Alys Mackyntoich

11 December 2014

Unto the East Kingdom College of Heralds, upon the Feast of Saint Damasus, greetings and every good thing! Here is the Letter of Decisions for the Internal Letters of Intent issued on October 28, 2014. I am omitting the original documentation from my write-up in an effort to streamline the decision-making process.

Many thanks to the following commenters who provided assistance this month: Beatrice Domenici della Campana, Brenna Lowri o Ruthin, ffride wlffsdotter (Goutte d'Eau), Gawain of Miskbridge (Green Anchor), Jeanne de Robin, Kolosvari Arpadne Julia, Madog Hir of Aire Faucon (Kraken), Matilda Wynter, Michael Gerard Curtememoire, Muirenn ingen Dúnadaig, Palotzi Marta, Rohese de Dinan (Shadowdale), Seraphina Delfino (Golden Dolphin), Simeon ben Iucef de Alcacar, Tanczos Istvan (Non Scripta), Vettorio Antonello and Yehuda ben Moshe (Elmet). Your insights and advice are always appreciated. I would also like to thank Yehuda ben Moshe for assisting in writing up the decisions this month.

Always your servant,
Alys Mackyntoich
Blue Tyger Herald

1: Alexander Makcristyne - New Release of Household Name Forwarded

House of Archers Ford

2: Bridge, Barony of the - New Order Name and New Badge Forwarded

Order of Kid

Azure, a goat statant argent maintaining under its hooves a bezant

Originally blazoned as Azure, a goat statant argent atop a bezant, commenters suggested several alternative blazons. I have adopted the one that seems to best depict the emblazon, but leave the ultimate question to Wreath.

3: Bridge, Barony of the - New Order Name and New Badge Forwarded

Order of Alcantara of the Bridge

Azure, in pale a notched keystone argent and a doubly-arched bridge Or

There is a Step from Period Practice for the use of the non-period notched keystone.

4: Bridge, Barony of the - New Order Name and New Badge Forwarded

Order of the Lotus

Azure, in pale a lotus in profile argent and an open book Or

5: Bridge, Barony of the - New Order Name and New Badge Forwarded

Order of Horatius

Azure, in saltire a sword and a spear Or and in chief a round shield argent

6: David von Schaidegg - New Name Change From Holding Name Forwarded and New Device Change Pended

Or, on a vol sable a crescent argent, a bordure sable

Old device: Per pale fleury-counter-fleury vert crusilly couped and argent, in sinister a bear rampant sable, to be released.

As drawn, the crescent is not clearly on the vol. It is likely that, as drawn, this would be returned. Therefore, I am pending this for redrawing to correct the issue.

7: Diana Louisa Connall - New Name Forwarded and New Device Pended

Azure, on a chevron inverted argent between a wolf's head affronty erased and a recurve bow fesswise inverted Or, two arrows sable

Commenters noted that Black dated the requested spelling of the surname only to the gray period. However, this surname is found within period in the Family Search Historical Records:

William Connall; Male; Christening; 08 Sep 1565; CANONGATE, EDINBURGH, MIDLOTHIAN, SCOTLAND; Batch: C11999-1 (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XTR4-2XQ)
Per the Glossary of Terms, when bows are depicted fesswise, the default is string to base. This bow is inverted and I have changed the blazon to so indicate. Unfortunately, the wolf's head erased affronty does not match the current standards for such depictions as stated in the July 2014 LoAR and the November 2001 LoAR:
[F]or purposes of recreating period armorial style for erasing, the erasing should (1) have between three and eight jags; (2) have jags that are approximately one-sixth to one-third the total height of the charge being erased; and (3) have jags that are not straight but rather are wavy or curved.
Therefore, I have pended it for redrawing to prevent a return at the Society level.

8: Dietrich of Timi{s,} - New Name Forwarded

The submitter originally requested that the locative byname be put entirely into Romanian or German, rather than using the Lingua Anglica form that we had been able to document at Pennsic. Research by Kolosvari Arpadne Julia, ffride Goutte d'Eau and Palotzi Marta demonstrated several possible Hungarian forms (the location was in Hungary in period, not in Romania as the submitter had believed). Upon consulting with the submitter, he indicated that he prefers the Lingua Anglica form over any of the period spellings. Regardless, I am extremely grateful to Julia, ffride and Marta for their hard work.

The combination of a German given name and the Lingua Anglica form of a Hungarian place name is registerable under Appendix C of SENA.

9: Duggmore Dougles - New Name Change Forwarded and New Device Change Forwarded

Argent, a brown owl contourny proper, on an orle vert three bezants

Old Item: Duggmore Dunmore, to be released.

Old Item: Per fess argent and vert, three owls counterchanged, to be released.

Originally blazoned as "barn owl," this charge matches the Pic Dic's depiction of a generic owl. I have reblazoned it accordingly.

10: Duggmore Dougles - New Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) A shovel argent

11: Duggmore Dougles - New Badge Forwarded

Argent, three brown owls contourny one and two proper

Originally blazoned as "barn owl," this charge matches the Pic Dic's depiction of a generic owl. I have reblazoned it accordingly.

12: Fausta Xanthina - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Quarterly argent and checky sable and Or, a compass rose and a bordure vert

Commenters noted that the given name is documented to no later than AD 671 while the byname is from the "late 12th C" at the very earliest. For this name to be registerable under SENA PN.2.C.2, the latest the byname can be documented is AD 1170. Where a byname cannot be more precisely dated, we tend to give the submitter the benefit of the doubt. I am forwarding this name on that basis.

13: Fearghus mac Griogair - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Argent, a squirrel's face sable jessant-de-lys vert

There is a Step from Period Practice for a creature jessant-de-lys that is not a lion or a leopard. Commenters were concerned about the identifiability of the squirrel's head. I find it reasonably identifiable.

Commenters were also concerned about a possible visual conflict with the badge of Adelaide de Bourbon (Oct. 2011, Ansteorra): (Fieldless) An ounce's face sable incensed gules jessant-de-lys vert. Technically, this badge is clear; there is a DC for the field and at least a DC between a squirrel head and an ounce head. However, there is a strong visual resemblance. As the question of visual conflict is reserved for Wreath, I am forwarding this device for further consideration.

14: Geine Dhocair - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Per fess argent and purpure, issuant from the line of division a demi-squirrel sable

15: Gwenhwyfar atte Lake - Resub Device Forwarded

Azure, an owl volant guardant contourny and a base engrailed argent

This resubmission is clear of the device of Arianwen ferch Lawen (Dec. 1987, Calontir): Azure, a swallow volant within a bordure embattled argent, with one DC for the type of secondary and a second DC for changing from volant to dexter to volant to sinister.

16: Iulia Alba - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Or, on a sun gules three mullets one and two Or

I have corrected the blazon to specify the arrangement of the mullets.

17: Jaspar van Doorne - New Name Forwarded

18: Jehan de Caen - New Alternate Name Forwarded

John Blakethorn le Brewere

19: Jehan de Caen - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Bendy Or and azure, on a fess gules a rose between two lions passant Or

There is a conflict with Mederic de Caen (Apr. 2013, East): Bendy Or and azure, on a fess gules a lion passant guardant between two swords palewise Or. There is a DC for the change of type of one half of the tertiary charge group but nothing else. A letter of permission to conflict was provided by Mederic at Pennsic, but is not in the information provided to Blue Tyger. As Mederic is still active and I should be able to obtain confirmation of his permission to conflict, I am forwarding the device in the expectation of getting this issue resolved.

20: Joiha Huguenin - New Name Change Forwarded

21: Kára Grímsdóttir - New Device Forwarded

Per chevron argent and azure, a raven-headed torc opening to chief sable, in chief on a heart azure a triquetra argent

While the artwork may not be ideal, the chevron is adequately drawn, as are the heart and triquetra. I am forwarding this unchanged.

22: Kaye Faire Wolf - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Sable, a wolf rampant Or and in chief a feather fesswise argent

As drawn, the charge in chief is a feather, not a quill pen. A quill pen would have the barbs removed much further up the shaft of the feather. I have changed the blazon to reflect the emblazon.

23: Lewin de Partone - New Device Pended

Per bend sinister indented azure and vert, a bend sinister dancetty between a deer couchant and a bear couchant argent

I have modified the blazon to reflect that the line of divsion of the field is indented. This device has been pended for redrawing to render the bend so that it extends into the top corner of the shield.

24: Mary Elizabeth Ryan - New Name Forwarded

25: Mary of the Stuwes - New Alternate Name Forwarded

Maryam bint Na'ja

26: Nicolas Étienne le Noir - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Sable, on a triangle voided between and conjoined to six annulets, one, two, and three a roundel argent

Originally submitted as Sable, a roundel within and conjoined to a triangle voided between and conjoined to six annulets, one, two, and three argent, that blazon would have a primary charge group and two secondary charge groups on the field, a pattern not included in Appendix J and thus requiring documentation. However, research done by Michael Gerard Curtememoire has found that we have previously registered a tertiary charge on a voided primary charge, most recently Keith of Kent (Sep. 2004, Artemisia): Sable, on a cross voided Or a cartwheel argent. This device may be blazonable as a primary triangle, secondary annulets, and tertiary roundel. Under that blazon it has only two charge groups on the field. Appendix J states "All designs with two charge groups on the field are presumed to be registerable except those listed below. New designs may be ruled unregisterable from time to time, if they cannot be found in period armory."

Commenters noted, and I tend to agree, that this device does not appear period in design. However, I believe that this device would benefit from wider commentary and I am forwarding it for review by Wreath.

27: Nigell Rhys Davies - New Name Forwarded

I received no commentary on whether Nigell Rhys Davies presumes on the registered Rhys ap Dafydd (Nov. 2000, An Tir). I am forwarding it unchanged for further commentary at the Society level.

28: Novella Soranzo - Resub Device Pended

Per chevron ermine and counter-ermine, a pair of stag's attires and a bee proper

This matter is pended for redrawing to correct the discrepancy between the color and black and white drawing and render the antlers in a period form.

29: Novella Soranzo - Resub Badge Returned

(Fieldless) A bee proper attired of stag's antlers proper

Unfortunately, this badge conflicts with Alicia Vespasiana (Jun. 1996, East): (Fieldless) A fly sable winged argent. There is only a single DC for fieldlessness. By precedent, there can no DC between Alicia's fly and a bee proper for either type or tincture. [Hannibal Beman, R-Ansteorra, Apr 2008 LoAR]. Precedent also states that adding antlers to a creature does not provide a DC. [Alyne of Kendal, 05/05, R-An Tir; Sean Donald of Caithness, 2/98 p. 15]. Therefore I have no choice but to return this badge.

30: Novella Soranzo - New Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) A cartwheel sable charged with a bottle bendwise Or

This badge is clear of the badge of the Barony of al-Barran (Mar. 1993, Outlands): (Fieldless) A wheel sable charged with a doe lodged guardant Or. There is one DC for the change of type of the tertiary charge (bottle vs. doe), plus a DC for fieldlessness.

31: Novella Soranzo - Resub Device Forwarded

(Fieldless) In saltire two arrows proper fletched vert and overall a ball of yarn gules

32: Pipa Blackwood - New Name Forwarded

33: Qudu of the Steppes - New Name Change Forwarded

Old Item: Yngvarr Ottuson, to be released.

The name was originally submitted as Qudu of the Taiga. The submitter did not provide, and commenters could not find, any documentation for "Taiga", as either a name or a word, prior to the 19th Century. With the submitter's permission, we have changed the byname to a registerable form based on the name of the Barony of the Steppes (Oct. 1976, Atenveldt).

34: Riocard Docair - New Device Forwarded

Argent, a bull's head cabossed gules attired and in chief a pair of shackles conjoined by a length of chain sable

35: Sarukê thugadêr Êlmanos - New Name Change Forwarded and New Device Change Forwarded

Vert, a unicorn and in chief three trilliums inverted argent

It is unclear whether the byname uses the correct Greek grammar. As neither Blue Tyger nor any of the commenters are experts in Greek, I am forwarding this name for further commentary at the Society level.

There is a Step from Period Practice for the use of a trillium, a New World plant. [Symonne d'Awaille, 2/2013 LoAR, A-An Tir].

36: Sophia von Konstanz - New Name Change Forwarded

Old Item: Sophia von Eisental, to be retained as an alternate name.

37: Tiberius Nautius Maximus - New Name Forwarded and New Device Pended

Sable, in pile a narwal's tusk between two wings addorsed, all issuant from base argent, each wing charged with a lightning bolt sable

This device is being pended for redrawing to correct discrepancies between the color emblazon and the black and white form. The submitter intends for the wings to be charged with black lightning bolts as in the color version.

Nunc est bibiendum