Alys Mackyntoich

9 July 2012

Unto to East Kingdom College of Heralds, upon the Feast of Saint Everildis, greetings and every good thing! Here is the Letter of Decisions for the June 2, 2012 Internal Letter of Intent. The original text from the iLoI is bolded, and is followed by my comments in unbolded text. Note that the submissions are being evaluated under both the Rules for Submissions (RfS) and the new Standards for Evaluation of Names and Armory (S.E.N.A.). The submitters have received the benefit of the analysis most favorable to them.

Thank you to the following commenters: Eleazar ha-Levi, Lillia de Vaux, Mithgiladan, Magnus von Lubeck, Gawain of Miskbridge, Marietta da Firenze, Tanczos Istvan, Abdullah ibn Haroun, Brunissende Dragonette, Her Majesty Aryanhwy of Drachenwald, Gunnvor silfraharr, Andreas von Meissen, Donovan Shinnock and Joscelin le esqurel.

Your servant,
Alys Mackyntoich
Eastern Crown Herald

1: Aaron the Arrowsmith - New Device Forwarded

Azure, a wolf's head cabossed argent within a star of David voided and interlaced Or

Submitted as Azure, within a star of David voided and interlaced Or a wolf's head cabossed argent, the blazon was changed to identify the wolf's head as the primary charge.

2: Abdullah ibn Harun - New Name Forwaded and New Device Forwarded

Purpure, in bend four cups Or

Abdu'llah and Harun are masculine given names found in Juliana de Luna's "Andalusian Names: Arabs in Spain" (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/andalusia.html#Mens). In Da'ud ibn Auda's "Period Arabic Names and Naming Practices" (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/arabic-naming2.htm), the given name appears as `Abd Allah, Abdullah and Abdallah. The submitter prefers the transliteration Abdullah. This transliteration is valid per Appendix D of S.E.N.A. because "[w]e also allow transliterations [of Arabic] that omit `ayn (`) and (') hamza." (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/sena.html#AppendixD).

The patronymic pattern [given name] ibn [given name] is supported by both of the above-cited articles and by Appendix A of S.E.N.A. (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/sena.html#AppendixA).

3: Alesone Gray of Cranlegh - Resub Badge Forwarded

Lozengy vert and Or, a sheep passant contourny argent marked sable enflamed gules and gorged of a coronet Or with four pearls argent

Her badge submission (Fieldless) A turkey-cock displayed paly bendy sinister Or and vert was returned on the September 2011 LoAR for violating section VII.7.a of the Rules for Submissions which requires that "Elements must be recognizable solely from their appearance." Most commenters could not identify this as a turkey due to the multiply divided tincture and non-period posture for a turkey.

This resubmission is a completely new design.

The submitter received a Court Barony on 10/1/2011 from the East Kingdom and is entitled to bear a coronet on her arms.

The submitter provided documentation for the existence of at least two black-faced, black-legged medieval English sheep breeds, the Norfolk Horn and the Scottish Blackface, based on archeological evidence reported in M.L. Ryder, Sheep and Man, Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd. 1983, pp. 460-62.

The submitter currently has the following armory registered to her:

Device: Quarterly gules and sable, on a bend sinister argent three fleurs-de-lys gules.
(Fieldless) Two rapiers inverted in saltire argent and overall a crow sable.
Sable, in bend sinister two walnuts Or and a bordure denticulada argent.
(Fieldless) On the breech of a cannon barrel fesswise reversed sable a spool of thread Or.
Gules, three equal-armed Celtic crosses and on a chief argent three ravens sable.

If this badge is registered, the submitter will have reached her maximum six pieces of armory. See Section I.B of Administrative Handbook.

Submitted as Lozengy Or and vert . . . the blazon was changed to indicate that Or is the first appearing tincture. Commenters suggested that the number of pearls on the coronet need not be blazoned, but I will leave that decision to Wreath.

4: Bianca Angussola - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Per pale sable and argent, a swan naiant between in bend sinister two bees counterchanged

Bianca is found as a female given name in "Fourteenth Century Venetian Personal Names" by Josh Mittleman (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/venice14/venice14given.html#table)

Angussola appears in the Encyclopedia Britannica (1911) as the name of Italian artist Sofonisba Angussola (c. 1532-1625). On p. 114 of "Women in Italian Renaissance Art: Gender, Representation, Identity" by Paola Tinagli (http://books.google.com/books?id=hMB_ysyXfhsC&dq=angussola&source=gbs_navlinks_s), the author quotes a Latin inscription in a 1554 portrait that spells the artist's name as Sophonisba Angussola.

5: Brocciardus da Monte - New Device Pended

Azure, a chevron sable fimbriated and in base a Latinate cross flory argent charged with a Latinate cross pointed sable

The submitter did not provide the proper number of forms; the device is being pended until the proper paperwork is provided.

6: Carillion, Barony of - New Order Name Returned and New Badge Forwarded

Order of the Crimson Bell

(Fieldless) A bell gules

The order name was withdrawn by the Barony during commentary.

7: Carillion, Barony of - New Order Name Forwarded and New Badge Forwarded

Order of the Cokebelle

(Fieldless) A hawk's bell per pale Or and sable

This order name follows the pattern of naming orders after objects or heraldic charges found in "Medieval Secular Order Names" by Juliana de Luna (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/order/new/). A cokebelle is defined in the Middle English Dictionary as follows:

coke-belle (n.) Also cok-. [Cp. OF coque shell.]
A small bell.
(1378) Close R.Rich.II 56: [Two collars for little dogs with] cokebelles [of silver]. (a1387) Trev. Higd.(StJ-C H.1) 1.219: Eueriche of þilke ymages bare..a cokebelle [L nolam argenteam] of siluer i-honged aboute his nekke. (1440) PParv.(Hrl 221) 86: Cok belle: Nola, campanella, bulla. ?a1450 Agnus Castus (Stockh 10.90) 130/14: þis herbe [lunarie] hath a 3elw3 flour hol and round as kokubelle [vr. cokebelle].

Commenters questioned whether this name truly fits the pattern of naming orders after heraldic charges. I feel this is a question best put to the Pelican Queen of Arms and therefore am forwarding this to Society level for further commentary.

8: Carillion, Barony of - New Order Name Forwarded and New Badge Forwarded

Order of the Shroud and Bell

(Fieldless) A bell per bend sable and Or

This order name follows the pattern of naming orders after objects or heraldic charges found in "Medieval Secular Order Names" by Juliana de Luna (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/order/new/).

The Middle English Dictionary s.n. belle contains the following examples of the use of the term "bell" in period:
a1400(a1325) Cursor (Vsp A.3) 12193: A chim or brasin bell..noþer can vnderstand ne tell Wat takens þair aun sune.
?a1425 Mandev.(2) (Eg 1982) 102/17: He knyllez a lytill bell [OF clokette] of siluer þat he hase in his hand.

The Middle English Dictionary s.n. shroud supports the use of the term "shroud" in period:
c1325 *Body & S.(4) (Hrl 2253) 116: In forstes ant in snowes..of alle oure riche cloþes, tid vs neuer a shroude. (1340) Ayenb.(Arun 57)
c1400(a1376) PPl.A(1) (Trin-C R.3.14) prol.2: I shop me into a shroud [vrr. schroudes, a shrowedes; Z: schrodus], as I a shep were.
a1450 Yk.Pl.(Add 35290) 268/364: Lo, here a shrowde for a shrewe, and of shene shappe!
c1450 Earth(3) (Lamb 853) 15/25: Hider brou3ttist þou no schroud, but poore come þou and nakid.
c1330 St.Greg.(Auch) 111/581: þe kni3t alle in feir schroude Him gan arme swiþe wel.
c1390 Susan.(Vrn) 85: þus schene briddus in schawe schewen heore schroude.

Commenters questioned whether this name truly fits the pattern of naming orders after heraldic charges, and whether a shroud is a reasonable heraldic charge. I feel this is a question best put to the Pelican Queen of Arms and therefore am forwarding this to Society level for further commentary.

9: Carillion, Barony of - New Order Name Forwarded and New Badge Forwarded

Order of the Larom Bell

(Fieldless) A bell per pale Or and sable

This order name follows the pattern of naming orders after objects or heraldic charges found in "Medieval Secular Order Names" by Juliana de Luna (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/order/new/).

A larom bell is defined in the Middle English Dictionary s.n. larum-belle as follows:

larum-belle (n.) Also larume-, larom-. [From shortened form of alarm(e & belle.]
A bell rung to sound a call to arms.
c1453(c1437) Brut-1436 (Hrl 53) 574/15: Sir Iohn Radcliff sent word..to rynge out the larom bell. (1455) Paston 3.30: Than the larum belle was ronge, and every man yed to harneys. a1500(c1437) Brut-1436 (Lamb 6) 583/31: Remembres, ye Picardes..how ye fled away For ryngyng of the larume bell.

Commenters questioned whether this name truly fits the pattern of naming orders after heraldic charges. I feel this is a question best put to the Pelican Queen of Arms and therefore am forwarding this to Society level for further commentary.

10: Donovan Shinnock - New Badge Pended

(Fieldless) A fox's mask gules

Unfortunately, this badge conflicts with Haakon Thorgilsson, Per fess indented argent and vert, in chief a fox's mask gules, with only a single CD or DC for fieldlessness vs. the field. It also conflicts with the badge of the British 10th Armoured Division, Sable, a fox's mask gules marked sable. Commenters suggested that the British 10th Armored Division badge may no long qualify for protection because the Division has been disbanded. However, that call must be made by Wreath and Laurel, rather than at Kingdom. For the time being, this badge has been pended to allow the submitter to attempt to obtain permission to conflict from Haakon Thorgilsson. If that permission is obtained, the submitter will pursue the question of whether the British 10th Armored Division badge continues to be protected armory.

11: Duncan de Montdragon - New Badge Forwarded

Per pale Or and gules, two bears combattant counterchanged

12: Ernst Nuss von Kitzengen - Resub Augmentation of Arms Forwarded

Gules, a chalice Or and in chief a pair of hands argent and for an augmentation on a chief Or a tyger passant azure

The submitter was awarded a Kingdom Augmentation of Arms by Gaufred Kelson II and Geneviere II, King and Queen of the East, on 9/24/2005.
His current device, Gules, a chalice Or and in chief a pair of hands argent, was registered via the East in June 2004.
His prior attempt to register an augmentation was returned on the July 2007 LoAR for conflict with Percy, Earl of Northumberland( important non-SCA arms), Or, a lion rampant azure. Under the RFS, augmentations which had the appearance of independent armory were judged independently for conflict. This augmentation had only a single CD, for the difference between a lion and a tyger, from Percy's arms.
This is a redesign.

S.E.N.A. A.3.A.3 governs augmentations:

3. Augmentations of Honor: An augmentation is a mark of honor bestowed by the Crown that is added to an existing device. An augmentation may not be added to a badge. An augmentation may take many forms, including but not limited to a charged canton, a charged chief, charges in canton or chief, a charge associated with the Crown, or a charge associated with the individual receiving the honor.
While the right to an augmentation is bestowed by the Crown, its specific form must be determined through the normal registration process. Both the augmentation itself and the augmented device must follow the style rules and restrictions on charges. Because an augmentation adds complexity, augmented devices are often allowed to violate certain style rules, such as allowing charges on tertiary charges or a complexity count of greater than eight, as long as the identifiability of the design is maintained. However, they may not violate the rules on contrast.
For example, the arms of a branch may not be granted as an augmentation, because they contain a laurel wreath, which cannot be registered to an individual.
An augmentation that appears to be a display of independent armory, such as a charged canton or a single charged escutcheon, must also be evaluated as if the augmentation itself were a submission of independent armory for purposes of style, conflict, offense, and presumption. Kingdoms may designate a badge as a standard augmentation for its subjects who receive augmentations. Such a badge is considered to be grandfathered to the submitter and does not need to be further checked for style, conflict, offense, or presumption. However, it must maintain good contrast with the field or charge that it is on.

Since the use of a chief as an augmentation does not have the appearance of independent armory, the submitted arms with augmentation do not conflict with the East Kingdom populace badge (Fieldless) A tyger passant azure.

13: Ernst Nuss von Kitzengen - New Correction of Name Forwarded

Ernst Nuss von Kitzingen

This is a name correction. Between the submission and the registration, there was a modification from the originally submitted Kitzingen to Kitzengen that appears to result from a typo. The submitter would like to return his name to the submitted spelling.

The name was submitted as Ernst Nuss von Kitzingen. A copy of the original submission form was provided. When the LoI was issued from the East in August 1987 (a copy of which was also provided), the header for the forward indicates Kitzengen, while the text indicates Kitzingen, with no mention of a change having been made at Kingdom. The submitter believes this is where a typo crept in, especially since the submission form was unmodified.

The submitter also provided evidence of Kitzingen as the medieval form of the modern Kissingen, found in "German Place Names from a 16th cen. Czech Register" by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/german/modernperiod.html).

Having reviewed the copies of the old forms provided by the submitter, I agree that there seems to have been a typo. Even if that were not the case, the submitter has provided sufficient documentation for a name change.

14: Frasier MacLeod - New Name Change Forwarded

Old Item: Colin Fraser MacLeod, to be released.

Colin Fraser MacLeod was registered to the submitter in May 1992 via the East. MacLeod is grandfathered to the submitter.

Frasier is an English surname found in the IGI Parish Records extracts:

ABRAHAM FRASIER Male Christening 25 DEC 1599 Walloon Or Strangers Church, Canterbury, Kent, England Batch: C049021

Sixteenth century English surnames are registerable as given names. [Alton of Grimfells, April 2010, A-East].

English and Scots are part of the same language group under Appendix C of S.E.N.A. and can be combined without penalty (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/sena.html#AppendixC).

15: Irayari Vairavi - New Household Name Forwarded and New Badge Forwarded

Gretehed Holde

Sable, a pomegranate slipped and leaved argent and seeded gules and an orle argent

Gretehed is a surname found in Reaney & Wilson s.n. Greathead, with this spelling dated to 1351.

Holde is a registerable household designator according to the August 2011 LoAR:
The MED (s.n. hold) demonstrates that hold was used after placenames, as in durham halde c. 1450. It is also found in similar constructions, such as Doddendenes Holde, c. 1460, and Willelmus Attholde, 1325. Thus hold can be used as a designator for a household name or within a placename (in a branch name, for example). [Alys Lakewood: Boar Mountain Hold, 8/2011 LoAR, A-An Tir]

The pattern [surname] + [house] is an acceptable pattern for household names:

The question was raised whether names of the form House + [place name] followed a pattern found in English names for groups of organized people. We have found no examples of this pattern. . . . There are several other examples based on either a territorial title or the surname of the original builder (in very few cases does the name of the listed resident match the name of the house). Examples include Augustines Lodge, Buls Lodge, Bufhoppes hall, New hall, Hendon house, Bassings hall, Heneage House, Schrewsburye house, More hall, Durham house (built by the Bishop of Durham), and Burghley house (built by Lord Burghley). Given this, we would recommend late period household names following either of these patterns [surname] + [house or hall], [surname]+s + [house, hall, or lodge], [place name] + [house, hall, or lodge]. [Sythe Blackwolfe, 12/2007 LoAR, R-Calontir]

The MED (s.n. hold) provides examples of holde being used to mean "3.(c) a house, residence, dwelling place":

(c) c1330(?a1300) Tristrem (Auch) 645: To tristrem trewe in hold, He hete he wold him bring. c1330(?a1300) Tristrem (Auch) 2807-9: þe geaunt him gan lede Til he fond an hald; þe water about 3ede, It was his eldren hald. c1390 NHom.Narrat.(Vrn) 262/36: þe Emperour, heold hym in hold, in gret honour. (a1393) Gower CA (Frf 3) 4.3024: Thus cam Yris into this hold. (c1395) Chaucer CT.Fri.(Manly-Rickert) D.1607: Ne haue I nat xij pens with inne myn hoold [vr. houshold]. c1405 Chaucer CT.Mch.(Elsm) E.1305: If thou take a wyf vn-to thyn hoold, fful lightly maystow been a Cokewold. c1425(a1420) Lydg. TB (Aug A.4) 4.6937: Sathan..Ful sotilly kan hym silfe include In ymagis, for to make his hold. c1440-a1500 Eglam.(Schleich) 183: þe erle..Laye in a holde of stane. a1456(a1449) Lydg. Mum.London (Trin-C R.3.20) 44: þat oþer syde of þat hoolde Is ebylt in ougly wyse. c1450(?c1408) Lydg. RS (Frf 16) 4148: Kepe the..From alle the pereils in that holde. c1450(?a1422) Lydg. LOL (Dur-U Cosin V.2.16) 2.731: The god of kynde A myddes this well [the Virgin Mary]..His loogyng toke, and his myghty holde. ?c1450 St.Cuth.(Eg 3309) 806: It was wynter and wedir calde, þai had 3itt nouthir house no halde. c1475(a1400) Wycl.Pseudo-F.(Dub 245) 321: It is al oon to see bildyngis of þise newe ordris, & to see a fendis holde.

16: Jibril al-Dakhil - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Sable, a falcon rising wings displayed Or, a chief raguly argent

Jibril is a masculine ism (given name) found in Da'ud ibn Auda, "Period Arabic Names and Naming Practices" (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/arabic-naming2.htm).

al-Dakhil is intended as a descriptive nickname (laqab) meaning "the immigrant." It was the appelation of Abd-al Rahman I, the 8th century founder of the Umayyad Emirate of Córdoba, according to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abd_al-Rahman_I). The byname is translated as the Émigré in D. Fairchild Ruggles, Islamic Art and Visual Culture: An Anthology of Sources, John Wiley & Sons, 2011, p. 114 (preview: http://books.google.com/books?id=Te5QRi35W5EC&pg=PA114). The phrase is found in the writings of 'Idhari (a 13th-14th cen. historian from al-Andalus), according to Shemuel Tamari and Jami' al-Umawi al-Kabir, Inconotextual Studies in the Muslim Ideology of Umayyad Architecture and Urbanism, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 1996, p. 55 (http://books.google.com/books?id=n775pa8FNzwC&pg=PA55). Unfortunately, the book does not translate the pertinent text and neither the consulting herald nor Eastern Crown can translate Arabic.

17: Katrina MacCullauch - Resub Device Forwarded

Per pale argent and sable, two swan's heads respectant couped counterchanged

The submitter's original device was returned on the August 2011 LoAR:
Katrina MacCullauch. Device. Per pale argent and sable, two swan's necks respectant erased and necks entwined counterchanged. This device is returned for violating section VII.7.a of the Rules for Submissions, which requires that "Elements must be recognizable solely from their appearance." Commenters confused the swan's necks here with snakes, flowers, and vines.

An image of her returned submission is provided below. This redesign no longer entwines the swan's necks, which may increase identifiability enough for registration.

Lillia Diademe pointed out that the most recent return of this device was on the East Kingdom's Nov. 2011 Letter of Decision:

None of the commenters could identify the swan's heads/necks, as nothing was changed from the prior attempt, aside from making the heads slightly larger. As such, the device is being returned again because it failed to correct the problem.
It should be noted that long-necked birds entwined seem to be a period motif, but the examples found had them facing to the sides of the escutcheon rather than in. An example is image 142/143 at http://bilderserver.at/wappenbuecher/VirgilRaberEXAv2_52z2/ (Wappenbuch der Arlberg-Bruderschaft, dated 1548). We suggest that a similar depiction be used, omitting the tongue, to aid in identifiability. For a good depiction of a swan from a period armorial, see the Petit armorial équestre de la Toison d'or, fol. 248 (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Penthesilea_as_one_of_the_Nine_Female_Worthie.jpg). It may also help to coup the necks rather than use erasing, as seen in the wappenbuch cited above.

Commenters found the swan's necks to be far more identifiable in this form. Gunnvor Orle pointed out that they resemble the swan's necks found in Plate 61 of Siebmacher, (http://www.wappenbuch.de/pages/wappen_61_Siebmacher.htm). Commenters also suggested that the necks were couped, rather than erased, and I have changed the blazon accordingly.

18: Llewellyn Walsh - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Per pale sable and vert, a horse rampant between an arrow and an arrow reversed argent

No documentation was provided for this name at all. Eastern Crown, feeling generous, notes:

Llewelin and Llewelyn are found in "A Simple Guide to Constructing 16th Century Welsh Names (in English Contexts)" by Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/welsh16.html). Assistance finding the submitted spelling is requested.

Walsh appears in the IGI Parish Records extracts from England:

AGNES WALSH Female Marriage 29 NOV 1551 Branscombe, Devon, England Batch: M001821
ALES WALSH Female Marriage 15 APR 1594 Romsey, Hampshire, England Batch: M136691
ALICE WASLH Female Marriage 27 FEB 1586 Saint Dunstan, Stepney, London, England Batch: M055761

The spelling Llewellyn is found in the patronym data in "Women's Names in the First Half of 16th Century Wales" by Tangwystl verch Morgant Glasvryn (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/welshfem16/elements.html).

Because the arrows are facing in different directions, this device is registerable only under the RfS, not under S.E.N.A. SENA A.3.D.2.c. Unity of Posture and Orientation, states "The charges within a charge group should be in either identical postures/orientations or an arrangement that includes posture/orientation (in cross, combatant, or in pall points outward, for example). A charge group in which postures for different charges must be blazoned individually will not be allowed without period examples of that combination of postures."

19: Lysel von Heidelberg - New Name Forwarded and New Device Pended

Argent, a pile inverted azure ermined argent between two domestic cats sejant respectant sable

Lysel -- Academy of St. Gabriel Report #2910 states "in our Arnsburg data the spelling is well represented in the first half of the 14th century and is found through the 15th century. The diminutive suffix -ele (occasionally -el) is also well-represented in that period." The cited footnote for this statement is:
[3] Mulch, Roland, _Arnsburger Personennamen: Untersuchungen zum Namenmaterial aus Arnsburger Urkunden vom 13. - 16. Jahrhundert_ (Darmstadt & Marburg: Hessische Historische Kommission Darmstadt and the Historische Kommission fu:r Hessen, 1974), 38ff, 79, 312
The required photocopy of the Report was not provided.

Heidelberg is found on the map of Germania, image 41/181 of the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/g3200m.gct00003).

Brechenmacher s.n. Heidelberg(er) dates Wecelo de Heidelberc to 1216 and Thomas Heidelberger to 1553.

The pattern von X to form a locative byname in German is listed in Appendix A of the S.E.N.A and does not require further documentation. (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/sena.html#AppendixA). Submitted as Von Heidelberg, the capitalization was changed to reflect the standard form.

Commenters are asked to address a potential conflict with Syele von Heidelberg, registered Nov. 2006 via the East.

Commenters did not feel that Syele von Heidelberg was a conflict with the submitted name.

Submitted as Argent, between a pile inverted azure ermined argent two cats sejant erect respectant sable, the cats are sejant, not sejant erect, and are not between the pile. The blazon has been corrected to reflect the correct posture and placement of the cats. Unfortunately, this device conflicts with that of Constance Caterina of Padua (February of 1995, Ansteorra): Argent chapé gules, two catamounts sejant respectant sable. The device has been pended while we attempt to obtain permission to conflict.

20: Martyn de Haliwell - Resub Device Forwarded

Per pale argent and azure, a hedgehog statant between three crosses cletchy fitchy counterchanged

Martyn's original device submission was returned on the Sept. 2007 LoAR for the following reason:

Martyn de Haliwell. Device. Per pale argent and azure, a hedgehog statant between three crosses "clechy fitchy" counterchanged.
This device is returned for a redraw of the crosses. Blazoned on the LoI as Latin crosses clechy, they are not: a Latin cross clechy would be elongated to base, with the clechy motif then applied to all four limb-ends. The crosses in this submission are crosses clechy with the bottom limb stretched into a long point; the base-most limb is not clechy. A cross clechy fitchy at the foot, based on Parker's example of the cross formy fitchy at the foot, would be a cross clechy; with a spike issuant from the center third of the base-most limb. We note that a cross formy fitchy at the foot is a period form of cross, though probably not with that exact blazon: see for example the Armorial de Gelre, fo. 62v, and the banner of Aragon. The crosses in this submission are not really blazonable, which is reason for return. In addition, without documentation for the form of the cross in this submission, it must be returned.

This resubmission addresses the reason for return by redrawing the crosses.

21: {O/}stgar{dh}r, Crown Province of - Resub Order Name Forwarded

Order of the Silver Sea-Lion

This Order name was returned on the January 2012 LoAR with the following explanation:

{O/}stgar{dh}r, Crown Province of. Order name Order of the Silver Sea-Lion.
The current Rules for Submissions say that the addition of an adjective to an already modified noun does not clear conflict. In this case Sea Lion is an already modified noun (although it may also be seen as a single word). As such, this conflicts with the registered Sea Lion Pursuivant. We note that if the draft rules are accepted, this will be clear of conflict.

Since the S.E.N.A. have been accepted and are now in place, the Crown Province is resubmitting the Order name. Under Section NPN.3.C, Order of the Silver Sea-Lion no longer conflicts with Sea Lion Pursuivant due to the addition of the descriptive.

The order name follows the pattern [color] + [heraldic charge] set out in "Medieval Secular Order Names" by Juliana de Luna (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/order/new/ListingOfStandardForms.html#AllColorCharge).

According to the May 2009 Cover Letter: "Order names which follow the + pattern must use the ordinary color term for a heraldic tincture appropriate for the language of the order name." According to the May 2008 Cover Letter "silver" may be used in an award or order name as "the ordinary color name of argent." The use of "silver" in award and order names was not eliminated when SCA-compatible names were eliminated, also in the May 2008 Cover Letter.

The sea-lion is a standard heraldic monster in the SCA repertoire, registered 172 times. "The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales" by Sir Bernard Burke (http://books.google.com/books?id=WmpmAAAAMAAJ) p. 922 reports that the Sherman family was granted a sea-lion as a crest by Henry VII of England.

If this Order name is registered, the badge Vert, in pale three sea-lions passant argent, registered to the Crown Province of {O/}stgar{dh}r in the January 2012 LOAR should be associated with this Order name.

The spelling "silver" appears in the Middle English Dictionary (Middle English Dictionary) s.n. silver (http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/med/lookup.html) dated to 1466. The SCA Pictoral Dictionary s.n. Sea-Lion dates the use of this charge to 1282.

22: Rebecca Tomasina da Venezia - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Or, a mermaid and on a chief nebuly purpure three plates

Rebecca is the submitter's legal given name. A photocopy of her driver's license was provided.

Tomasina is a female given name found in "Italian Names from Imola, 1312" by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/italian/imolafemalph.html)

Venezia is a place name found in "Florentine Renaissance Resources: Online Tratte of Office Holders 1282-1532," edited by David Herlihy, R. Burr Litchfield, and Anthony Molho (http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/tratte/doc/ORIGIN.html). According to the Encyclopedia Britannica (1911) pp. 995-1005, "Venezia" is the Italian name for the city modernly known as Venice.

According to Appendix A to S.E.N.A. (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/sena.html#AppendixA), double given names are found in Italian, and the usual format for locative bynames is da + [placename].

23: Þjóðrekr ógæfa - New Device Forwarded

Per chevron gules and argent, in base two bears combattant barry sable and Or

The submitter's name was registered on the April 2012 LoAr as Þjóðrekr ógæfa; the change is reflected in the LoD. Commenters had no difficulty identifying the barry bears as bears.

24: Vincenzo della Gazzada - New Name Forwarded

Vincenzo is a masculine given name appearing in "Florentine Renaissance Resources: Online Tratte of Office Holders 1282-1532," edited by David Herlihy, R. Burr Litchfield, and Anthony Molho. *(http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/tratte/doc/name1.html).

della Gazzada appears as a byname in "Milanese Notaries 1396-1635" by Maridonna Benvenuti (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/maridonna/milaneseNotaries/).

1911 Encyclopedia Britannica

Middle English Dictionary

[Brechenmacher] Brechenmacher, Josef Karlmann. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der Deutschen Familiennamen.

[R&W or Reaney and Wilson] Reaney, P.H. and R. M. Wilson. A Dictionary of English Surnames