Staffing changes

Greetings to the College of Arms and the East from Anéžka Blue Tyger! We continue to have staffing changes, and it is my great pleasure to welcome the following deputies to the submissions office:

  • Arglwyddes Eva Vach Wyllt has stepped up as Mosaic Herald, for internal notifications. Many thanks to Esterke bas Simcha, outgoing-Mosaic, for her work in the role!
  • Baroness Kay Leigh Mac Whyte has stepped up as Mural Herald, for external notifications. Many thanks to Violet Hughes, outgoing-Mural, for her work in the role!
  • Mistress Ysabel da Costa has stepped up as Diademe Herald, for receiving submissions. Many thanks to Sláine báen Ronán meic Robert, outgoing-Diademe, for her work in the role!

We are grateful for the work of those who have done these jobs for the last few years, and we look forward to the work of those stepping into their new roles. For all the deputies of the submissions office, vivant!

In addition, as many of you are aware, I have come to the end of my tenure as Blue Tyger Herald. It would be false to say that this position has solely brought me joy, as no hard work is ever purely joy, but it is entirely truth to say that I have been fulfilled, challenged, and deeply rewarded by the chance to serve the East as submissions herald for the last two years.

Thyra Brigantia will be sharing the Blue Tyger job posting publicly soon; in the meantime, I am delighted to leave you all in the capable hands of Drasma Dragomira as interim Blue Tyger Herald. She has served as Pantheon Herald for the last year, and I look forward to her tenure.

In service to College and Kingdom,
Anéžka Liška z Kolína

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