the violets were not identifiable. There were no internal details, and the petals were disjointed such that commenters thought that they looked like pawprints. If the submitter wants to use a violet in a resubmission, she should use a species of viola that was present in Europe in period, e.g., heartsease (Viola tricolor) or sweet violet (Viola odorata).

29: Smoking Rocks, Barony of - New Device Change forwarded

Argent, a whale haurient embowed sable within a laurel wreath vert.

The Barony's name was originally registered 03/1978, and the designator was updated 02/2005, both via the East. It has two devices currently:

Current arms: Argent, a sperm whale sable within a laurel wreath vert (05/2005)

Ancient arms: Argent, a sperm whale [Physete catodon] naiant sable and in chief a laurel wreath vert (03/1978)

If the present submission is registered, the Barony would like to retain the current arms as ancient arms. If only one device can be so designated, the original device should be kept as their ancient arms, and the current arms (05/2005 registration) kept as a badge. [There is a petition signed by the Baroness, Exchequer, Herald, Mistress of the Lists, Mistress of Arts and Sciences, Chronicler, Knight Marshal, and Marshal of Fence. However, everyone but the rapier marshal signed with their SCA names, not the required legal names, and did not date the petition. As such, the petition is not valid. Another has been requested. - Lillia]

This item had been pended on the May Letter of Decision in order to give the barony time to provide a valid petion. A new one was provided. In addition, the submitters provided documentation of period depictions of whales, including Michon Scott, "Sea Monsters" (http://www.strangescience.net/stsea2.htm). The submission seems to be a reasonable interpolation, when the conversion to stylized heraldic art is taken into account. For example, a depiction by Ambroise Paré in the 1573-1585 Des Monstres (http://www.strangescience.net/enlar/en_whalehack.gif) supports the presence of tusks, and multiple depictions included the spray from the blowhole.

As badges cannot have laurel wreaths, even if they belong to a branch instead of an individual, the paperwork has been modified to specify that the old device should be retained as ancient arms. Commenters couldn't find a restriction on the number of devices that could be so designated, so it was not thought that this would be a problem.

30: Takiyama Yoshiatsu - New Name forwarded

The submitter desires a male name. Language/culture (Japanese) most important. Takiyama is a constructed name from the elements Taki- and -yama, both found on p. 149 and p. 143 of NCMJ. Yoshiatsu is similarly constructed from Yoshi- and -atsu, found on pp. 236, 294, and 295, and p. 296, respectively (ibid.).

Commenters noted that there is a Takiyama Castle that was built in the 15th century (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takiyama_Castle), so the construction of this element is considered to be plausible. Yoshiatsu is a masculine nanori dated before 1601 in "Japanese Formal Masculine Given Names" by Solveig Throndardottir (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/solveig/nanori/nanoriy.html).

31: Talorc mac Tarain - New Name forwarded

The name elements and name construction are all found in Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn, "A Consideration of Pictish Names" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/tangwystyl/pictnames/). Talorc is found as the name of Pictish kings in the Index of Name Elements (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/tangwystyl/pictnames/pict5.html#section5). Taran and Tarain also appear in the Index of Name Elements with Tarain as the possible genitive form of Taran, following Gaelic name construction rules. The discussion of the source material at http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/tangwystyl/pictnames/pict2.html#section2 indicates that both Talorc and Taran were historical kings. The construction [given name] mac [father's name] is also found in the discussion of the source material and in the section on using the data (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/tangwystyl/pictnames/pict3_4.html#section3). The father's byname has been put in the genitive form following Gaelic practices and because of the documented form Tarain.

32: Þórmundr inn landverski - New Name forwarded & New Device forwarded

Per chevron argent and vert, two ravens respectant sable and a valknut argent.

The submitter desires a male name. Þórmundr is found in Nordiskt runnamnslexikon by Lena Peterson (http://www.sofi.se/servlet/GetDoc?meta_id=1472). The entry states:

Þórmundr mn.
Fda. Thormund, fsv. Thormund, fvn. Þormundr
F.l. ? Þór-/Þúr-, e.l. ? -mundr
Nom. þo(r)mu(t)r U1010, þurmontr U207, þurmunt Hs15, [þurmuntr]
U176‡$, þurmutR DR211

Gunnvöra Silfrahárr's unauthorized translation of the above entry states:

Þórmundr (masculine name). O.Dan.
Thormund, O.Swed. Thormund, OW.Norse Þormundr
First element ® Þór-/Þúr-, second element ® -mundr
Nominative: þo(r)mu(t)r U1010, þurmontr U207, þurmunt Hs15, [þurmuntr]
U176‡$, þurmutR DR211

inn landverski is an Old Norse byname meaning 'man from the country' that is found in Geirr Bassi, p. 25.

The device is clear of Kian hrafn af Dyrnesi (08/1993, Atenveldt), Per chevron throughout argent and vert, two ravens respectant sable and a reindeer's head erased argent, collared sable and chained Or. There is one CD for changing the type of the secondary charge in base, and another for adding the tertiary collar. It is also clear of Einarr inn spaki (02/2007, Calontir), Per chevron argent and vert, two ravens addorsed sable and a bear rampant argent. There is one CD for changing the facing of the ravens and a CD for the change of the type of the charge in base in a two-and-one arrangement.

Standard bibliography:

[Bardsley] Bardsley, Charles. A Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames.

[Black] Black, George F. The Surnames of Scotland.

[Brechenmacher] Brechenmacher, Josef Karlmann. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Deutschen Familiennamen.

[Fellows-Jensen] Fellows-Jensen, Gillian. Scandinavian Personal Names in Lincolnshire and Yorkshire.

[Geirr Bassi] Geirr Bassi Haraldsson. The Old Norse Name.

[Hitching & Hitching] Hitching, F. K. and S. References to English Surnames in 1601 and 1602.

[OC&M] Ó Corrain, Donnchadh & Maguire, Fidelma. Irish Names.

[NCMJ] Solveig Throndardottir. Name Construction in Mediaeval Japan.

[R&W] Reaney, P.H. and R. M. Wilson. A Dictionary of English Surnames.

[SMP] Sveriges medeltida personnamn (SMP).

[Woulfe] Woulfe, Patrick. Sloinnte Gaedheal is Gall: Irish Names and Surnames.