Alys Mackyntoich

13 November 2014

Unto the East Kingdom College of Heralds, upon the Feast of Divinicus, greetings and every good thing! Here is the Letter of Decisions for the Internal Letters of Intent issued on September 26 and October 5, 2014. I am omitting the original documentation from my write-up in an effort to streamline the decision-making process.

Many thanks to the following commenters who provided assistance this month: Beatrice Domenici della Campana, Caoimhin McKee (Sanglier Rouge), Donovan Shinnock (Golden Rapier), ffride wlffsdotter (Goutte d'Eau), Francesco Gaetano Greco d'Edessa (Seahorse), Gawain of Miskbridge (Green Anchor), Gunnvor silfraharr (Orle), Madog Hir of Aire Faucon (Kraken), Maridonna Benvenuti, Michael Gerard Curtememoire, Muirenn ingen Dúnadaig, Rohese de Dinan (Shadowdale), Rosina von Schaffhausen, Ryan McWhyte (Brigantia), Seraphina Delfino (Opal), Simeon ben Iucef de Alcacar, Tanczos Istvan (Non Scripta), Togashi Kih{o-}, Vettorio Antonello and Yehuda ben Moshe (Elmet). Your insights and advice are always appreciated. I would also like to thank Yehuda ben Moshe for assisting in writing up the decisions this month.

Always your servant,
Alys Mackyntoich
Blue Tyger Herald

1: Alan of Wytleseie - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Azure, a winged sagittary statant and a chief argent

The primary charge in the device is a winged sagittary according to the Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry entry for centaur (http://mistholme.com/?s=centaur): "Nearly all of the period heraldic examples of the centaur show it with a bow and arrow, as in the arms of Bardi, c.1550 [BSB Cod.Icon 278:81], or in the crest of Mackonele of the Yles, c.1601 [Bedingfeld 147]. Such cases may also be blazoned a 'sagittary' or 'sagittarius'." This device appears clear of that of Richard MacKenzie (Oct. 2010, Trimaris): Azure, a sagittary passant and in chief three compass stars argent. Richard's device has two DCs for the type and number of the secondary charges (one chief vs. three charges).

2: Alasdar Sparhauec - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Argent, a triskelion of spirals and on a chief sable a fox courant to sinister reguardant argent

ffride Goutte d'Eau noted in commentary that Sparhauec is documented as a given name rather than a byname. However, precedent states that "an Old English masculine name can be used as an unmarked patronymic byname when there is evidence that the name was in use when this pattern is found, i.e., we allow it for names which were in use in the middle of the 11th century or later." [Brada Æthelward, 7/2010 LoAR, A-Aethelmearc]. Sparhauec is dated to 1172, and thus is eligible for this rule.

With respect to the device, there is a Step From Period Practice for the use of a triskelion of spirals. As it is the only SFPP in this device, it should be registerable and I am forwarding it.

3: Alexander Makcristyne - New Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) In pale a cauldron argent conjoined to two schneckes couped addorsed azure

The schneckes and the cauldron appear to be co-primary. Commenters questioned whether the azure charges were identifiable as schneckes or if they should be reblazoned as ram's horns. I believe they are identifiable as schneckes, but I am leaving this question to Wreath. As per the Nov 2012 Cover Letter, the argent charge is a properly depicted cauldron.

4: Amber Surrey - New Device Forwarded

Or, issuant from an ink pot sable a quill purpure all between in bend two domestic cats sejant respectant sable

5: Andreiko Eferiev - New Device Returned

Gules, a cloud sable

This device is returned due to two issues. First, there is a conflict with the badge of Hillary Stormrider (Oct. 1980, Atenveldt): (Fieldless) Issuant from the base of a cloud sable a lightning flash palewise Or. A visual review of Hilary's badge shows that the lightning flash is maintained and thus does not count for conflict purposes. That leaves only a single DC between this device and Hilary's badge. Second, although the Individually Attested Pattern of placing sable charges on gules was documented from Germany armory, insufficient evidence was presented of clouds as a charge in German armory.

6. Francesco Gaetano Greco d'Edessa - New Badge Returned

(Fieldless) On a mantle per chevron ployé azure and Or, in chief a pearled coronet argent

Commenters were nearly unanimous in their opinion that the mantle was not properly divided per chevron ployé. More importantly, the commenters were also nearly unanimous in the opinion that the tertiary coronet was not identifiable. Based on its location on the mantle, the coronet appears to be a cloak clasp rather than a distinct charge. Without the coronet, this badge conflicts with the East's badge for the Order of the Golden Mantle: (Fieldless) A mantle Or. There is a single DC, for comparing a fieldless design to any other design. Since the line of division of the mantle is drawn incorrectly, this charge is less than half azure and is therefore not granted a DC when compared to one that is entirely Or. Therefore, this badge must be returned.

7: Beccán Ua Néill - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Vert, a seawolf and on a chief argent, three frets couped vert

I have corrected the blazon to clarify that the frets are couped.

8: Bregwald filius Tercio - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Gules, a dragon couchant argent, on a chief Or three mullets gules

Submitted as Bregwald Tertius, no documentation was provided for the byname in this form. The only documentation found was for the male given name Tercio as a (probably Latinized) Frankish given name. The submitter allowed a change to the form Bregward filius [other Latinized form], so I have changed the name to reflect the available documentation. I am not certain of even this formation, however, and plan to request assistance at the Society level.

9: Caitilín ingen Donndubáin - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Vert, eight roses three, three, and two Or and on a chief argent an arrow fesswise reversed purpure

10: Ceolwenne wyrhte - New Name Change Forwarded

Old Item: Ceolwenne of Endeweard, to be released.

11: Christina Jenevra de Carvalhal - Resub Name Forwarded and Resub Device Forwarded

Paly argent and sable, on a chief triangular azure a closed book Or

Commenters questioned whether the chief triangular extended too far down the field. Based on precedent, it appears that this issue requries an artist's note rather than a return:

Geirúlfr mac an Gall´glaigh. Name and device. Sable, two spears in saltire and on a chief triangular argent, a wolf statant to sinister sable.
Commenters asked if this device blurs the line between a chief triangular and a per chevron inverted field. It does not. While several precedents were cited where devices were returned for being drawn somewhere between chaussé, a pile, and a chief triangular, only the most recent submission of the four matches this device. The rest have the triangular portion extending well past the per fess tickmarks on the form. In one case, it is nearly throughout. In the future, we will accept chiefs triangular which do not reach past the horizontal tick marks with an artist note. Please instruct the submitter that the chief triangular extends too far into the field. The central point of a chief triangular should reach no more than a third of the way into the field.
Therefore, I am forwarding this device as is.

12: Cillene O Caollaidhe - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Argent, a butterfly rising wings addorsed contourny purpure within an orle of trefoils vert

Commenters questioned the combination of an Old Irish given name with an Early Modern Irish byname. Cillene is a saint's name. By precedent, "[t]he use of the saint's name removes the temporal disparity, because saint's names are assumed to be available in the name pool of a culture at any time which the saint was known to that culture." [Finnech inghean Labhrainn, 3/2009 LoAR, A-Atlantia]. Therefore, I am giving the submitter the benefit of the doubt and forwarding this name.

With respect to the device, it appears clear of the device of Alysande of Greenvale (Mar. 1990, Atenveldt): Argent, a butterfly displayed purpure within an orle of butterflies vert. There is one DC for changing the secondary charges from butterflies to trefoils. There may be a DC for the change in posture between a butterfly displayed and a butterfly rising. I am forwarding this to Wreath for resolution of this question.

13: Damian Godeshelp - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Sable, a hammer fesswise reversed and a point pointed argent

According to the Pictorial Dictionary of Heraldry, the emblazon does not depict a sledgehammer. I have changed the blazon to a generic "hammer."

14: Demetrio Antelini da Lucca - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Purpure, on a chevron between three rapiers argent three hops cones inverted palewise vert

Originally submitted as Demetrios Antelini da Lucca, the submitter requested that the given name be changed to Demetrio if it could be documented. Maridonna Benvenuti found information about a late period Italian physician named Demetrio Canevari (d. 1625), who published a book in 1602. De ligno sancto commentarium (http://books.google.com/books?id=5oc8AAAAcAAJ). In addition, Demetrio had previously been registered as a saint's name in the Italian naming pool. [Demetrio Biagi, June 2004 LoAR, A-Atenveldt]. Based on this information, I have made the requested change.

Beatrice Domenici della Campana pointed out in commentary that, per July 2013 LOAR, hop cones default to stems to chief; I have corrected the blazon to indicate that these hop cones are inverted.

15: Mega Zenjirou Yoshi - New Name Change Forwarded and Resub Device Forwarded

Old Item: Drogo Bryce of Middlefordshire, to be retained as an alternate name.

Gules, a calygreyhound's head cabossed Or

This device is clear of conflicts only if there is at least one DC when comparing a calygreyhound's head cabossed to either a cat's head cabossed or a stag's head cabossed. As there is no precedent on this issue, I am sending this device up to Wreath for definitive resolution.

16: Genevieve Grant - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Purpure, on a bend argent between two butterflies Or three needles threaded purpure and on a chief Or, three roses purpure

I have corrected several typos and omissions from the blazon.

17: Holt Kincaid - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Or, two brown otters combatant proper within a bordure vert

18: Ivan Valfrekr Hroereksson - New Device Forwarded

Argent, a chevron inverted between three triquetras inverted one and two sable

19: Kalos Dymas - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Sable, a monster with the head and neck of a snake, the body of a deer, the tail of a lion, and the spots of a leopard rampant Or sustaining in a fore-hoof a sword argent

20: Leofwenn of Wytleseie - New Device Forwarded

Gules, in fess two lions statant respectant and a chief doubly enarched Or

Commenters correctly noted that the use of a chief doubly enarched is an SFPP under Appendix G of SENA. As this is the only SFPP in the device, I am forwarding it.

21: Liadan ingen Chineada - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Per bend purpure and sable, an owl argent maintaining in its dexter talon a sword within a bordure Or

22: Lucius Aurelius Serpentius - New Name Change Forwarded

23: Nathaniel Wyatt - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Per fess azure and Or, a fess indented lozengy Or and azure between two rapiers inverted in saltire Or and a griffon azure

24: Nathaniel Wyatt - New Badge Forwarded

Or, a griffin segreant azure within a bordure counter-compony azure and Or

25: Richard de Troyes - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Gules, on a chevron inverted Or three fleurs-de-lys palewise sable

26: Rory O'Bran - New Name Forwarded

Although the name was submitted at Pennsic as Rorye O'Bran, the submitter wanted the given name to be spelled Rory if possible. As I was able to document the requested spelling, I have made this change.

27: Sakura'i no Kesame - New Device Returned

Sable, a cherry blossom within an annulet argent

Unfortunately, this elegant device conflicts with the armory of Çinara Suberria (Feb. 2002, An Tir): (Fieldless) A cherry blossom within and conjoined to an annulet argent. There is only a single DC for fielded vs. fieldless armory.

28: Samuel Peter Bump - Resub Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Quarterly purpure and sable, a sinister hand in benediction sustaining a sheaf of arrows fesswise reversed argent

The charges appear to be a primary hand with sustained secondary arrows, and I have tweaked the blazon to reflect that.

29: Takezaki Daigorou Tokimichi - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Argent, in pale five delfs voided sable

Kih{o-} questioned in commentary whether the second element, Daigorou, is properly constructed. As explained by Kih{o-}:

The example for DAI given, NCMJ 101, is a descriptive element in an era name, not a masculine yobina, and thus I don't find this construction terribly plausible. While there are examples of kanji being prepended to birth-order yobina using the on reading, none of the examples in NCMJ seem very close to this construction to me.
You could do a construction with the same meaning based on the example of Kojirou (small + second son; kun reading descriptive kanji + birth order yobina) datable to 1568, from p. 212. The kun readings of ko, small, and oo, big, are used on similar ways as descriptive elements in feminine given names and surnames (p. 101-102), so I think a construction in this pattern using the kun reading of oo, big, would be plausible. This would get Oogorou (big + fifth son).
At Pennsic, this name was worked on by Solveig, the College's go-to person on Japanese names. Blue Tyger lacks sufficient grounding in Japanese names to assess either Solveig's work or Kih{o-}'s comments. I am forwarding the name unchanged, but with the full commentary from Kingdom, for assistance at the Society level.

30: Tamitha Fier - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Per chevron inverted argent and purpure, a compass star pierced within an annulet purpure

Commenters correctly pointed out that the use of a compass star is a SFPP under Appendix G of SENA.

31: Þórfinnr Hróðgeirsson - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Sable, On a roundel Or a three legged crow sable, in chief seven estoiles in chevron argent

As documented in Geirr Bassi, The Old Norse Name, the given name has an acute accent over the 'o'. Because the use of accents in Old Norse names must be consistent throughout, I have corrected the name to Þórfinnr Hróðgeirsson, rather than the submitted Þorfinnr Hróðgeirsson.

Commenters were concerned about possible conflict with Gwynaeth Math o Ddylluan (July 1974): Sable, a bezant charged with a raven on a branch bendwise all sable. There is a DC for adding a secondary charge group in the form of the estoiles. By precedent, the branch in Gwynaeth's device is considered a second tertiary charge on the bezant and counts for conflicts checking:

Kashiwadebe no Hikojir{o-}. Badge. Sable, on a bezant a lozenge ployé throughout sable.
This badge is not in conflict with the device of Gwynaeth Math o Ddylluan, Sable, a bezant charged with a raven on a branch bendwise all sable. There is a DC for the change in type of tertiary charge. In both April 1990 and July 2002, the branch and the raven were ruled to be equally-weighted tertiary charges, while in March 2000 the branch was ruled to not be worth difference. While such an ambiguous design would likely not be registered today, the rules were different when it was registered in July 1974. We are agreeing with the 1990 and 2002 rulings, and declaring there to be two tertiary charges on Gwynaeth's bezant. There is therefore a DC for change in number of tertiary charges. [12/2013 LoAR, A-East]
Therefore, there is a second DC between this device and Gwynaeth's for a change in the number of tertiary charges, bringing the two pieces of armory clear.

32: Þórfinnr inn rauði - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Sable, a cross Or and overall an edelweiss argent seeded Or

As there is no defined "proper" for an edelweiss, I have changed the blazon to indicate that the flower is argent seeded Or.

33: Tiberius Iulius Rufus - New Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) A lightning bolt palewise between and conjoined to two bees Or

34: Ulrich van Kathen - New Name Forwarded

Nunc est bibiendum