Lewis Tanzos

8 March , 2002

Greetings and commendations unto the Heralds and Pursuivants of the East Kingdom from Tanczos Istvan, Eastern Crown Herald!

This is the Letter of Report (LoR) on the Internal Letter of Intent (IloI) number 2001-06, dated 26 October, 2001. Acceptances on this letter have been sent to Blue Tyger Herald, to be included in an External Letter of Intent (XloI) to Laurel and the College of Arms.

In service,

Istvan Eastern Crown

The text in bold italics is the documentation from the original submission, the normal text after it is Eastern Crown's commentary on the decision.

1. Apollonia Voss - new name accepted & new device accepted

Per bend sinister nebuly gules and Or, a sun Or and a vixen sejant ululant proper.

Desired meaning: given: 'sun'. Surname 'fox'. Appolonia from Gwynek's 'Medieval German Given names from Silesia' dated to 1438. Viss from Bahlow dates to 1300 -- Heymo Vosseke lists 'Rein Ke de Vo&{sz}' (undated) http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/talan/bahlow/

The personal name article is also found at the Laurel web site, http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/bahlow_v.htm, for which no photocopies are required

In Bahlow, under "Vortmann", I find "Vo{ss}" (ndd.) s. Fuchs! -- including a listing for one "Heyno Vosseke" dated to 1300, as well as "Reinke de Vo{ss} (Reinhardt Fuchs). It also says "auch ON./Kreiensen". "Fuchs" says this: Fuchs, F{u:}chsel, ndd. Fuchs, F{u:}chsel, ndd. Vo{ss}: teils >>schlau wie ein Fuchs<<, teils >>rothaarig<< tiels auch Hausname (Nikol. Vulpes de domo zem Fuchse 1269) Ndrhein V{o:}{ss}gen, Vossen; patr. V{o:}ssing, Fuchsschwants meint mitunter wie Fuchszagel den K{u:}rschner, vgl. Hannos vochsczal pellifex 1367 Brsl.

2. Boal Mergen - new name accepted

Boal grandson of Ghengis Khan, docs on web page at http://members.tripod.com/Mongolian_Pages/overview -- Edited printout attached. Mergen: 'The surname, Mergen, could mean one of many things, all having to do with extreme accuracy in archery. The attached Mongol dictionary, obtained from the internet at http://www.shadowdragon.org.uk/historian/language/dictionary.htm defines Mergen as a title meaning 'Supermarksman'. Mongol to English dictionaries define Mergen as 'Accurate'. The intent is to have the name mean 'Boal the Accurate'.

We quote from the article On the Documentation and Construction of Period Mongolian Names by Baras-aghur Naran http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/mongol.html : " As mentioned before, the Mongols did not use surnames. Therefore for purposes of submission, refer to the Compleat Anachronist #54, wherein is stated that the second element of most Mongol names is an epitet relating to the first name or personal characteristics, or clan identification. "

While the desired name ("superaccurate") might be considered a bit presumptious, it is also an adjective which means "sharp' or 'clever". We feel this is quite reasonable as a construction for a name.

3. Brian Silverswan - new name accepted

Brian is claimed to be submitter's legal name. Silverswan ... 'Married to Katriona Silverswan whose name is already registered in the East Kingdom'.

The submitter should be aware that the practice of the woman taking the man's name when married does not date to period.

The grandfather clause only applies to members of one's immediate family, and no documentation was provided that this submitter has that relationship with Katriona Silverswan. Also, no documentation was provided that 'Brian' is the submitter's legal name. (A photocopy of a legal document, such as a driver's license is required.) However, we find Brian as a header form in Withycombe p. 53, dated in that spelling to 1273; and a Laurel precedent from Daud that states '[Silverswan] "Given the documented bynames Whitehors, Blaklamb, Grelamb, Gragris, and Whitecou (this last meaning grey swan), we believe that a pattern of such names has been shown to be established." (LoAR 1/92 p.9)' Whithors is in Bardsley, under header 'Whitehorse', p. 807, dated in that spelling to 1358. Reaney & Wilson, under 'Whitebuck', p. 486 dates Whitbok to 1313, Whytebull to 1379, Whittecalf to 1340-1450, Witecolt to 1225, Whitecou to 1327, Whytegos to 1334; same page under the header 'Whitecock' gives Whitcok dated to 1226, Wytcok to 1275, Whitecok to 1327; p. 203 header 'Graygoose' has Graigos dated to 1249, Gregos to 1305, Graydere to 1373-5, Grehound to 1327; p. 46 header 'Blackbird' has Blachebiert to 1066, Blacberd to 1206, Blakebird to 1297.

4. Brigid Gwyllt Glas - new name accepted & new device returned

Azure, an oak tree eradicated and on a chief argent, 3 oak leaves azure.

Brigid from Withycombe under 'Bridget' dated to 1480 in England p 54. Gwyllt from Tangwystl's Welsh Miscellany, p32. Glas from same, p32. The pattern [given] [two descriptive bynames] also from same, p29.

Unfortunately, we must consider the armory of Nicholas of Rivenwald, Azure, a tree eradicated and on a chief argent four lightning bolts palewise sable. There is one CD for the change of type, color, and number of charges on the chief. Sadly, there is only one CD total for all the changes to the charges on the secondary. This is the only CD and two are required. A point of information: the tree in this submission is not actually eradicated, it is nearly exactly matching the normal depiction of a non-couped tree but this does not matter for difference.

5. Eadwenna {oe}t Hræfnehyrst - new name accepted & new device returned

Or, three bendlets enhanced vert, overall a unicorn rampant gules.

Eadwenna from 'They saw it Happen, an anthology of eye-witnesses' accounts of events in British History 55BC-AD 1485' compiled by W.O. Hassall, 1957. Story 'Godric the Merchant', p61, taken from 'Life of St. Godric', Surtees Soc, 1847, 'Written before St. Godric died in 1170, by Reginald, monk of Durham, translated by G. G. Coulton, 'Social Life of Britain from the conquest to the reformation, C.U.P.', 1918 reprinted 1938' - text shows his mother's name as 'Edwenna', which submitter claims is 'Latinized spelling?'. Submitter claims that this would make the normalized (Saxon) spelling 'Eadwen' or possibly 'Ædwen'.. Also 'Onomasticon Anglo-Saxonicum' by W. Searle, which shows 'Ead' as Old English for 'blessed' and 'wen' as OE for 'hope' (p. xviii). Allegedly, the name id also supporte by a women's name of similar construction (St. Merwenna - Abbess of Romset Abbec circa 970), W. Searle identifies 'Maerwynn' as the normalized spellnig of the Latniized Merwenna. Latenized name of Merwenna (and Morwenna) appears in Britain (Wales) as early as c477 (boith daughters of Brychan Brycheiniog - King of Brycheiniog). Submitter would like to retain Latinized deuterotheme (wenna) if possible, will allow 'Eadwynn' or possibly 'Eadwynne' (c.990). {oe}t claimed to be preposition meaning 'from'. Hr{oe}fnehyrst - constructed two-element surname. Both elements (hr{oe}fn, hyrst) alleged to be common in early period Britain names. Domesday allegedly includes 'Deerhurst' and 'Ravenfield' - submitter would prefer less common spelling of Raven (hr{oe}fn}. Documentation provided is from a work called 'A Compendium of Anglo-Saxon Woman's Names' by Marieke van de Dal, and is a printout of a compendium from several sources [ which does not count as documentation ]. R&W has Hrafnhildr under s.n. Ravenhall p 372 as ON, and dates Raven- names to 1230. Hyrst under s.n. Herst is the ON word for 'wooded hill', so the name is 'raven wooded-hill'. The only constructed name I find readily in R&W is 'Attehurst', which does not supprt the desired construction.

Die Alteng{o:}ischen Frauennamen by Maria Boehler, pg 60, has Eadwynne and {AE}dwen (both period feminine names). The Anglo-Saxon Heritage in Middle English Personal Names East Anglia 1100-1399 Vol II by Bo Selt{e'}n, pg. 75 has Eadwynn as a feminine name. And in fact Searle has Eadwynn as a feminine name dated to c. 995. Searle has Wenna, but only as a given name, not as a deuterotheme. We have our doubts about the 'wenna' form, but are leaving this for Laurel to fix.

J. R. Clar Hall A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary gives raven as hr{ae}fn. Note ae, not oe. However they do have the spelling of hyrst as hyrst, with the seconded meaning hillock, height, wood, wooded eminence,

This would much more likely be blazoned "Per bend bendy vert and Or and Or, a unicorn rampant gules." As such, it is in conflict with the armory of Duncan MacDougall of Mendersham, "Or, a unicorn rampant gules" with only one CD for the change of field.

6. Ethrelinda of Eisental - new name accepted

Ethrelinda from Ernest Weekley 'Jack and Jill, A Study in Our Christian Names', p 133 lists Ethelinda as a concubine of Charlemagne . The Web site 'Female Frankish Baby Names' ( http://www.kabalarians.com/female/f_e4.htm ) has Ethelinda and Ethelinde Eisental is a Shire in the East, registered 7/85

7. Geoffrey Fitz Galen - new badge accepted

(Fieldless) On a pale raguly couped gules, a griffin's head erased Or, collared sable.

8. Giana Gabriella da Milano - new name accepted & new device accepted

Per bend sinister, argent and vert, three annulets in bend sinister, counterchanged.

Academy of Saint Gabriel report -- no number, dated Wed, 19 Nov 1997. Gabriella from de Felice, 'Nomi', Giana from Grohmann, Alberto, 'L'Imposizione Diretta nei Comuni della'Italia Centrale nel XII Secolo: La Libra di Perugia del 1285'. http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/perugia/

Gianna can be found in the Catasto of Florence (online at http://www.stg.brown.edu/projects/catasto/overview.html ). Also, "Fourteenth century venetian personal names" by Arval ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/venice14/ ) lists 'da Milano' as the locative.

9. Gianetta Lucia Allegretta - new name change accepted & new device change returned

Or, a mermaid facing dexter proper crined gules maintaining a threaded needle and a pair of scissors sable and on a chief invected azure, a pomegranate slipped and leaved Or between two escallops inverted argent

Gianetta from Rhian Lyth 'Italian Personal Names' dates to 1439 (p110). Lucia from same, dates to 1378 or 1403 p110. Allegretta from de Felice 'Cognomi' p51 s.n. Allegri, Allegretta is the shown form, but the -e ending 'should be reasonable'.

Device conflicts with that of Cordelia of Diamond Grove: "Argent, a mermaid in her vanity proper, crined sable, on a chief invected azure three lozenges argent. There is a CD for the field, but the new device is not simple, and thus does not get a CD for the change to only the type of the tertiaries.

10. Gino Rossi - new name accepted & new device accepted

Bendy sinister argent and gules, three unicorns rampant sable

Gino from de Felice 'Nomi' s.n. cites Ginus de Malliis as a latin form of the name in Florentine documents from 1284 to 1292. Rossi from de Felice 'Cognomi' s.n. cites various forms of this name (Russus, Rossus, etc). Benicoeur cites Rossi in his article on the family names in the Catasto of 1427 ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/ferrante/catasto/family-names.html )

11. Gy{sz}el Adeler - new name accepted & new device accepted

Sable, a lozenge lozengy purpure and argent and in chief two trilliums argent.

Submitter desires 1500-1550 German. Gy&{sz}el from '15th-Century German Women's Names by Gwynek ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/docs/german15f.html )'. Adeler from Brechenmacher vol 1 p 11 s.n. Adler dates this spelling to 1290

The article is also found on the Laurel website: http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/germ15f.html , which does not require photocopies.

12. Hálfdan langleggr - new name accepted & new device accepted

Vert, a bend between a viking ship and a thistle Or.

Docs from Geirr Bassi. Hálfdan p11. Langleggr constructed from 'lang' p25 meaning 'long' and 'leggr' p25 meaning 'leg'. Geirr-Bassi also cites constructions such as 'langháls' p25 (long-neck), 'langh{o,}fði' p25 (long-head), and 'geitleggr' p21 (goat-leg), making this a reasonable extrapolation.

Interestingly, R&W has, on page 283 under Longenow, amonng other 'long-' names (long-hand, long-nose, long-tail, long-toe) has record of a gentle in 1212-23 named 'Reginald Lungeiaumbe' - which they translate as meaning 'long leg'.

13. Harðbeinn eldr - new name accepted & new device accepted

Argent, a wyvern passant within a bordure rayonne azure.

Docs from Geirr Bassi. Harðbeinn p11 as a masculine given name. eldr p21, byname meaning 'fire'

14. Isabella de Bourgogne - new name accepted & new device accepted

Per chevron inverted rayonny sable and gules, in chief a dragon sejant courtourny argent.

Isabella in this spelling dated to 1379 in Withycombe s.n. Isabel p 164. Bourgogne in Rostang & Dauzat s.n. Bourgogne dated to Burgondia in 1190

15. Jacob Kuster - new name accepted

Jacob from Gwynek's Medieval German Names from Silesia http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/bahlow_v.html. Kuster from Brechenmacher dated to 1341, p140, s.n. Küster.

16. Janet Kempe - new device returned

This is "Argent, a pall between three violets purpure" and, as such, conclits with that of Angelica de la Rosa "Argent, a pall counter-ermine between three roses purpure." There is but one CD for the change in tincture of the pall, since there is nothing given for the difference between violets and roses.

17. Jean Phillipe des Bouviers Noirs - new device accepted

Par pale Or and sable, a dog statant counterchanged and a chief invected vert.

Name registered June 93. Submitter specifically desires to blazon the animal as a bouvier, I assume so it cants with his name, but will accept generic blazon as a dog, if this is deemed unacceptable.

The submitter is commended for the attempt at canting arms. Unfortunately, we have found no evidence that the Bouviers des Flandres is a period breed of dog. It was apparently only recognized as a breed in the last century. Thus we must blazon this simply as a 'dog'.

18. Marcus Blackaert - new name accepted

Marcus from Luana de Grood's Flemish Names from Bruges ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/docs/bruges/given-early.html> ) Blackert also from Flemish Bynames from Bruges ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/docs/bruges/byname-list1.html )

In particular, Marcus is dated to somewhere between 1400 and 1550; Blackaert is dated to 1572

19. Merlyn Kuster - new name accepted

Merlyn in that spellnig in Gwynek's Medieval German Names from Silesia ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/bahlow_v.html ). Kuster in that spelling dated to 1341 in Brechenmacher, p140, s.n. Küster.

20. Sandmörk, Canton of - resub branch device accepted

Gules, a flame atop a tower within a laurel wreath Or, on a chief invected argent a longship with sails furled sable.

Submission is accompanied by a petition (which includes both blazon and black-and-white emblazon) signed by 4/5 of the officers of the canton, including the seneschal, which petition meets the requirement for support in the AH.

21. Scheherazade al-Zahir - new name accepted & new device accepted

Vert, a saracenic lion passant guardant between in fess a pair of trousers of nobility Or and in pale two crescents argent.

Scheherazade is the submitter's mundane name [PCA: Driver's License]. al-Zahir from Da'ud ibn Auda's 'Arabic Names and Naming Practices' p32 under masculine cognomens. Needs to be made feminine.

22. Seán Ó Súílleabháin Beer - new name accepted & new device accepted

Gules, on a pile argent, a turtle purpure.

Sean - OCM header p 163 'relatively popular in England from 12th to 15th centuries'. ÓSúílleabháin - header in Woulfe p648 'in the year 1192, they [the Ó Súlleabáins] were forced by the progress of the Anglo-Norman Invasion...' Beer - Beare is header in Jones 'Names and Naming Practices in the Fitzwilliam Accounts from 16th Century Ireland' Beer (1) Part of a compount clan-name 'O'Sullivan Beare' derived from a place name. Please adjust Gaelic translation of Beare accordingly. Jones' article refers to 'Beer' as translation

23. Simon Caspar Joder von Steffisburg - new name accepted & new device accepted

Or, in fess an ear of wheat and a crow's leg couped a la quise sable.

Simon from Gwynek's 'Late Period German Masculine Given Names' dated to 1351-1400. Caspar from Scott's 'Medieval German Given Names from Silesia' dated to 1398. Joder s.n. from Bahlow p277-278, lists Joder 12th C, Jöder 15th C. http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/talan/germmasc/

Again, the article is at the Laurel web site: http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/germmasc.html , removing the need for photocopies.

24. Simon Gwyn - new name accepted & new device accepted

Azure, on a pale between two swords argent three open books azure.

Simon from R&W p 410 header form 1134-1140. Gwyn from R&W p 209 header Gwinn lists 'Gwyn 1327' from the Shropshiro Subsidy Rolls

Simon is also found in Withycombe, pp270-1, s.n. Simon dates this spelling in 1197-1215

25. Simon von Beckum - new name accepted & new device accepted

Argent, a phoenix between two battleaxes azure.

Simon s.n. from Bahlow cites various spellings in 14th & 15th C. Beckum from Bahlow's Geographische s.n. Beckum has no dated citations, Bahlow's Dictionary of German Names does not list it.

26. Siobhan inghean ui Dhonnabhain - new name accepted & new device accepted

Vert, on a pale between two neumes argent, three goutes vert.

Siobhain from McGuire's 'Irish Names' p 165 dated to 12th C. Dhomnabhain from same, p77, no date, under Donndubán

The documentation for the personal name is actually from O'Corrain and Maguire.

The proper feminine form of the patronymic is apparently 'Dhonnabhain'. The name is close to the registered name "Siobhan Dhuinbheagain", but we believe there's enough difference that this will pass.

27. Siobhan inghean ui Dhonnabhain - new badge accepted

Sable, on a goute argent, a neumes sable.

28. Snorri Hrafnauga Hrólfsson - new name accepted & new device returned

Checky azure and Or, a wolf's head conjoined with a raven's body striking argent.

All docs from Geir Bassi. Snorri p14, Hrólfr p17, Hrafna 'raven' as 1st part of nickname p 23, Auga 'eye' p19. Hrafnhauss is 'raven-skull' p23, Hrakauga 'eye' as second part of nickname, p23

This simple, elegant device unfortunately has two conflicts.

First, Llewellan Gwynn bears "Per fess indented of two points sable and argent, in chief an eagle rising." has but one CD for the field. There is no CD for the forced move to chief, and there is no difference granted for the change between rising and striking.

Second, there is Jehan de la Marche "Gules, a crow rising, pierced by an arrow, both argent." The arrow in this device was ruled to be not significant in 1998 by Jaelle. Thus there is again only a single CD for the field.

29. Sonia Bocher - new name accepted

Sonia 1545 header from Wickenden's 'Dictionary of Period Russian Names' ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/paul/). Bocher dated to 1559 as a header form from Bahlow

http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/1229novgorod-germans.html Details Privileges Granted to German Merchants at Novgorod, 1229. Given that Novgorod is in Russia, this seems to be justification for the mixed name.

Also, Paul Wickenden of Thanet's article Locative Bynames in Medieval Russia ( http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/names/toprus.html States that "One of the strongest resources for Type I locative bynames is Das Rigische Schuldbuch [DRG], a 13-14th century domesday of the city of Riga, populated at the time by a large contingent of Russians, as well as Swedes, Germans, and Poles."

30. Sorcha Ruadh - new name accepted & new device accepted

Per bend sinister engrailed sable and vert, a decrescent argent and a natural dolphin naiant Or.

Sorcha - OCM says this was 'a relatively common name in medieval Ireland' p167. Ruadh - byname meaning 'red' according to Tangwystyl's 'Early Irish Feminine Names from the Index to O'Brien's Corpus Genealograrum Hiberniae.' http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/irish-obrien.html

31. Stevyn de Rouen - new name accepted & new device accepted

Per bend vert and Or, on a bend sable three fleurs-de-lys argent

Stevyn from Withycombe p273 sn.n Stephen dates Stevyn to 1440. Rouen from Dauzat & Rostang, p 576 s.n. Rouen lists it as a header form and indicates that the place existed by that name since 912.

32. Tam Surrell - new name accepted & new device accepted

Per fess Or and azure, three crosses crosslet in fess gules and a heart Or.

Surrell from R&W p 411 under Siridfield, Surrell dates to 1086, 1197, 1488, 1516. Tam from R&W 'Tampson, Tamson' p 439 notes a William Tamson, son of 'Tam' a variant of 'Tom'

33. Tarlach O'Wari - new name returned & new device pended

Argent, on a pale between six crosses formy azure, a tower argent

Tarlach from OCM p169. O'Wari from Kazmer Miklos' 'Regi Magyar Csaladnevek Szotaka' p399 under Stephani Owari (1598)

We are returning this because we do not feel there was enough contact between Ireland and Hungary in period. There is a precedent that states that "No documentation was presented, and none could be found for regular contact between Hungary and Scotland. [The name was returned.] (Kinga MacKinnon, 8/98 p. 15)", which leads us to believe that trying to document the same for Ireland and Hungary will be just as futile. The device will be held pending an acceptable name submission.

34. Þóra Eiriksdóttir. - new name accepted

Submitter desires Danish 800-1000AD. Docs from Geirr-Bassi, Þóra p 16, Eiriksdóttir p9 'Eirikr', patronymic

35. Thóra Ottarsdóttir - new name accepted & new device accepted

Per pale sable and argent, two bears combattant counterchanged and on a chief gules three bezants.

Sound, language: Norse most important. All docs from Geirr Bassi. Thóra p16 under Þóra. Ottar p14. Dóttir p17.

36. Tiecia O'Scanlan - new name accepted & new device accepted

Argent, a thistle proper within an orle of ivy vert.

Tiecie from R&W s.n. Tice p 446 gives Tiecia as a given name in 1148 & 1203. O'Scanlan from MacLysaght p 266 s.n. Scanlan, OCM p162 gives Scandlan as a given in 991

Scanlan, according to the MacLysaght citation, is the anglicized form of {O'} Scannl{a'}in.

37. Tobyn Kembold - new name accepted & new device returned

Or, a dragon sejant close gules

Sound most important. Desires 1300s-ish English. Tobyn from Withycombe p282 s.n. 'Tobias, Toby' - 'Existence of the surnames Toby, Tobby ... 13th C ... and the diminutive Tobus,Tobyn makes it probable that it was in use then.' Kembold - R&W p 262 s.n. Kemble dates to 1327.

The submitter should be aware that the position 'close' may not be a position registerable for dragons.

Lindorm Eriksson bears "Or, a wingless wvyern statant gules." There is no difference between statant and sejant, so there is no CD for posture, and thus 0 CD's. Lindorm has given general permission to conflict. Laurel has accepted this letter as granting 1 CD. This gives us only 1 CD, and not the two required for clearing conflict.

38. Tomasso Valeriano - new name accepted & new device returned

Per bend sable and purpure, a sword between two palewise rows of 3 mullets of 5 argent.

1500's Venice. Tommaso from 'Italian Names from Florence, 1427' - Given Names - Alphabetical (12th page). Valeriano from de Felice's 'Cognomi' p 257 variant under Valeriani

The position of the mullets is not blazonable. Given the blazon ('two palewise rows of three mullets'), this is not the emblazon we would come up with. Also, while not technically conflicting with the armory of Babylon 5, it is extremely reminiscent thereof.

39. Tyrvi rotinn - new name change accepted & new device change accepted

Sable, a badger rampant and on a chief invected argent, three reremice displayed sable.

Docs from Geirr-Bassi. Tyrvi p15, Rotinn p26 ('broken')

40. Tyrvi Úlfkellsson - new name accepted & new device returned

Name docs from Geirr-Bassi, Tyrvi p15, Úlfkell p15 Úlfkellsson a formed patronymic.

Per saltire vert and purpure, two wvyerns addorsed tails intertwined to base, a bordure embattled Or.

The wyverns, while crossed in saltire, do not appear to be in a blazonable posture. Devices are required to be reconstructable from the blazon, which means that a descriptive blazon needs to be formable, so we must return this.