Alys Mackyntoich

6 September 2014

Unto the East Kingdom College of Heralds, upon the Feast of Saint Humbert, greetings and every good thing! Here is the Letter of Decisions for the Internal Letter of Intent issued on July 31, 2014. I am omitting the original documentation from my write-up in an effort to streamline the decision-making process.

Many thanks to the following commenters who provided assistance this month: Andreas von Meißen (Rowel), Aryanhwy merch Catmael (Schwarzdrachen), Conall an Doire, Donovan Shinnock (Golden Rapier), Eldrich Gaiman, Gawain of Miskbridge (Green Anchor), Gunnvor silfraharr (Orle), Juetta Copin, Kolosvari Arpadne Julia, Maridonna Benvenuti, Matilda Wynter, Modar Neznanich (Volk), Ryan McWhyte (Brigantia), Simeon ben Iucef de Alcacar, Vettorio Antonello, Violet Hughes and Yehuda ben Moshe (Elmet). Your insights and advice are always appreciated.

Always your servant,
Alys Mackyntoich
Blue Tyger Herald

1: Adelina fýri - Resub Device Forwarded

Purpure, on a dance argent between three flames Or a square-linked chain throughout vert

2: Adrienne d'Evreus - New Name Forwarded and New Device Returned

Per fess wavy azure and argent, a seahorse counterchanged

Unfortunately, this very nice device conflicts with the badge of the Order of the Hippocampus in the Kingdom of Atlantia (02/2000): (Fieldless) A seahorse erect argent tailed azure. There is no way to draw a seahorse as the central charge of Adrienne's device that would not be visually identical to the Order's badge.

3: Akos Zekel - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Per fess vert and azure, an eagle and an orle argent

Upon the learned advice of Kolosvari Arpadne Julia, I have deleted the accents from this name, as permitted by the submitter.

4: Angelina Capasso - Resub Badge Forwarded

Gules, a Latin cross Or and issuant from base a daisy slipped and leaved proper

Some commenters questioned whether the daisy was adequately identifiable. Because I believe it is within the acceptable range of artistic license, I am forwarding the badge.

4: Arnleif the Red - New Name Forwarded

The byname was originally documented as the Lingua Anglica form of an Old English byname. Commenters helpfully identified an Old Norse byname with the same meaning.

6: Arthur Tuck - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Per fess argent and sable, a domestic cat passant sable maintaining in its upraised paw a flute bendwise proper and a bow argent

7: Aurelia Winchester - New Name Forwarded

8: East, Kingdom of the - New Heraldic Title Forwarded

Golden Rapier Herald

9: East, Kingdom of the - New Heraldic Title Forwarded

Terpsichore Herald

10: Gwenlliana Vachan - New Device Forwarded

Argent fretty purpure, a fess azure

11: Hassan abdul Raschid al-Turki - New Household Name Forwarded

House of Three Skulls

12: Hassan abdul Raschid al-Turki - New Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) A pall inverted within and conjoined to an annulet argent, three deaths heads within and conjoined vert, gules and sable

By precedent, the tricolored charges are a Step From Period Practice. [Timur al-Badawi, 07/2003, A-Artemisia]

13: Hassan abdul Raschid al-Turki - New Badge Forwarded

Per pale vert and gules, on a pale sable fimbriated three death's heads argent

14: Heinricus von Rudensheim - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Per fess argent and gules, a bear's head couped sable and a two-horned anvil argent

Originally submitted as von Rüdesheim, Rüdesheim was not documented as a period form of the place name. Gawain Green Anchor found zue Rudensheimere dated to 1296 in Brechenmacher s.n. Rüdesheimer. Following German naming patterns, Rudensheimere appears to be a descriptive byname for a man from a place called Rudensheim. Thus, this dated example supports the locative von Rudensheim. As the submitter allows all changes and indicated that 13th century German language and culture were important to him, I have made this change.

15: Iron Bog, Barony of - New Badge Forwarded

Argent billety, a clenched gauntlet fesswise sable

16: Iron Bog, Barony of - New Badge Forwarded

Argent billety, a compass sable

A possible conflict with the badge of Morgan ap Harry (5/1994, East): Argent, a pair of calipers inverted sable, was identified in commentary. I had the image of Morgan ap Harry's badge pulled. In Morgan's badge, the hinge is at the bottom and the points of the calipers are towards to the top, whereas the points of this compass are pointed towards the bottom with the hinge at the top. That difference should be worth at least a DC for orientation, making the two pieces of armory clear of conflict.

17: Iron Bog, Barony of - New Badge Forwarded

Argent billety, a martlet sable

18: Iron Bog, Barony of - New Badge Forwarded

Sable billety, a clenched gauntlet fesswise argent

19: Iron Bog, Barony of - New Badge Forwarded

Sable billety, a compass argent

This badge appears to be clear of the badge of Society for Creative Anachronism, Sciences, Minister (Jan. 1973): Per pale Or and argent, a pair of calipers sable. There is one DC for the difference in the field, and a second DC for the addition of the billets as strewn secondary charges.

20: Iron Bog, Barony of - New Badge Forwarded

Sable billety, a martlet argent

This badge appears clear of the badge of Branwen le Baxtere (3/2007, Ansteorra): (Fieldless) A raven argent maintaining a stalk of wheat fesswise Or. There is one DC for the difference in the field, and a second DC for the addition of the billets as strewn secondary charges.

21: Kendrick Harper of Forrest Moor - Resub Device Forwarded

Per bend gules and argent, a bend azure and on a chief argent a bar azure

Some commenters remarked that this device is strongly evocative of the logo of the hockey team the New York Rangers, which also happens to be displayed on a shield shape. This device does not precisely reproduce the Rangers' logo: the Rangers' logo has cotises around the bend and words on the chief. Given the lack of direct conflict, whether it is too evocative of the Rangers' logo is a question best left to Wreath and Laurel. Therefore I am forwarding this device.

22: Lisabetta vedova di Alessandro - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Argent, three acorns and on a chief triangular vert a bell Or

23: Lisette Fournier - New Name Forwarded

24: Lottieri Malocchio - New Device Forwarded

Per chevron Or and sable, three suns in chevron and a lion dormant all within a bordure counterchanged

The suns were originally blazoned as "in splendor," but they lack a face. Therefore, they are merely "suns" and I have corrected the blazon accordingly.

25: Lupold Hass - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Per pale azure and sable, a hare courant argent

26: Magdalena Amarilla - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Per fess vert and Or, a fox couchant Or and a domestic cat couchant sable

I corrected a typo in the blazon; the cat was always intended to be sable.

27: Margretha la Fauvelle - New Badge Forwarded

(Fieldless) A sun in splendor per saltire Or and vert

28: Marieta Charay - New Device Forwarded

Azure, a leaf Of and in base two mice respectant argent, a bordure Or

29: Martym da Silva - New Name Forwarded

30: Martym da Silva - New Household Name Forwarded and New Badge Returned

House of Lavia

Quarterly vert and argent

Unfortunately, this lovely badge conflicts with the device of Ulf of Sjaelland (2/1996, Caid): Quarterly gules and argent. There is a single DC for changing the tincture of half of the field. Even under the fairly liberal rules for field primary armory, there is no other difference granted, requiring a return.

31: Murdoch Macrae - Resub Device Forwarded

Argent, a falcon striking maintaining two arrows and on a base azure a bow fesswise inverted argent

This device is not on the standard shield shape from the device form. However, when compared with the standard device form, the difference is extremely minor. Blue Tyger's staff will be fixing the image to conform to the device form shape and I am forwarding the device.

32: Olivia Baker - New Device Forwarded

Per chevron inverted fleury-counterfleury Or and gules, a rose and two ears of wheat counterchanged

Commentary was sharply divided on whether the complex fleury-counterfleury line of division rendered the chevron inverted unidentifiable. Given that some people were able to identify the blazon clearly from the emblazon, I am sending this up for review by Wreath.

33: Rosa Bella de Corvis - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Or, a rose gules slipped and leaved vert and an orle vert

34: Sarra an Doire - New Name Forwarded and New Device Returned

Gules, an owl displayed argent and on a chief sable three crescents argent

This device is returned for violating the rule of tincture by placing a sable chief on a gules field.

35: Sybilla of Rona - Resub Device Forwarded

Argent, a falcon displayed head facing to sinister purpure vorant of a cluster of grapes bendwise, a bordure engrailed gules

36: Þorsteinn Ívarsson - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Per bend vert and argent, a fox rampant and an antler countercharged

As originally submitted, the patronym was improperly spelled Ívarson. The correct Old Norse formation is Ívarsson. The submitter prohibits only major changes. As this change is not major, I have corrected the patronymic.

One commenter complained that the antler was not identifiable. Three out of three non-heralds shown the image correctly identified it as an antler of either an elk or moose. Therefore, I am forwarding this device.

37: Titus Hostilius Nero - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Argent, a polypus vert and on a chief sable an open book between two mullets argent

38: Trian Ó Bruadair - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Per pale sable and argent, a vol and in chief a compass rose, a bordure counterchanged

39: Veronica Rosso - New Badge Pended for Redrawing

(Fieldless) A capital letter V vert interlaced with an arrow fesswise argent fletched purpure

When letters appear in armory, they must be rendered in a period hand. Commenters agreed that the letter V here was not rendered in a period hand. This badge has been pended for redrawing to address this issue.

40: Wilhelm der Wahnsinnig - New Name Forwarded and New Device Forwarded

Or, an axe sable, on a chief gules three loaves of bread bendwise Or

41: Wilhelm Sturmer vom Berg - New Name Forwarded

Nunc est bibiendum