East Kingdom results from the October 2019 LoAR

LoARs are published on the Laurel Archives page each month.

The Society College of Arms runs on monthly cycles and letters. Each month, the College processes name and armory submissions from all of the Kingdoms. Final decisions on submissions are made at the monthly meetings of the Pelican Queen of Arms (names) and the Wreath King of Arms (armory). Pelican and Wreath then write up their decisions in a Letter of Acceptances and Return (LoAR). After review and proofreading, LoARs generally are released two months after the meeting where the decisions are made.

  • An “acceptance” indicates that the item(s) listed are now registered with the Society.
  • A “return” indicates that the item is returned to the submitter for additional work.
  • A “pend” indicates that the item is being held for a month while additional research or work is done.

EAST acceptances

Ageirr the Lucky. Name and device. Or, two foxes salient respectant gules, in base a sheaf of five arrows sable.

Artist’s note: Please draw all charges larger.

Alastar Tucker. Name.

The spelling Alastar appears in the Gaelic Annals of Loch Cé, referring to events in the 16th century.

This name combines a Gaelic given name with an English surname, an acceptable lingual mix under Appendix C.

Alienor Salton. Badge. Per pale purpure and Or.

Nice badge! The submitter has permission for her badge to conflict with the badge of Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin, Per pale vert and Or.

Amalie von Hohensee. Name and device. Azure, three seeblätter one and two, a trimount argent.

Artist’s note: Please draw the seeblätter larger.

Arngeirr Refskegg. Name and device. Per chevron argent and azure, two pairs of spears in saltire sable and a hummingbird hovering to sinister argent.

Nice 9th-10th century Icelandic name!

There is a step from period practice for the use of a New World hummingbird.

Bregowine of Horseheath. Device. Azure, a horse’s head couped argent crined gules and a chief Or.

Cathain Reiter. Name and device. Gules, a bow bendwise drawn and with a threaded needle nocked Or.

There is a step from period practice for loading a bow with an item other than an arrow.

Cathain Reiter. Badge. (Fieldless) A bow bendwise drawn and with a threaded needle nocked Or.

There is a step from period practice for loading a bow with an item other than an arrow.

Corotica Senebelenae. Name and device. Per chevron gules and sable, a wolf courant and a wheat stalk leaved argent.

Submitted as Corotica merkka Senebelenae, the marker merkka is not appropriate for this name. We were unable to find firm support for the form merkka or merka as a vernacular Brythonic marker. Moreover, the rest of the name is Latin and would not have used a vernacular patronymic/matronymic marker in any event. As the submitter allows all changes but specifically does not want the Latin marker filia, we have registered the name with an unmarked matronymic (an attested pattern for Latinized British names) in the form Corotica _ Senebelenae.

Dirkin MacWard. Device. Per pale vert and Or, a ram-headed torc counterchanged argent and sable.

Artist’s note: Please draw the heads of the rams attached to the body of the torc.

Eleanor de Astlye. Badge. Vert, three bees Or, in chief a hazel branch fesswise argent.

This badge was pended for redraw on the June 2019 LoAR.

Note: This depiction of a hazel branch is from the submitter’s device, and is allowed under the Existing Registration Allowance.

Elspet Catto. Name and device. Pean, two weasels combatant maintaining between them a wheel argent.

Gregor von Medehem. Device. Quarterly sable and gules, in bend two stags trippant argent.

This submission has permission to conflict with the device of Magdalena von Regensburg, Quarterly vert and argent, two hinds trippant argent.

Hildibrandr loðinkinni. Device. Per bend vert and sable, a beaver rampant vorant of a fish Or.

This device was pended for redraw on the June 2019 LoAR.

Kelsey Macpharlane. Device. Azure, a calamarie and on a chief argent a thistle vert headed purpure.

This device was pended for redraw on the June 2019 LoAR.

Lavinia du Bois. Device. Sable, on a bezant a pantheon rampant sable mullety, in base a hand Or.

Lavinia du Bois. Badge (see RETURNS for other badge). Sable, on a hand Or a brown bear’s head erased proper muzzled argent.

Mari Clock van Hoorne. Badge. (Fieldless) An owl argent crowned with a coronet Or pearled argent and maintaining in its talons a card-pique sable.

The submitter is a court baroness and is thus entitled to display a coronet.

Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin. Badge. Per pale vert and Or.

Nice badge! The submitter has permission for his badge to conflict with the badge of Aliener Salton, Per pale purpure and Or.

Østgarðr, Crown Province of. Order name Order of the Sea-Urchin of Østgarðr (see RETURNS for badge).

Submitted as Order of The Sea-Urchin of Østgarðr, we do not capitalize the articles in order names. Therefore, we have changed the name to Order of the Sea-Urchin of Østgarðr to use our standard style.

Østgarðr is the registered name of an SCA branch.

Rhode Kephalaina. Badge. (Fieldless) A calamarie per pale vert and purpure.

This badge was pended for redraw on the June 2019 LoAR.

Rudolf Siege. Device. Per pale azure and gules, on a cogwheel Or a dragon sable.

Shiklah al-Zarqa’. Name.

The submitter requested authenticity for an unspecified time, place or culture. Shiklah is a 9th century Arabic given name. However, we were unable to put a precise date on the Arabic epithet al-Zarqa’, although it appears as a name in literature from the Abbasid Caliphate (750-1258 C.E.). Thus, we cannot say for certain whether this name is authentic for 9th century Arabic, but it may well be.

Þorn hálftr{o,}ll. Name.

Tomislaus Kievich. Device. Gules, a man statant affronty arms upraised sustaining in chief a Viking longship hull Or.

This device was pended for redraw on the June 2019 LoAR.

Unna Rose. Name.

Rose is the submitter’s legal surname.

Vigthorn Rose. Name.

Rose is the submitter’s legal surname.

Vindiorix Ordovix. Name change from Finn the Black.

Submitted as Vindiorix Ordowik, the byname did not use the same transliteration conventions as the given name. PN2D requires names to use a single consistent transliteration system. As the submitter allows all changes, we have corrected the name to Vindiorix Ordovix for registration.

The submitter’s previous name, Finn the Black, is retained as an alternate name.

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