Alys Mackyntoich

3 May 3012

Unto to East Kingdom College of Heralds, greetings and every good thing! Here is the Letter of Decisions for the March 21 and March 27, 2012 Internal Letters of Intent. The original text from the iLoI is bolded, and is followed by my comments in unbolded text. Unless noted otherwise, copies have been provided. Any documentation not provided by the submitter will be reconstructed, if possible.

Thank you to the following commenters: Lillia de Vaux, Aryanhwy merch Catmael (Princess of Drachenwald), Gawain of Miskbridge, Tanczos Istvan, Bruce Draconarius of Mistholme, Brunissende Dragonette, Abdullah ibn Harun, Andreas von Meißen, Marie de Blois, Donnovan Shinnock, Gunnvor silfraharr,

Finally, I would like to thank Lillia de Vaux for her years of service as Eastern Crown. Lillia will be staying on to assist me as Diademe Herald. In addition, Sean MacPherson will be assisting me with technical issues while he learns heraldry.

Your most humble and obedient servant,
Alys Mackyntoich
Eastern Crown Herald

1: Adeliza de Epping - New Name and New Device forwarded

Vert, three drop spindles and on a chief Or two needles in saltire points to chief vert.

Adeliza is found in Withycombe, s.n. Adelaide, with this spelling dated to 1086.

de is the locative preposition. An English example of its use is <de Altun> (c. 1141-54), found in R&W, s.n. Alton.

Epping is a town found in the Domesday Book, with this spelling dated to 1086 (http://domesdaymap.co.uk/place/TL4502/epping/), although this spelling may have been normalized. Watts, s.n. Epping has Eppin{g-} dated 1086.

Originally submitted as Vert, three threaded drop spindles and on a chief Or two needles in saltire points to chief vert, at the suggestion of commenters, the word "threaded" was removed from the blazon as redundant. Threaded drop spindles are the default.

2:Ælfþryþ the Cat - New Name and New Device forwarded

Per pale potent purpure and argent, a panther rampant guardant argent spotted purpure and incensed proper and a pimpernel purpure.

Ælfþryþ is found in the PASE Database as the Queen of King Edgar, 964-975 A.D. (http://eagle.cch.kcl.ac.uk:8080/pase/persons/index.html). The submitted spelling appears in S1485 (http://ascharters.net/charters/1485?q=&page=). The submitter is also willing to accept the spellings Ælfþryð or Ælfthryth.

the Cat is the Lingua Anglica form of le Cat, found in R&W, s.n. Catt, dated to 1167.

3: Asther de Perpinya - New Badge forwarded

(Fieldless) On a hand of Fatima Or, a brazier gules.

Originally submitted as (Fieldless) On a hamsa Or, a brazier gules, the blazon has been changed to refer to the primary charge as a hand of Fatima. The majority of commenters had no difficulty identifying the inverted hand of Fatima.

4: Cassandra Ventreys - New Name forwarded

Cassandra is found in "English Given Names from 16th and Early 17th Century Marriage Records" by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://heraldry.sca.org/names/english/parishes/parishes.html), s.n. Cassandra, dated to 1595.

Ventreys is found in R&W, s.n. Venters, with this spelling dated to 1600.

5: Chyldeluve de Norfolk - New Badge returned

(Fieldless) A roundel gules charged with a rose per pale argent and azure.

This badge is being returned for violating the ban on shield shapes in fieldless badges:

If a charge can be considered a medium for heraldic display, it may not bear a tertiary in a fieldless badge: such a design is interpretable as a display of arms, with the tertiary as a primary. For instance, we don't permit (fieldless) On a lozenge argent a fleur-de-lys gules: since the lozenge is a medium for heraldic display, this looks like a display of Argent, a fleur-de-lys gules. Such arms-badge confusion is reason enough for return, even if the display in question doesn't conflict. In this case, the triangle inverted must be considered such a medium, comparable to the escutcheon, lozenge, or roundel. It may be considered either an early-style shield (Neubecker's Heraldry: Sources, Symbols and Meanings, p.76), or a lance-pennon [returned for this reason and also because the armory obtained by considering the badge displayed on a triangular shield was in conflict]. (Barony of Dragonsspine, March, 1993, pg. 25)


...Therefore, a "shield shape" which is also a standard heraldic charge will be acceptable as as a fieldless badge in a plain tincture, as long as the tincture is not one of the plain tinctures that is protected armory in the SCA. This explicitly overturns the precedent "We do not normally register fieldless badges consisting only of forms of armorial display, such as roundels, lozenges and delfs in plain tinctures, since in use the shape does not appear to be a charge, but rather the field itself" (LoAR January 1998).

Roundels are considered mediums for heraldic display. Therefore a charged roundel violates this long-standing precedent and the badge must be returned.

6: Chyldeluve de Norfolk - New Badge forwarded

(Fieldless) A sea-lion contourny sable.

7: Donato Balthazar - New Name forwarded and New Device returned

Gules, in saltire a quill pen and a rapier inverted Or, on a base sable a lymphad, sail set and oars shipped, contourny Or.

Donato is found in Arval Benicoeur and Talan Gwynek, "Fourteenth Century Venetian Personal Names" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/venice14/venice14given.html#table).

Balthazar is purportedly found in Withycombe, s.n. Balthasar. However, the attested spelling is not found in this entry.

The submitter requested authenticity for an unspecified time period, but we were not able to comply with his wishes. Commenters were unable to find Balthazar in Italian. However, Balthazar can be found as a masculine given name in Spanish. From the extracted IGI Parish Records from Spain:

BALTHAZAR GALLARDO Male Marriage SEP 1611 Diocesis De Granada, Granada, Spain Batch: M791029

Unmarked patronymics are found in both Spanish and Italian. See Isabella Gabriele de Álora, 12/2003, A-West; "16th Century Spanish Names" by Elsbeth Anne Roth (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/spanish/index.html), so the name should be registerable as submitted.

The device is being returned for violating RfS VIII.2.b.i, which states, "[t]he field must have good contrast with every charge placed directly on it and with charges placed overall." The sable base does not have good constrast with the gules field.

8: Donovan Shinnock and Lilias de Cheryngton - New Badge forwarded

(Fieldless) Two foxes combattant gules maintaining between them a crequier vert.

The badge is to be associated with the household name Company of the Fox and Tree, which is on the East Kingdom's 3-26-2012 LoI. Originally submitted as (Fieldless) Between and sustained by two foxes combattant gules, a crequier vert, based on the clarification of maintained and sustained charges in the February 2012 Cover letter, it has been reblazoned to designate the foxes more clearly as the primary charges.

9: Edward de Bosco - New Name forwarded and New Device returned

Azure, an oak tree eradicated Or and on a chief embattled argent three Latin crosses flory sable.

Edward is found in "An Index to the 1332 Lay Subsidy Rolls for Lincolnshire, England" by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/LincLSR/GivenMasculineAlpha.html).

de Bosco is a byname found in the same article (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/LincLSR/BynB2.html).

The device is returned for conflict with Uilliam Mac an tSaoir, Azure, a linden tree Or, on a chief embattled argent a wolf courant sable, reg. 4/11 via AEthelmearc. There is only a single CD for the changes to tertiary charges.

10: Gunnv{o,}r hausakljúfr - Resub Device forwarded

Gules, three cats courant in annulo contourny, a point pointed argent.

Her prior device submission, Gules, three cats courant in annulo contourny argent was returned on the Jan. 2011 LoAR (East):

This device is returned for conflict with the device of Elspet NicDhubhghlaise bean Iain MhicThomaidh, Azure, three domestic cats statant guardant in annulo argent, each biting the tail of the previous, reblazoned elsewhere in this letter. There is a single CD for the field. There would normally be a CD for the difference between statant and courant. However, the feet of Elspet's cats are nearly nonexistent and in this arrangement the tails mimic the appearance of stretched out legs. No difference is granted for the orientation of charges in annulo.

(Note: the o-ogonek in the given name is present in the LoAR, so the header spelling is correct.)

11: Guy de Craven - New Name forwarded

Guy is a given name found in 'Subsidy Roll 1319: Cheap ward', Two Early London Subsidy Rolls (1951), pp. 288-302 (http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=31958&strquery=guy%20lespicer). This source lists a <Guy Lespicer> in the "Indices of Taxpayers: The Subsidy of 1319". This given name is also found in the online MED:

c1475 Guy(1) (Cai 107/176) 1781: There did Guy Heraude in herbes bathy, And with good metes him comforte hertly. (1394) Doc.in Collect.Topogr.3 256: Martyn Ferres and we..by feffement of Sir Guy de Briene..som tyme were confeffes. a1500 GRom.(Add 9066) 283: Hy knytte it [the cord] fast about his arse, and Guy drew hym out.

Additional documentation of the variant spellings Guydo, Wido, Wydo, Gwydo>, Gy, and Why was also provided.

de Craven is a locative byname based on the place name Craven in Yorkshire, found in Ekwall, s.n. Craven. Dated spellings include Crave (Domesday Book), Cravena (c. 1140), Crafna (c. 1160), Crauene (1166). The documentation summary also mentions that, "Burke's Peerage and Baronetage lists an Earl Craven, whose family began with John Craven of Appletreewick, Craven, York, who married a woman named Beatrice in 1539". Watts, s.n. Craven, which has the spelling Craven(a) dated from 1134 (i.e., both the submitted Craven and Cravena are attested).

In addition, "Names in the Yorkshire Lay Subsidy of 1301" by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/english/14thcyorkshire.pdf) has one example of the byname de Craven.

12: Heather MacDowell - New Name and New Device forwarded

Vert, on a bend between a bow palewise and a quill bendwise argent, three oak leaves palewise azure.

Heather is the submitter's legal first name, as attested by her Maine driver's license (copy included). Heather is not obtrusively modern, as it is found in the IGI Parish Records extracts:

HEATHER ARNOLE Female Christening 16 November 1612 Saint Nicholas, Colchester, Essex, England Batch: K137953

Mac Dowell is based on McDowell, found in Aryanhwy merch Catmael, "Index of Scots names found in Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue" (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/scots/dost/macdowell.html), dated 1516. Assistance justifying the submitted spelling/capitalization is appreciated.

The byname was originally submitted as Mac Dowell, but commenters were unable to find evidence of Scots names with a space between Mac- and the patronym. The byname has been changed to match the documentation. The originally-submitted blazon was Vert, on a bend between a bow and a quill argent, three oak leaves palewise azure. The blazon has been changed to specify the position of the bow and the quill.

13: Isabella de Bosco - New Name and New Device forwarded

Azure, a horse rampant and on a chief embattled argent, three shamrocks vert.

Isabella is found in Talan Gwynek, "Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames" (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/talan/reaney/reaney.cgi?Isabel), dated 1201-1428.

de Bosco is found in "An Index to the 1332 Lay Subsidy Rolls for Lincolnshire, England" by Mari Elspeth nic Bryan (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/mari/LincLSR/BynB2.html).

The originally-submitted blazon was Azure, a horse rampant and on a chief embattled argent, three clovers vert. The blazon has been changed to conform with the more usual blazon practice, which calls three-leaved clovers of the kind seen in the emblazon "shamrocks." I believe that the size and number of the embattlements can best be addressed by an artist's note.

14: Leo Rennari Thorson - New Name pended

This was a lost submission from Pennsic 2009 that never made it to kingdom until Pennsic 2011. We were waiting for payment for his device from Pennsic 2011, but are moving this on in the meantime rather than make him wait any longer for a name.

Leo is a masculine given name dated 1273 in Withycombe, s.n. Leo.

Rennari 'runner, messenger' is a nickname in Geirr Bassi, p. 26, cited from the Islending a segur (Family Sagas). By precedent, it should be all lowercase.

Thorson is a hypothetical Scandinavian or Anglo-Scandinavian patronym, based on filius Thor, dated 1133-53 in Fellows Jensen, s.n. Þorr. The genitive -s may need to be added.

The combination of English and Old Norse is a step from period practice.

The submitter allows intermediate changes.

Leó appears as an Old Norse name in Geirr-Bassi at p. 13. Accents may be omitted from Old Norse names as long as it is done consistently.

Submitted as Leo Rennari Thorson, the descriptive byname should be put into lower case consistent with current precedent

Commenters could not identify an Old Norse or Old English/Anglo-Saxon name that would yield Thorson as a patronymic. The closest Old Norse possibilities are Þórarr, Þórðr or Þórir (Geirr-Bassi, p. 16), which would yield Þórarsson, Þórðsson, and Þórisson, respectively.

Although Thor appears in the Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England (http://eagle.cch.kcl.ac.uk:8080/pase/persons/index.html) as the name of a minister dated c. 958, the Anglo-Saxon Thor cannot be combined with the Old Norse ending -son. According to Academy of St. Gabriel Report 3190 Anglo-Saxon patronymics were formed using the gentive form of the father's name + sunu. Anglo-Saxon names formed genitives by adding -es, meaning that a fully Anglo-Saxon patronymic here would be Thores sunu.

Attempts to reach the submitter about his preferences have not been successful so far. I have pended the name while I continue to try to reach him.

15: Leonilla Kalista Kievlianina - New Name forwarded

Leonilla is a feminine name meaning 'lioness'. It is the name of a martyr who was a contemporary of the Apostles (http://heraldry.sca.org/paul/l.html).

Kalista is a feminine name meaning 'wonderful', used by a female martyr who died c. 300 (http://heraldry.sca.org/paul/ka.html).

Kievlianina is the expected feminine form of Kievlianin 'Kievan'; the masculine form is dated 1167 in the entry for Zor(a- or ia-) (http://heraldry.sca.org/paul/zmorphem.html). Feminization by adding -a is discussed at http://heraldry.sca.org/paul/zgrammar.html.

The use of two Christian given names is a step from period practice: The submitter should be informed that while two given names were used in medieval Russia, one of them was invariably Slavic in origin. In this case both given names are Christian, which is currently a registerable weirdness. [Ekaterina Filippiia, 10/99, A-An Tir]

Kievlianin appears in Wickenden (http://heraldry.sca.org/paul/ka.html) as a byname under its own header, with the dated example of David Kievlianin Zorynich (1167).

16: Tessa da Canossa - New Name forwarded

Tessa is an Italian feminine given name found in "Feminine Given Names from the Online Catasto of Florence of 1427" by Arval Benicoeur (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/catasto/).

da is an Italian locative preposition found, for example, in "Fourteenth Century Venetian Personal Names" by Arval Benicoeur and Talan Gwynek (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/venice14/).

Canossa was the name of the castle of Matilda, Countess of Tuscany, visited by King Henry IV of Germany and Pope Gregory VII in 1077 (http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/369347/Matilda-of-Canossa). The submitted spelling appears as <de Canossa de Regio> in the 1340-42 version of Dante's Purgatorio, 28.40-42, available at the Dartmouth Dante Project (http://dante.dartmouth.edu/search_view.php?doc=134052280400&cmd=gotoresult&arg1=0).

17: Tessa da Canossa - New Alternate Name forwarded

Alternate Name: Alzeiza de Luceria

Alzeiza is found in "A handful of early southern Italian feminine names," by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/italian/earlysouthitaly.html) dated to 1029.

de Luceria: The Latinized place name Luceria can be found (in the genitive form <Lucerie>) in the 13th c. on p. 162 of Muslims in Medieval Italy by Julie Anne Taylor (http://books.google.com/books?id=KujYKqks3SAC).

The submitter also desires Arabic or, failing that, Italian culture. She is content with an Italian given name and a locative byname that refers to a Muslim enclave in Italy. If someone can find her desired sound in Italian or Arabic, that would be ideal.

18: Titus Aurelius Magnus - New Name and New Badge forwarded

(Fieldless) In saltire a sword argent and an olive branch fructed proper.

All name elements are found in Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania, by J.M. Reynolds and J.B. Ward-Perkins, enhanced electronic re-issue by Gabriel Bodard and Charlotte Roueché (2009). ISBN 978-1-897747-23-3. Available on-line: http://irt.kcl.ac.uk/irt2009.

Titus is found as a praenomen (http://irt.kcl.ac.uk/irt2009/indices/attested/praenomen/attested_praenomen-latT.html).

Aurelius is found as a nomen (http://irt.kcl.ac.uk/irt2009/indices/attested/gentilicium/attested_gentilicium-latA.html).

Magnus is found as a cognomen (http://irt.kcl.ac.uk/irt2009/indices/attested/cognomen/attested_cognomen-latM.html).

19: Willamina de la Mer - New Name forwarded

Willamina is found in the extracted IGI Parish Records for England:

WILLAMINA DAVIS Christening 16 APR 1610 Saint Botolph, Lincoln, Lincoln, England Batch: C029882

de la Mer is found as De la Mer in Hitching & Hitching, References to English Surnames in 1601 and 1602, p. xxxii. All of the names in form "de + [element]" use De rather than de; this capitalization may not reflect what is found in the source documents. The submitter prefers "de la Mer."

"Index of Names in the 1582 Subsidy Roll of London," by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/english/engsurlondon1582a-m.html) has de la Marshe and de la Villa, which suggests that the submitter's requested capitalization is reasonable.

Standard Bibliography:

[Ekwall] Ekwall, Eilert. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-names.

[Geirr Bassi] Geirr Bassi Haraldsson. The Old Norse Name.

[Hitching & Hitching] F.K. & S. Hitching. References to English Surnames in 1601 and 1602.

[MED] Middle English Dictionary.

[R&W] Reaney, P.H. and R. M. Wilson. A Dictionary of English Surnames.

[Watts] Watts, Victor, ed. Cambridge Dictionary of English Place-Names, Based on the Collections of the English Place-Name Society.

[Wickenden] Paul Wickenden of Thanet, A Dictionary of Period Russian Names.

[Withycombe] Withycombe, E.G. Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names.