Lewis Tanzos
7 August, 2002

Greetings and commendations unto the Heralds and Pursuivants of the East Kingdom, and others who receive this missive, from Tanczos Istvan, Eastern Crown Herald!

This is the Letter of Report (LoR) on the East's Internal Letter of Intent (IloI) number 2002-04, dated 7 June, 2002. Acceptances on this letter will be sent to Blue Tyger Herald to be included in an External Letter of Intent (XloI) to Laurel and the College of Arms.

In service,
Istvan Eastern Crown

1. Donnan o'Whyspering Wude - new name change accepted & new device accepted
Vert an ash tree eradicated between two flaunches argent each charged with a trefoil knot purpure

Most of name is grandfathered to submitter. He submits "OED, 2nd ed." s.w. "Whisper, v." as the only documentation for the proposed variant spelling. No other documentation provided. "Donnan of Whispering Wude" registered June 1991 via the East.

The OED citation (taken from the online version) has "Whysper not thou with thy fellowes oft" dated to 1530 and "Whysperyn" dated to 1440.

We have been unable to find any documentation for the use of O', however, the OED cites Shakespeare: "Will you make an Asse o' me?" showing the use of o' as "of". Therefore, we can accept this as Donnan o'Whyspering Wude.

Several commenters thought there was a prohibition on charged flaunches in the SCA. There is not. The prohibition is on surmounted flaunches. The precedents of Baldwin of Erebor even mention finding charged flaunches in period texts. (BoE, 3Feb85, p.7)

2. Donnan o'Whyspering Wude - new badge accepted
(Fieldless) A trefoil knot purpure

Clear of Charles Stewart O'Connor: A triquetra gules. with one for the fieldlessness and one for the color of the charge.

Probably clear of Eilis ni Roibeard O'Boirne - August of 1977: (Tinctureless) A quatrefoil knot. There is one CD for the fieldless v.s. the tinctureless. Since the SCA, by precedent, grants difference between a trefoil and a quatrefoil ("[a trefoil vs a quatrefoil] After considering both of the badges, we could see no reason not to grant a CD between a trefoil and quatrefoil. (Allan of Moffat, 1/97 p. 6)".), we assume there is difference between a trefoil knot and a quatrefoil knot.

3. Giovanna Lamberti - new name change accepted

Lamberti from "Family Names appearing in the Online Catasto of Florence of 1427" by Benicoeur ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/arval/catasto ) appears once. Giovanna also appears in the Catasto 39 times. Additional documentation for Lamberti from Florence, the Golden Age 1138-1737 , cites Lamberti as "One of the greatest noble families of Florence as far back as the 12th Century"

One commenter suggested that in the 15th Century in Italy, a woman would very likely have been identified in formal circumstances as her father's daughter, or in even more detail if she had an important grandfather.

4. Iohne Makfulchiane- new name accepted & new device accepted
Or, a squirrel sable between four roses gules.

Iohne from Symon Freser of Lovat's 13th & 14th Century Scottish Names ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/symonFreser/scottish14/scottish14_given.html ) with a frequency of 15. Makfulchiane from same ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/symonFreser/scottish14/scottish14_sur.html )

The squirrel here is in the default position - sejant erect maintaining an acorn, so we do not have to blazon it explicitly.

The citation for the surname has an editor's note:

Editor's Note: These Scots renderings of Gaelic bynames are all used in this text as chiefly titles, not as simple patronymics. These examples cannot be taken as typical of how Gaelic bynames were rendered into Scots in the late 14th century.

We suspect that the citation is good enough for registration, but feel the submitter may wish to know.

5. Isabelle de Lyon - new name accepted & new device accepted
Per chevron azure and gules, two salmon embowed respectant argent and a fleur-de-lys Or.

Isabelle from Dauzat's Dictionnaire Etymoloique de Noms de Familie et Prenoms de France , p337, dated to 1468 De Lyon from R&W s.n. Lyon. Gives Willian Lyon 1327 and Henry de Lyons 1296.

Additionally, Edouard Philipon, Le Livre du Vaillant des Habitants de Lyon en 1388 (Lyon: Impression de M. Audin et Cie, 1927). [ The title means "The book of assessments of inhabitants of Lyon in 1388" - it's a tax roll ] We find two instances of <Ysabel>. <Isabel> is undoubtedly just as good: On pages 75-6, for example, we find both <Henri> and <Henry>.

6. Jan Starszy Podr{o'}{z.}nika - new name accepted & new device accepted
Per chevron argent and gules, in pale a galley sable and two crosses argent.

Documentation cites a Jan Dlugosz (1415-5/19/1480), an ambassador and author of a work called Historia Polonica Starszy is Polish for "The Elder" [McKay's English/Polish Dictionary, Random House, 1988. PCA] Podróz from same dictionary [PCA], is "traveller". No documentation provided for the construction "Podróznika"

Since Eastern Crown knows nothing about Polish names and the name looks plausible, Eastern Crown is passing this on to Laurel.

7. Kiena the Wanderer - new name accepted & new device returned for conflict
Azure, a chevron between two triquetra and a badger statant argent.

Name from Gwynek's Feminine Given Names in A Dictionary of English Surnames ( http://www.s-gabriel.org/names/talan/reaney ) shows Kiena 1180 Littleailes. Apparently under header 'Kinna'

The byname "the Wanderer"" has been ruled SCA-compatible, as per the following precedent:

No evidence has been found that the bynames the Wanderer or the Traveler were used in English in period. However, they are both SCA compatible. Though the correct modern spelling is Traveler, the spelling that has been registered most often is Traveller. Therefore, this byname is registerable in both the spelling the Traveler and the Traveller. [Mihrimah the Traveler, 10/01, R-Ansteorra, returned for two weirdnesses]

Note that the article by Talan Gwynek also appears on the Laurel web site at http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel/reaneyintro.html, which requires no photocopies.

There are several conflicts that were cited for the device. All are of the form "Azure, a chevron argent between [three things]". Since the [three things] are all one charge group in both the new submission and the registered armory, there is but one CD for the change of type of the secondary charge group. All these conflicts were against old armory - they were all clear of each other when registered, though now they would be conflicts.

As an example: Angela of the Stoney Oak Forest (June 1984, via the Middle): Azure, a chevron between two acorns and an oak leaf argent. There is one CD for the change of type of secondary group.

8. Klaus the Red - new device accepted Per pale sable and vert, a boar passant Or between three hands couped argent.

The gentle is, in fact, the one with the name registered in September 2000 via the West.

9. Robin Gallowglass - new badge accepted
(Fieldless) A fleur-de-lys pean.

10. Sancha de Flores and Sean O'Suillaebhain Beer - resub badge accepted
(Fieldless) A cock sable combed, wattled, and queued gules perched atop a letter "C" argent.

First submitter's name was on the kingdom 2001-05 ILoI, which has not yet been decided at Laurel, but is on the 12 May 2002 Eastern External Letter of Intent, scheduled to be decided in September 2002. Second submitter's name was on the kingdom 2001-06 ILoI, which has not yet been issued to Laurel on an XLoI. It should hopefully appear in August or September.