Alys Mackyntoich

19 March 2013

Unto to East Kingdom College of Heralds, upon the Feast of Saint Joseph, greetings and every good thing! Here is the Letter of Decisions for the February 17, 2013 Internal Letter of Intent. The original text from the iLoI is bolded, and is followed by my comments in unbolded text. Note that the submissions are being evaluated under the Standards for Evaluation of Names and Armory (SENA).

Thank you to the following commenters: Abdullah ibn Harun al-Qurtubi; Aryanhwy merch Catmael (Sans Repose); Ásfríðr Úlfvíðardóttir; Brenna Lowri o Ruthin; Brunissende Dragonette; Dorcas Whitecap (Gold Falcon); Eldrich Gaiman; Etienne Le Mons (Vexillum); Gawain of Miskbridge (Green Anchor); Gunnvor silfraharr (Orle); Jeanne Marie Lacroix (Dolphin); Lillia de Vaux (Diademe); Mari Clock van Hoorne/Marietta da Firenze (Mural); Maridonna Benvenuti; Rohese de Dinan; Sovany Barcsi Janos; Tanzos Istvan (Non Scripta); and Yehuda ben Moshe (Elmet). As always, your commentary has been helpful and very necessary.

Your servant,
Alys Mackyntoich
Eastern Crown Herald

1: Athos Phulax - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Gules, a fist holding two lightning bolts in saltire Or.

Athos, spelled Alpha-theta-omega-sigma, appears once in the LGPN, in Volume 4 (http://www.lgpn.ox.ac.uk/database/lgpn.php). It can be found by searching for a name beginning aqw in Symbol font.

Phulax appears in Liddell and Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon s.v. phulax for the word (http://artflx.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/philologic/getobject.pl?c.80:3:110.LSJ.672131) with the meaning "watcher, guard, sentinel" in the classical period, beginning with Homer.

On the advice of commenters, the blazon was changed from Gules, a closed hand sustaining a clutch of two lightningbolts Or. Commenters felt that the device was clear of Ealdormere, Kingdom of (October 1999, Ealdormere): Gules, a hand between flaunches Or. There is one DC for the change from flaunches to lightning bolts. There is also a DC between a default hand with an open palm and a clenched hand. [Johnathan Crusadene Whitewolf the Younger, 3/2006 LoAR, A-Atenveldt].

The use of lightning bolts other than as part of a thunderbolt is a step from period practice. [Jack Marvell, 4/2012 LoAR, A-Meridies].

2: Berric Grayveson - New Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) A brazier sable.

Berric's original badge submission, (Fieldless) A lantern sable, was returned on the July 2012 Eastern Letter of Decision due to a conflict with Thomas Ouswood (Feb. 2011, Æthelmearc), (Fieldless) A lantern sable, candle enflamed vert. This is a complete redesign.

Berric has a device and one badge already registered to him.

There is a CD between a brazier and a beacon. [Máel Brigte ingen Aimirgin, 4/2011 LoAr, A-An Tir]. This badge is clear of the seal of Beacon Principal Herald, (Tinctureless) A beacon enflamed, with one DC for beacon vs. brazier and the second DC for tinctureless and tinctured armory. The flames are a bit blobby, but I find them to be identifiable as flames nevertheless.

3: Bryn ab Alan - New Name Forwarded

Bryn is the submitter's legal given name, based upon the photocopy of a MA driver's license provided. Bryn should not be intrusively modern as it could be constructed from a 16th century English surname used as a given name. Bardsley s.n. Brine lists Thomas Bryn of Kilranny dated to 1586.

ab appears as a patronymic marker in "A Simple Guide to Constructing 13th-Century Welsh Names" by Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/welsh13.html), which states that the common convention is to use ab before father's names beginning in vowels.

Alan is based on the Latinized Alanus dated to 1071-75 through 1284 in Withycombe s.n. Al(l)an.

The submitter is male, so the use of ab with his legal given name is correct. ab Alan appears in Morgan & Morgan p. 146 s.n. Llywarch dated to 1283.

4: Cristina la Zingara - Resub Alternate Name Forwarded

Shimazu Akane

This is a resubmission of a return by Laurel (via Meridies) on the October 2012 LoAR:

Cristina la Zingara. Alternate name Shimazu Akane. Akane was documented as a period word for the madder plant. However, no evidence was presented for the use of dye plants or other similar kinds of plants to create given names in period Japan. Barring that evidence, this name cannot be registered.
The submitter has attempted to address this issue by adding documentation for a feminine given name based on a dye plant.

Shimazu is found in "Name Construction in Medieval Japan" by Solveig Throndardottir on p. 33 s.n. Shi, as a Historical Surname dated to 1332. The submitter also provided copies of the Wikipedia entry on the Shimazu clan, which indicates that the clan founder, Shimazu Tadahisa, "went to Satsuma in 1196, subdued the Hyuga and Osumi provinces, and built a castle in the domain of Shimazu (Hyuga) which name he also adopted)." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shimazu_clan)

Akane is intended by the submitter as a given name meaning "red root." The Japanese word akane refers to the Japanese madder plant, which was used for dyeing. "Kosode: 16th-19th Century Textiles from the Nomura Collection" (ISBN 0-913304-18-2) on p. 215 states that a recipe for dyeing with akane can be found in the Engi shiki, a Japanese book of laws and regulations published in 927 A.D. A web article from Japan for Sustainability provided by the submitter states that the 7-8th cen. Japanese poetry collection Manyoshu sings the praises of akane (either the plant of the dye). The submitter was only able to find a copy of the Manyoshu in Japanese, which Eastern Crown is unable to read.

There is evidence that Japanese women were named after plants. Academy of St. Gabriel Report 3001 lists Murasaki as a female given name in use 1336-1573. Murasaki is both the name of a plant and the name of the dye color produced from the plant. Like akane, the murasaki plant or dye is mentioned in the Manyoshu poetry collection.

The given name Akane may also be registerable as a constructed name using the elements aka and ne, both of which are found in NCMJ. Akame which appears in NCMJ at p. 182 dated to 784. NCMJ lists the ne element under "Plants - Root/Base" in the name Neme dated to 784.

If Akane is not registerable, the submitter requests that the given name be changed to Akame.

Unfortunately, I received no commentary on this name at Kingdom. I do not own NCMJ. Rather than penalize the submitter for Kingdom's lack of knowledge about Japanese names, I am forwarding this name in the hope of assistance from the larger body of commenters at Society. The submitter appears to have addressed the cause for return by showing an example of a female name pased on a dye plant.

5: Donovan Shinnock - Resub Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) A fox's mask gules charged with a mascle argent

This is a resubmission of a badge pended on the July 2012 East Kingdom LoD:

(Fieldless) A fox's mask gules
Unfortunately, this badge conflicts with Haakon Thorgilsson, Per fess indented argent and vert, in chief a fox's mask gules, with only a single CD or DC for fieldlessness vs. the field. It also conflicts with the badge of the British 10th Armoured Division, Sable, a fox's mask gules marked sable. Commenters suggested that the British 10th Armored Division badge may no long qualify for protection because the Division has been disbanded. However, that call must be made by Wreath and Laurel, rather than at Kingdom. For the time being, this badge has been pended to allow the submitter to attempt to obtain permission to conflict from Haakon Thorgilsson. If that permission is obtained, the submitter will pursue the question of whether the British 10th Armored Division badge continues to be protected armory.
Since no one has been able to locate Haakon Thorgilsson, the submitter has opted to withdraw his prior submission and re-submit with the mascle added to the fox's mask to clear both conflicts.

6: East, Kingdom of the - New Household Name Forwarded

Blue Tyger Legion

Legion is a household descriptor, per the March 2010 Cover Letter.

Blue Tyger Herald was registered to the Kingdom of the East in December of 1975. The name elements Blue Tyger are grandfathered to the Kingdom.

Households may be named after inn signs. The pattern of [color] + [animal] for inn signs is documented in "English Sign Names," by Mari ingen Briain meic Donnchada (http://medievalscotland.org/kmo/inn/#ColorAnimal), which gives the examples of (among others):

Grayhorse (2 Hen. VII ) Whyte Harte (1465) White Hart (1465) Whytehorse (1312)
"English Sign Names From 17th Century Tradesman's Tokens" by Mari ingen Briain meic Donnchada (http://medievalscotland.org/kmo/Tokens/ColorAnimal.shtml#BlueLion) also gives the example of "The Blue Lion" as an inn sign name.

The pattern [color] + [heraldic charge] was also used to name military orders, as set forth in "Medieval Secular Order Names" by Juliana de Luna (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/order/new/ListingOfStandardForms.html#AllColorCharge), which gives the examples of (among others):

Black Swan (Italy) White Greyhound (Navarre)
A tyger is a heraldic charge registered to the Kingdom of the East. The following badge was registered to the Kingdom of the East in August of 1973 (via the East) and designated as the populace badge in January of 2011 (via the East): (Fieldless) A tyger passant azure.

The East is presumed to give itself permission to conflict with the registered heraldic title Blue Tyger Herald. The use of Blue Tyger for both a heraldic title and a household name has been ruled not to create confusion and is registerable. [Bran Trefonnen, May 2010 LoAR, A-Atlantia].

7: East, Kingdom of the - New Order Name Forwarded

Award of the Golden Lyre

This award name follows the pattern [color] + [charge], identified in "Medieval Secular Order Names" by Juliana de Luna (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/order/new/).

According to the May 2009 Cover Letter, "[o]rder names which follow the [color] + [charge] pattern must use the ordinary color term for a heraldic tincture appropriate for the language of the order name." Golden is one of the color names listed in the May 2009 Cover Letter as appropriate for English order names.

A lyre is a heraldic charge appearing in the Pic Dic, with the image at p. 484 of the 2nd edition.

8: East, Kingdom of the - New Order Name Forwarded

Order of Artemis

This order name follows the pattern of Orders named after a saint, identified in "Medieval Secular Order Names" by Juliana de Luna (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/order/new/). The August 2005 Cover Letter permits registration of Order names based on pagan deities and saints as a variation on this pattern. However, "[s]uch a name is a step from period practice, because we have no examples of such entities named for non-Christian deities and saints."

Artemis, in Greek mythology, was the goddess of wild animals, the hunt, and vegetation, and of chastity and childbirth; she was identified by the Romans with Diana. "Artemis". Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 2013. (http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/36796/Artemis).

As commenters pointed out, SENA was intended to eliminate SFPPs in names. Although the Barony of Storvik registered the name Order of the Bow of Ullr on the April 2012 LoAR, there is no discussion in that LoAR about whether the registration was under SENA or the RfS, both of which were applicable at the time.

In the event that the use of a Greek goddess name is not acceptable, the Kingdom will accept Order of Artemas, which is registerable based on the pattern of Orders named after a person, identified in "Medieval Secular Order Names" by Juliana de Luna (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/order/new/). The May 2011 LoAR states that "[a] given name can be used to create an order name (one named after a founder or inspiration)." [Order of Taillefer, 5/2011 LoAR, A-Lochac]. Artemas appears as a masculine given name in the IGI Parish Records Extracts:

Artemas Makender Male Marriage 21 Nov 1614 Skellingthorpe, Lincoln, England Batch: M03145-1

9: Else von Ober Francken - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Vert, three pine trees couped Or and a chief lozengy Or and vert.

Else is a female given name found s.n. Elisabeth dated to 1374 in "Medieval German Names from Silesia" by Talan Gwynek (http://heraldry.sca.org/laurel/names/bahlow_v.htm).

Oberfranken appears in the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica as the name of a "stem-duchy" of medieval Germany that stretched along the Rhine Valley to Bohemia. Assistance is requested documenting the submitted form as a German place name.

Submitted as Else von Oberfranken the submitted spelling of the byname could not be documented. The submitter allowed no changes, so I contacted her with various options for documented spellings. The submitter chose and expressly consented to the change to von Ober Francken, which is based on the following documentation:

Francken appears as a place name in the IGI Parish Records Extracts:
Gietrud Von Francken Female Christening 11 Sep 1628 SANKT LAURENZ KATHOLISCH, KOELN STADT, RHEINLAND, PRUSSIA Batch: C96891-1
[no given name] Von Francken Female Christening 19 Jun 1642 ROEMISCH-KATHOLISCH, AHRWEILER, RHEINLAND, PRUSSIA Batch: C99115-1
"German Place Names from a 16th C Czech Register," by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/german/modernperiod.html) shows evidence of place names with the prefix Ober- or "upper":
s.n. Konradsgrün showing both Conratsgrun and Ober Conratsgrun
s.n. Oberlohma shows both Loma and Oberloma
s.n. Oberlosau shows both Losa and Oberlosa
These examples support Ober Francken or Oberfrancken as a constructed byname. The submitter selected Ober Francken.

10: Eoghan mac Diarmada Uí Néill - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Argent, a fleur-de-lys gules and in chief three crescents, a base wavy azure.

This name follows the pattern of given name + patronymic + clan affiliation byname found in Effric Neyn Ken3ocht Mcherrald, "Quick and Easy Gaelic Names" (http://medievalscotland.org/scotnames/quickgaelicbynames/) and cited in Appendix A of SENA.

Eoghan is the Early Modern Gaelic form of a masculine given name found in Mari ingen Briain meic Donnchada's "Index of Names in Irish Annals" (http://medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/Masculine/Eogan.shtml) with relevant Annals dates of 1340, 1447, 1453, 1456, 1460, 1466, 1467, 1485, 1486, 1496, 1502, 1510, 1511, 1515, 1519, 1542, 1529, 1537, 1545, 1560, 1561, 1567, 1580, 1581, 1586, 1590.

Diarmada is the Early Modern Gaelic genitive form of the masculine given name Diarmaid found in Mari's "Index" (http://medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/Masculine/Diarmait.shtml) with relevant Annals dates of 1202, 1263, 1313, 1325, 1336, 1341, 1455, 1464, 1474, 1475, 1488, 1506, 1510, 1564, 1582, 1585.

Néill is the Early Modern Gaelic genitive form of the masculine given name Niall, found in Mari's "Index" (http://medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/Masculine/Niall.shtml) with relevant Annals dates of 1201, 1261, 1303, 1314, 1336, 1461, 1467, 1484, 1493, 1497, 1497, 1498, 1501, 1508, 1516, 1531, 1545, 1596, 1603, 1611. According to Effric's "Quick and Easy Gaelic Names," the clan ancestor's name in a clan affiliation byname always must be lenited. However, 'N' lenites to 'N' according to "The Spelling of Lenited Consonants in Gaelic," by Effric Neyn Ken3ocht Mcherrald (http://medievalscotland.org/scotlang/lenition.shtml), so no spelling change to Néill is required.

Commenters are asked to address whether this name creates an issue of relationship conflict with Dermod Uí Néill (May 1984 via the West).

On the issue of relationship conflict, SENA states:

D. Standards for Relationship Conflict: To be clear of relationship conflict, the submitted name must not unmistakably imply close relationship with a protected person. This includes, but is not limited to, a claim to be the parent, child, or spouse of a protected person. An unmistakable implication generally requires the use of the entirety of a protected name. The relational marker does not need to be in the new submission for conflict to apply. That is, if a registered item includes a relational marker followed by a complete name and the new submission is the same as that complete name, it is in conflict. Names are still protected from relationship conflict even if grammar requires that the name be modified in order to demonstrate the relationship. Adding an element not in the protected name is generally enough to remove relationship conflict. For example, Miryam bint Da'ud is not an unmistakable claim to be the child of Da'ud ibn Auda, but Miryam bint Da'ud ibn Auda is. Felicia uxor Willemi le Tailor is an unmistakable claim to be the wife of a registered Willemus le Tailor, even though there is a change in appearance of the given name, because the change is necessitated by the grammar. However, Felicia uxor William Taylor is not an unmistakable claim to be the wife of Willemus le Tailor, as William Taylor and Willemus le Tailor are different enough to be clear of identity conflict under our rules.
(emphasis added).

After discussing the issue with Juliana Pelican, I am sending this up as a test case for relationship conflict under SENA. In a conversation with the submitter about the potential conflict issue, he stated that, if his name is not registerable as submitted, he consents to a change to Eoghan mac Néill Uí Diarmada, which is supported by the same documentation and does not appear to have any conflicts.

With respect to the device, while the fleur-de-lys in the device could be larger, it is easily identifiable. At most an artist's note might be worthwhile.

11: Jean Oste de Murat - Resub Device Forwarded

Azure, a chevron argent between two shrimp haurient respectant and a fleur-de-lys Or.

The submitter's original device, Azure, a chevron argent between two fleurs-de-lys and in pale a shrimp and two swords in saltire Or, was returned on the August 2012 Eastern LoD (http://ech.eastkingdom.org/ILoIs/2012/2012-08/2012-08-LoD.html) for violating SENA A.3.D.2.a and SENA A.3.D.2.c. This re-design addresses both issues.

The shrimp were also re-drawn to match the evidence of shrimp in period armorials provided in commentary on the original device submission. The attached image is from from the 16th c. Insignia Anglica (BSB Cod.icon. 291), originally provided by Gunnvor Orle.

Commenters were concerned that the position of the shrimp was not blazonable. Upon looking into the various positions for sea creatures, I am inclined to call these shrimp "haurient respectant."

The device appears clear of Christiana de Mandeville (Mar. 2000, Caid): Azure, a chevron between two escarbuncles argent and a fleur-de-lys Or, with one DC for change of type of 1/2 of the secondary group, and a second DC for change of tincture of 1/2 of the secondary group; and clear of Lynnette de Clermont (Jan. 1986, East): Azure, on a chevron between two swans rousant respectant argent, beaked and membered, and a fleur-de-lis Or, three mullets gules, with one DC for change of type of 1/2 of the secondary group, and a second DC for addition of tertiary charge group to Lynnette's arms.

The device of Triston de Grey (Dec. 1998, Atenveldt): Azure, a chevron argent between three dragon's heads couped those in chief addorsed, Or, presents a closer call. There is clearly a DC for the change of type of the secondaries. There could be a second DC for the difference between respectant and addorsed, but ultimately that is a call for Wreath because shrimp and dragon's heads do not have comparable shapes.

12: Karin Jacobsdotter - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Per bend gules and Or, in bend sinister an anvil and a domestic cat sejant contourny sable.

Karin appears in "Swedish Feminine Given Names from SMP," by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/swedish/smp/nameindex.html) dated to 1350-1399, 1400-1449, 1450-1499 and 1500-1600.

Jacobsdotter appears at p. 24 of "Utkast til föreläsningar öfver svenska historien, Volumes 1-2" by Eric Michael Fant (http://books.google.com/books?id=5bINAQAAIAAJ&dq=Jacobsdotter&source=gbs_navlinks_s) dated to 1531.

Commenters are asked for assistance supporting an Individually Attested Pattern of a black charge on the red half of a divided field.

The submitter requested authenticity for "14th-16th cen. Scandinavian." Ásfríðr Úlfvíðardóttir provided late period Norwegian documentation for the submitted spelling from the Diplomatarium Norvegicum, confirming the authenticity of the name for the requested place and time period.

Commenters were able to find some evidence of black charges on red on divided fields, although many of those examples appear to be marshalling of separate armory that happens to have a single black charge on red. However, these examples do raise sufficient question to warrant sending this device up to Wreath for further commentary.

13: Kataryn Mercer - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Per pale Or and argent, in chief three pine trees couped sable.

Kataryn appears multiple times as a female given name dated to the reign of Henry VII of England (1509-1547) in "London chronicle during the reigns of Henry the Seventh and Henry the Eighth," edited by Clarence Hopper (http://books.google.com/books?id=lCMIAAAAIAAJ) at pp. 6, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17.

Mercer appears as a surname in Bardsley p. 527 s.n. Mercer with Thomas Mercer dated to 1379.

The submitter has permission to conflict with Katherine Mercer, registered in April of 2000 (via the Middle):

I, [legal name], known in the SCA as Katherine Mercer, grant [legal name], known in the SCA as Kataryn Mercer, permission for her name "Kataryn Mercer" to be similar to, but not identical to, my name, "Katherine Mercer." I understand that this permission cannot be withdrawn once [legal name]'s name is registered.
Signed with legal name and dated 11/26/2012

Commenters questioned whether the device conflicts with that of Margarethe Louise vom Schwarzwald (Feb. 1999, Atlantia): Or, a hurst of three pine trees sable. It does not. There is one DC for the field. In addition, SENA A.5.G.6 states: "Changing the arrangement of a group of charges is generally a distinct change (DC). Arrangement in this rule refers both to the relative positions of the charges (in pale, two and one, etc.) and to their positions on the field (in canton, in base)." The unforced move of the trees from center of the shield to in chief is worth another DC.

14: Mabel Fortune - New Device Forwarded

Vert, a bend sinister vair between two acorns Or.

The submitter's name was registered on the November 2012 LoAR.

15: Marek Casimir of Krakow - Resub Device Forwarded

Checky sable and argent, a chief enarched Or and overall an eagle displayed gules.

The submitter's original device submission was returned on the May 2012 LoAR with the following analysis:

Marek Casimir of Krakow. Device. Checky sable and argent, a chief enarched argent, overall an eagle gules.
The submitter provided two independent examples of the motif of the primary charge overlying a chief. However, one of the examples is the horns only of a bull, and may be merely artistic license; even given the benefit of the doubt, this is only two examples of the exact practice. A third example was provided by Batonvert in commentary. However, all of the examples given show a plain chief that has good contrast with the field. This submission, on the other hand, has a chief with poor contrast, as it shares a tincture with the field. Also, the line of the chief is enarched; while we grant no difference for a plain chief versus a chief enarched, the combination of low-contrast combined with the enarched line renders the chief unidentifiable when overlain by the eagle. Resubmitting with a chief Or, or a different field, would likely resolve the issue.
The submitter has followed the suggestion made on the LoAR and resubmitted with a chief Or.

16: Mari Clock van Hoorne - New Name Change Forwarded and New Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) A die Or.

Mari is a female given name found in the Netherlands in the IGI Parish Records:

Mari Taers Female Christening 21 Feb 1576 Oude Kerk, Nederlands Hervormde Kerk, Amsterdam, Noord Holland, Netherlands Batch: C90035-1
Mari Claes Female Christening 18 Sep 1576 Oude Kerk, Nederlands Hervormde Kerk, Amsterdam, Noord Holland, Netherlands Batch: C90035-1
Mari Leorei Female Marriage 16 Jan 1594 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands Batch: M01224-6
Mari Volckers Female Marriage 03 Apr 1580 Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands Batch: M01224-6
Clock is a byname found in "Names from Dutch Records Between 1584-1585" by Aryanhwy merch Catmael (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/dutch/vandermeulen.html) s.n. Willem.

van Hoorne is a locative bynname also found in Aryanhwy's article s.n. Willem (http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/names/dutch/vandermeulen.html).

Double bynames are permitted in Dutch according to Appendix A of SENA.

Commenters should note the following precedent from the October 2010 LoAR:

Marietta da Firenze. Badge. Per pale azure and gules, a die Or.
This badge is clear of the device of Tibor of Rock Valley, Vert, a delf Or. Dice and delfs are period charges; we have no evidence that they were considered interchangeable in period. Under our current standards, there is a CD between the two. Therefore, there is a CD for the changes to the field and a CD for the change of type of primary charge. Dice in Society are usually depicted in trian aspect, but they may also be depicted as delfs with spots, as in the armory of Wurfel, from Pinches & Wood's European Armorial, p.38, among others, and are, therefore, registerable when depicted in this manner. Armory containing dice and delfs must be considered visually for conflict under section X.5 of the Rules for Submissions.
Marietta/Mari has a device and one badge already registered, so is well within her armory limit.

17: Medbh of Hawkridge - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Per saltire argent and vert, in pale two blue thistles azure.

Medbh is one of the spellings appearing in the raw data s.n. Meadhbh in "Index of Names in Irish Annals" by Mari ingen Briain meic Donnchada (http://medievalscotland.org/kmo/AnnalsIndex/Feminine/Meadhbh.shtml). This particular spelling is from the Annals of Ulster in an entry describing events in 1441.

Hawkridge is the header form in Watts p. 298. Dated forms under this heading are Hauekerega (1194), Haukeregg (1195), Haweckrig (1225) and Haukridge (1610). The submitter prefers the header (modern) spelling, which is permitted by the Lingua Anglica Rule.

Early Modern Gaelic and English can be combined under Appendix C of SENA.

A "blue thistle" is a particular variation of thistle specifically requested by the submitter. An image provided by the submitter was attached. The blue thistle or Eryngium planum appears to be native to Eastern Europe, but any additional information commenters can provide is greatly appreciated.

18: Peter Pedrick - Resub Device Forwarded

Sable, a tree blasted and eradicated and a bordure indented all per pale argent and Or.

The submitter's original device submission, Sable, a tree blasted and eradicated per pale argent and Or, was returned on the January 2012 East Kingdom LoD for conflict with Ariadne of Alyson-tara (July 1979): Sable, a tree blasted sable fimbriated argent. The bordure was added in an effort to clear the conflict.

While there was some discussion about whether the indentations of the bordure could be bigger and more distinctive, the bordure is clearly indented and I see no reason for return.

19: Saruca bint Lazari - New Name Forwarded

Both name elements and the pattern [given name] + bint + [father's name] are found in "Sixteenth Century Turkish Names" by Ursula Georges (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/ursula/ottoman/)

Saruca appears as a feminine given name.

Lazari appears as a masculine given name under the heading "Other Non-Muslim Names."

20: Taran Templeton - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Argent, a polypus sable and a bordure vert.

Taran appears as a 16th cen. English surname in the IGI Parish Extracts. Such surnames may be used as given names by precedent.

Joan Taran Female Marriage 28 Aug 1580 Saint Mary The Great, Cambridge, Cambridge, England Batch: M13064-1

Templeton also appears as an English surname in the IGI Parish Extracts:

James Templeton Christening 13 Nov 1621 Saint Clement Danes, Westminster, London, England Batch: C04160-5

Commenters noted that the legs of a polypus generally should not cross in order to preserve identifiability of the charge. [See James Bacon, Dec. 2012 LoAR, R-West]. However, no re-draw that I could produce would be significantly more identifiable as a polypus. Further, the majority of commenters found the polypus identifiable as is. Therefore, I see no reason for anything other than an artist's note and am sending the device up as is.

21: Veronica Rosso - Resub Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Per chevron inverted purpure and vert, a chevron inverted between a dragonfly and a tree blasted and couped argent.

This identical name was returned on the May 2007 Eastern LoD for conflict with Veronique de la Rose (http://ech.eastkingdom.org/ILoIs/2007/2007-05/2007-05-LoD.html). The submitter asks that this conflict be re-evaluated under SENA.

Veronica is a feminine given name appearing in "Feminine Given Names from Thirteenth Century Perugia" by Arval Benicoeur (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/perugia/perugiaFemAlpha.html) and in "Names from Sixteenth Century Venice," by Juliana de Luna (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/juliana/16thcvenice.html).

Rosso appears as a surname in "Fourteenth Century Venetian Personal Names" by Arval Benicoeur and Talan Gwynek (http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/venice14/venice14sur.html).

Commentary agreed that, under SENA, this name is clear of Veronique de la Rose.

Nunc est bibiendum