
The Eastern Letters of Intent

How to Use This Table

This table is for tracking submissions through the registration process. Each column represents one of the four places a submission will appear throughout the process: the internal Letter of Intent, the kingdom-level Letter of Decision, the external Letter of Intent, and the Society-level Letter of Acceptances and Returns. Each row contains links to the specific letters associated with the internal LoI linked in the first column of that row.

If you know which iLoI a submission appeared on, find that date in the first column; the second column (LoD) will tell you the decision that was made at Kingdom, and give any relevant notes; the third column (xLoI) will show you how that item appeared on the Society-level letter, and the fourth column (LoAR) will tell you whether that item was ultimately registered or returned for further work.

If you don’t know any of the relevant dates for the submission you’re looking for, you can search in OSCAR for it. Searching the Society-level letters does not require an OSCAR log-in; enter the submitter’s name in the SEARCH box in the right-hand bar, and if that submitter’s item(s) made it to Society-level, you’ll see a date (e.g., “East – 2020-11-30”). Find that date in the third column of the table below.

If that search returns no items, you may need to search in the East’s kingdom section of OSCAR, which does require an OSCAR log-in. Log in, go to the KINGDOM link, and use the search bar there; this will also give you a date, which you’ll use in the first column of the table below.

If you cannot find the information you need, please contact Blue Tyger Herald or one of their deputies.


  • iLoI: Internal Letter of Intent; also found as “KLoI” in OSCAR. This is the first place a submission will appear, and is a request for first-pass commentary and review.
  • LoD: Letter of Decision (sometimes referred to as LoR, or Letter of Response, in older usage). This contains kingdom-level decisions on submissions, as well as additional notes.
  • xLoI: External Letter of Intent; also found as merely “LoI” in OSCAR. This is a request for extended commentary and review; decisions on these items will be made by the Sovereigns of Arms.
  • LoAR: Letter of Acceptances and Returns. This is the final decision on each item, and contains items from every kingdom.


iLoi LoD xLoI LoAR
2024-06-08 2024 July LoD    
2024-05-12 2024 June LoD 2024-06-28   
2024-04-13 2024 May LoD 2024-05-31   
April Fools Letter
2024-03-07 2024 April LoD 2024-04-26  
2024-02-08 2024 March LoD 2024-03-25   
2024-01-07 2024 February LoD 2024-02-25  May 2024


iLoi LoD xLoI LoAR
2023-12-11 2024 January LoD 2024-01-21 April 2024
2023-11-12 2023 December LoD 2023-12-31  March 2024
2023-10-10 2023 November LoD 2023-11-30  February 2024
2023-09-12 2023 October LoD 2023-10-31  January 2024
2023-08-03 2023 September LoD 2023-09-26  December 2023
2023-07-05 2023 August LoD 2023-08-29  November 2023
2023-06-13 2023 July LoD 2023-07-24  October 2023
2023-05-04 2023 June LoD 2023-06-29  September 2023
2023-04-05 2023 May LoD 2023-05-31  August 2023
2023-03-06 2023 April LoD 2023-04-30  July 2023
2023-02-03 2023 March LoD 2023-03-22  June 2023
2023-01-07 2023 February LoD 2023-02-25  May 2023


iLoi LoD xLoI LoAR
2022-12-07 2023 January LoD 2023-01-29 April 2023
2022-11-07 2022 December LoD 2022-12-31  March 2023
2022-10-17 2022 November LoD 2022-11-30  February 2023
2022-09-28 2022 October LoD 2022-10-31 January 2023
2022-08-02 2022 September LoD 2022-09-16 December 2022
2022-07-06 2022 August LoD 2022-08-18 November 2022
2022-06-01 2022 July LoD 2022-07-21 October 2022
2022-05-03 2022 June LoD 2022-06-24 September 2022
2022-04-03 2022 May LoD 2022-05-18 August 2022
April Fools Letter
2022-03-02 2022 April LoD 2022-04-16 July 2022
2022-02-01 2022 March LoD 2022-03-12 June 2022
2022-01-02 2022 February LoD 2022-02-24 May 2022


iLoi LoD xLoI LoAR
2021-12-03 2022 January LoD 2022-01-18 April 2022
2021-11-03 2021 December LoD 2021-12-28 March 2022
2021-10-01 2021 November LoD 2021-11-23 February 2022
2021-09-06 2021 October LoD 2021-10-24 January 2022
No July or August 2021 iLoI, no August or September 2021 LoD
2021-06-25 2021 July LoD 2021-07-31 October 2021
2021-04-19 2021 June LoD 2021-06-30 September 2021
2021-03-16 2021 May LoD 2021-05-31 August 2021
No February 2021 iLoI, no March 2021 LoD
2021-01-16 2021 February LoD 2021-02-28 May 2021


iLoi LoR/LoD xLoI LoAR
2020-12-21 2021 January LoD 2021-01-31  April 2021
2020-11-17 2020 December LoD 2020-12-30  March 2021
2020-10-17 2020 November LoD 2020-11-30  February 2021
2020-09-17 2020 October LoD 2020-10-31 January 2021
2020-08-15 2020 September LoD 2020-09-30 December 2020 
2020-07-18 2020 August LoD 2020-08-31  November 2020 
2020-06-15 2020 July LoD 2020-07-31  October 2020 
2020-05-17 2020 June LoD 2020-06-30  September 2020 
2020-04-15 2020 May LoD 2020-05-31  August 2020 
April Fools
2020-03-15 2020 April LoD 2020-04-30 July 2020
 2020-02-15 2020 March LoD 2020-03-30 June 2020
2020-01-15 2020 February LoD 2020-02-29 May 2020


iLoi LoR/LoD xLoI LoAR
2019-12-15 2020 January LoD 2020-01-31 April 2020
2019-11-15 2019 December LoD 2019-12-31 March 2020
2019-10-15 2019 November LoD 2019-11-30 February 2020
2019-09-15 2019 October LoD 2019-10-31 January 2020
2019-08-15 2019 September LoD 2019-09-30 December 2019
2019-07-15 2019 August LoD 2019-08-29 November 2019
2019-06-15 2019 July LoD 2019-07-26 October 2019
2019-05-24 2019 June LoD 2019-06-30 September 2019
2019-04-15 2019 May LoD 2019-05-31 August 2019
2019-03-16 2019 March LoD 2019-04-30 July 2019


iLoi LoR/LoD xLoI LoAR
2018-12-30 2019 February LoD 2019-03-02  June 2019
2018-10-16 2018 November LoD 2018-12-30 March 2019
2018-09-19 2018 October LoD 2018-10-31 January 2019
2018-07-28 2018 August LoD 2018-09-15 December 2018
2018-07-08 2018 July 28 LoD 2018-07-28 October 2018
2018-05-31 2018 July 3LoD 2018-07-07 October 2018
2018-04-30 2018 May LoD 2018-05-31 August 2018
2018-03-29 2018 April LoD 2018-04-30 July 2018
2018-02-28 2018 March LoD 2018-03-31 June 2018
2018-01-21 2018 February LoD 2018-02-28 May 2018


iLoI LoR/LoD xLoI LoAR
2017-12-15 2018 January LoD 2018-01-31 April 2018
2017-11-09 2017 December LoD 2017-12-31 March 2018
2017-10-04 2017 November LoD 2017-11-30 February 2018
2017-09-06 2017 October LoD 2017-10-31 January 2018
2017-07-13 2017 September LoD 2017-9-25 December 2017
2017-06-12 2017 July LoD 2017-7-29 October 2017
2017-05-07 2017 June LoD 2017-6-30 September 2017
2017-04-09 2017 May LoD 2017-5-31 August 2017
2017-03-11 2017 April LoD 2017-4-30 July 2017
2017-02-08 2017 March LoD 2017-3-31 June 2017
2017-01-11 2017 February LoD 2017-2-28 May 2017


2016-12-04 2017 January LoD 2017-1-31 April 2017
2016-11-02 2016 December LoD 2016-12-31 March 2017
2016-10-03 2016 November LoD 2016-11-30 February 2017
2016-09-03 2016 October LoD 2016-10-31 January 2017
2016-07-30 2016 September LoD 2016-09-30 December 2016
2016-07-02 2016 August LoD 2016-08-31 November 2016
2016-06-01 2016 July LoD 2016-07-30 October 2016
2016-04-30 2016 June LoD 2016-06-29 September 2016
2016-03-31 2016 May LoD 2016-05-27 August 2016
2016-02-29 2016 April LoD 2016-04-30 July 2016
2016-02-04 2016 March LoD Special xLoI – 2016-03-03
and 2016-03-31
June 2016
2016-01-03 2016 February LoD 2016-02-29 May 2016

Beginning in 2015, LoR/LoDs may be in PDF or HTML format.


and 2015-12-05
2016 January LoD 2016-01-31 April 2016
2015-10-31 2015 December LoD 2015-12-31 March 2016
and 2015-11-07
2015 November LoD 2015-11-30 February 2016
2015-08-31 2015 October LoD 2015-10-31 January 2016
2015-07-28 2015 September LoD 2015-09-30 December 2015
2015-07-03 2015 August LoD 2015-08-31 November 2015
2015-06-01 2015 July LoD 2015-07-28 October 2015
2015-05-07 2015 June LoD 2015-06-10 September 2015
and 2015-04-09
2015 May LoD 2015-05-13 August 2015
April Fool’s
2015-03-03 2015 April LoD 2015-04-07 July 2015
2015-02-12 2015 March LoD 2015-03-22 June 2015
and 2014-01-08
2015 February LoD 2015-02-16 May 2015


2014-11-26 2015 January LoD 2015-01-08 April 2015
2014-10-28 2014 December LoD 2014-12-16 March 2015
and 2014-10-05
2014 November LoD 2014-11-13 February 2015
2014-08-29 2014 October LoD 2014-10-06 January 2015
2014-07-31 2014 September LoD 2014-09-08 December 2014
2014-07-02 2014 August LoD 2014-08-16 November 2014
2014-06-02 2014 July LoD 2014-07-14 October 2014
2014-04-27 2014 June LoD 2014-06-09 September 2014
2014-04-02 2014 May LoD 2014-05-07 August 2014
and 2014-03-02
2014 April LoD 2014-04-28 July 2014
April Fool’s
2014-02-06 2014 March LoD 2014-03-27 June 2014
2014-01-02 2014 February LoD 2014-02-23 May 2014


2013-12-04 2014 January LoD 2014-01-25 April 2014
and 2013-10-26
2013 October LoD2 2013-12-19 March 2014
2013-10-07 2013 October LoD1 2013-11-30 February 2014
2013-09-05 2013 September LoD 2013-10-22 January 2014
2013-08-01 2013 August LoD 2013-09-28 December 2013
2013-07-12 2013 July LoD 2013-08-28 November 2013
and 2013-06-15
2013 June LoD 2013-07-27 October 2013
2013-05-03 2013 May LoD 2013-06-26 September 2013
2013-04-09 2013 April LoD 2013-05-23 August 2013
April Fools
2013-03-04 2013 March LoD 2013-04-26 July 2013
2013-02-17 2013 Febuary LoD 2013-03-30 June 2013
2013-01-01 2013 January LoD 2013-02-21 May 2013


2012-11-24 2012 November LoD 2013-01-17 April 2013
2012-10-15 2012 October LoD 2012-12-21 March 2013
2012-09-01 2012 September LoD 2012-10-26 January 2013
2012-08-04 2012 August LoD 2012-09-27 December 2012
2012-07-08 2012 July LoD 2012-08-26 November 2012
2012-06-02 2012 June LoD 2012-07-20 October 2012
and 2012-05-11
2012 May LoD  2012-06-25  September 2012
    April Fools April Fools
and 2012-03-27
2012 March LoD 2012-05-12 August 2012
2012-02-21 2012 February LoD 2012-04-25 July 2012
2012 January LoD 2012-03-26 June 2012

iLoI/KLoI files may not be available electronically prior to this point.


2011-11-20 2011 November LoD 2012-02-26 May 2012
2011-10-16 2011 October LoD 2011-01-19 April 2012
2011-09-16 2011 September LoD 2011-12-04 March 2012
2011-08-19 2011 August LoD 2011-10-12 January 2012
2011-06-21 2011 June LoD 2011-08-31 November 2011
2011-05-17 2011 May LoD 2011-07-13 October 2011
2011-04-16 2011 April LoD 2011-06-16 September 2011
April Fool’s
2011-03-14 and 2011-03-15 2011 March LoD 2011-05-21 August 2011
2011-02-02 2011 February LoD 2011-03-24 June 2011


2010-11-25 2010 November LoD 2011-02-09 May 2011
2010-10-30 2010 October LoD2 2010-12-31 March 2011 and
July 2011
2010-10-06 2010 October LoD1 2010-11-30 February 2011
2010-09-07 2010 September LoD 2010-10-31 January 2011
and June 2011
2010-07-02 and 2010-07-26 2010 July LoD 2010-08-31 November 2010
2010-05-22 2010 May LoD2 2010-07-26 October 2010
2010-05-03 2010 May LoD1 2010-06-26 September 2010
April Fool’s
2010-03-18 2010 March LoD 2010-05-14 August 2010
2010-02-14 and 2010-02-22 2010 February LoD 2010-04-30 July 2010


2009-12-31 2009 December LoD 2010-03-20 June 2010
2009-11-13 2009 November LoD 2010-01-31 April 2010
2009-10-04 2009 October LoD 2009-12-13 April 2010
2009-08-29 2009 August LoD 2009-10-24 February 2010
2009-07-15 2009 July LoD 2009-09-25 January 2010
2009-06-02 2009 June LoD 2009-07-31 November 2009
2009-04-30 2009 April LoD 2009-06-22 October 2009
April Fool’s
2009-03-17 2009 March LoD 2009-05-16 September 2009
2009-01-26 2009 January LoD 2009-04-18 August 2009


2008-11-21 2008 November LoD 2009-03-14 July 2009
2008-10-01 2008 October LoD
2008 October LoDII
April 2009
July 2009
2008-08-24 2008 August LoD 2008-10-31 February 2009
2008-07-ILoI 2008 July LoD 2008-09-22 January 2009
2008-06-ILoI 2008 June LoD 2008-08-31 December 2008
2008-05-ILoI 2008 May LoD 2008-07-15 November 2008
2008-04-ILoI 2008 April LoD 2008-06-29 October 2008
April Fool’s
2008-03-ILoI 2008 March LoD 2008-05-21 September 2008
2008-02-ILoI 2008 February LoD 2008-04-05 August 2008


2007-12-ILoI 2007 December LoD 2008-02-18 June 2008
2007-11-ILoI 2007 November LoD 2008-01-19 May 2008
2007-10-ILoI 2007 October LoD 2007-12-16 April 2008
2007-09-ILoI 2007 September LoD 2007-11-23 March 2008
2007-08-ILoI 2007 August LoD 2007-10-31 February 2008
2007-07-ILoI 2007 July LoD 2007-09-06 January 2008
2007-06-ILoI 2007 June LoD 2007-08-10 December 2007
2007-05-ILoI 2007 May LoD 2007-07-03 November 2007
2007-04-ILoI 2007 April LoD 2007-06-24 October 2007
2007-03-ILoI 2007 March LoD 2007-05-21 September 2007
2007-02-ILoI 2007 February LoD 2007-04-03 August 2007
2007-01-ILoI 2007 January LoD 2007-03-06 July 2007

As of 2007, all xLoIs are found in the Laurel section of SCA OSCAR. Prior to 2007-2008, we used a paper-based system and/or electronic documents (e.g., Word, PDF). These older materials may not be available electronically .


2006-12-ILoI 2006 December LoD Not Applicable Not Applicable
2006-11-ILoI 2006 November LoD 2007-02-06 June 2007
2006-10-ILoI 2006 October LoD 2007-01-30 May 2007
2006-09-ILoI 2006 September LoD 2006-11-XLoI March 2007
2006-08-ILoI 2006 August LoD 2006-10-XLoI February 2007
2006-07-ILoI 2006 July LoD 2006-09-XLoI January 2007
2006-06-ILoI 2006 June LoD 2006-08-XLoI
December 2006
2006-04-ILoI 2006 April LoD 2006-07-XLoI November 2006
2006 April Fools LoD
2006-03-ILoI 2006 March LoD 2006-06-XLoI October 2006
2006-02-ILoI 2006 February LoD 2006-05-XLoI September 2006
2006-01-ILoI 2006 January LoD 2006-04-XLoI August 2006



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